“On Our Own”

Episode Thirty-One (#1T31)

The Gang’s Hairy Problems


Written by Joe Termine


Scene One:

“When a Day Becomes a Duh”

Location: The Penthouse

Characters: The Gang


James: Who here has ever heard of Molecular fusion?

Joe: I have.

John: Me too.

James [condescending tone]: Sure you have.

Joe: What?  I have.

John: Me too.

James: Psshh, no you haven’t.

John: You just asked us if we knew, and we do and now you doubt us?

James: I’m just joshing ya.

Joe: Please refrain from doing anything name wise to us.

James: Find I’m just lamping ya.

Joe: That fits much better.

John: No it doesn’t.

Joe: [shrugs] Works for me.

John: It does?

Joe: [pulls out a check book] Yeah see, I pay him 34 dollars a year.  I do it in this cute little checkbook I got from the bank.

[ John and James both stand with their mouths open]

Katie: What did I miss?




Song: (to the same theme music as Cheers)

1. Musical Beginning

2. Sometimes you wanna go, where it is always gonna rain,

3. And you'll always be in pain.

4. You wanna be where you can see, the people are all insane,

5. You wanna go where you can be eaten by a Great Dane.

6. Musical Ending


Sequence: (corresponding line by line from the song above)

1. A view of downtown Dayboqrx, with the text "On Our Own" along the center of the screen.

2. John is seen, startled by the camera man in a supermarket, accidentally knocking over a shelf creating a domino effect, his name on the bottom of the screen.

3. James is seen in the rainy parking lot, his fingers shaped as a gun pretending to shoot at nothing, his name on the bottom of the screen.

4. Joe is seen in the rainy parking lot, chasing a sheep, he stops, smiles, and waves at the camera, his name on the bottom of the screen.

5. Katie is seen arguing with a light pole, her name on the bottom of the screen.

6. John comes running from the supermarket, mouthing the words "Run for your life."  The Gang runs as the store collapses and are chased by a pack of Great Danes.  On the bottom of the screen reads "Created by John Painting and James Achaia."


Scene Two:

“Time for Jenga”

Location: The Penthouse

Characters: The Gang, Benji


Katie: You know what I haven’t played in a while?

Joe: All those instruments you have stuffed in the closet?

[Camera pans to an overflowing closet of expensive instruments]

Katie: I meant something fun.

Joe: Oh.

John: What haven’t you played in a while?

Katie: I will tell you.

Joe: Hey what about me and James?  We want to hear too.

Katie: Its just a saying, I was going to tell all of you.

Joe: You mean like how “hide the body the cops are coming” is a saying.

Katie: Just like…[ Joe smiles widely]  Sure.  But as I was saying, I haven’t plated Jenga in a while.

John: They still make that game?

Katie: Not anymore on account of the radioactive pieces that got in some boxes years back.

John: Oh yeah, I forgot about that.

Joe: Poor five armed Willy didn’t.  He was perfectly happy with his three arms and then those pieces had to make him a freak.  He was never the same.

James: What brought up the sudden urge for Jenga anyway?

Katie: Oh, it’s because I found my old one.  It was never opened either.

Joe: So you never played it?

Katie: Nope.

James: Joe, if she never opened it, how could she have played it?

Joe: It was just a saying.

John: No its not!

Joe: Okay.

Katie: Let’s play!

[The Gang gets all excited]

Benji [knocking at the door]: I heard fun, can come in and mess it up?  I mean not mess it…[chuckles to himself]…smooth Benji, smooth.

Joe: NO!

Katie: NO!

John: NO!

James: ON!

Joe: ON?

James: I wanted to be different.  It’s still no backwards.

Katie: He’s right.

Benji: Fine, I’ll play Jenga with all my friends in my apartment.

The Gang [in unison]: HAVE FUN!

Benji: Oh I won’t.  I won’t real good. [he laughs evilly]


Scene Three:

“The Greatest Game Ever!  And I’m Not Just Playing it Up for Drama”

Location: The Gang’s and Benji’s Penthouses

Characters: The Gang, Benji


[The Gang empties out the box of Jenga pieces]

Joe: I sure hope this one is not contaminated like the other 23,000.

James: It’s impossible, they collected all but one of them.

Katie: Yeah it went in order, they’re just missing box #22,999.

Joe: And that’s like a twelve to one chance.

[Box next to James feet has the serial number #22,999]

James: How do we play?

John: The instructions are next to your feet Joe, in the glowing box.

Joe: Let’s just wing it .

[The gang shrugs and agrees]

John: From what I remember we just stack them in a tower and take one piece out at a time until someone makes it fall.

Joe: Got it.  [ Joe pulls out the bottom one and they all fall] Did I win?

John: No you didn’t Joe, the object is to take out the pieces WITHOUT them all falling out.

Katie: Ohhh.

James: Why are you surprised?

Katie: I thought that was the object too.

[Meanwhile Benji is playing his own version]

Benji: Okay babies, just pile up on each other we are going to play a huge game of Jenga!!

[The cats look at each other with fear]

Benji: Let’s go, the game doesn’t make itself.  Well maybe in this case it does.

[The cats slowly start to form a tower of pure fur and mass]

Benji: Wow, this is going to be soooo much more fun than hanging out with those people across the hall.  [he screams and knocks over the tower of cats]

[Cats fall to the ground in a hugs thud, staggering to get up]

Benji [smiling]: I guess I lose…ROUND TWO now!

[Cats eyes widen in horror]

[Back at the Gang’s penthouse, they are playing happily, each with a small pile of pieces next to them]

Joe: I may be wrong, but I think we need to stack these on top of the tower when we take them out.

James: Luckily you’re wrong and my pile is bigger.

John: There’s only three pieces left.

Katie: It’s my turn, and I am going for the shiny one.

John: That one is glowing, not shining.

Katie: Same difference.

Joe: See now, that’s not a saying.

John: Yes it is.

Joe: I can never win with you people, can I?

James: Well not with me at least [Takes last piece out] … I WIN!


Scene Four:

“When Good Games Go Oh So Bad”

Location: The Penthouse

Characters: The Gang, and Benji


James: I think I shall play another game, anyone else in the mood?

Joe: I’m in.

John: Sure.

Katie: Fine by me, it’s not like those pieces are coated with a thick film of radioactive slime or anything.

Joe: That was an odd statement.

Katie: I’m an odd girl.

John: I second that.

Katie: Hey!

John: What am I lying?

Katie: You have a point.

James: Back to the massacre, I mean game. [he pauses]  No, no, I meant massacre.

Joe: I have a good feeling I’ll be winning this round.

Katie: Me too.

Joe: You feel I will be winning this round too?

Katie: No, I feel I will be winning this round.

Joe: But we both can’t win.

Katie: You’re right, I’ll lose if I have to.

John: You don’t have to do anything, there’s no set thing on who wins.

Joe [whispers to Katie]: He’s just mad because he is not allowed to win.

John: Just play!

Joe: Sorry Mr. Angrypants.

John: They are not angry, they are khaki.

Katie: My turn.

John: We didn’t even assemble it yet.

Katie: My turn.

Joe: What’s wrong with you Katie?

Katie: My turn.

James: Look at Katie’s eyes, they look greener than usual.

Joe: Katie had eyes?  Hmmm, learn something new everyday.

James: Hey, hand me the box over there.

Joe: Why?

James: Just do it.

[ Joe hands the box to him]

James: OH MY GOD!!  It’s just like I thought!

John: What!?

James: We do have to stack them back on top of the tower.  [he throws the box out the window]

[A loud boom is heard outside]

Joe: Wow, something radioactive spilled on the street.  Sure glad our box wasn’t hurt.

James: Back to the game.

John: Right oh.

Joe: I sure love this game.

Katie: My turn.




Scene Five:

“Benji Stacks Up the Facts”

Location: Benji’s Penthouse

Characters: Benji, a detective, the Gang


Benji: Okay, now that I’ve lost fifteen games in a row from my unfiltered rage, I think I’m in the mood for a real game this time.

[Cats looking exhausted slowly and feebly pile back up]

Benji: Okay, I got it this time. [he slowly takes a cat out of the stacked pile]   Yay, I did it!

[A knock is heard at the door]

Benji: Who is it?

Detective: It is Detective McMillin.

Benji: I didn’t order a pizza.

Detective: I’m a detective, not a pizza delivery boy.

Benji: There’s a difference?

Detective: Yes, I can drink on the job, and I don’t get a cool pizza boy visor.  But I do have a little oven in my car.

Benji: Let me open the door .

Detective: That might help, unless you want to have the interrogation through the door.

Benji: Sounds good.

Detective: Damn, I have to stop asking that.

Benji: Your loss, I’m quite a looker too.

Detective : I bet sir.  So did you hear anything odd in the past few minutes sir.

Benji: Yes.

Detective: Really?  What was it?

Benji: I heard that a pizza delivery boy and a detective are different.

Detective: Besides that sir.

Benji: Oh, no then.

Detective: Are you sure of this?

Benji: Who’s in trouble anyway?

Detective: No one yet, we just found a contaminated Jenga box outside this complex and we’re trying to see where it came from.

Benji: Jenga?  Hmmm, my neighbors were playing that, but they wouldn’t let me pla..

Detective: Wouldn’t let you what sir?

Benji: Oh nothing, I think I know where the box came from.

Detective: Where?

Benji: There’s this group of people that sell drugs, bootleg handbags and opium in there apartment…they go by the guise “the Gang.”

Detective: Do you know what they look like sir?

Benji: I do [slips a picture of the gang playing a game in their apartment happily and making fun of Benji]…[Benji starts crying] That is my favorite picture.

Detective: What sir?

Benji: Nothing, happy finding of your people.

Detective: Thank you, you’ve been very helpful.

Benji: You’re welcome…now if you don’t mind, can you see your way out?

Detective: Sir, I’m already outside.

Benji: I knew that…would you like to come in?

Detective: I would love to. [he goes in]

Benji: I am sorry, I’m doing something, can you show yourself out?

Detective: No problem, it was very nice meeting you…[he looks around]…nice…umm…well, I will see myself out.

Benji: No don’t go, I like company…damn he left…I guess I will have to go back to playing with my babies. [the cats claw at the door to get the detective back]

Detective [knocking on the Gang’s door]: Hello, Detective McMillin.

Joe: We don’t want what you’re selling.

Detective: I am a detective, not a door to door salesman.

Joe: There’s a difference?

Detective: Yes, my briefcase if full of less brushes and vacuums.  But we both get to drink on the job, and they have more authority than me.

Joe: Oh okay.

Detective: May I come in?

Joe: Sure [he opens the door]

Detective: Thank you.

John: Who is it Joe?

Joe: Detective for some case.

Detective: I am here in relation to the case that just happened, it seems there was a discarded box from a toxic Jenga game.

James: Oh great.


Scene Six:

“Book ‘Em McMillo”

Location: The Penthouse

Characters: The Gang, Detective McMillin


Detective [inner monologue]: As the case started to heat up, I noticed some very strange things.

Joe: Who are you talking to?

Detective: Myself.

Joe: You might want to do that kind of quieter.

Detective: Sorry.

Joe: Just making a suggestion, it’s not my place to meddle.

James: Actually Joe, it is our place…well our living place, so we can actually meddle.  It’s in our apartment contract.

Joe: Oh yeah.

John: So Mr. McMillin is it?

Joe: Why are you looking at me when you asked that John?

John: Sorry I just figured you meddled, so, well, you would be able to tell.

Detective: Yes, that is my name.

Katie: Don’t wear it out! [snorts]

Joe: No Katie, that was an awful joke, and you don’t make it for someone.

Katie: God Mr. Krankypants.

Detective: YOU’RE MR.KRNAKYPANTS?  I’ve got a search warrant for you.

Joe: No, I’m not, it’s just a saying.

Detective: Not a very good one.

Joe: Sorry, I didn’t make it.

Detective: Could you just fake being that guy?

Joe: What did he do?

Detective: Nothing big.  [he pulls out a large list]  Armed robbery, murder, animal rape, patting a midget too hard on the head when saying hi, umm…public urination in a funeral…

Joe: Jeez.

Detective: Forget that last one.

James: Good, it sounded bad.

Detective: I meant public urination on a funeral.

John: Oh God.

Joe: So guys, should I do it?

John: NO!

James: Not a good idea.

Katie: I say go for it, what’s the worst that could happen?

Joe: You’re right, you only live once.

John: Yeah, but if you do this, they will kill you twice, you’re charged enough to be killed two times over.

Detective: If I promised your friend would get all charges dropped, would you let me do it?

John: We have no choice in the matter.

Katie: I agree to your terms Mr. McMacaroni.

Detective: McMillin.

Katie: Whatever.

Joe: Hey, don’t I have a choice?

Katie: No, do I get a waffle maker with this deal?

Detective: I see you saw my ad.  [pulls out paper, reading the ad] “FREE WAFFLE MAKER WITH SIGNING OVER YOUR FRIENDS RIGHTS FOR A WRONGFUL CHARGES.”

John: This is wrong.

Katie: Just think of the waffles.

John: [ponders] Okay, for the waffles.

Joe: Umm guys.

James: Joe, I would save your energy for prison.

Joe: No, the guy said that he would get me off on all charges.

John: Whatever you say waffle maker.

Joe: What?

John: [looks around confused] Belgium.


Scene Seven:

“And Now to the Point”

Location: The Police Station

Characters: Joe, Detective, and three cops


[ Joe is brought down to the precinct]

Detective: Remember, just a little finger printing and some hooplah and it is all over.

Joe: Okay, as long as it is fast and all.

Detective: This will be as fast as that O.J. car chase.

Joe: That was long.

Detective: Sorry bad example…okay, how bout the finding of the Lindbergh baby?

Joe: They never found the baby.

Detective: Jeez, I am bad at these examples.

Joe: You’re telling me.

Detective: Yes, I was, who else would I be talking to…pshh.

Joe: I am really starting to doubt doing this.

[The Detective busts in the police office with Joe in cuffs]

Detective: See, I didn’t need any of you stupid cops to help me find that mastermind Mr. Krankypants.

Cop #1: Wow, you find him all on your own, good job!

Cop #2: Hooplah!

Cop #3: That was too soon.

Cop #2: Sorry.

Cop: We will take it from here.

Detective: But he’s mine.

Cop #2: Hooplah!

[Cop #3 shakes head in disappointment]

Joe: Yeah, I am the detective’s, not yours.

Cop #1 Does he have a snazzy jail like us and a donut case?

Joe: I don’t know, let me ask him.

[The two talk for a second]

Joe: He says no, but he does have a bucket and some old muffins.

Cop #1: Hmm…a few weeks ago that would have been up to par, but the new laws make it all out of the question.

Joe: But I don’t mind the bucket.

Cop #1: I bet you don’t. [pats Detective on the head]

Detective: You patted the wrong person on the head.

Cop #1: So I did.  That’s why they pay you the big bucks.

Detective: They stopped paying me in animal pelt a long time ago.

Joe: So who am I going with?

Cop #1 and Detective: ME!

Joe: Well, I can’t go with both of you. One of you will have to get me, and I know just the way.

Cop #1: What is that Mr. Krankypants?

Joe: I will need a roll of duct tape, and a Ferris wheel.

Cop #1: For what?

Joe [smiling evilly]: You will find out soon enough.

Detective: I can get the tape from the box of my shattered dreams, it should still be sticky, I use it daily. [sighs]

Cop #1: I will get the Ferris wheel, I guess.

Joe: Good.




Scene Eight:

“The Fur Literally Flies”

Location: The Penthouse

Characters: John, James, Katie, Benji, and a new neighbor


James: I hope Joe’s okay.

Katie: He’s probably fine, shut up and eat your waffles.

John: Pass the syrup, and I hope he’s okay too.

Benji [banging on the door]: Guys, let me in!

John: No!

James: Not by the hair of Katie’s chinny chin chin.

Katie: Yeah…HEY!

Benji: It’s important, it’s about a new neighbor.

John: This better not be another ploy to harvest our organs.

Benji: No, well not anymore, it’s a real neighbor this time, and I do need to borrow a cup of spleen this time though.

Katie: Let’s go meet the new person.

James: Smashing idea.

John: Where did the British lingo come from James?

James: I thought Belgian waffles, I need to be Middle Eastern.

Katie: Umm…

John: Don’t even try Katie.

James: Let’s just go meet the new person.

[The gang goes up to the apartment and knocks on the door]

Man: Hello.

Katie: Hi, we brought you waffles.

Man: Um…thanks…would you like to come in?

John: Sure.

James: Hey, those were my waffles.

John: Chalk it up to Joe, he’s the one who got us the waffles.

James: Why didn’t Katie give up hers?

Katie: No need to over chalk, yours were already given up.

Man: So…are you coming in?  I just made fresh cookies.

James: I’m coming.

John: See James, you can eat cookies.

Katie: Yeah, maybe they’re waffle shaped.

James: Shut up!

Katie: I will disregard that and chalk it up to waffle withdrawal.

Man: [Closes door] It’s nice to get company.  I had some creepy guy standing out of my door breathing hard.  I think he was trying to write messages in his fogged breath on the door, but my door is redwood, so no luck.

James: That’s probably Benji.  Just spray him with a squirt bottle, he will go away.

Katie: I thought that just worked on his cats?

James: Nope on him too.  God it’s fun watching him scurry.

John: He does scurry nicely.

Man: So he has cats?

Katie [stuffing her mouth with cookies]: He has tons of them.

Man: Wow, Katie is it?  You seem to love to eat, it’s like you haven’t eaten in days.

Katie: I haven’t.

John: You just had three helpings of waffles.

Katie: They tasted terrible.

James: You made them.

Katie: Let’s not point fingers.

[ John points his foot at her]

Katie: Well done.

Man: I have some dogs, I hope that won’t mess with this Benji’s few cats.

John: Few!!  HA!  Benji has millions of cats.

James: They’re all he lives for.

Man: Not much of a life it seems like.

John: This is very true.

Man: I just have a few dogs.

James: How many?

Man: Three.  Pippy, Mr. Wiggles, and Invisibo.

James: I love all their names, they’re so creative.

[A knock is heard at the door]

Benji: One of your dogs peed on my door.

John: This is ought to be fun.

Man: Oh my.

Benji: His tag said Invisibo.

Man: [Picks up air] You’re a bad dog!

Katie: Where’s your dog?

Man: Right here. [he points at nothing]

John: Why can’t just one of our neighbors be normal?

James: It’s a mystery.

Katie: Look Invisibo has a bowl and everything.  How fun!


Scene Nine:

“And the Winner Is”

Location: The Police Station

Characters: Joe, Detective, Cop


Joe: Ok all, the name of the game is “Who Knows Joe Better?”

Cop: Is it multiple choice?

Joe: NO!

Cop: Oh, any life lines?

Joe: Yes.

Detective: I have the duct tape.

Joe: I hope your dreams didn’t fall apart too much.

Detective: Well I did have…

Joe: Ok first question.  What is my favorite color?

Cop: What was the Ferris wheel for?

Joe: Please phrase that in a question.

Cop: It is in a question.

Joe: Oh, well the winner needs a fabulous prize, and I thought a nice ride in a Ferris wheel would be it.

[Everybody looks at each other in agreement]

Detective: Do we get buzzers?

Joe: Yes you do.

Cop: Where are they?

[ Joe hands them two fully loaded pistols]

Detective: What is this for?

Joe: Those are your buzzers.  Shoot carefully, you only get the amount of bullets you have.

Cops: We have tons of ammo in the back room.

Joe: Go get it, we can use it for the lightning round.

Detective: The answer to your last question is green.

Joe: That is correct.

Cop: Hey no fair, I was getting the bullets.  I would of gotten than too.

Joe: Fine, fine.  I’ll ask another question.

Cop: Great, can I use a life line?

Joe: I didn’t ask a question.

Cop: Pleeeeeeeeeeaaaase!!!

Joe: Fine.  I will phone a friend.  Who do you want it to be?

Cop: Joe Termine.

Joe: Oh, I will dial the number.  [he hits random numbers on a phone and his cell goes off]  Damn, I knew I never should of gotten my number when I was drunk on near beer.

Cop: HI Joe, this is a cop, can you tell the answer to the question?

Joe: I’ll try.

Cop The question is, what was the question Joe?

Joe: What is my middle name?

Cop: What is Joe’s middle name?

Joe: Hmm…I think it is Cletus.

Cop: Cletus it is, thanks Joe.

Joe: Welcome.

Cop: I’ll go with Cletus.

Joe: Nope, sorry, wrong.

Detective: Green!

Joe: NO!

[An hour goes by and no one gets anything right]

Joe: This is for everything.  What is my favorite song ever?

Detective: [scribbles something on a piece of paper] Is it Bette Midler?

Joe: It’s not that kind of show, and you have to just say it.

Cop: It’s Pinball Wizard by Elton John.

Joe: For one, not the right song…and two, not the right band.

Cop: Oh I forgot, that was my favorite song and band…oops.

Joe: I guess I go free.

Cop: Not so fast, someone has to win.

Detective: Yeah, you have to pick someone.

Joe: Okay, I pick the detective.

Detective: Oh yeah, in your face stupid cops!

Cop: Man, I so thought I had that game too.  I paid off the producer and everything.

Joe: Thanks for the $100 too, but you lost.

Detective: Okay, let’s go bring you to court now.

Joe: What?

Detective: It has to look real.

Joe: But it’s fake.

Detective: Sure it is, you sick criminal.

Joe: Oh hell.


Scene Ten:

“His Sight is Worse Than His Bite”

Location: New Neighbor’s Apartment

Characters: John, James, Katie, Benji, and the neighbor


Man: This is my baby Invisibo.

John: There’s nothing there.

Man: He may be a little skinny, but that is no reason to make fun of him.

James: Where’s your other dogs?

Man: Over there. [he points at a coat hanger and a cracked light bulb]

Benji: Could you just please keep your animals off my property.

James: What property, it’s an apartment, not a farm.

Benji: I churn enough butter to make it a farm.

Katie: What!??

John: Well we must be going, it was very nice meeting you.

James: Yeah it was an [air quotes] experience.

Katie: We will baby sit your dogs if you ever have to go out for a while.

John: Are you insane Katie?

Katie: [plays with coat hanger] What were you saying?

John: Let’s just go.

[All walk out except Benji]

Benji: Mr. Man, watch yourself, around here there is only room enough for one sad man with a lot of animals, and I am it.

Man: We will see about that.

[Benji slams door]

Man: Are you gonna leave or did you just slam that for no reason?

Benji: I forgot I wasn’t outside, and I forgot my coat.

Man: You had no coat.

Benji: Then I forgot my… [he steals a cookie]

John: Why was Benji so scared of that man?

James: I think he was intimidated by him for some reason.

Benji: He is everything I am not.  He is suave, smart, and he has great dogs.

John: Okay, he is all that over you, but he has no dogs.

Benji: Thanks for trying to make me feel better.

John: I wasn’t…he really has no dogs at all.

Benji: You are such a good friend.

John: I hate you.

Benji: Such jokes…man, you know how to make me smile.

James: I hate you too.

Katie: Me too!!  With a passion.

Benji: Passion huh, Katie.

Katie: [Dry heaves] I’m gonna be sick.

Man [screams from door]: My dog peed on your door again.

Benji: I will get you, mark my words.

Man: I would if your words were your door, ‘cause my dog peed on it, so it would have peed on your words too…and and and… [he sticks his tongue out]

John: Does anyone have a feeling we just got ourselves two Benji’s?

James: Yes.

Katie [eating cookie]: What?

[ John slaps the cookie out of her hand]

Katie: Hey, I was gonna eat that.

John: It has crazy germs on it.

Katie: They give it added flavor…like a nutso nutmeg.




Scene Eleven:

“Will All Please Rise for Insanity”

Location: The Courthouse

Characters: The Gang


John: Who would of thought this whole make believing that you were someone else thing would backfire?

James: I think you did.

Katie: Yeah, it was you.

Joe: Well guys, it was a crazy 45 hours.

John: It was 2 hours.

Joe: Well, I’m off to prison now.

Katie: We will eat a waffle in memory of you each day.

John: I’ll make a shank shaped one for you.

Joe: I’ll be back in 45 years.

James: It’s a 25 minute sentence.

Joe: Be strong.

John: Belgium?

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