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Adventures in Rainbow Country Reunion- text appears at the very bottom when u click each photo
Adventures in Rainbow Country Reunion- text appears at the very bottom when u click each photo « previous | index | next »
Mock Fire Tower (1969) 
The crew used the Willisville Fire Tower for the episode "The Tower". However, to get some straight-on shots and to get the sound correct they also had to build this mock-up fire tower 12 ft. off the ground at another location. Thanks to Harry Makin we found the exact spot in Whitefish Falls where this was once erected. Harry, myself, Dale, Corrie, Steve, Lynn and Buckley and family searched around a rocky outcrop just south of the Rainbow Country Rec Hall and found that at the highest point there was remains of shattered window glass, a guy wire line and some bright red paint on the rock (that matched the trim on this tower exactly). We knew we had found the spot. At first Corrie tried to convince us that this was the spot, but I wasn't sure. Then I just happened to look down and I saw paint. Luckily, Corrie brought this photo with him (taken by his father Dan Roque Jr in 1969), and so when i matched both colours we were all exstatic. Harry later told his wife, "It was like I was trekking around in the bush with a bunch of Trekkies."

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