Episode 4: Stephen, Private Eye

          The gang sees the damage of the hurricane and are in shock. The Real Worlders are united as they enjoy each other's presence forming a "dysfunctional" family. Sean and Norman discuss the money split giving the top 3 teams $40,000, 4 and 5 $10,000, and team 6 and 7 $5,000. Everyone agrees with a handshake to vote off the weakest team. Stephen wants to sign the paper. Everyone disagrees. Sean says he'll write up a contract. In confessionals Sean complains about Stephen and Stephen pops up from behind, it's rather freaky. Everyone else complains about Stephen and they show the Irene bitch-slap for the 2nd time, she now has 10 fantasy points and she's not even on the show.

          Jisela and Piggy play scrabble and Jisela learns that the top three teams have formed an alliance. Emily explains the alliance with the bottom four team. She says her and Timmy feared being voted off next if they did not agree to join the alliance. Wait I have an idea, since everyone all knows about this "secret alliance" all the teams can join and they can be all happy and cheery! Emily, there are reasons why you don't tell people you have an alliance that those people aren't aloud in, it's high school all over again. Anyway, Piggy walks in and gets mad. Chadwick calls a group meeting to discuss the conflict. The Road Rulers begin their meeting, Stephen is hiding in the room taking notes, yup, he's crazy. Jisela confronts them asking head on if they have an alliance. The answer is 'no.' Emily is caught on her lie, wait, wasn't Piggy the first one to mention the alliance? Something fishy is going on here. Jisela and Adam leave and the others follow. The top three teams break "the alliance."

          Holly S., Josh, and Norm ask Stephen about his notes on the fight, Stephen thinks it's smart.

          Holly M. and Chadwick corner Emily and discuss that she made them look like bad guys. Holly S., Tara, and Josh discuss honesty of the Road Rules team.

          Emily fears that she will be voted off if she falls out of the top three, she reads a book on self-esteem.

          The Real World girls and Danny discuss Stephen and his eves dropping. Lindsey apologizes and explains that no one including her knows what's going on in Stephen's head. Lindsey fears they will be voted off.

          The teams get ready for the next challenge, Dan (wait whose he? It takes him 4 episodes to get in to an episode recap? That's pathetic!) explains that it's more Road Rules vs. Road Rules then Road Rules vs. Real World. The mission is for an electric guitar. The challenge is like musical chairs only in the water with inner tubes. Whoever doesn't get into an inner tube is eliminated along with their team mate.

          In the first round Stephen elbows Becky in the face. Piggy and Chadwick are eliminated first. Belou cheers and basically starts a parade.