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This site is moving to on the 8th of June. Check there for my new and improved site and for all new comics.

My latest comic (5/24/05)

Previous Comics

Ok so here's the deal. This is the site for my new STILL as-of yet unnamed comic. It's basicly about a guy whose in his early 20's and the people he interacts with. In addition there will be comics posted here that have to deal with other topics now. I'll write a more detailed description in the future for now just read the comics. This comic has been now upgraded from an every now and then comic to a weekly comic. New comics will be posted on Wendsdays (gives you something to look foward to in the middle of the week.) If you wish to contact me, my email is listed just below that. Thank you enjoy the comics.

A Long Hiatus02/02/05

Ok so if your any of the 1 person who actualy look at this site you will probably notice There havent been any updates for like two months. Chalk it up to the holiday season. I've just been in a really dull funk latly. Like I couldnt't do anything. Probably from the stress of work or worries. Anyways like I said This comic is now weekly. So please enjoy
Election Results 11/3/04
Ok so it's official. We're looking at another four years with "Dubbya". I don't know why all the Democrats and and Liberals are so shocked. Back before the primaries everyone was convinced nobody could beat Bush in 04. Then the Democrats put out 9 relativley uknown candidates out in the primaries, then as if in a reality show, took the the two most popular and teamed them up. But I don't think anyone (Except a bunch of weird ass poles who lead us to beileve Kerry was actualy popular among people) believed Kerry would beat Bush. I wonder, why the Democrats are so lethargic. Maybe they don't realy exist. Maybe they were created to make us believe we actualy have a choice in who our president is. Maybe there is only realy 1 party. Very 1984 if you think about it. I wonder if Howard Dean would have done better against Bush. Atleast people would have known were he stood on the issues (when broke out into a rant and screamed it in there face.) Who will run for the Democrats in 08. Who will stand ANY chance against the twin Juggernauts of public approval that are Mccain, and Gulliani Edwards?...Dean?...Kerry?...Gore? Please oh Please don't even mention Hilary. Well anyways I'm sure it won't be that bad, and if it come to it theres always Canada. Good old America 2.
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