Planet Angel One

Fanfiction by Bloody Mary

Last Update: February 16th, 2004

Resistance is Futile
Other series
Buffy fun

FINISHED Resistance is Futile - Angel meets Star Trek

Resistance is Futile (Vampires are Irrelevant Chapters 1-14
NEW Resistance is Futile (Vampires are Irrelevant) Chapters 15 till end

Don't say it's impossible! Vampires are basically immortal, so why shouldn't Angel be around long enough to be on Star Trek??? Got the idea when I saw David's and Jeri Ryan's posters next to one another at a local store. Just give it a try...
As far as I know, this is the only Buffy/Angel/Star Trek: Voyager Crossover on the web.
NB: My future Buffyverse is based on a mid-Season 7 present - 'Chosen' never happened.

Other Crossovers:

Famous Last Words (An Angel/Charmed Crossover)
Cordy has asked Angel to accompany her to a wedding. He gets to know the witch Prue Halliwell, who seems to be fascinated by him till she learns he's  vampire. Her sister Phoebe, gifted with the Sight like Cordy, has a vision abou a demon who is after the Power of Three. Prue realizes too late that Angel is not the enemy --- and the only person to prevent a disaster is the Scourge of Europe himself...

Two men
Well, let me surprise you what that one is about.

106 Days (Buffy, Angel and Big Brother Crossover)

Set during Buffy Season 4 and Angel Season 1. Riley has just quit the Initiative, but who's gonna pay for him to finish his studies now he's no longer a member of the army? Facing serious financial problems, he and Buffy decide to take part in the TV show Big Brother. But they are not the only ones who could use the money, taking into account that a certain office building in LA has just burnt down... How will Buffy and Angel cope with living together now they' ve done everything to remain apart?
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five: soon! Yes, I've been saying that for months, but I'm not going to leave this one unfinished.


Besides the Cold
I wasn't too pleased with the way Season 3 ended. So this is my vision of how it should be.

Don't lie to me
This was my first fanfic, so quality of language and content is low, but I didn't want to take it off the page. Buffy gets the opportunity to travel to the past and alter Angel's reality - but this would mean they never met. The alternative is much worse: an ancient prophesy telling her she must kill him again. As Buffy lives through the night mare of "Becoming" once more, she knows what to do... and is surprised...

Other Series:

The Replacement Slayer

Set during Buffy Season 4. Buffy has been seriously injured in a fight. The Scooby Gang realize they can never replace her on patrol for months. TPTB in their infinite wisdom have decided to duplicate Buffy's powers and call a Replacement Slayer to keep the Hellmouth at bail during Buffy's absence. Yet the Replacement Slayer is exactly the opposite of what Buffy's friends expect...
Any resemblance to any actual persons or events would be entirely coincidental.
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Final Part Four
This is the definite ending.


Wolfram & Hart's Home Office - It exists!
It's in London. Click here to visit.

Psycho Test: Your perfect mate
Find out if you could spend eternity with one of the (male) characters. Sorry: Doyle not included.


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DISCLAIMER: We do NOT own any of the characters or elements from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "Angel", which are property of to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy etc.,  nor the title "Planet Angel One", which was borrowed from a STAR TREK- TNG episode (Star Trek created by Gene Roddenberry); concept and rules of Big Brother: John de Mol and ENDEMOL; "Interview with the Vampire", which inspired part of "106 days",  written by Ann Rice; we don't own any of the concepts or characters taken from CHARMED either, they are property of Aaron Spelling Productions; Star Trek isn't mine either (Gene Roddenberry etc), we all know that, there's no infringement intended. If there should be any  copyright problems about the pictures, contact us, we will remove them; this is a private, non-commercial site, so don't sue us!

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