Hi, welcome to Point and Clicker's Inuyasha website. Now with joint-member Pepper.

This is the one and only Clicker speaking to you. Well, in most forums my sn is demonic cat thingy. Let the yasha begin!
Point and Clicker are two seprate people.
Anyways, send fanfics or fanart.

Silent, deadly, and really lazy...that's me! Clicker did a lot of the text and I did a good deal of the html (he did some, too.) I'm a geek, what can I say. By the way, I'm also known as ChocoboMog123 in almost all forums 8p
Just got Sesshomaru.w00t!

Got Shippo Characters Section
I'm pepper and I like to play hockey. In most forums I'm known as Clicker Window.I'm kind of the Grammer and Picture guy around these parts. I just became a joint member. GOT YASHA?

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This song is called 'My will', it's the first endng song of Inuyasha

Inuyasha pwns!!!


Email: nekoyasha@i-love-cats.com