Dear Diary… scratch that…

Dear Journal,


I ’ve got the letter today. Father was very pleased. I guess I am not a squib after all.


Boarding on a train full with other children was definitely not the stuff Gregory Goyle’s dreams were made of. He hated children and he hated even more that he was one. Other children always were getting in the way. They took the last chocolate frog, used his new robes as a napkin and were just generally annoying brats. At least Crabbe was different. Crabbe never stood in the way… admittedly he was occasionally very annoying and acting stupidly, but only because he didn’t knew better. Crabbe needed guidance, namely Gregory Goyle’s very own. And he would never eat the last chocolate frog.


For things like that they had Draco. Draco was smart as in really, really smart. He had a powerful father and a beautiful mother and Goyle knew that if anyone was supposed to get the last frog then it had to be Malfoy.


“Do you know who is on the train?” asked Crabbe rather stupidly after coming back from a trip to the sweet selling witch.


“A few muggle-borns to make fun of?” Goyle wasn’t all that interested after realizing that Crabbe didn’t even have enough sense to purchase more chocolate frogs.


“Harry Potter.”


“What? How do you know? What does he look like?” Draco seemed finally to care about something else than folding candy wrapper neatly and throwing it out of the window. He was odd, Goyle decided. Smart, but odd and decided to look after Draco in Hogwarts.


“I saw him in one of the compartment. Skinny, small, dark, messy hair, glasses – he doesn’t look like all that interesting.”


Draco looked agitated: “Maybe we should take a real good look at him. Crabbe, Goyle.” He jumped off his seat and left the compartment. Goyle looked at Crabbe and then followed him.



Dear Di… damn... Dear Journal,


Today was my first day in school it was very exciting. Met Harry Potter, wasn’t very impressed with him. Goyle said we should look after Draco Malfoy because if something happens to him our fathers would be really upset. I don’t get that, why would Father be upset if something happens to Draco?

Got sorted into Slytherin, owled Father to tell him the good news (And he always said that I will be a Hufflepuff – ha, I showed him.), had dinner with the other Slytherins (it was very good), went to our dorms, wasn’t very impressed with it (Why do they give us Slytherins the dungeons?), went to bed.



Lessons, decided Gregory Goyle after trying to transfigure a match into a needle unsuccessfully for two hours, were a pain.


Actually, he thought after Charms and four hundred “Win-gard-i-um Le-vi-o-sa’s”, they are torture.


‘Thought up by the evilest wizards of all time, Salazar Slytherin, Helga Hufflepuff, Godric Gryffindor and Rowena Ravenclaw, and Professor Binns probably even knew them in person and even they thought he was boring and then they killed and now he is a ghost…’ were Goyle’s last thought when he fell asleep in History of Magic.


Lessons were one thing, but lessons with the Gryffindors… Goyle couldn’t even think of words that described these nasty, nosy, sniffling brats. They were an unpleasant lot full of rubbish like these muggle-loving Weasleys and Muggle-born walking encyclopaedias and horror of all horrors a skinny, small, scar-faced, good for nothing git with a head so big that it was a miracle that he could walk through any doorway. Goyle hated them all.


But much to his delight he wasn’t the only one. Draco hated Potter, because Potter didn’t want to be his friend, the rest of the Slytherins hated Potter, because he had been sorted into Gryffindor and Snape’s reason for hating Potter were a complete mystery to him. Not that he cared.


“Looks there is nothing more”, was something that Goyle wanted embroidered on all his new robes.


Dear Journal (Ha - I did it right this time),


Had flying lessons with the Gryffindors today, wasn’t able to fly, because Potter had to interrupt the lesson with some stupid show off seeker skills. He probably trained for years to catch that remembrall so fast. (I wonder if the Gryffindor will make him their seeker – I’ve heard that they haven’t got one…)


I just heard that Potter has just become the youngest seeker in one-hundred years, Draco stalked of and sulks now on his bed in the dormitory, Goyle eats chocolate frogs, I guess they didn’t liked the news much.


School, decided Goyle after two months in Hogwarts, wasn’t so bad. No younger sister that annoys you, no parents who could take away your sweets, lots of Hufflepuff and fellow Slytherins to bully… if he could only think of a way to get rid of the lessons.


Defense Against Dark Arts was a joke. Goyle prided himself to know a lot about Dark Arts and Quirrel didn’t taught about them. He was just a scared little man, smelling like garlic, wearing this ridiculous turban. Crabbe in a rare showing of actually possessing brain cells didn’t liked him either. He called him creepy and fake. Well as far as Goyle was concerned Quirrel had probably faked more than one signature to get the teaching job in Hogwarts.


Dear Diary,


Now it’s been nearly two months at school. My favourite subject is Flying. I am not very good at it though. But I hope it will get better.






“Do you think that something is off with Professor Quirrel?”


“’e smells like garlic?”


“No, he always seems to look for something, he wanders around and he never takes off his turban.”


“Crabbe, shut up. I want to sleep.”


Goyle’s days were never boring. Waking up, marching down the halls with Malfoy and Crabbe like the school belonged to them, eating breakfast, (avoiding porridge and going for ham and eggs), lessons or as Goyle liked to call them “Good opportunities to catch up on sleep.“ lunch, more lessons, more sleep, more marching around with Malfoy and Crabbe. Bullying some Gryffindors, bullying some Hufflepuffs, dinner, bullying some Slytherins in the Slytherin Common Room, going to bed. Life should always be like that.