“On Our Own”

Episode Eight (#1P08)

The Gang Ruins a Football Game


Written by John Painting


Scene One:

“Ideal Projectile Motion”

Location: The balcony of the penthouse

Characters: John and James


John: See the eyes on that mountain over there?

James: No.

John: Anyway, I’m going to continue with what I was going to say because I know you can see the eyes.

James: Carry on.

John: Well, I bet you ten dollars I can throw this rock and hit the mountain squarely between the eyes from here.

James: That mountain is like a mile away, and that’s not a rock, it’s a toaster.

John: Oh, well I meant this rock.

James: That’s the paper shredder.

John: Fine, if you want to be difficult, why don’t you get me a rock to throw.

James: Here’s one.

John: Fine then, I’ll…oh wait, I don’t like the density of this rock.  Eh, I’ll still hit the mountain between the eyes.

James: You know basic physics can prove you wrong, right?
John: [pauses] Elaborate.

James: Well, let’s just assume that the mountain is one mile away and that the eyes are at the same level as where you’re throwing it from, and you throw the rock at a 45 degree angle, as to provide for maximum range.  Based upon this data and neglecting air resistance, which will only make it more difficult…[pulls out a calculator]…convert miles to meters…okay…square root that…convert from meters per second to miles per hour, and you would officially have to throw the rock at 280.925456988 miles per hour to hit the mountain.

John: Piece of cake. [he launches the rock and it fails to go off the balcony]  Let me see that calculator…

James: I’ll accept the ten dollars in cash or a check.




Song: (to the same theme music as Cheers)

1. Musical Beginning

2. Sometimes you wanna go, where it is always gonna rain,

3. And you'll always be in pain.

4. You wanna be where you can see, the people are all insane,

5. You wanna go where you can be eaten by a Great Dane.

6. Musical Ending


Sequence: (corresponding line by line from the song above)

1. A view of downtown Dayboqrx, with the text "On Our Own" along the center of the screen.

2. John is seen, startled by the camera man in a supermarket, accidentally knocking over a shelf creating a domino effect, his name on the bottom of the screen.

3. James is seen in the rainy parking lot, his fingers shaped as a gun pretending to shoot at nothing, his name on the bottom of the screen.

4. Joe is seen in the rainy parking lot, chasing a sheep, he stops, smiles, and waves at the camera, his name on the bottom of the screen.

5. Katie is seen arguing with a light pole, her name on the bottom of the screen.

6. John comes running from the supermarket, mouthing the words "Run for your life."  The Gang runs as the store collapses and are chased by a pack of Great Danes.  On the bottom of the screen reads "Created by John Painting and James Achaia."


Scene Two:

“Decisions, Decisions, Decisions”

Location: Benji’s penthouse
Characters: The Gang, Benji


Katie: The game’s in an hour, where the hell is Benji?

Joe: In his penthouse, silly.

Katie: Yeah, but, he should’ve been ready by now!

John: You know Benji, completely unpredictable.

James: I guess we should get him and see what’s taking him so damn long.

[ James knocks on Benji’s door creating a frenzy of meowing inside, then Benji screams]

John: Benji, are you alright?

Benji: I’ll be fine, just thwarting a cat attack.

Katie: Why are the cats attacking you this time?
Benji: Because I can’t decide which cat to take to the game.

John: Why don’t you try flipping a coin?

Benji: Because in order to narrow it down to one, I’d have to flip the coin three million, nine-hundred ninety-nine thousand nine-hundred and ninety-nine times.

Joe: That sounds like it could get tedious.

Benji: Three more flips to go.

James: How long have you been flipping that coin, Benji?

Benji: Ten days straight.  I haven’t eaten in days, and I think I’m going blind.

Joe: Listen, can we come in and help you make this decision.

Benji: Sure, just don’t let the cats get in your way.

[The Gang comes in]

Joe: Benji, I don’t know what to tell you, why don’t you just take a wild stab in the dark?

Benji: That’s a great idea.  [he turns the lights off]

John: Oh God.

[a cat meows violently]

Benji: Oh my God, Andy number four, my favorite of the original cats, I’m so sorry.

[he turns the lights on]

Benji: Good, it was only the couch.

James: How about if you use a computer simulation to randomly select a cat to bring with you?

Benji: Com-put-er?

James: Benji, do you own a computer?

Benji: Com-put-er?

James: I’ll take that as a no.

Benji: N……o?

James: Never heard the word no before Benji?

Benji: Ne-ver?

James: Now you’re just being dumb.

Benji: I’m not dumb, I’m Benji.

Joe: Further proof of your dumbocity.

Benji: I’ve never heard of that word, I’m gonna look it up later, and prove you wrong and you will owe me a ton of money.

John: Why can you only bring one…why not bring the three you’ve narrowed it down to?

Benji: Remember the last time I took more than one cat with me to a sporting event.

[flashback to a baseball game where every seat is taken up by several cats each, the stadium is dead silent, except for Benji who yells “YOU SUCK!”]

Katie: Benji, this is crazy, but the decision is simple, take Andy number seventeen thousand and four, he’s clearly shown the most interest in football.

Benji: You’re right!  Too bad that cat was eliminated in the seventeenth round of the coin flipping competition.

Katie: But…



Scene Three:

“Pushor to Asham via the Connection”

Location: A Downtown Bound 8 Train

Characters: The Gang, Benji, and extra people on the subway


People on Subway: LET’S GO XTREME.  * clap clap clap-clap-clap * [Repeat as many times as necessary]

Katie: Shut up!

People: WE’RE NOT SHUTTING UP.  * clap clap clap-clap-clap *

Benji: Ah, the wonders of the annual Dayboqrx U-Dayboqrx State football game, I love it every year.

John: Benji, you didn’t go to either University, you went to Rineling.

James: Rineling, eh?  I hear the Wildcats are 1 and 6 this season.

Benji: Shut up, they’re in rebuilding.

Katie: It’s a college, every team rebuilds every year.

Benji: Be that as it may, GO WILDCATS!

Joe: Yeah, go Superman!!

Katie: Joe, what are you talking about?

Joe: What?  We’re not going to the “Superman on Ice” show at Dayboqrx Arena?

Katie: No, we’re going to the Homecoming football game.

Joe: You mean I bought this “I love Superman” shirt for nothing?

John: No, you bought that shirt so we can make fun of you for it.  [laughs] Look at that shirt, it’s so…[laughs hysterically]

James: John, you’re wearing the same shirt.

John: Damn it, I hoped nobody would point that out.

Katie: Yeah, what are you doing with that shirt on?

John: Well last night I was out walking when I ran into this guy on the street selling bootleg movies and then it started to rain…

James: It’s always raining.

John: …Way to interrupt me James, I was going good there, anyway, it started to rain so I ran for cover under the tallest mushroom I could find.

Joe: What are you talking about?

John: I have absolutely no idea.

James: I do remember that yesterday you bet me that you could hit the mountain on a throw with a rock.

John: Is that where my ten dollars went?

James: Yep.

Joe: Anyway, where are we going again?

[The Gang groans]

Joe: What?

John: We’ve been through this before.

Joe: I know…I can’t wait to see Superman in figure skates.

Katie: Fine, we’ll go to the Superman show tomorrow.

Joe: What Superman show, I thought we were going to a football game.

[Katie groans]

Joe: Gee, why is everybody so grumpy today, we get to see a great baseball game.

John: Joe, why do you keep changing the thing we’re going to?

[the train screeches to a halt and the lights go out]

James: Game is in half an hour, and this happens?

John: This is Dayboqrx, what did you expect?

James: Obviously not this.

Conductor [over the intercom]: We are expecting a three hour delay, so please excuse me while I go get a sandwich.

Person on Subway: THREE HOURS!

Katie: That’s what he said, do you have a hearing problem or something?

John: What are we gonna do now?

James: Make a break for it and run to the stadium.

John: Do you know how little sense that makes, we’re at 130th Street and Pushor, the stadium is at 213th and Tragedy.

Joe: Tragedy???  I’m scared.

John: Our college is on that avenue.

Joe: It is…OH MY GOD! [a panicked Joe runs into the next subway car into a very tall man]

Joe: Sorry.

Tall Man: Sorry.  Well, sorry doesn’t cut it where you’re going?  Tragedy Avenue!



Scene Four:

“Viva Las Vega”

Location: Outside Vega Coliseum

Characters: The Gang, Benji, Dr. Johnson, Ticket Guy


John: I can’t believe we made it in time.

Katie: It’s a good thing I can fly.

James: Right, what she said……wait a minute, what?

Katie: Don’t you remember me flying here?

[flashback to Katie flying above the guys

            Katie: You look like ants to me!

John: You’re floating about seven feet above the ground…look, I can touch you with my hand. [he goes to touch her]

Katie: Do not disrupt the flying person.

James: Katie, come down.
Katie: No, it’s a good thing I can fly because I’m so great.

end flashback]

Joe: When did that happen?

Katie: About a month ago…notice how it was raining in the flashback.

John: It’s raining now!

Katie: And it was raining in the flashback, pay attention John.

Benji: Oh, we’re next on line to get in, you got the tickets?

Joe: What tickets?  Oh, you mean those things I shredded yesterday?

Everyone Else: WHAT?

Joe: Well, I needed to test if the shredder worked, so I grabbed the nearest things I could find.

John: We don’t own a shredder.

Joe: Shredder, toaster, whatever, I needed to test it with expensive tickets.

Dr. Johnson: Hey guys, I couldn’t help overhearing your plot.

James: Because you’re holding a funnel to your ear to bring in sounds.

Dr. Johnson: Correct, see, you’re good for something Mr. Achaia.

James: When did anyone say I wasn’t?

Dr. Johnson: When I was badmouthing you to Benji’s cats last night.

James: Hey, if anyone here is an idiot, it’s John.

John: What?  Joe’s the one who destroyed the tickets.

James: But that was a one-time mistake, he’ll never do it again.

Joe: I just bought new tickets and destroyed them again.

John: How much have we spent on tickets so far?

Joe: 210 dollars.

John: You sure did calculate that fast.

Dr. Johnson: Well, I have six tickets, so if the five of you want to join me, there you go.

Katie: That’s very nice of you Bill.

Dr. Johnson: Call me Dr. Johnson, or Ultra God.

Ticket Guy: Can I see you’re tickets.

Dr. Johnson: Here’s six of them for the six of us.

Ticket Guy: Okay…wait a minute, sir?

Katie: Yes.

Ticket Guy: Wait, you’re the only girl, why were you the only who answered?

Katie: Because I’m great.

Ticket Guy: Okay, I’m talking to the guy with the cat, no animals allowed in Vega Coliseum.

[Benji breaks down and begins crying]

Ticket Guy: I’m sorry, it’s a rule, the rest of you can go on in, I can discuss with this guy where he can keep his cats.

Benji: I’m leaving! [he runs away, dropping the cat]

Dr. Johnson: You forgot Andy number two hundred twenty-three thousand, five hundred ninety-one!

Benji: I’M SORRY [he picks up the cat and runs away]

Ticket Guy: You five can go on in.

Dr. Johnson: I’ve got a wicked idea.

John: I don’t wanna know it.

Dr. Johnson: I’m gonna tell you anyway, but I’m gonna whisper it so nobody hears me.  [yelling] I’M GONNA TRY TO SNEAK ONTO THE FIELD AND PLAY FOR THE XTREME!

Katie: Excellent whispering skills.




Scene Five:

“Pure Bred Stealth”

Location: Vega Coliseum

Characters: Benji and a Security Guard


Benji: Okay my baby, I know that mean guy who was taking the tickets may have been a total jerk and kept us from getting into the stadium…but I have my ways.

Security Guard: Excuse me sir, are you trying to smuggle that cat into the stadium?

Benji: Who are you calling a cat?

Security Guard: That cat in your hands.

Benji: You dare call my baby a cat!

Security Guard: Looks a little too furry to be a baby.

Benji: Listen to this guy Andy, he’s calling you too furry to be my baby.

Security Guard: No, I said too furry to be A baby.

Benji: Now who’s putting words in your mouth?

Security Guard: You?

Benji: Damn, you’re too quick for me.

Security Guard: Stop playing mind games, I’m not letting that cat into the stadium, it’s against stadium rules.

Benji: Says who?

Security Guard: Says the stadium rules!

Benji: That makes sense…unlike me, I make no sense at all.

Security Guard: I gathered.

Benji: How dare you insult this cat like that!

Security Guard: I insulted you, and now you just said that was a cat.

Benji: See, now you’re putting words in MY mouth.

Security Guard: What’s wrong with you?

Benji: You’re wrong with me.

Security Guard: What?

Benji: You heard me.

Security Guard: I did, but you just don’t make sense.

Benji: Fifty dollars.

Security Guard: Excuse me?

Benji: You’re excused, sixty dollars!

Security Guard: Why are you bringing the price up?

Benji: One hundred dollars!

Security Guard: What are you bidding on?

Benji: You’re soul!

Security Guard: Huh?

Benji: Ten dollars.

Security Guard: Why are you bringing the price down?

Benji: Look over there. [he points]

Security Guard: No.

Benji: No seriously, look over there!

Security Guard: And I’ll look, you’ll run past me, and bring your cat into the stadium.

[all of Benji’s cats run over the Security Guard as Benji runs into the stadium]

Benji: Sucker!!!

Security Guard: I will get you, you insane lunatic.

Benji [yelling from the distance]: You’re being redundant.

Security Guard: Shut up!


Scene Six:

“A Game of Parsecs”

Location: Vega Coliseum

Characters: The Gang, Dr. Johnson, Andrea


Dr. Johnson: I remember my days of playing for Dayboqrx University.  I suffered so many concussions that I can barely see straight anymore.

John: Is that why you’re so weird?

Dr. Johnson: Take that back Mr. Termine.

Joe: I didn’t say that.

Dr. Johnson: You too Mr. Achaia.

James: No, that was Joe.

Dr. Johnson: Mr. Painting, that’s enough outta you, I’m here to watch a great game of soccer.

Katie: This is a football game.

Dr. Johnson: And football is in most nations what soccer is here, you crazy Dayboqrxians, I just got back from Italy, so I’m a bit confused.

John: Dr. Johnson?

Dr. Johnson: What is it Ms. Katie?

John: What??  Anyway, if nobody is allowed to leave Dayboqrx once they enter, how did you go to Italy?

Dr. Johnson: My mind went to Italy.

Joe: Since your so absent minded, is it still in Italy?

Dr. Johnson: Be quiet Ms. Kim.

John: What, Andrea isn’t here.

Andrea [popping up out of nowhere]: Hi guys.

[Everybody is startled except Katie]

Katie: Ahem.

Andrea: Sorry, guys and Katie.

Katie: Ahem.

Andrea: What?

Katie: Say, “guys and Katie,” not just guys.

Andrea: I did already.

Katie: Sure you did…you know, I never trusted the mental stability of this one.

Andrea: You’re talking to my face.

Katie: I was talking about Joe.

Joe: What?

Katie: Nothing.

Dr. Johnson: As I was saying, soccer is a game of parsecs, if you’re off by just a single parsec on any play, you’re not gonna win the game at all.

Katie: Dr. Johnson, I know what you’re trying to do here…telling some kind of terrible cosmology joke, but since you don’t teach us…none of us get it.

Dr. Johnson: It’s simple Ms. Katie, if you screw up, you lose.

Katie: That doesn’t tell us what a parsec is.

Dr. Johnson: And I never will…test Monday on parsecs.

Andrea: You suck.

Dr. Johnson: Take that back Mr. Painting.

John: You still suck.


Scene Seven:

“Sail Away With the Orinoco Flow”

Location: Vega Coliseum

Characters: The Gang, Dr. Johnson, Benji


Announcer: With that touchdown, Dayboqrx takes a 13-0 lead over the rival Dayboqrx State Titans.

[The band begins playing a completely out of key fight song]

Joe: Ow, this song is so horrible, it’s making my ears hurt.

James: I know, this is already the second time third time they’ve played it, it gets worse and worse.

Dr. Johnson: Thanks, I wrote this song.

Katie: How come that doesn’t surprise me, it sounds so horrible, you must’ve wrote it.

Dr. Johnson: Not the music stupid, the lyrics.

John: Then if you wrote them, sing the lyrics for us.

Dr. Johnson: Sorry, I need the sing it from the beginning, otherwise it doesn’t make sense.

James: Fine, we’ll just wait for Dayboqrx to score a touchdown again.

Dr. Johnson: Sure, like that will happen.

Announcer: The Titans fumble, and the Xtreme recover, and they take it to the end zone, TOUCHDOWN.

Dr. Johnson: Oh crap.

[The horrible music starts up again]

John: Sing it buddy.

Dr. Johnson [singing:

We are the Xtreme, ferocious and penguin-like

We wear our teal and tan, and we are very penguin-like

And when we see the Titans, we like to rip their brains out

Screw you Dayboqrx State, I hate you, you ruined my childhood

I want to burn your university to the ground and then see who’s laughing

I HATE YOU DSU, screw the Titans, you’ve ruined my life

I can’t stand to see your ugly orange and blue uniforms, it destroys my retinas

If it were up to me, I’d destroy your football stadium so you could never win again…]

James: Dr. Johnson, the song’s over and you’re still singing.

Dr. Johnson: Sorry, they just played the short version of the fight song there, I was singing the “little bit longer” version.

John: It gets longer and goes on from there, oh dear Lord.

Dr. Johnson: They’ll play the long version if they score again this quarter.

Announcer: That’s the end of the first quarter with the score Xtreme 20-Titans 0.

Dr. Johnson: Damn it.

[Sequence: The Gang continues to watch as Dayboqrx runs up the score on Dayboqrx State, every time they score, Dr. Johnson sings the fight song.  The Gang also watches as Dayboqrx State quarterback Juan Orinoco is taken out after suffering a concussion]

Announcer: Dayboqrx ball, first and ten from the Titans 24 yard line.

John: This is exciting, isn’t it?

Katie: It sure is…WEEEEE!!!! [she leaps up and spills her soda on everybody but her]

Joe: Katie, what are you doing?

Katie: Testing greatness.  If you got soda on you, you’re not great.

James: I think I see a spot on you.

Katie: Where, that’s impossible! [she begins panicking and spinning in circles]

Dr. Johnson: You know, if Dayboqrx scores again this quarter, they get to play the long version.

James: Oh dear God, please don’t score again.

John: There’s only twenty seconds left, it looks doubtful.


Dr. Johnson [singing:

We are the Xtreme, ferocious and penguin-like

We wear our teal and tan, and we are very penguin-like…]

Benji [interrupting him]: Hi guys.

[everyone is startled except for Katie]

Katie: Ahem.

Benji: What?

Katie: You…interrupted Dr. Johnson, he was going good there.

Dr. Johnson: You just better hope the Xtreme score 27 more points in the third quarter.

Announcer: That’s the end of the first half with the score Xtreme 47-Titans 9.

John: Can you spell blowout?

Everyone: Yes.

John: I know, it was just a figure of speech.

Katie [as the team walks into the tunnel]: Hi,  you’re winning today only because I’m here, and I’m so great that I bring victory wherever I go.

Player: We’ve only lost one game this season.

Katie: Because I wasn’t there.

John: This is the first game you’ve been too.

Katie: Shut up John, I’m trying to trick these football players.




Scene Eight:

“Ideal Projectile Motion, Revisited”

Location: Vega Coliseum

Characters: The Gang, Dr. Johnson, Benji


Dr. Johnson: Alright, now that the game is starting to get out of reach, I’m going to try to sneak onto the field.

Katie: Good luck…seeing as you haven’t played in thirteen years.

Dr. Johnson: Once Xtreme, always Xtreme.

John: True, you sure are very extreme Dr. Johnson.

Dr. Johnson: No, X-treme. X, not E-X.

John: How could you hear the difference?

Dr. Johnson: I have skills. [he runs onto the sideline fully clad in a teal uniform]

John: Hey James.

James: What?

John: See this rock.

James: Oh, don’t start this again.

John: Betcha I can hit the Xtreme’s star quarterback…what’s his name?

James: Martin St. Vincent.

John: Yeah, betcha I can hit him in the throwing arm with this sharp jagged rock and knock him out of the game.

James: Why would you want to do that?

John: To impress that girl over there. [he points to a girl a few rows up wearing an orange Dayboqrx State jersey and waving]

James: John, she’s clearly a State fan.

John: But a girl nonetheless.

James: Good thing you’ll never hit him in a million years.

[ John throws the rock and it hits the QB square in the throwing arm]

Martin: Oh my God, my arm. [he collapses onto the ground]

John: I Win!

Joe: And now Dayboqrx will lose.

John: Relax, the Xtreme are winning by 38 points, no way they can lose. [he glances up to see the girl, and realizes she’s gone]  Damn it!

Katie: Now look what you did…now they have to bring in their backup Willoughby.

Benji: Willoughby is my favorite quarterback in the whole DCAC.

John: When did you get here Benji?

Benji: During the second quarter…I scared the living daylights out of you, don’t you remember?

John: Is this before or after I hit the quarterback with the rock?

Benji: Before…man, you’re quite the idiot.

John: Me, what about…how’d you get that cat in here?

Benji: I’m too good for my own boots.

John: What are you talking about?

Benji: I sold my boots to some cowboy.


Scene Nine:

“The Titanic Comeback”

Location: Vega Coliseum

Characters: The Gang, Benji


John: Do you think the Titans will comeback, now that Dayboqrx doesn’t have their star quarterback?

James: Probably.

Joe: Yes.

Katie: Guaranteed.

Benji: Is that Bill on the field?

[Dr. Johnson waves to the Gang and Benji as the play begins]

John: He really should pay attention.

[The Titan running back runs him over and runs for a long touchdown]

James: Stupid Dr. Johnson…what do you say that’s another concussion for him?

John: Probably.

Joe: Yes.

Katie: Guaranteed.

Benji: What’s the score?

John: 47-16…no worries, this game is out of reach.

[The Gang watches as Dayboqrx State begins a furious comeback, scoring touchdowns seemingly at will, Dr. Johnson continuously tries to sneak onto the field, and continues to get run over]

Announcer: That’s the end of the third quarter with the score Xtreme 50-Titans 37.

John: See, Dayboqrx has this in the bag, they’re up by 13.

James: They were up by 38.

Katie: They got outscored 28-3 this quarter…if that happens again…[she starts counting on her fingers]…well, I can’t count that high, but they’ll probably lose.

John: Relax, that can’t happen, Dr. Johnson’s on the field.

Announcer: Touchdown Titans…that’s the fifth time that new linebacker has been run over today for a touchdown, and the Titans cut the lead down to 50-44.

James: Are you happy now, one more touchdown and the Titans take the lead.

John: This is crazy talk, that will never happen.

Announcer: Johnson fumbles the kick-off, recovered by the Titans in the end zone, touchdown, and the Titans take an improbable lead.

Joe: John, if we took a car here, I’d make you wait in it.

Benji: Me too…stupid head.

John: Gee, well so-rry I had to completely ruin a game Dayboqrx had in the bag to tie the standings in the conference with three games to play, but instead I went and made sure there was no way in hell the Xtreme could win the conference.

James: Oh, I forgot about that…good going John!


Scene Ten:

“Two Point Conversion”

Location: Vega Coliseum

Characters: The Gang, Benji



John: I told you they’d win.

Announcer: The Xtreme trail 58-56 with a potential two point conversion to tie the game here.

James: So they aren’t winning yet John, they can only win in overtime…good job.

John: I did do a good job.

James: I was being extremely sarcastic, you didn’t do a good job.

Benji: I know how we can get Dayboqrx to win…I can do my crazy flailing cat dance.

John: Please don’t.

Benji: Oh but I will.  [Benji begins dancing strangely]

Katie: Make him stop!

Joe: I’ll handle this.

[ Joe pushes Benji causing him to throw the cat onto the field]

Announcer: And now there’s a cat on the field…how in the world did that happen, cats are expressly not allowed in Vega Coliseum…and now it’s gonna force the Xtreme to burn their final timeout.

Joe: At least they had the timeout, so there’s really no harm in that.

Security Guard: I gotcha! [he grabs Benji and pulls him away] You’re going to the Coliseum jail until the game ends.

Benji: The game is almost over anyway.

Security Guard: Hey, did I say you can talk?

Benji: You didn’t say I couldn’t talk.

Security Guard: Okay, shut up.


Security Guard: That doesn’t sound like shutting up to me.

Benji: It did to me.

John: Anyway, I have a foolproof plan that will make Dayboqrx win this game…or at least tie it and force overtime. [he picks up another rock]

James: Does this involve throwing rocks?

John [clearly holding a rock]: Maybe.

James: Is this as foolproof as your plan to hit the quarterback, or your plan to hit the mountain’s eyes.

John: I’m gonna hit the Titans linebacker in the back, and when they get confused and don’t know what to do, they’ll screw up and let the Xtreme tie the game.

Announcer: And the Xtreme come to the line for this pivotal two point conversion attempt.

[ John throws the rock, and it misses its target]

Announcer: And…wait a minute, Dayboqrx’s star running back has gone down in pain…it seems that he was hit in the eyes with a rock…how ironic that both the Xtreme’s quarterback and running back would each be hit with a rock, knocking them out of a very important rivalry game in a matter of a few hours or so…this game is just crazy!

John: Damn it!

James: Okay John, promise me something.

John: What?


John: I could try.

Announcer: Without a timeout, Dayboqrx will get called for delaying the game, knocking them back five more yards, making this a conversion attempt from eight yards out instead of three.

Joe: Wait in the car John.

John: We don’t have a car.

Joe [yelling]: I SAID WAIT IN THE CAR!

[ John walks away sadly]

Announcer: Willoughby back to pass, he’s under heavy pressure, hit as he throws it high in the air, and it’s intercepted in the end zone to end the game…Titans win a wild one 58-56.

Katie: Stupid Benji, ruining the game with his cat.

James: What about John and the rock?

Katie: That was John!  Damn it, I’m gonna settle a score with him when we get home.

Joe: What score would that be?

Katie: Titans 58-Xtreme 51.

James: You mean 56.

Katie: I’d like to embellish it to make him feel worse.

Joe: He knows it was 58-56 when we made him wait in the car.

Katie: Shhhh, he doesn’t know that.




Scene Eleven:
”Throw Johnny From the Train”

Location: An Uptown Bound 8 Train

Characters: The Gang, people on the subway


James: Now John, don’t feel bad, but I got a restraining order that forces you to remain ten feet from all rocks at all times.

John: How am I supposed to walk on gravel then?

James: I suppose you won’t be able to.

John: The path up to our house is gravel.

James: Is it really, good luck with that.

Person on Subway: I can’t believe some guy thought it would be a good idea to throw rocks at the players.


Person on Subway: Hey, this guy did it…GET HIM!

[a mob attempts to attack John, he gets off the subway, then tries to force everybody else to stay on, as he sees tons of people swarming at him from the other subway doors]

John: Oh crap.

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