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Without a Trace

These are all the original airdates.


    "Eating Away"
    5.13: Well.  There was absolutely zero meaningful Martin/Sam interaction this ep, I can say that right now.  It was a good one for anyone who is a fan of Danny/Elena, though.  I'm pretty indifferent on those two.  It's kinda cute, but I can definitely live without it.  This episode was all about the search for Barry Rosen, a young competitive eater.  Barry collapses after narrowly winning an eating contest.  At the hospital after having his stomach pumped, the doctor tells him that his health is in serious jeopardy, and he could die if he doesn't stop eating like that.  Barry is unhappy to hear that (obviously), and he disappears from the hospital.  The doctor tells the FBI that they found household bleach mixed in with the contents of his stomach, so if he hadn't been treated, he would have died.  Hmm.  Someone tried to kill him.  Stu, Barry's brother, says that Barry had been acting very paranoid lately.
    At the office, Viv, Danny, and Sam have a discussion about competitive eating and what makes people do it.  Danny thinks it's kind of funny, and Viv doesn't seem to get it at all.  They question a reporter named Val who wrote a profile on Barry.  She said he was accused to cheating.  Barry denied it.  They then question Gus, the fellow competitive eater who accused Barry of cheating.  He reveals that the sponsor of the competition, Monty, fixed up a deal with Barry to throw the competition so they could all get rich off all the people betting on Barry to win.  Barry backed out at the last minute and won the competition, so they talk to Monty, who admits to putting the bleach in Barry's chili because he was mad that Barry backed out.  Monty says Barry was desperate for money, and that's why he agreed to cheat in the first place.
    Carlos, Elena's ex, asks Danny to sign a letter of recommendation for his custody review or something.  Danny did it for him years before, but now he is reluctant.  Elena confronts him about it later at the office, and she's freaking out.  Turns out Carlos lied to Danny; he's actually suing for full custody of their daughter Sofia.  Elena is mad at Danny because she thinks Carlos will use him to portray her badly, and she's really worried she'll lose her daughter.  Danny had no idea, and now he's worried too.  Danny later confronts Carlos for lying to him, and Carlos says he's just trying to do what's best for Sofia.  Whatever, jerk.
    They find out that Barry was met a prostitute named Ivy online and was spending a lot of time with her.  However, he was just friends with her (really!).  Her pimp Derek threatened Barry's life.  Martin and Sam go to Ivy's place (the only time they spent together in the whole episode, and it was all business with those two) and find Derek dead there.  The landlord tells them that Barry wanted Ivy to quit hooking, and she needed $10,000 to pay off Derek before he would let her go.  That's why Barry was desperate for money, and that's why he agreed to cheat.  They find Ivy, beat up, with Barry's winnings from the eating contest.  She tells them Barry gave her the money, then she dropped him off to see Val, the reporter who was profiling him.  Barry is in love with Val and needed Ivy's help to know how to be more confident with her.  
Barry won the contest because he couldn't bear to cheat and disappoint Val.  Ivy also says that Derek beat her up and she killed him to defend herself.
    They talk to Val, who confesses that Barry told her the real reason he competitive eats: his mother was a drunken, neglectful prostitute who let her sons eat anything they wanted to pacify them.  Yikes.  After Val and Barry talked all night, he disappeared.  They find out his brother Stu had been following him, and they get Stu to tell them that he was angry because he thought Barry was dating a prostitute.  He misunderstood Barry's relationship with Ivy and missed completely that Barry was really interested in Val, so he knocked Barry out and put him in a storage unit to talk to him later.  The FBI finds Barry and arrests Stu.  They tell Val that Barry will be fine, and Val is happy to hear it.
    Danny tells Elena that he won't help Carlos, and he wants to help Elena and Sofia any way he can.  She wants to know why he can't just stay out of it, and he says he doesn't want to.  When she asks why, he kisses her.  And she seems pretty cool with that.  And that's where the episode ends.  So, eh.  It wasn't the best, and don't think I'm not bitter that they seem to developing every relationship but Martin and Sam's right now.  Sigh.

    "Tail Spin"
    5.12: An air traffic controller with a difficult teenage son and whose wife died in a car accident a year earlier goes missing.  Sam mentions Anne to Jack, who gruffly tells her that Anne doesn't work here anymore, and Sam's confused.  I'm sad that Anne is gone.  There were problems in the ATC's family after the mom's death.  The Neil guy apparently reported a pilot for possible terrorist threat, so they think maybe the angry pilot might have had something to do with it, but he didn't.  Neil, the missing guy, was into something really bad.  They discover that Neil and his sister-in-law were having an affair after his wife (and her sister) died, but Neil broke it off.  In the office, Danny "eyes" Elena from the back, and Martin notices and says, "careful, brother."  As in, careful about getting involved with a co-worker?  Martin would know about that. :(  
    Sam and Jack have a tense discussion.  Sam is mad about how Jack spoke to her earlier, and she says, "I don't care what you do with your personal life anymore.  I don't."  She just doesn't like that he tells her Anne is pregnant one minute and the next he gets gruff with her and makes her feel like she's butting in.  Jack is down, and he says that she's the only one he would confide in, but Elena comes in with news about the case before that can go any further.  Seriously, I am tired of all the Jack and Sam stuff recently.  Bo-ring.  
    Turns out Neil was into drug trafficking: he would guide drug-smuggling planes to land secretly every so often.  Neil wanted out, so he directed the drug plane to crash on purpose.  He reluctantly took the pilot who was still alive to the hospital, and Martin and Sam question the injured guy.  He isn't forthcoming enough, so Sam cuts off his morphine.  Martin looks at her like he's impressed that she has the balls to do that.  That was pretty much the only thing all ep that even remotely looked like a Martin/Sam moment.  Poo.  
    Neil's teenage some was in major trouble with gambling debts, and Neil tried to fix it, but the kid just got himself into more trouble.  Neil was gonna turn himself in, but now he can't because his kid owes $13,000.  So Neil decides to "fix it."  Neil and another guy went back to the crashed plane to get the drugs.  Neil was going to sell them for the money, but the guy turned on him and attacked him.  The FBI finds Neil hurt in the woods, but he's okay.  And he's going to jail.  Back at the office, Jack very briefly and bluntly tells Sam that Anne lost the baby.  Then he walks off and leaves her standing there, very surprised and saddened for him.  *eyeroll*  I wish they'd leave off with the Jack/Sam.  Ick.

    5.11: Yet another episode almost completely devoid of meaningful Martin/Sam interaction.  I'm dying here.  They're looking for this missing high school basketball player named Ted, an emancipated minor from a violent home.  Marina Sirtis plays his mom!  And Connor Trinneer plays his basketball coach!  It's a Star Trek Extravaganza on Without a Trace!  Apparently, Anne lost the baby.  It made me so sad for them.  Jack was sad, she was sad, and she had to go have a "procedure" to remove the dead fetus.  When it's over, Anne tearfully says it was awful.  And she and Jack both sadly admit that they wanted this (having the baby together) really bad.  At the end, it looks like Anne is moving out.  Forever, I don't know.  Not sure what this means for their relationship.  It's currently the only frigging one on the show right now, so therefore I have to care about it.  Sigh.  
    There was a nice case-related exchange of information in which Martin and Sam spoke to one another and smiled and stuff.  It lasted about ten seconds, and that was it for Martin and Sam all episode long.  Kill me now.  Ted had gotten mixed up in the messy world of college basketball recruiting and witnessed another high school basketball friend raping a college girl, but he walked away and didn't help the girl at all.  He felt so terrible about that that he went to apologize to her and try to make it right.  But he couldn't.  So he told his rapist friend that he was going to testify against him if/when the girl pressed charges.  Then an angry friend of the the girl took Ted at gunpoint and beat him up real bad trying to get him to tell him who raped the girl.  Ted collapses, so the idiot just leaves him there for God knows how long.  They find Ted still alive, and he's going to be okay.  It was a pretty good episode, I think.  I really enjoyed seeing Marina Sirtis and Connor Trinneer on TV again, and the story about Ted was pretty interesting and less predictable than some of the episodes lately.  Now if only they would let Martin and Sam talk to each other for more than ten seconds an episode...

    "The Thing With Feathers"
    5.10: A woman named Audrey has an inoperable brain tumor and one month to live.  She goes missing, and the FBI has to find her.  We learn that something is wrong with Viv's heart, and she has to have surgery.  No one at the FBI seems to know about it though.  The dying woman was desperate for money to pay for an alternative medicinal cure that might save her (peddled by a fraud, of course), and she goes to great lengths to try and save her own life.  They find her eventually, and it's sad because she's not ready to die.  Viv has surgery and seems to come out just fine.  I'm relieved.  The one funny/cute thing that happened with Martin and Sam this ep was when Sam was carrying a very heavy box of files over to the table where Martin and Danny are sitting.  She sarcastically tells them not to help her or anything, she can do it.  And they're all, okay, you can do it.  She tells them what she needed to tell them relevant to the files, and then she has to carry the box somewhere else, and her pride now won't allow her to ask for their help, so she has to do it herself.  It was just really cute to see her joking around with Martin and smiling at him (he was smiling back).  I miss them together, I really do.

    "Watch Over Me"
    5.09: Eric Hayes, a Child Protective Services social worker, goes missing.  I felt bad for Danny this ep.  The case brought back a lot of bad childhood memories of the system for him.  They eventually found the guy.  He hadn't been kidnapped or killed or anything.  He felt so terrible about a child that died in a foster home that he placed him in that he crossed state lines with the boy's pregnant mother so that she could have her baby and the state wouldn't take the baby away.  The evil boyfriend of the girl takes the baby after she's born so he can sell her, and Eric Hayes tries to stop him.  Viv ends up shooting the boyfriend, and they save the baby, and Eric is safe.  But he's very distraught and burned out on social work.  Poor guy.  Just trying to do what he thought was right.  Martin got to tackle a guy!  Like full on deck him!  I was so proud.  He and Sam also got to go to Connecticut to question a witness there.  That was pretty much it for them.  It's really sad when I get excited about them just being in the same room.  :(  Anne, in a moment of emotional distress, had intense, uterus-related pains.  I wonder if she's going to lose the baby.  She didn't tell Jack about it though.  Jack was weird in this episode.  He calls Sam into his office and has her shut the door.  He tells her that he and Anne are moving in together, and Sam looks at him blankly, puzzled.  She wonders why he's telling her this, and he says that he thought he owed it to her.  "Because we had a fling while you were married?"  She still doesn't get why he should tell her.  "Anne is pregnant," he says.  "Oh."  And after some more awkwardness, she gets up to leave and says congratulations before stepping out of the office.  It was really weird.  I don't think Sam was at all upset about Jack moving in with Anne, or even Anne being pregnant.  I think she was just confused.  Why does she need to know?  She doesn't.  I don't think she has those feelings for Jack anymore.  I'm happy about that, but I think that maybe Jack is under the impression that Sam secretly loves him or something.  Grr.

    "Win Today"
    5.08: Sadly, absolutely no Martin/Sam moments to follow up from last week's giddy headrush of a Moment.  A guy goes missing, and they find out that the guy and this woman are con artists and use illegal poker games to scam people out of money.  They lose on purpose and then give phony stock tips as payment so that they make money when the mark buys bogus stocks.  Complicated, but brilliant.  Anyway, the guy goes missing, and they're gonna send someone in undercover to the poker club, and Martin volunteers to go in, but Jack says that he's bad at cards, so Jack goes instead.  The partner of the missing young man drugs Jack and kidnaps him because she thinks he works for someone who is after her and the guy, who is actually her son.  She tortures him with a nail gun.  Not pretty.  Once the FBI realizes that something is wrong, they start trying to find Jack.  Sam loses it a little bit trying to get infor out of a guy about Jack's whereabouts. *eyeroll* They eventually find Jack, and there is a bit of a Jack/Sam moment when she sees that he's safe.  Nothing major, just a somewhat significant look exchanged.  At least there was no touching.  Martin and Sam were in the same room in one scene.  Yay!  Sigh.  This show is killing me.

    "All the Sinners, Saints"
    5.07: DUDE.  This episode had an actual, honest to God moment.  A moment.  A Martin/Sam Moment.  The case was about a missing young woman who has mental disorders and was last seen at the exorcism performed on her.  It turned out that she simply left by herself to go see her boss, a kind man that she was in love with.  It also turned out that she killed the boss' fiancee in a jealous, psychotic break thing.  She eventually wandered back home of her own accord, but slit her wrists in the bathtub before knew what she was doing.  It was sad.  This was a big Martin episode, too.  Martin used to work with the girl when she interned with his white-collar FBI unit, but he couldn't remember her.  He felt guilty the whole time they were looking for her because she worked with him for a while, but he couldn't remember her at all.  It was really sad when he looked at her body in the bathtub full of bloody water.  He was almost crying!  My poor baby. :(  But the Moment!  Martin tells Sam that they found out the boss was engaged to the woman who was murdered, and Martin remarks with surprise that the guy didn't volunteer that information sooner.  Sam then says, "Keeping an office romance a secret?  Imagine that." Then she looks Martin right in the eye and gives him a little playful, flirty smile, and he smiles back with amusement.  EEEEEEEEEEE!  This is the first acknowledgement of their past romantic involvement in a very long time.  I am dead of the squee. :D

    "The Calm Before"
    5.06: So, they're looking for this guy whose family survived Katrina in New Orleans.  He quit his job and went off looking for the son of a man he pushed out of his boat during the hurricane, killing him.  I can totally understand, though.  The guy was freaking out and violently rocking the boat trying to get in, and Aaron's two little boys were in it.  He was just trying to protect his children.  Anyway, he felt guilty and wanted to find the boy and talk to him.  He ended up almost dying in an abandoned house in New Orleans, but Jack found him.  Martin had lots to do in this ep, as did Sam.  But what annoys me is that so far, no one but Elena and Danny have had any really meaningful personal interaction.  Even Sam and Jack's arguments (and there was another one this ep) are all business related (not that I'm complaining about that with respect to Sam and Jack).  I just wonder where their personal lives went.  I miss them, and I miss Sam/Martin.

    "The Damage Done"
    5.05: The episode was all about a past nemesis of Jack's whose family disappears.  Jack tries to nail the guy (a mobster) while also trying to locate his missing girlfriend and son.  He eventually gets the guy on an attempted murder, but finds out in the end that the kid accidentally shot himself and the girlfriend invented the kidnapping to cover up the kid's death.  Sam and Martin had exactly one (1) scene together: they interrogated a guy.  That was it.  Martin got to bust people and do interesting stuff this week, and Sam got to fight with Jack.  Gag.  It's kind of hard for me to believe now that there used to actually be a relationship between those two.  Hell, it's hard for me to believe that Martin and Sam actually used to have anything to do with each other.  I still like this show, but where did the emotional component for any character besides Jack disappear to?

    "All for One"
    5.04: In this episode, a girl goes missing from the juvenile detention facility she's in.  It's a very complicated case, and it turns out that the girl willingly took the fall for something her older sister actually did.  They find her alive but banged up, and the sister decides to accept the consequences of her actions.  The best thing about this episode was that Martin was one of the main investigators.  It was Jack's turn to barely be in this one.  Sadly, though, Sam and Martin didn't have much to do with each other this week.  Even so, it was nice to see Martin have good stuff to do again.

    5.03: Again, my brain failed me, and I didn't tape the episode.  So here is a full recap from

    5.02: Dude, Martin and Sam were barely in the episode, and when they were, they weren't in the same room.  The only good part with them was when they were searching for a suspect, guns out, and Martin barges into the wrong apartment and tells a little girl and her grandma to freeze.  It was funny, and Sam thought so too.  Other than that, everyone else spent the episode looking for a missing stripper mom would turned out to have been murdered.  Poor Elena had to get down and dirty with Danny and also pole dance in front of strange pervy men.  Ick.  Jack got in trouble for a lapse in judgment last season involving the guy who shot up the FBI offices and took Ann hostage.  I'm sad that Jack and Ann's relationship is on the rocks because I liked it. :(

    Without a Trace Season 5 Premiere: "Stolen"
    5.01: Well, Martin and Sam had some minor interaction at the very beginning when they were interviewing a boy who said another little boy had been abducted.  They seemed like they were getting along fine and working well together, so that's something.  The episode was pretty good, and I enjoyed it, but nothing really at all 'shippy.  Then again, the bright side is that they don't seem to be swinging back in the opposite direction of Jack/Sam (blech).  Ick, next week: the obligatory exploitation of Roslyn Sanchez's "rockin'" body.  I knew it would be coming eventually, but did they have to involve Danny?  Gag.

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