Dayboqrx City Neighborhoods

Dayboqrx Island

1: American Point
Runs From: The ocean to the Dayboqrx between 1st and 24th Streets
Information: The rather rich area with a beautiful view of Mount Dayboqrx, American Point really has no connection with America at all, after all, it's just a name. American Point is home to Cook Field, home of the Dayboqrx Dayboqrxinator baseball team, and Dayboqrx Tech University.

2: Upper West Side
Runs From: The ocean to Pushor Avenue between 24th and 59th Streets
Information: The name obviously comes from its location. Otherwise, this area's just plain not important.

3: "Uptown"
Runs From: Pushor to Sixth Avenues between 24th and 40th Streets and Fifth to Sixth btween 40th and 48th Streets
Information: Indeed this neighborhood is uptown, capturing the hearts of those who visit there as "the place to go to see the best the uptown has to offer."

4: Nightspheqrre
Runes From: Pushor to Fifth Avenues between 40th and 48th Streets and Pushor to Sixth btween 48th and 59th Streets
Information: Named in 1981 when those living in this district decided it would be a good idea to go against the rest of Dayboqrx by naming themselves sorta similar to Dayboqrx, but not. As a result, Nightspheqrre.

5: Argyle Heights
Runs From: Sixth to Dayboqrx Avenues between 24th and 48th Streets
Information: The city's leading manufacturing neighborhood of the city's third most popular demand, argyle socks!

6: Upper East Side
Runs From: Dayboqrx Avenue to the Dayboqrx River betwen 24th and 48th Streets
Information: Another location based name for a neighborhood. This area has a great view of North Dayboqrx. But who wants to look at North Dayboqrx anyway?

7: Edgewater
Runs From: Sixth Avenue to the Dayboqrx River between 48th and 59th Streets
Information: Residential area named for it's location, since it's on the edge of the water and all.

8: Red Light District (MAP)
Runs From: The ocean to the Dayboqrx River between 59th and 90th Streets
Information: The most important neighborhood in all of Dayboqrx and the show because it is here where you can find the penthouse of the Gang (78th and Pushor). However, it is quite peculiar that you would find a group of teenagers living in the neighborhood voted "Sleaziest Neighborhood" by the Dayboqrx Times. It's probably because of the low rent costs (even in a penthouse) and the fact that they knew Lefty beforehand. Such is Dayboqrx.

9: Mystery Acres
Runs From: The ocean to Columbus Avenue between 90th and 120th Streets
Information: A mysterious land indeed is Mystery Acres. Don't think there are any beautiful parks or acres, or any haunted houses or anything. It's just another Dayboqrx neighborhood with a misleading name.

10: Scrum Heights
Runs From: Columbus to Sixth Avenue between 90th and 112th Streets
Information: If one word could describe it, it would be like Christmas and Take Your Daughter to Cow Slaughter Day rolled into one, it's just a radiant place.

11: Bluepoint
Runs From: Sixth to Dayboqrx Avenues between 90th and 128th Streets
Information: Named because of the blue street signs on Dayboqrx Island, Bluepoint is actually one of the oldest in Dayboqrx. Other than that, it serves absolutely no purpose.

12: Smoky Creek
Runs From: Dayboqrx Avenue to the Dayboqrx River between 90th and 104th Streets and from Ninth Avenue to the Dayboqrx River between 104th and 120th Streets
Information: Nestled on the Dayboqrx River just southeast of the 69th Street bridge, the large inlet, the Dayboqrx Creek pokes through up to Tragedy Avenue, amongst several smoke making plants.

13: Dayboqrx Heights
Runs From: The ocean to Columbus Avenue between 120th and 144th Streets and from Second to Columbus between 144th to 152nd Streets
Information: The lowest point in Dayboqrx, Dayboqrx Heights is an example of the many contradictory neighborhoods in Dayboqrx. Located along the ocean, the Dayboqrx Beach gives this neighborhood more publicity than it deserves.

14: Bloss
Runs From: Columbus to Sixth Avenues between 112th and 128th Streets and from Columbus to Fashion Avenues btween 128th to 136th Streets
Information: The name Bloss comes from, well, nobody knows. The only feature distinctive of this neighborhood is the University.

15: Happy Happy Happy Place
Runs From: Dayboqrx to Ninth Avenues between 104th and 120th Streets, Dayboqrx Avenue to the Dayboqrx River between 120th and 128th Streets, and Fashion Avenue to the Dayboqrx River between 128th and 136th Streets
Information: Home of the largest boot camp in the city, Happy Happy Happy Place also has the highest suicide rate in all of Dayboqrx. Did we mention some of the neighborhoods have contradictory names?

16: Hidden Valley
Runs From: The ocean to Second Avenue between 144th and 152nd Streets and from the Ocean to Columbus Avenue between 152nd and 168th Streets
Information: Also found along the ocean, Hidden Valley is not hidden at all. It's in plain sight! (okay, that was weak)

17: Fort Boqrx
Runs From: Columbus to Parque Avenues between 136th and 152nd Streets and from Hell to Parque Avenues between 152nd and 168th Streets
Information: Again, note that the Q and the R are silent. Founded during the Dayboqrx Wars, this was the prime location for hiding out from the enemy. Fine, so there was no Dayboqrx Wars, we just made that up.

18: Chinatown
Runs From: Parque to Eighth Avenues between 136th and 160th Streets
Information: What would a city be without a Chinatown? Well, it would be a city with a small Chinese population, that's all.

19: Cripville
Runs From: Eighth Avenue to the Dayboqrx River between 136th Streets and 168th Streets
Information: This sector is not based upon any gang activity at all, actually it's home to a few Cripple Care Centers.

20: Stupidville
Runs From: Columbus to Third Avenues between 152nd and 168th Streets and from the ocean to Third Avenue between 168th and 192nd Streets
Information: The neighborhood with the highest average IQ in all of Dayboqrx. Saw that one coming I bet.

21: Little Australia
Runs From: Third to Hell Avenues between 152nd and 168th Streets and from Third to Fifth Avenues between 168th and 200th Streets
Information: Home to a large number of Aussies, and several Outback steakhouses.

22: Parque Circle
Runs From: Fifth to Sixth Avenues between 168th and 184th Streets
Information: The smallest district in all of Dayboqrx, spanning three avenues and 16th streets, surrounding Parque Avenue is Parque Circle, which is actually a square! It is home to the highest land values in all of Dayboqrx.

23: Presidential Heights
Runs From: Parque to Eigth Avenues between 160th and 168th Streets and from Sixth to Eighth Avenues between 168th and 184th Streets
Information: Once you hit 160th Street, Fashion Avenue becomes Presidential Boulevard, which turns at 216th Street and hits the Connection. With the name change, Presidential Heights is one of two neighborhoods in the city where the name of an avenue changes at the neighborhood border (the Golden Pentagon being the other, where Presidential changes back to Fashion).

24: Valley Heights
Runs From: Eighth Avenue to the Dayboqrx River between 168th and 192nd Streets
Information: See, now the contradiction is in the name of the neighborhood itself. Nothing too special about this one.

25: Lower West Side
Runs From: The ocean to Third Avenue between 192nd to 232nd Streets
Information: Another neighborhood whose name is based on its location.

26: Ironic Plateau
Runs From: Fifth to Sixth Avenues between 184th to 200th Streets and from Third to Sixth Avenues between 200th to 216th Streets
Information: Nothing ironic about this plateau, just home of Dayboqrx's largest iron.

27: Connection South
Runs From: Sixth to Eighth Avenues between 184th to 224th Streets
Information: Technically southwest of the Connection, this neighborhood is just an extension, where Presidential Boulevard makes a turn at 216th Street.

28: The Connection (MAP)
Runs From: Eighth Avenue to the Dayboqrx River between 192nd to 224th Streets
Information: Home of not only Dayboqrx University, making it the second most important neighborhood in the city, the Connection also marks where the three largest roads in the city merge. Check out the map if you can't quite visualize it.

29: Microscopic Italy
Runs From: The ocean to Third Avenue between 232nd and 270th Streets
Information: Home of the most stereotypes per square mile in the world, Microscopic Italy isn't really that small at all! *laughs at the irony*

30: Dayboqrx Gardens
Runs From: Third to Sixth Avenues between 216th and 240th Streets
Information: Considered to be the most beautiful sector of the city, The Gardens is home to the most elegant tourist attractions in the city, the beautiful gardens, and the Monster Truck Rally Stadium.

31: Stinkerton
Runs From: Third Avenue to the Golden Pentagon Boulevard (top left) between 240th and 270th Streets
Information: Home of the large Dayboqrx Perfume Factory.

32: "Downtown"
Runs From: Sixth to Eighth Avenues between 224th Street and the Golden Pentagon Boulevard (top right)
Information: "Where the lights are bright all day, since the skies are always gray." Hey, I didn't even notice at first, but that rhymes!

33: Lower East Side
Runs From: Eighth Avenue to the Dayboqrx River between 224th and 248th Streets
Information: Another neighborhood's name based upon location (last one, I swear!)

34: Impact Zone
Runs From: The ocean to the Golden Pentagon Boulevard (bottom left) between 270th and 304th Streets
Information: The location where the settlers of Dayboqrx first landed on shore. Other than that, it serves no present day purpose, just another resedential neighborhood.

35: Golden Pentagon
Runs From: Imagine a five-sided pentagon. These are the boundaries of the Golden Pentagon Financial District created by the GP Boulevard:
Top Left: Pushor to Sixth Avenues between 240th to 270th Streets
Top Right: Sixth to Tragedy Avenues between 240th to 270th Streets
Bottom Left: Pushor to Hell Avenues between 270th and 304th Streets
Bottom Right: Dayboqrx to Tragedy Avenues between 270th to 304th Streets
Bottom Edge: Along 304th Street between Hell to Dayboqrx Avenues
Information: The Golden Pentagon Financial District is the largest employing sector of the city, clad with numerous sky scrapers, this portion is truly the center of the hustle and bustle of the city. It's also hell during rush hour.

36: Model Square
Runs From: Eighth Avenue to the Dayboqrx River between 248th to 270th Streets (with a small portion bounded by the Golden Pentagon Boulevard (top right))
Information: Surrounding Model Avenue and giving the avenue it's name, this extension of the Golden Pentagon is the center of the Dayboqrx Modeling Industry.

37: Smog City
Runs From: Golden Pentagon Boulevard (bottom right) to the Dayboqrx River between 270th to 304th Streets
Information: Home of the largest smog producing office buildings on Earth, these skyscrapers produce smog just for the fun of it!

38: Southeast Piers
Runs From: The ocean to Dayboqrx Avenue between 304th and 326th Streets
Information: Where many a person attempts to escape Dayboqrx, just off the piers is a strong ocean current that just pushes you back to shore. It's kinda funny that people would put piers in an area where no boat can properly embark, but I've said it before and I'll say it again, such is Dayboqrx.

39: City Limits
Runs From: Dayboqrx Avenue to the Dayboqrx River between 304th and 326th Streets
Information: The very edge of the city. That is all.

East Dayboqrx

1: Aurora
Runs From: The Dayboqrx Straits to Jeffers Avenue between 1st and 32nd Streets
Information: The northwesternmost point in East Dayboqrx has such a pretty name, you know, with such a high crime rating and all.

2: Point North
Runs From: Jeffers to Sirolly Avenues between 1st and 28th Streets
Information: It's the northernmost point in all of Dayboqrx. Hence the name (aha, you thought this was going to be another ironic twist!)

3: Inspiration Point
Runs From: Sirolly Avenue to the ocean between 1st and 40th Streets
Information: Home of the ugliest factories in all of Dayboqrx. So inspiring!

4: West Overlook
Runs From: The Dayboqrx Straits to Fougere Avenue between 32nd and 64th Streets
Information: Found in the west, and overlooking....the factories of North Dayboqrx.

5: Hope
Runs From: Jeffers to Martinez Avenues between 28th and 32nd Streets and from Fougere to Martinez Avenues between 32nd and 72nd Streets
Information: Because everyone in Dayboqrx has a hope of getting out. Too bad it's impossible and all.

6: Rineburg
Runs From: Martinez to Sirolly Avenues between 28th and 60th Streets
Information: Founded by James C. Rineling in 1957 was Rineling University. The neighborhood changed their name from Stenchtown to Rineburg to accommodate.

7: Point of No Return
Runs From: Sirolly Avenue to the ocean between 40th and 60th Streets
Information: The name sounds forbidding.

8: Bridgeport
Runs From: The Dayboqrx Straits to Fougere Avenue between 64th and 88th Streets
Information: Nestled on the straits, you can catch the Bridge to North Dayboqrx here. And the ports also make this one of the weathiest regions in East Dayboqrx.

9: Texas
Runs From: The Dayboqrx Straits to Asham Boulevard between 88th and 112th Streets
Information: Even if it isn't really Texas, it still takes an unusually long time to reach this neighborhood.

10: Zetterberg
Runs From: Fougere to Ravalese Avenues between 72nd and 88th Streets and from Asham Boulevard to Ravalese Avenue between 88th and 104th Streets
Information: Home of Zetterberg University. Go Coyotes! (yeah, I couldn't think of anything else important)

11: Jigsaw City
Runs From: Martinez to Sirolly Avenues between 60th and 72nd Streets, from Ravalese to Sirolly Avenues from 72nd to 80th Streets, and from Ravalese to Pfefferkorn Avenues between 80th and 96th Streets
Information: Based upon it's shape, it kinda looks like a puzzle piece. Hence the cities largest puzzle making factories can be found here.

12: East Overlook
Runs From: Sirolly Avenue to the ocean between 60th and 80th Streets
Information: Found in the east and overlooking the Smile Time Nuclear Power Plant.

13: Contradiction City
Runs From: The Dayboqrx River to Asham Boulevard between 112th and 136th Streets
Information: Where everything makes perfect sense.

14: Shamrock Falls
Runs From: Ravalese to Stoy Avenues between 96th and 104th Streets and from Asham Boulevard to Stoy Avenue between 104th and 128th Streets
Information: A bar on every street corner in the city's most Irish neighborhood.

15: Little Soviet Union
Runs From: Stoy to Pfefferkorn Avenues between 96th and 120th Streets and from Stoy to Parmerter Avenues between 120th and 128th Streets
Information: When Communism fell, nobody told those living here. They keep the name anyway (what did you think, we actually had a Communist neighborhood here in the city). Katie's parents also live here.

16: Oceanside
Runs From: Pfefferkorn Avenue to the ocean between 80th and 120th Streets
Information: On the ocean (who would've thunk it!). Another beautiful view of the power plant.

17: Asham Heights
Runs From: The Dayboqrx River to Asham Boulevard between 136th and 168th Streets
Information: Nestled between the river and Asham Boulevard and cut off from the rest of the city.

18: University Heights
Runs From: Asham Boulevard to Parmerter Avenue between 128th and 180th Streets
Information: Home of Dayboqrx State University and Dayboqrx Arena. Oh, so it's one of those college neighborhoods, eh?

19: Jewelry District
Runs From: Parmerter Avenue to the ocean between 120th and 140th Streets
Information: Crime runs high in the neighborhood with the highest number of jewelry stores per square mile. Such a high priced neighborhood to live in as well, for such a seedy area.

20: Radioactive Ridge
Runs From: Parmerter Avenue to the ocean between 140th and 160th Streets
Information: Oh, I get it, with the nuclear plant and all.

21: Cafaltji Square
Runs From: Parmerter Avenue to the ocean between 160th and 180th Streets
Information: Mayor Cafaltji named this neighborhood after himself, that self-loving bastard!

22: Brownwater
Runs From: The Dayboqrx River to Asham Boulevard from 168th to 200th Streets
Information: Take a wild guess. That's right, cleanest water in town!

23: Cedar Point
Runs From: Asham Boulevard to the ocean from 180th to 200th Streets
Information: The one neighborhood in Dayboqrx that can actually claim to be somewhat of a "forest," with more trees per square mile than the rest of the city combined.

24: Edge Point
Runs From: Stoy Avenue (where Asham Boulevard exits to become the Dayboqrx Bridge) to the ocean between 200th and 236th Streets
Information: The southernmost point in East Dayboqrx, it's where Asham Boulevard departs this borough and becomes the Dayboqrx Bridge. It has a great view of the Connection and Vega Coliseum.

North Dayboqrx

1: North City
Runs From: The ocean to Manganese Avenue between North and Confucius Streets
Information: In North Dayboqrx. Duh!

2: Myre Heights
Runs From: Manganese Avenue to the Dayboqrx Straits between North and Confucius Streets
Information: Home of Dayboqrx A&M University, on Myre Street, named after the first settler of Dayboqrx, Jim C. Myre.

3: Elmwood
Runs From: The ocean to Manganese Avenue between Confucius Street and the Dayboqrx River
Information: Second most number of trees behind Cedar Point.

4: Science City
Runs From: Manganese Avenue to the Dayboqrx Straits between Confucius Street and the Dayboqrx River
Information: You'd think in a neighborhood where all the streets are named after famous scientists, and home of the University at Science City, that the citizens of this fine neighborhood would have a high IQ. But no, it's got the lowest average IQ of all of the Dayboqrx neighborhoods.

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