“On Our Own”

Episode Two (#1P02)

The Gang Becomes Musicians


Written by John Painting


Main Characters (ordered by age):

John Painting, 16

Joe Termine, 17

James Achaia, 17

Katie, 17

Left Eye Davidson, 27

Benji, 31


Scene One:

“An Rude Wake-up Call”

Location: The Penthouse

Characters: John


[ John is seen sleeping in his room with a beautiful view of the city out the window.  A truck is seen approaching in the distance.  Just then, the radio turns on.]

Radio Voice: Good morning Dayboqrx, Brad Davenport with you on a beautiful Wednesday morning in August, it’s cold and rainy, but what else is new, huh.  It’s 67 degrees here in American Point at your home for today’s hit music, 101.9 WDBX.  The time is now 8 AM.  We’ll be right back with the weather and the news, plus a look at sports, right after this.

[ John sleeps right through the radio.  At that moment, the truck that had been approaching crashes into the building.]




Song: (to the same theme music as Cheers)

1. Musical Beginning

2. Sometimes you wanna go, where it is always gonna rain,

3. And you'll always be in pain.

4. You wanna be where you can see, the people are all insane,

5. You wanna go where you can be eaten by a Great Dane.

6. Musical Ending


Sequence: (corresponding line by line from the song above)

1. A view of downtown Dayboqrx, with the text "On Our Own" along the center of the screen.

2. John is seen, startled by the camera man in a supermarket, accidentally knocking over a shelf creating a domino effect, his name on the bottom of the screen.

3. James is seen in the rainy parking lot, his fingers shaped as a gun pretending to shoot at nothing, his name on the bottom of the screen.

4. Joe is seen in the rainy parking lot, chasing a sheep, he stops, smiles, and waves at the camera, his name on the bottom of the screen.

5. Katie is seen arguing with a light pole, her name on the bottom of the screen.

6. John comes running from the supermarket, mouthing the words "Run for your life."  The Gang runs as the store collapses and are chased by a pack of Great Danes.  On the bottom of the screen reads "Created by John Painting and James Achaia."


Scene Two:

“Lefty’s Idea”

Location: The Penthouse

Characters: John, James, Joe, and Katie


[The four are watching “Good Morning Dayboqrx” on television]

Katie: So, you mean to tell me you saw it snowing last night?

James: I’m telling you, I looked out the window and saw snow.

Katie: It’s August!

James: Listen, I know it sounds strange, but weirder things have happened.

John: I’ve heard some weird stories about the weather in Dayboqrx.

James: You see.

Joe: Who’d you hear these stories from?

John [pauses, then speaks timidly]: Benji.

Katie: You’re trusting Benji!

John: He’s lived here for like thirty years, I’m sure he’d tell me the truth about Dayboqrx weather.

[there is a knock at the door]

James: I’ll get it. [he gets up]  Who is it?

Lefty [from outside the door]: It’s Lefty.

[ James unlocks the door and lets Lefty in]

Joe: Hey Lefty, what’s up?

Lefty: Not much guys.  Last night I was thinking about how you could repay me.

Joe: Repay you for what?

Lefty: For psychological damages.

James: What the hell are you talking about, psychological damages?

Lefty: From having all that stuff stolen from my bar a few weeks ago, I’ve been having nightmares forever now.

Katie: But why do we have to repay you?

Lefty: Because the people who stole the stuff must have lived in this penthouse, and now you live in the penthouse, so I put 3 and 2 together, and BAM! 4.

John: How are we at fault for the items that we’re stolen by different people weeks ago?

Lefty: Did you not here the math thing before, 3 and 2 make 4.

James: Sometimes you should just stop talking Lefty.

Lefty: What, you don’t like my math skills?

Katie: So, how were you thinking we [air quotes] “repay” you?

Lefty: Well, you kids like music?

John: I don’t like where this is going.

Joe: Of course we like music, we’re teenagers, what kind of a question is that?

Lefty: Well, I was gonna say, the last band I had play music in the bar left without a trace.

John: I still don’t like where this is going, and it’s getting much worse fast.

Lefty: Anyway, I need two of you to play in my bar and make me some money.

James: Why do you even need money, I thought the bar was making a ton of money.

Lefty: It is, but we can stand to make more.  Listen, if you agree, you stand to make, twenty-…no, fift-…no, ten percent of the profit.  C’mon, it’s a fair deal.

John: How is that fair, we do all the work and you make ninety percent.  No, it’s gotta be fifty-fifty or we don’t do it.

Lefty: Or, I could just evict you.

James: So, now you’re going to blackmail us to get us to do it.

Lefty: Two of you will have to do it.

Katie: I call not it.

Joe: Not it.

James: I don’t know John, maybe it’ll be fun, I say we do it.

John: Well, we have to now, they called “not it.”  And we all know that “not it” stands up in court.

Lefty: Great, so tomorrow night at 9 shall be your first show, I look forward to it.

James: Okay, we’re looking forward to it too.

John: Get the hell out Lefty.

[Lefty leaves and James closes the door behind him]

James [to John]: You’re gonna say things now, right?

[ John nods]


Scene Three:

“The Plot and the Break-In”

Location: The Penthouse

Characters: John, James, Katie, Joe and Benji


[ James and John are both standing in front of the couch that Katie and Joe are sitting on]

James: So, since the two of us will be playing the music, we would appreciate it if the two of you thought of a way to help us gather money to pay off Lefty.

Joe: I can’t see why we have to, we called “not it.”

John: Listen Joe, if you use the words “not it” again to avoid doing work, I’m gonna have to call the “Not It Police” and tell them you’ve overused your ability to use the phrase for this month.

Joe [suddenly afraid]: Listen, I know I may have said “not it” a lot this month, but if you call the “Not It Police” you don’t know what they are capable of.  They’re gonna take my thumbs!

Katie: Joe, calm down, there is no such thing.

Joe: Right…no such thing.  Keep telling yourself that.  But then a day will come when you’ve used the “not it” excuse one too many times, and then you get a knock on the door and you answer it and there are three men dressed in…

John: Joe, stop talking.

Joe: Okay.

James: Are you two gonna help us or what?

Katie: Yeah, maybe we can go to the mall and try to collect money.

John: Or you can just steal.

Katie: That’s a great idea!

John: I was just kidding.

Katie: And so was I…

John: Anyway, me and James have to go buy instruments and then learn them and write music, the least you can do is try to help us out.

James: We’ll be back in a little while.

[ James and John leave]

Katie: So, we’re gonna go to the mall today, and collect some money.

Joe: You can, I’m just gonna watch some good ol’ television.

Katie: Let’s go.

Joe [easily convinced]: Okay.

[As Katie and Joe lock the door and leave, Benji walks to the door, and unlocks it with his own key]

Benji: Okay, babies, let’s go look for some change.

[The cats follow Benji into the gang’s penthouse]

[For about 20 seconds, Benji is heard rummaging through the belonging’s of the gang, whilst the cats continue to pour into the penthouse]

Benji: Okay, time to make a phone call.

[Benji leaves the cats in the penthouse and proceeds to shut the door and walk away].


Scene Four:

“Instrument Shopping”

Location: Pushor Avenue between 81st and 82nd, then 81st St, between Pushor and Fourth Av, and then Cletus’ House of Musik.

Characters: John, James, and Cletus.


John: Okay, it’s 9 in the morning, and we have 36 hours to get instruments and write enough songs to last for a two hour show.

James: So you’re basically saying we don’t have a chance to get this done and I’ve made a terrible decision.

John: Exactly.

James: Well, don’t you worry, I’ll write the music and you just worry about learning your instrument.

John: How much money do we have?

James: Fifteen dollars.

John: Oh great, fifteen dollars ought to buy us two quality instruments.

James: Well, we’re going to have to buy something with them.

John: I don’t even know where there is an instrument store around this part of the city.

[The two turn around the corner onto 81st St to see a row of several instrument stores down the entire block]

James: You were saying…

John: Shut up, we need to find the store with the cheapest instruments.

James: I bet that store has cheap instruments.

John: James, you are pointing to a McDonald’s.

James: I still bet they have cheap instruments.

John: Well, if a Big Mac can be considered an instrument.

[ James ponders as if he is considering it]

John: Please don’t tell me you are actually considering using a Big Mac as our instrument.

James: I’m not.  How much are the Big n’ Tastys?

John: We need to buy actual instruments.  Let’s go into that store and see what we can get for fifteen dollars.

[The two walk into a store named “Cletus’ House of Musik”]
James: Well, are we really going to buy our instruments from this store?
John: Can’t you tell that the prices here are probably going to be cheaper than anywhere else.
Cletus: You want instruments, or what?
James: What can we buy for fifteen dollars?
Cletus: Well, the least expensive instruments we sell here are ukuleles and accordions, and those are six bucks each, so with tax, you can buy two of each, or mix and match them.
John: Can you picture us in front of a crowd in a bar playing strange songs and playing ukuleles?
James: We’ll take one of each.
John: I was being cynical, we’re not buying those.
Cletus: Sold, thank you very much for shopping.
James: Alright, let’s go write some songs.
John: From now on, you’re not allowed to make decisions.




Scene Five:

“The Cats are Everywhere”

Location: The Penthouse

Characters: Benji and about four million cats


[Benji is sitting on the gang’s couch, surrounded by his cats. The phone rings]
Benji: Hello?
Voice: Hello, is this Benji?
Benji: Yes, who is this?
Voice: Benji, it’s Lefty.
Benji: Oh, hey Lefty, how’s the bar doing?
Lefty: Pretty good. How’s the cats?
Benji: They’re really good. Angie number seventeen-thousand eight hundred fifty six has a cold, though.
Lefty: Wow, that isn’t good. What are you going to do about it?

Benji: Well, I just called the vet to set up an appointment, and they were closed this week.

Lefty: Closed.  Why?

Benji: Well Dr. Phlenanen is on vacation, so they’re offices are closed for the week.

Lefty: Well, will the cat be alright, or will you have to see another vet.

Benji: Listen Lefty, it’s not just a cat, it’s Angie number seventeen-thousand eight hundred fifty six.  She’s like my favorite of the even numbered cats between seventeen and eighteen thousand.

Lefty: Alright, calm down Benji.

Benji: Sorry, I just get worked up over the cats.

Lefty: Wait a minute.

Benji: What?

Lefty: I was trying to call James and John, what are you doing in their place?

Benji: This is my place, can’t you hear the cats in the background?

Lefty: Yeah, that’s what confused me, I heard the cats, but I know I called the guys’ place.

Benji: Well, you must be mistaken.

Lefty: No, I don’t think I am.  Do you know where they are?

Benji: [angry] How the hell should I know, I’m not in their penthouse!

Lefty: Calm down, it was a simple question.

Benji: [angry] Well, sorry, but I’m just pissed off right now.

[another phone is now ringing]

Lefty: Calm down.

Benji: SHUT UP!!!

Lefty: NO, you shut up.

Benji: No you.

Lefty: Where are James and John, Benji?!?!?

Benji: How the hell should I know, I’m not in their penthouse.

[The answer machine picks up and a message is distinctly heard in the background (James’ voice): Hello, you’ve reached James, John, Joe, and Katie, and none of us are home right now.  Leave a message, thanks]

Lefty: What was that that I just heard in the background?

Benji: You heard my other answering machine for the other phone line.

Lefty: Only they have two phone lines, you have one.

Benji: My cats have a phone.

Lefty: Your cats can’t talk.

Benji: Are you underestimating the abilities of my cats?

Lefty: Get out of their penthouse!

Benji: Alright, I’m leaving.

[Benji hangs up the phone and leaves the penthouse, leaving the cats inside]


Scene Six:

“Such Generosity in Dayboqrx”

Location: The Dayboqrx Mall at the Connection

Characters: Joe and Katie


Katie: So, how much money do you think we’ll need to collect in order to avoid getting yelled at by the guys?

Joe: Ten dollars.

Katie: Seriously now?

Joe: Ten dollars.

Katie: No, but really?

Joe: Ten dollars.

Katie: Stop saying that.

Joe: Ten dollars.

[ Katie walks away to the other end of the mall]

Joe: Ten dollars.  TEN DOLLARS!!!

[ Joe follows her a few steps behind]

Joe: Fifteen dollars.

Katie: You’re not helping.

Joe: Twenty?

Katie: Will you stop it.

Joe: Thirty is my final offer.

Katie: Lefty told us that the four of us needed to raise about a thousand dollars.

Joe: When did he say that?

Katie: Fine, I was just making that up.

Joe: I thought so.

Katie: Although, it seems like he wants a lot of money.

Joe: I think he’s just greedy.

Katie: I was thinking that too, but I don’t want to get evicted, because then we have to stay on campus.

Joe: Right.

Katie: So, how do you suppose we do this?

Joe: Well, I was thinking that we just beg people for money.

Katie: See, that’s how we could get arrested.

Joe: Well, I want to get arrested.

Katie: Joe, for that remark, you must stand in the corner for half an hour when we get home.

Joe: You’re not serious?

Katie: Listen, if you keep talking, I’m going to make you stand in the corner now, right here in the mall.

Joe: Well, we could try to set up some sort of way to get money?

Katie: What a great idea Joe, I didn’t know that, way to state the obvious.

Joe: Thank you.

Katie: Don’t pat yourself on the back too hard, Joe.

Joe: Remember the time I pat myself on the back too hard?

Katie: No.

Joe: Good, let’s keep it that way.

Katie: So, you got an idea or what?

Joe: I say we just set up some kind of charity case.

[Flash forward to a few minutes later]

Katie [announcing]: See the amazing idiot…unable to comprehend simple sentences…dances about as if oblivious to the people around him.

Joe: This is the stupidest idea you’ve had yet.
Katie: You didn’t come up with anything better, now DANCE monkey boy!

Joe: What did I do that made me deserve this kind of treatment?

Katie: You didn’t come up with a better idea, and you we’re acting weird before.

Joe: Point taken.


Scene Seven:

“First Show”

Location: Lefty’s Bar

Characters: James, John, and Lefty


[ James and John are on stage in Lefty’s bar…John has a ukulele, James has an accordion]

Lefty: Alright everybody, put your hands together for…Wham II?  Oh my God, I’ve made a big mistake.

[nobody claps]

John: Thanks for the warm welcome.

James: Here’s is our first song, it’s called “Sleeping in My Mailbox.”

[SONG (James and John are singing):

One day, I was sleeping in my mailbox,

When the mailman came, and shoved in a box.

I tried, to get out of the way,

But then the mailman, shot me.]

[no reaction from the audience, a man coughs]

John: Okay, our second song is called “Battery Operated Doorbell.”

[SONG (James is singing):

My air conditioner doesn’t work

And my beautiful car is broken.

So I have to use the subway,

That doesn’t accept tokens.

METROCARD, swipe, swipe.  METROCARD, swipe, swipe.]

[again, no reaction]

James: Our third song is called “Song Lyric”

[SONG (John is singing):

Song lyric, song lyric,

If you can’t tell this is satiric.

Song lyric, song lyric,

Something, something, stratospheric.

Song lyric, song lyric,

Dracula is vampiric.

Song lyric, song lyric,

Another word that ends in –iric.]

[yet more silence]

James: Lefty, how much longer?

Lefty: An hour and fifty-four minutes.

John: Okay, this fourth song is called “Repair Man.”

[SONG: (James and John are singing):

I was sitting on my couch (I was sitting on my couch),

When this guy came in my house (When this guy came in my house),

How are you? (How are you?),

I’m fine (I’m fine),

I’m gonna kill you.


Man: That was the worst song ever!

John: Thank you, please hold your comments until the end.

[Time passes]

[ John is singing]

John: Nick, Nick, bo-Bick, banana fanna fo-Fick, fe fi mo-Mick.  Nick.

Man (apparently Nick): Shut the hell up, you pansy!

Lefty [to himself]: I think I have made a terrible mistake.

James: Alright, someone else…

Man #2: My name’s Tuck!

John: Okay, Tuck, Tuck, bo-Buck, banana fanna fo F OH MY GOD, I SEE WHAT YOU’RE DOING HERE, AND I DON’T LIKE IT!!!  SECURITY!!!

Security Guard: We’re taking you away, crazy boy.

Tuck [being dragged away]: What??  My name is Tuck…why don’t you believe me…I’ll get you all for this…when you least expect it…in your dreams, or some other empty threat like that…[he shakes his fist] EMPTY THREAT!!!

James: Yeah, whatever.




Scene Eight:

“Last Show”

Location: Lefty’s Bar

Characters: James, John, and Lefty


Lefty: Let’s hope that today’s show is much better than yesterdays, guys.

James: Don’t worry, you can count on us.

John: Yeah, we have retooled.

Lefty: I hope you have, I sold only five tickets for this show.  And only three have shown up.

James: Well, don’t worry, we’re gonna knock ‘em dead tonight.

Lefty [to the audience]: Okay guys, put your hands together for…these guys!


James: It’s time to get musical!

[the crowd is totally silent]

John: This is a little jingle we like to call “Por que.”

[SONG (James is singing the words “Por que” over and over as John screams continually]

[ the song goes on for about a minute and a half as slowly, all three customers leave]

Lefty: That’s it guys, get out of here, your careers are over.

James: Damn it.

John: Thank you God.

Lefty: I’ll have to think of another way for you to repay me.

John: Oh no, we’re totally done.  We didn’t really owe you in the first place.

[ John leaves ]

James: We’ll think of something.


Scene Nine:

“Subduing the Cats”

Location: The Penthouse

Characters: Joe and Katie, then James and John


Katie: What the hell is going on here?

Joe: This must be the work of just one man.

Katie: And it isn’t Batman.

Joe: [shocked] Then who could it be?  Are you sure, it’s not Batman?

Katie: Well, it’s obviously the work of Benji.

Joe: Who the hell is Benji?

Katie: I know you’re not that stupid, why are you playing dumb today?

Joe: I don’t know…I just feel kinda lazy today.

Katie: Well you’d better be more active tomorrow if we want to make more than the dollar we made today.

Joe: I call “not it.”

Katie [points to the corner]: You have a date with the corner.

Joe: Hey baby, haven’t seen you around here lately. I’m a Taurus, what’s your sign.  Apparently it’s Aquarius.

Katie: That says aquarium.

Joe: Shut up, you’re ruining the moment. I see one of your nails is sticking out. Mind if I be so bold to put it back in? Oh, you’re saucy.

Katie: Um, Joe.  Wasn’t that wall blue before?

Joe: Shut up, we got caught in the moment!

Katie: We?

Joe: Alright, me. Oh, I see you brought three of your friends. Don’t worry, baby you’re the only one for me. But, could you maybe introduce me to your friend over by the computer over there? OW!

[there is a knock at the door]

Katie: I guess I’ll get it since Joe is a little busy over there.

Joe: Busy indeed!

[Katie moves through the cats and opens the door, it’s James and John]

John: Hey, hey, holy crap, what happened in here!

Katie: Take a wild guess.

James: Benji.

Joe: Who the hell is Benji!

James: You know, our neighbor Benji.

Joe: Oh right.

Katie: You keep lovin’ that wall Joe.

Joe: Will do!

John: What the hell?

Katie: Never you mind John, it’s too long of a story.

John: Considering as it must have happened some time today, I can’t see it being that long of a story.

Katie: Well, it is.

James: Well, anyway, back on subject, why are all of Benji’s cats in our penthouse?

Katie: I was just on my way to Benji’s place to find out.

John: Well, let’s call him on over here.

James: Good idea.

[Katie begins to walk to the door, shuffling her way between the cats, and just as she is about to open the door, Benji busts in]

Benji: Hey guys, can I talk to you for a minute?

John [pretending as if he doesn’t notice the cats]: Sure Benji, what about?
Benji: It’s about my cats.

James: What about them?

Benji: Well, I was over here earlier in the day, and I accidentally managed to get every single one of my cats into your penthouse.

Katie: Oh really, we didn’t even notice.

Benji: Really?  Not a single one?


John: I really wish I knew what he was talking about.

Benji: Well, don’t you see all the cats now that I mention it?
John: I was talking about what Joe said.

Benji: Which one of you is Joe?

Katie: The one making love to the wall.


Katie: Not another word out of you for the rest of the day.

James: Listen, Benji, get your cats out of our penthouse.

Benji: It’s gonna be tough to lure all of the cats to one place at once.

John: Then how did you get all of the cats here in the first place?

Benji: Well, my babies follow me wherever I go.

James: Then how would it be difficult do get the cats to one place at once, just have them follow you!

Benji: Trust me, it’s not that easy.

Katie: You just made it sound as if it was that easy.

Benji: I don’t know what you are talking about.

Katie: You just said, “my babies follow me wherever I go.”

Benji: My cats aren’t my babies.

John: Well you sure as hell don’t have any actual babies.

Benji: How do you know?

John: Just get the cats out of this place, or we will call Lefty and have him remove them for us.

Benji: Alright, you win, I’ll get them out.


Scene Ten:

“Damage Report”

Location: The Bar

Characters: Lefty, James, and John


Lefty: Well, calculating all of the damages, you owe me from lost business [he pauses for about ten seconds].

John: And?

Lefty: What?

James: You just sorta stopped in mid-sentence.

Lefty: Oh, I was done.

John: Well, what do we owe you from lost business?

Lefty: How the hell should I know?

James: You just said you were calculating the damages!

Lefty: I did not!

John: Then calculate them now.

Lefty: You owe me $2300.

James: Sounds like you already did the calculations beforehand!

Lefty: Nope, just did them in my head.

John: In seconds flat?

Lefty: Yes, is that so hard to believe?

James: In a word, yes, yes it is.

Lefty: So, we need to think of how you’re going to repay me the $4000 you owe me.

John: You just said $2300!

Lefty: Yeah, that’s just from the failed musicians business, I’m talking total.

James: We never really owed you anything from the start.

Lefty: You said you’d think of something.

James: When?

Lefty: After I told you guys that your career was over.

John: Listen, I don’t know what you want from us, I don’t think we ever owed you money, I don’t think anybody ever owed you money, and I just think you wanted to get rich quick.

Lefty: Well, you owe me money!

James: Will you stop saying that, we do not.

Lefty: Well then, when I come up with an idea as to how you guys can repay me, I’ll just have to ring your doorbell.

John: And I’m just gonna have to say no to that idea.

Lefty: You can’t stop me from ringing your doorbell.

James: Just as long as you don’t ring it after midnight.

John: Or at all!

Lefty: What time is it now?

John: 7:30.

Lefty: How long until midnight?

James: Four and a half hours.

Lefty: I’ll ring your bell in five hours with a new idea.

John: Um, tell me you are joking?

Lefty: Talk to you then guys.




Scene Eleven:
”Another Brilliant Idea”

Location: The Penthouse

Characters: Joe, John, James, and Katie

During the closing credits


[Katie, Joe, John, and James are sitting on the couch watching television, and there is a knock at the door]

Katie: Who could that be?

Lefty [from outside the door]: It’s Lefty.

John: What do you want?

Lefty: I’ve got a new idea on how we can make money.

[the gang begins to panic and starts turning the lights off and barricading the door]

Lefty: Hello???  C’mon, this idea is better than the first one!

Joe: No hablo ingles.

Lefty: I heard that, I know you’re in there!

James: Good job Joe!

Lefty: Anyway, you guys are funny, right?  [no answer]  Well, I got this idea for a comedy club.  Guys?  [the gang has headed off to sleep]  GUYS???

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