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Immunity #1--Word Puzzles

First Question:
Bobby vs. Victor
the tv
Answer: Turn on the TV
Correct Answers: Bobby, Victor
Porco 1, Macaco 1

Next Question:
Catherine vs. Christine
my you're way
Answer: you're in my way
Correct Answers: Christine
Porco 1, Macaco 2

Next Question:
Suzy vs. Christine
Answer: Journey through the center of the Earth
Correct Answers: Suzy, Trystan
Porco 2, Macaco 3

Next Question:
Alex vs. Julia
is is is is is is is is is is Court
Answer: Tennis Court
Correct Answers: Alex, Julia
Porco 3, Macaco 4

Next Question:
Kammer vs. Brady
you it's just me
Answer: It's just between you and me
Correct Answers: Kammer, Brady
Porco 4, Macaco 5

If the Macaco member in this next Question gets it right Macaco wins Immunity.

Next Question:
Nettie vs. Melanie

Answer: High School Diploma
Correct Answers: Nettie, Melanie

Macaco wins Immunity!


Tribal Council #1--Porco Tribe

Jared: Bobby, how will you be voting going into this Tribal Council? You don't have alot to go by.

Bobby: I'm going to vote for who did the least.

Jared: Nettie, what is more important to you, execution or communication?

Nettie: That's a tough question. Both execution and communication are extremely necessary to play the game well; however, I will have to say that communication is moreso important. Being that this game is played on line, communication is definitely required. If people are communicating well with me, I know where they are coming from and its possible to gain a better understanding of them. I feel the most can get done when there is decent intercommunication among the tribe and people's words are backed up by actions.

Let's read the votes.

First vote.........Keith

Next vote..................Catherine
One vote Keith, one vote Catherine

Next vote.............Kammer
One vote Kammer, one vote Keith, one vote Catherine

Next vote......................Suzy
One vote Suzy, one vote Kammer, one vote Keith, one vote Catherine

Next vote..............Catherine
Two votes Catherine, one vote Keith, one vote Kammer, one vote Suzy

Next vote...............Keith
Two votes Keith, two votes Catherine
One vote Suzy, one vote Kammer

Next vote...................................Keith
Three votes Keith, Two votes Catherine
One vote Kammer, one vote Suzy

Last vote....


The Tribe has spoken

Keith's Final Words

The heavenly aroma still hung heavy in the house, but it was gone, all gone! No turkey! No turkey sandwiches, no turkey salad, no turkey gravy, turkey hash, turkey a la king, or gallons of turkey soup! Gone, all gone!


Immunity #2

In this Immunity; the Message Boards were blocked off. As you had to answer questions about your Tribemates without them.

Melanie scored 10/10
Trystan scored 10/10
Mark scored 10/10
Victor scored 10/10
Amanda scored 10/10
Julia scored 10/10
Christine did not write
Brady scored 10/10
Total Macaco score 87%

Bobby scored 9/9
Net scored 8/9
Alex scored 7/9
Kammer scored 8/9
Catherine did not write
Suzy did not write
Kamron did not write
Total Porco Score 50%

Macaco Wins Immunity!

Porco Tribe cast your votes.


Tribal Council #2--Porco Tribe

Jared: Kammer are you open to a surprise in this Tribal Council?

Kammer: To be honest right now anything is possible every thing is up in the air. according to the strategy I laid out for the rest of my tribe, If it has to happen I'll let it happen. I don't mind at all being voted off I am a team player. but I do want to advance my self as far as I can go because I do want the team to advance. so I hope when I go if I go it would be best for the team stategically.

I also have been brutally honest and open about something concerning my tribe mates about the last challenge. but I hope they let that slide because It was just a misunderstanding. I am a team player and this team has to advance with a fight and we will fight as a team.

Let's read the votes

First Vote.................Suzy

Next vote................Suzy
Two votes Suzy

Next vote............Kammer
Two votes Suzy, one vote Kammer

Next vote.................Kammer
Two votes Kammer, Two votes Suzy

Next vote...............Suzy
Three votes Suzy, two votes Kammer

Next vote..............................................................Suzy

That's four, that's enough

Suzy; the Tribe has spoken

Suzy's Final Words

I wanted out so much, I just finished play Online Canadian Survivor and that was enough for me, one game at a time! Well I dont know nothing about any of you! Well I guess Im out!!


Immunity #3

Indentify these three pictures:




4.)What actor said this:
Riddle me this, riddle me that, who's afraid of the big black bat?

Name 5 New York Yankees.

The answers are as follows:
1.) Derek Jeter
2.) Joel Klug
3.) Ducky-The Land Before Time
4.) Jim Carrey
5-9: may vary

Christine scored 8
Melanie scored 8
Trystan scored 8
Julia scored 8
Mark scored 8
Amanda scored 8
Brady scored 8
Victor scored 8

Average Macaco Score: 8

Catherine scored 9
Kammer scored 9
Nettie scored 9
Alex scored 9
Bobby scored 9
Kamron scored 9

Average Porco score: 9

Porco has won Immunity!

Macaco Tribe cast your votes!


Tribal Council #3--Macaco

Jared: Brady, how big is this next Immunity?

Brady: Like all immunity, the next is vital. But we wont be in such a terrible position i we lose. We will still be tied.

Let's read the votes

First vote...................Christine

Next vote.....................Melanie
One vote Melanie, one vote Christine

Next vote.......................Christine
Two votes Christine, one vote Melanie

Next vote.........................Melanie
Two votes Melanie, two votes Christine

Next vote.................Melanie
Three votes Melanie, two votes Christine

Next vote.......................Christine
Three votes Christine, three votes Melanie

Next vote.....................Melanie
Four votes Melanie, three votes Christine

Last vote...


The Tribe has spoken


Melanie's Final Words

Well after we lost Immunity I knew I was targeted because i wasn't very active, so then I tried to get people not thinkong of voting for me as a posted a few more times, I guess that didn't work! I wasn't in any alliance so I played it alliance free(FINALLY!!) I dont know anyone so i cant wish anyone luck so i will just wish the WHOLE tribe luck!


Immunity #4

In this Immunity you all had to guess how your Tribemates voted in your first Tribal Council

Nettie scored 6
Kamron scored 8
Bobby scored 8
Alex scored 6
Kammer scored 6
Catherine scored 6

Average Score 6.67

Christine scored 8
Victor scored 8
Trystan scored 8
Julia scored 8
Julia scored 8
Amanda scored 8
Mark scored 8

Average Score 8

That means Macaco Wins Immunity!


Tribal Council #4--Porco Tribe

Jared: Catherine, are you feeling insecure at all in this Tribal Council?

Catherine: Absolutley not, I have no reason to feel insecure! I think think this will be our last Tribal Council before the merge because after this one we are going to murder those monkeys!

--Let's read the votes--

First vote..................Kamron

Next vote..........................Catherine
One vote Kamron, one vote Catherine

Next vote.......................Kamron
Two votes Kamron, one vote Catherine

Next vote..................Catherine
Two votes Kamron, two votes Catherine

Next vote.................Kamron
Three votes Kamron, two votes Catherine

Last vote...


It's a deadlock.

In a deadlock we go to previous votes

Kamron had zero

Catherine had two

Catherine the tribe has spoken.


Catherine's Final Words

I don't understand!
Oh Well!
Its been a blast good luck Kammer and Nettie! I really hope one of you Porco's win, but at the moment that seems like you guys have bad odds! Well i still hope you guys somehow do somthing right! hehe
Good Luck Have Fun, especially at the next TC cuz the other tribe is wasting you guys!



Immunity #5

In this Immunity I gave each tribe questions and the first tribe to have each member post an answer wins Immunity.

Kamron posted the last answer for the last Porco answer August 29, 2001 at 10:09:38 PM

Christine has yet to post an answer.

So the Porco Tribe wins Immunity!


Tribal Council #5--Macaco Tribe

Let's read the votes

First vote........Christine

Next vote..............Trystan
One vote Trystan, one vote Christine

Next vote.................Trystan
Two votes Trystan, one vote Christine

Next vote...............Christine
Two votes Christine

Next vote...............Trystan
Three votes Trystan, two votes Christine

Next vote.................Trystan
Four votes Trystan, two votes Christine

That's enough

Trystan the tribe has spoken.


Trystan's Final Words

Humankind has not woven the web of life.
We are but one thread within it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.
All things are bound together.
All things connect.


Immunity #6

This is the simplest Immunity yet.
Have all the tribe members reply to this message, win immunity.

Mark was the last on the Macaco Tribe to reply at Sat, 08 Sep 2001 14:35:17

Alex was the last on the Porco Tribe to reply at Thu, 06 Sep 2001 20:57:54

Porco wins Immunity once again!


Tribal Council #6--Macaco Tribe

Jared: Julia, how are you going to base your vote in this Tribal Council?

Julia: Well Jared, my votes will be determined by how much of a participant my tribmates have been. Writing on the mesage board, doing well, and trying their best!

Jared: Mark, do feel vonerable at all going into this Tribal Council?

Mark: I absolutely do feel vulnerable. I think my tribe members are going to vote me out because they would think I was responsible for this Tribal Council. My grandmother passed away, and I think some things are more important. In any instance, yes, I do feel vulnerable, but, if this is my time to be voted out, then so be it.

--Let's read the votes--

First vote...........Christine

Next vote.....................Brady
One vote Christine, one vote Brady

Next vote Christine
Two votes Christine, one vote Brady

Next vote........Christine
Three votes Christine, one vote Brady

Next vote................Christine

That's four votes Christine

That's a majority

The Tribe has spoken


Trystan's Final Words

Humankind has not woven the web of life.
We are but one thread within it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.
All things are bound together.
All things connect.


Immunity #7

This Immunity is as follows:

"Think of words ending in 'gry'. Angry and hungry are two of them." There are only three words in the English language. What is the third word? The word is something that everyone uses every day. If you have listened carefully, I have already told you what it is."

Now I realize many of you will get this right.

But the person who does it in the shortest time wins Immunity.

Correct Answers:

Victor at Fri, 14 Sep 2001 21:29:53
Bobby at Fri, 14 Sep 2001 17:38:03
Alex at Fri, 14 Sep 2001 21:52:32
Brady at Sat, 15 Sep 2001 00:23:19

Incorrect Answers:
Nettie at Fri, 14 Sep 2001 21:12:50
Mark at Sat, 15 Sep 2001 10:34:18

Victor wins Immunity!


Tribal Council #7--Crocodilo Tribe

Jared: Alex, how are you going to base your vote in this Tribal Council?

Alex: I'm just going to stick with my tribe and vote who we think may have votes against them.

Jared: Amanda, Can you brief me on your voting strategy?

Amanda: My voting strategy is to help myself and my alliance partners make it to the finals, with minimal difficulty.

Jared: Bobby, it looked like Porco was out of it. Were you surprised about how it unfolded?

Bobby: umm......... NOPE!

--Let's read the votes--

First vote........................Brady

Next vote..................Brady
Two votes Brady

Next vote................Kamron
Two votes Brady, one vote Kamron

Next vote................Kamron
Two votes Kamron, two votes Brady

Next vote.......................Brady
Three votes Brady, two votes Kamron

Next vote..........Kamron
Three votes Kamron, three votes Brady

Next vote................Brady
Four votes Brady, three votes Brady

Next vote.......................Kamron
Four votes Kamron, four votes Brady

Next vote......................Brady
Five votes Brady, four votes Kamron

Last vote...


Brady, the Tribe has spoken


Mark's Final Words

I can't believe it! I was voted out! I really wasn't expecting this. But, you guys had to make a decision and I don't hold any grudges. However, the other castaways and I will have the last say in the final tribal council. I enjoyed this game and will definetly be signing up for other games like this. I want to thank and wish good luck to Victor and Amanda, my two new friends.

Good Luck to you all,



Immunity #8

Here are the answers to Immunity #8

1.) Who was the first person voted out after the merge in Online Survivor 1?

2.) Who was the runnerup in Online Survivor 2?

3.) What was the vote count of the Final Tribal Council of Online Survivor 1?

4.) Who received the most votes in a single Tribal Council?(All Online Survivors)

Who won the most Immunities in:

5.) Online Survivor 1?

6.) Online Survivor 2?

7.) Who received the most votes in Online Survivor 2?

8.) Who suggested the merged tribes name in Online Survivor 1?

Bobby scored 8
Victor scored 7
Alex scored 4
Amanda scored 0

Bobby wins Immunity!


Tribal Council #8

Jared: Victor, do you feel like you may be a target for the Porco Tribe?

Victor: If Porco Tribe is smart, I'm probably leaving now.

Jared: Julia, how so you feel coming into this Tribal Council?

Julia: I do feel a little threatened and everything, but thats normal. The thing I'm really worried about, is if i can stay in the game.

Jared: Kammer, do you feel like the Porco Tribe is in complete control?

Kammer: Yes we are in total control. Now but who knows what is going to happen.

Let's read the votes

First vote............Julia

Next vote............Kamron
One vote Julia, One vote Kamron

Next vote............Julia
Two votes Julia, one vote Kamron

Next vote............Kamron
Two votes Julia, two votes Kamron

Next vote............Julia
Three votes Julia, two votes Kamron

Next vote............Kamron
Three votes Julia, three votes Kamron

Next vote............Julia
Four votes Julia, three votes Kamron

Next vote............Kamron
Four votes Julia, four votes Kamron

Last vote


--The Tribe has spoken--


Julia's Final Words

Ok. I guess I have to accept this. I really dont want to. But life goes on. They must all know the truth. Im not going to be one of those people whos all smiley and dunt give a damn about it. All I can really say is, Porcos I hate you all. And thats all there is. I just hate you all. But I will rise creating my own survivor. My tribe mates, all I have to say is thank you for a great game. I loved this game, but must admit, this hurts. I at least made it to the merge. But Porco's You'll Pay. I admit it was I smart move to vote for me because my f###ing email didnt work once and My vote for Kamron Didnt get in. But I would like to reciave emails from you. Maybe i will calm me hating towards all of you. But i will say, voting off the rest of us 1 by 1 s a bad move. Alline with us. Were smart. Goodbye all of you. See you in hell Porcos.


Immunity #9

1. Q: He has a look of awful scorn, And wears his clothes a funny way, Waving his hands over fields of corn, He keeps the birds away!

A: Scarecrow

2. Q: I can be displayed in many ways...
You usually stop for me
I am a sign of love and compassion, yet I am also a sign of pain, and hatred

A: The Colour Red

3. Q: I'm the beginning of Eternity the end of time and space, the beginning of the End and the end of every place. What am I? Hint:the answer is in the riddle

A: The letter E

4. Q: What’s greater than God
More Evil than the Devil
It’s larger than the universe
Poor people have it
Rich people need it
If you eat it you will die?
What is it?

A: Nothing

5. Q: There was once a rich man who lived in a round mansion. One day the man got killed. The wife asked the maid, "Did you kill my husband?" She replied "No! I was busy sweeping the corner of the mansion." Then she asked the farmer. "Did you kill my husband?" He said, "No! I was busy harvesting the crops in the backyard!" Then she asked the butler. "Did you kill my husband?" He said, "No! I was busy filling up the limo with gas." She found out who it was. Can you figure out who murdered the man?

A: The maid did. Since the mansion was round she could not have been sweeping the corners. Since she lied, she did it.

Alex scored 2
Victor scored 5
Bobby scored 5
Amanda scored 4
Mark scored 4
Nettie scored 5

Victor sent it in the quickest so he wins Immunity!


Tribal Council #9

Jared: Mark, do you feel you will be a target somewhere down the line?

Mark: Absolutely. I feel like I have a target on my face now. The fact is, I haven't had any votes cast against me yet, and I truly don't believe it's my turn to go yet. I think I still have a kick left in me somewhere.

Jared: Kamron, you've received a few votes in the past few Tribal Councils. Feeling like a target for the Macaco Tribe?

Kamron: Umm....I would say YES! If I'm not they are stupid I have votes I AM THERE only chance of regaining the lead.

Let's read the votes

First vote.......Kamron

Next vote.............Kamron
Two votes Kamron

Next vote............Mark
Two votes Kamron, one votes Mark

Next vote...........Mark
Two votes Kamron, two votes Mark

Next vote...............Bobby
Two votes Kamron, two votes Mark, one vote Bobby

Next vote..................Kamron
Three votes Kamron, two votes Mark, one vote Bobby

Next vote...


Kamron the Tribe has spoken


Kamron's Final Words

In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.


Immunity #10

Here are the questions for Immunity #10

1.) How many votes has Bobby received?

2.) How many votes has Mark received?

3.) Who was the only person not to send in their Immunity in the first challenge?

4.) Who is the youngest contestant?

5.) Who is the oldest?

Amanda scored 4
Nettie scored 2
Kammer scored 3
Mark scored 2
Bobby scored 3
Victor scored 4

Amanda and Victor are tied at four.

Victor sent his in on Wed, 10 Oct 2001 20:22:29
Amanda sent her's in on Thu, 11 Oct 2001 14:07:43

Victor wins Immunity ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Tribal Council #10

Jared: Victor, you have won alot of immunities. Do you feel you will be a target sometime because of that?

Victor: Yes, I do feel a little theatened, but I still try hard for immunities for some strange reason. This sucks, because every immunity from now on the pigs will try hard too. Oh well, even if I got voted out, I will still wish my friends the best of luck.

Jared: Bobby, you received an unexpected vote last Tribal Council, are you feeling a in secure this time around?

Bobby: Yeah, well i never feel secure unless I have immunity.

--Let's read the votes--

First vote.............Mark

Next vote............Bobby
One vote Mark, one vote Bobby

Next vote............Mark
Two votes Mark, one vote Bobby

Next vote............Bobby
Two votes Bobby, two votes Mark

Next vote...........Mark
Three votes Mark, two votes Bobby

Next vote............Bobby
Three votes Bobby, three votes Mark

Last vote.....


That's three votes Bobby, three votes Mark, one vote Kammer

Here's the way it will work;
Since there is a vote for neither Bobby or Mark but Kammer, we will not go straight into previous votes.
Instead we will have a re-vote,
Bobby and Mark will not vote.
If you voted for Mark or Bobby and you do not cast your vote again, the vote will stay the same.
But if you voted for Kammer and you don't cast your vote, you will be ejected from the game.
These votes will be due Tomorrow at 2 PM PT

--Let's read the votes again--

First vote.............Mark

Next vote............Bobby
One vote Mark, one vote Bobby

Next vote............Mark
Two votes Mark, one vote Bobby

Next vote............Bobby
Two votes Bobby, two votes Mark

And the 10th person voted out of Online Survivor 3 is...


The Tribe has spoken


Mark's Final Words

I can't believe it! I was voted out! I really wasn't expecting this. But, you guys had to make a decision and I don't hold any grudges. However, the other castaways and I will have the last say in the final tribal council. I enjoyed this game and will definetly be signing up for other games like this. I want to thank and wish good luck to Victor and Amanda, my two new friends.

Good Luck to you all,



Immunity #11

Here are the Immunity questions:

1.) Who voted for the same person the most times?

2.) Who did he/she vote for?

3.) Online Survivor 3 is #4 on the egame central top 20, what is number 1?

4.) How many votes did Mark receive?

Name the three people not to send in their Final Words.




Kamron scored 4
Amanda scored 3
Bobby scored 1
Victor scored 3

Kammer wins Immmunity


Tribal Council #11

Jared: Kammer, how big was that Immunity out of 10?

Kammer: This was big it now determines which direction I want to take with this game if I didn't win I would be gone this tribal council. I think with what I did I am the Jerri of online survivor 3. I did a strategy that could make me go far in this game or break me in this game. I needed this one to get away with what I did and apologze to my old tribe. and I am sorry kam had to go but it was all startagy. If any one is offened with what I did about Kam I want you to e-mail me.

Jared: Amanda, from what I've seen, you have pretty much been below the radar thoughout this game. As the numbers wind down are you feeling more threatened?

Amanda: Yes, of course, especially since my tribe is the minority right now!!

Let's read the votes

First vote.........Bobby

Next vote...........Nettie
One vote Nettie, one vote Bobby

Next vote...........Alex
One vote Alex, one vote Nettie, one vote Bobby

Next vote................Bobby

Next vote.....................................Bobby

That's enough.

The Tribe has spoken.


Bobby's Final Words




Immunity #12

In this Immunity you will have to guess how Bobby voted in previous Tribal Councils.

Kammer scored 7/8
Nettie scored 7/8
Victor scored 7/8
Amanda scored 7/8

Now the tie breaker is quickness.

And with a time of Tue, 30 Oct 2001 14:27:12

Nettie wins Immunity!

Now everyone cast your votes.


Tribal Council #12

Jared: Kammer, are you feeling confident in this Tribal Council?
Kammer: I feel very confident this tribal council I have strong bonds in the tribe that are very real and honest. So I feel very confident. I feel confindent about this game as well because I know for a fact that one of my friends or even I will win this game. I have to say every one played a good game and it's almost game over. But I am confedent in myself in this game whether or not I am leaving this tribal council or the next.

Let's read the votes

First vote..........Alex

Next vote..........Alex
Two votes Alex

Next vote..........Alex
Three votes Alex

Next vote..........Alex

That's a majority

The Tribe has spoken


Alex's Final Words

I kind of expected this since my computer is broked. I cant believe y'all kept me around for this long. Hopefully Nettie will win, but I think Kammer is dumb enough to believe that the Macaco's are on his side. They're just using him. Anyways... Good luck everyone! ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Immunity #13

This is the second to last immunity challenge.

Who were the four members of the Porco Alliance?

In the fourth Tribal Council who did the following vote for?
5.) Alex
6.) Bobby
7.) Kamron
8.) Kammer
9.) Catherine
10.) Nettie

Victor scored 10
Kammer scored 10
Amanda scored 10

Now ties are settled by quickness so:

Victor wins Immunity with Fri, 09 Nov 2001 21:36:24 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Tribal Council #13

Jared: Nettie, do you feel you will make the Final 3?

Nettie: At this point in the game, the only person definitely making it to the final 3 is Victor. I'd like to think that I have enough confidence to say that I will be in the final 3 also but I'm not too sure.

Let's read the votes

First vote..........Amanda

Next vote..........Nettie
One vote Amanda, one vote Nettie

Next vote...........Amanda
Two votes Amanda, one vote Nettie

Last vote...........


That's two votes for Nettie and Amanda.

Now we go to previous votes

Amanada has zero

Nettie has two

Nettie the tribe has spoken


Nettie's Final Words

That sucks! I'm kind of relieved the game is over for me. It really wasn't moving along very quickly and the communication level was terribly poor. I found it mildly amusing though. Yay Porco! =Þ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Final Immunity

This is the Final Immunity: The winner of this Immunity will be in the final 2 and will pick who they will be in it with.
1.) Who has the most votes out of the Final 3?

2.) Who has the least?

3.) Who received the most votes in a single Tribal Council?(All Online Survivors)

4.) I'm the beginning of Eternity the end of time and space, the beginning of the End and the end of every place. What am I?
The Letter E

5.) What’s greater than God
More Evil than the Devil
It’s larger than the universe
Poor people have it
Rich people need it
If you eat it you will die?
What is it?

---- 6.) Who was the only person not to send in their Immunity in the first challenge?

7.) How who won the most Immunity challenges?

Amanda scored 6
Kammer scored 6
Victor scored 0

Kammer sent his in on Sun, 18 Nov 2001 01:48:41
Amanda sent hers in on Mon, 19 Nov 2001 10:09:54

Kammer wins Immunity!
Cast your vote!

Tribal Council #14

In this Tribal Council; Kammer will be the only one voting.

Kammer: It's been nothing but fun in this game of Online Survivor 3 but I have to make a choice who I want to sit with in the final Tribal Council. I want you to know that I loved playing with you and I want to thank you for all your support. Victor you have been a strong competitor and losing immunities to you just sucked. You've help me get here and I thank you alot but I choose Amanda to sit with me.

I vote to oust victor

The Tribe has spoken

Victor's Final Words

Well, I will start saying tank you to Jared for the sencond oportunity, I was really glad when you invited me. I hope I play another game hosted by you, maybe os 27... Now I will really start with my final words, and I hope it explains to everybody from the game what I did to get here, even for those who are thinking "lets see what the loser has to say": KEITH, SUZY and CATHERINE: I don't have anything to say to you, just tank you for sucking in immunity challenges...I will mention Catherine, she seems a really interesting person according to Kammer. MELANIE and TRYSTAN: You 2 know the reason why you left, first because this was your second game (that I know) playing together, and second, you have the same IP. Melanie left first because she didn't tak with anyone by e-mails, Trystan left after because he was doing an alliance, and because we chose to keep with Mark. Talking with Trystan is the only thing I regret, because I shouldn't have talked with someone I would vote for.
CHRISTINE: Our alliance backstabbed you, not because of your previous votes, but because you never e-mailed us to talk. It's important to say you DIDN'T suck in challenges. Immunity Challenge #5, it wasn't your fault, as you post your answer in the message board. The real reason why we lost its because Trystan posted his answer to late, but it wasn't his fault either. (Actually I still don't understand why L...ip is "split lips", but whatever...)
BRADY: My best friend in the game, we create the alliance, and I really wanted you to win, but the porcos finished with this dream, and we lost contact. I seriously tought in quitting, but then I started to talk a lot with Amanda and I decided to stay.
JULIA and MARK: Julia was in the alliance, I have to say shes awsome, and I always laugh of her posts and e-mails. For some weird reason she stopped e-mailing me. mark wasn't in the alliance, but we decided that you were more friendly than Christine. Had you made a strong bond, you would win the game.
ALEX, KAMRON and BOBBY (aka "the 3 stoogies"): Kamron was invisible, so I have nothing to say. Alex, I think Jared put you in the wrong tribe, my only problem with you is the fact you were in an alliance with the kid. TIMONE (opps!), HANK (opps, again!), BOBBY (Sexton???): I don't even know if you really exist, and if you are real, you must be related with Jared...You are smart for a 12 years old kid, but will never win a game, since you don't want to. You just want to fight.
NETTIE: you were "unstopable". I really tought the game was yours, and I don't know who were the weirdos who voted for who in past tribal councils. You was the sweetheart of the game, and its safe to say everybody liked you.
KAMMER: nice. I really liked to had met him, but in the very end, I got disapointed with something: how could you ask Amanda to pick you if she had won the last immunity? I would never ask Nettie something like this, if Amanda had left in the TC#13. I didn't do the immunity because I wanted everybody to have equal chances, and if I hadn't said anything, I would be in the final 2. I'm glad I sacrificed myself for Amanda, because she deserves to win more than anyone. But this is the only bad thing I found to say about Kammer, because hes very easygoing and he respected my decisions. And to Alex and Bobby, me and Amanda were loyal to Kammer all the time. Do you really think he would have any chance staying loyal to you? I don't think so...
AMANDA: You go girl, you rock!
Well, it got really big, so I will stop writing now, bye. Victor
"and I don't care if I'm voted out tonight because I didn't vote for a friend and that makes me the happiest person on the face of the earth"
-Lindsay, episode 6
-Julia, Tribal Council #8 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Final Tribal Council

Jared: Welcome to the Final Tribal Council. The jury of; Bobby, Alex, Kamron, Nettie, Victor, Mark and Julia will vote for either Amanda or Kammer.
This game invloves many conflicts. Alliances have been made and broken, that's all part of the game.
Now the jury will have time to address the Final 2.
Victor: Whats Brady's and Christine's last name, mark's nickname and Julia's dutch rabbit name?

Kammer: Three words, I don't know.

Amanda: Brady James, Christine Douglas, Marky Sharky, and the rabbit is Boomer.

Kamron: If you could replace the other member of the Final 2 with a member of the jury who would it be?

Kammer: If I had been gone before the merge and cathrine stayed, then I would say definatly Bobby and Alex.
But If had the choice Victor and Nettie would be here.

Amanda: I would have to say Victor. Without him, I would not be where I am.

Nettie: Did you find the game to be mentally stimulating? Please explain your answer.

Kammer: The game was definetly mentally stimulating. Every time I went online I always had a hard time tring to play this game. I always came online with a strategy whether it was a team strategy or a personal stratgey. When the game rid teams I changed strategy every day. I didn't know what I was saying to who. And when there were problems in the corcodilo camp. I was swamed because I felt hated and then I got alot of sopport then I felt liked. So mentaly it was incredibly stimulating. But I am sure it was all the same to you.

Amanda: I found the game to be very challenging. At times, I was sure that I was the one that was going to be voted out. Some of the challenges were hard. But, what made the game mentally challenging, was the strategy part of the game. This particular online survivor required a lot of strategy. Especially since when we merged, my tribe seemed to be the underdogs!


Julia: I have no questions only comments. Now there was Amanda the rafting persona queen. Oops wait wrong speech, jared dont cut any out of this please. Anyway, there was Amanda willingly running aroung acting like the sweet and SEXY person she is, but under it all she was roothles and made it to the final two. My question for Amanda is, do you think I helped you at all to get where you are? And if so, how? (Im so self centered) Ok, now there was Kammer whom I didnt know during the first part of the game. I admit though, when he was on my tribe I didn't take much of a liking to hi, especially after he voted me off. But after no one filled me in in the game (Including AMANDA) Kammer was right there and he told me everything that happened which I really apreciated. My question for Kammer is when did you first decide that you were gonna try your hardest to win this game? I love you both, and in the end I think we owe it to the Island Spirits that we all have come to know, to let the snake, eat the rat. That's all.

Bobby: Please describe each member of the jury.
Victor-He is a competitor. very supportive. easy going. friendly. loyal
Nettie-cool. head strong. honest
Julia- smart. funny. very smart. very funny. she amazes me.
Bobby- true competitor. team player. strong mentally. very smart strategically. honest.
Mark-true. brave. honest. Cool. from waht I know
Kamron-on and off. uncontroable.
Alex-Team player. honest. kinda dark. competitor. innocent.

Amanda: This is a difficult question for me to answer. I knew some of you better than others. I will start with Victor. Victor is a very cool person with lots of personality. At the beginning of the game, I thought he would be my biggest threat. In the end, he turned out to be just the opposite. He became my friend. Nettie, I regret that I didn't get to know her better. I know that some of us thought highly of her. From what I could tell, she seemed to be very nice and loyal to her tribe. Kamron, well, neither one of us were on the board that much. Unfortunatly, we didn't get to know each other. Julia, she is very smart and intellegent. She likes to make jokes and be funny. At the very beginning of the game, she was the only one that I trusted. I think it is a shame she was voted out when she was. Bobby, I don't have a lot to say about Bobby either. I am aware of a fight that took place on the message board. I understand that some people were angry and some people were rude, but I think that it was just kinda hard to deal with things at the time. I am sure we are all nice people, and now that the game is almost over, we can all move on. Mark, a very nice guy. I would like to become better friends with him. I hope our friendship continues after this game is over. Alex, when we first merged, my opinion of him was a little rough. It took me a little while to realize that his jokes, were just jokes. At first, I almost took offense to one of them. But, Victor thinks he is cool, so, he is okay in my book!

Mark: Is there anything in this game that you regret doing?

Kammer: I have one regret and that is how I played Bobby and the porco tribe I know I could have gotten away with switching alliances with telling them exactly how I was going to do every thing. But I think the game wouldn't be as entertaing without lies and manipulation. Wait...I have another regret and that is not getting to know every one here.

Amanda: I am suprised to say that the only thing I regret, is not trying harder in the individual immunity challenges. I didn't even win one of them! As far as how I played the game, I have no regrets. I never voted for a friend and I never backstabbed anyone. I played the game and stayed true to myself. I do regret Julia, Mark, and Brady getting voted out so early, but, I couldn't control that.

Alex: Alex: Which movie is better? The Naked Gun or The Green Mile?

Kammer: I love Naked Gun so much. When I need a good laugh I'll put one of those movies on. But the unpredictable humor in those films are just hillarious.

Amanda: I would have to say, The Green Mile. I mean, don't get me wrong, Naked Gun was a funny movie, but, I am not much for comedies!

Final Statements:

Kammer: All I have to say is when you vote you guys better have the game in mind. I know all of you watch the game on tv and now you got to be apart of this game. But that is exaclty what it is. I played a game and respected it for what it is. you all played a game and I hope you respect it too. I played with lies and minipulation all a part or the game. When I voted each of you out it was never ever personal. It was all for strategy. I thank you all for playing with me. If I win or not I have to say thanks it was soo much fun. Once again thanks alot it's been fun all the way though. Well not really only if you think back.

Amanda: I really have nothing left to say.

Jared: With that being said, jury cast your votes!

The votes have been tallied.

--Let's read the votes--

First vote......................Kammer

Next vote.....................Amanda
One vote each

Next vote................Kammer
Two votes Kammer, one vote Amanda

Next vote..........Amanda
Two votes each

Next vote.............Kammer
Three votes Kammer, two vote Amanda

Next vote....

Three votes Amanda, three votes Kammer

And the winner of Online Survivor 3 is...


Congratulations Kammer.


Kammer's Final Words

It's good to see that tribal lines were never broken I guess. Wow I won!!! It's been a hectic game and I don't think I have to say any thing that I haven't said already. I have to tell all the new cast of os 4 to keep you head on all the time and the name of the game is to outwit outplay and outlast. So use those rules in your favor all the time. Whether that means changing strateies every three minutes if it helps way to go.

Thanks everyone for letting me win. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Amanda's Final Words

I am not suprised by the vote. Kammer is a great guy. I just want to let everyone know that I had a good time playing this game. It was a lot of fun. I hope to keep the friends that I have made here. Congratulations Kammer, maybe I will see some of you in other online games.