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Reality TV's Most Memorible Contestants

How long do you think Kelly Clarkson's career will continue for?

6 months
1 year
2 years
3 years
5 years
10 years
20+ years

Colleen Haskell, Survivor

Kelly Clarkson, American Idol

Carmen Rasmusen, American Idol 2

Jenna Morasca, Survivor Amazon

Jasmine Trias, American Idol 3

Carrie Underwood, American Idol 4

Alicja Janosz, Polish Idol & World Idol

Tape Trading

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Idol On Fox

Official Kelly Clarkson Site

VH1: Kelly Clarkson

Welcome to our Reality TV site dedicated to the unforgettable contestants of the modern Reality Games. Ever since I was a kid, I have been fascinated with Game Shows. Maybe it was the idea of getting rich fast, or maybe it was the excitement of seeing people trying really hard to win the money. When I was in third grade, my favorite television show to watch after dinner was Jeporady! and Wheel of Fortune. When school was cancelled, I would tune in to CBS to watch The Price is Right.

In 1999, with the introduction of "Big Money" game shows like "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" and "Greed", I began to take my hobby seriously and starting taping game shows. As of today, I have amassed thousands of hours of game shows. You can view my game show collection by clicking the link below.

Being sixteen now, my interest has turned to the women of game shows, especially Reality game shows like "Survivor". My first crush on a game show contestant was on Colleen, from the first season of Survivor. I liked the way she walked, and even her personality. She makes me jealous of Greg, who got to spend most of his time on the island with her (did they have sex?). Too bad she can't be on Survivor forever, but I still have the tapes to watch.

Calendars are Back!!

01.24.2007 Calendars are back; will update site on a limited basis this year.

06.11.2005 This Tuesday, Fear Factor is going to rerun a special featuring famous Reality TV contestants, including Jenna Morasca. If you missed this in February, be sure to tune in!!

06.11.2005 Happy 20th birthday, Alicja Janosz!!

06.11.2005 Fixed link to Colleen Haskell site ... domain has a problem with linking.

06.05.2005 Added a few calendars and consolidated a bit.

06.02.2005 Added a Carrie Underwood gallery

Disclaimer: Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007. Feel free to use any pictures for your own website or other purposes. All pictures are copyright of their respective owners, no ownership implied. This site is not affiliated with any of the television networks or contestants.