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Ransik (Vernon Wells): Sentenced for life in the cryogenic prison, Ransik is a mutant created from the DNA research in the future. He was not accepted by the soceity, because everyone was created to look perfect. Because of his rejection he became a criminal, one of the very few not to be captured. He formed a gang of other mutants like himself to aid him in his criminal acts. He came to 2001 to get his revenge on soceity because he couldn't achieve it in the future. He has a disease in which his skin will begin to boil and bubble that can only be cured by Frax's serum.

Nadira (Kate Sheldon): Nadira is Ransik's spoiled daughter. She will do anything to get her hands on cash. Her fingernails extend to become long and swordlike, and a way to get on her bad side is to BREAK one of those nails. She gets practically anything she wants, mainly from talking her father into it.

Frax (voice:Eddie Frierson): Frax is a human saved by the technology of robotics who is the brilliant one of the group. One of his hands is a claw that can be transformed into a blaster. Formerly a very kind and giving Dr. Louis Farax, he was nearly killed by Ransik after Ransik stole his serum. Since then he has angry feelings toward the mutants. He has the key to the X-Vault, which holds some of the most dangerous mutants.

Gluto (voice:Neil Kaplan): Gluto is the overweight comical one of the group. He was saved from being cryogenically contained by Nadira, and since has tried to gain Nadira's favor, often failing miserably. Shown in very few episodes, he doesn't get much air time, but when he does he uses it wisely.

Cyclobots: The Cyclobots are Frax's robots and Ransik's henchman. Obviously gaining their name by the "one eye" on their head, they move in a mechanical fashion by moving their arms and legs in up and down, or jogging in the same spot. They also have a sword that can be used as a blaster.