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Time Force Game on Top 12 Violent Toy List

A Power Rangers Time Force game, the "Virtual Reality World", made #6 on a top 12 most violent toy list from the "Lion and the Lamb" group, according to

6) Power Rangers Time Force, “Virtual Reality World”- Manley Toy Quest

Why: This toy adds a 21st century, virtual reality twist to the 10-year-old Power Rangers product. “You are a member of the Power Rangers, and you are out to defeat the evil Cyclobot. … Punch and kick to control the action,” notes the box.

Classic Christmas Power Rangers Episode to Air!

Have you been waiting patiently for a rerun of a Mighty Morphin Power Rangers episode to air? Wait no further; this Saturday, December 15, Fox Kids will be airing "I'm Dreaming of a White Ranger" in the regular Time Force slot. This episode has been released on video severaly times and was the last episode to feature Kimberly until Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie. Don't miss a chance to relive "the good old days" as you watch the Rangers foil Lord Zedd's plan, this Saturday at 8:30 am EST!

Time Force: Over

Well, Time Force is now officially over. Though End of Time part three wasn't as spectacular as one or two, it did prove to be a great end to one of the best Power Rangers shows ever. Some people still favor Power Rangers in Space, Time Force has become my favorite.

Time Force had much buzz going around before the show started with fans craving more than what Lightspeed gave them. We knew that two veteran actors would come along and be Mr. Collins and Ransik (Edward Laurence Albert and Vernon Wells, rrespectively). We also knew, from many early promos, that they would have all American blasters, time cop suits, and villian. Many people thought the time travel theme would be great to revisit Zordon, though this never happened.

The series lived up to most people's expectations, though they had little time travel. The plot was magnificient, with Alex's assumed death, Jen craving revenge, the serum incident, trixyrium crystal incidents, Wes and his father's parting of ways and reuniting, and finally the issue of hate. Sure part three left a few loose ends, but ended the storylines pretty well.

The Characters were very well rounded. Ransik was a typical comic book hero, Mr. Collins an overprotective and selfish father, Frax a mutant hating robot, Alex a rule abiding "go by the book" officer, Jen a determined officer who goes by her rules, Wes aa fun-loving spoiled guy, Lucas alafy catching racer, Trip a genius Xybrian trying to fit in, Katie an emotional by strong person, and Eric a poorly raised guy woeking his way up the ladder with no ones help. If Wild Force can beat this captivating cast, it will most likely be phenomenal.

Wild Force is next on our Power Ranger agenda. One can only hope we will get a show with this level of quality.

Power Rangers Time Force: Finale This Saturday!

Don't miss End of Time, pt. 3 this Saturday at 8:30! Part one offered us great storylines and part two gave us awesome action. Don't miss what part three has to offer! So far, this has been a great end to a great series!

Fox Kids Magazine: Final Issue After 10 Years

After 10 years, Fox Kids Magazine, formerly known as Totally Kids, came out with its last issue. Inside was the usual- games, information, and a poster (most of which was Digimon, unsuprisingly). There was also a group of cut-out pictures from Time Force to put on a comic strip, and a Wild Force matching game. Though the magazine ended most likely because of economic problems, this may be a beginning step toward a smaller, or even no, Fox Kids. Other proof of this is that other sites have rumored that there may be no weekday afternoon block after December 31.

End of Time, pt. 1- Great!

If you missed End of Time, pt 1 for any reason, you missed a fantastic episode. This episode mixed enough humor and storytelling to produce an astounding part one to the finale of Time Force.

The episode starts out with what we saw at the end of last week's episode- Alex telling the Rangers that they will not survive and that he is sending a Time Ship to retrieve them, stating that if Wes could change his destiny so could they.

Meanwhile, Ransik tells his Cyclobots to search and find Frax and bring him in. Nadira is side-trekked by an apparel store of which she steals some clothes. Trip shows up and tries to stop her, but a pregnant mother's water broke putting her in labor. Nadira, unwillingly but by Trip's orders, helps the young woman deliver the baby. With the applause of the rest of the store, she begins to question her motives of hating humans.

Gluto finds Frax building a new robot and brings him in to Ransik. Nadira visits him and asks why mutants are supposed to hate humans. He replies with a detailed description of the cycle of hate. Humans hated Ransik for being mutant, Ransik hated Dr. Farax for being human, and Frax hates Ransik for being mutant, etc. He then rudely tells her to leave his presence because she "sickens" him. Cyclobots appear to torture Frax on his way to be reprogrammed. Nadira says she doesn't necasarily hate humans, then Frax tells her not to lose hope. She finds him reprogrammed, with only one will- to serve Ransik. He orders Frax to pilot the robot, and he complies willingly.

The Rangers unanimously decide to stay behind and help fight (with Wes saying otherwise, though), but they load up the Time Ship with the captured mutants anyway. When they hear of the robot attacking the city, they leave; but not before Wes skims a manual on the autopilot of the Time Ship.

Unable to call the Time Fliers because of the sporatic time holes, Eric calls on the Q-Rex to fight the robot. Not to their knowing, both the mechanisms are controlled by Trixyrium crystals, which foster the birth of the time holes. Eric is unwavering in his decision to fight the robot.

Wes tells the Rangers that he has a plan. Running to the Time Ship, they enter unsure of what Wes s about to do. He initiates the auto pilot, pushing the Rangers inside the Time Ship, knowledgable of the fact that this may be their only chance of survival.

Game Boy Advance Time Force Review

This time around, IGN gave the Time Force game a little bit fairer reveiw than past times, but this is mostly because the game is much better, acording to them. The review can be found here.

Time Force Season Finalie to Air!

Next week (11.3.01), we will see part one of an explosive three-part conclusion to the Time Force show (If you saw the preview, you'll know what I'm talking about). Don't miss it!

Disney Unsure of its Recent Buyout of Saban and Fox Family

It seems Disney now has quit seeing dollar signs in their eyes turn and instead fears that Power Rangers is too violent for our current time. This arcticle is from Yahoo.

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - The Walt Disney Co. is reviewing its planned $3 billion cash acquisition of cable TV's Fox Family Channel following the Sept. 11 attacks in the United States, a spokesman said Wednesday.

Fox Family is a joint venture of Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. Ltd. and Los Angeles-based Saban Entertainment.

``We are concerned about the potential impact recent events could have on the deal, and we are reviewing it,'' said Disney spokesman John Dreyer.

He declined to detail Disney's concerns and whether they included a renegotiation of the acquisition's price, but he did say the companies continue to work toward completing a deal.

Dreyer said a specific closing date had not yet been set because of the numerous approvals required for the deal, especially in foreign countries where Fox Family has channels.

When the deal was struck in July, financial analysts had expressed some concern that Disney was paying a rich premium to get its hands on the cable network. Disney agreed to pay $3 billion in cash and assume $2.3 billion in debt for Fox Family, putting the deal's total value at $5.3 billion.

Merrill Lynch analyst Jessica Reif Cohen estimated that Fox Family generated $150 million annually in earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA), putting the price at about 35 times EBITDA. That figure implied ''a fairly rich takeout,'' she wrote in a research note in July.

Despite the deal's relatively rich price, financial industry players generally liked the acquisition because Fox Family provides Disney with a new outlet for TV programs such as those on Disney's ABC broadcast TV network. Back in July, Reif Cohen labeled it ``a perfect fit for Disney.''

Fox Family currently reaches some 81 million cable TV and satellite subscribers in the United States. It also owns 76 percent of Fox Kids Europe with over 24 million subscribers and Latin American Fox Kids channels with 10 million subscribers.

Disney's plan is to rename the company ABC Family and augment original, family-oriented shows with programming that could include ``ABC Nightly News'', ``Nightline'' news magazine, or ABC dramas, sitcoms and game shows, in certain cases.

By doing so, Disney would follow a relatively recent trend among media giants by repurposing shows made for one network onto second and third networks, thereby receiving more revenue from one show and helping offset high costs of production.

Since the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon (news - web sites), however, media stocks and asset valuations have been clobbered by a one-two punch of sluggish advertising revenues and high costs for covering attack-related news.

Disney has been hit especially hard because of its exposure both to TV advertising and weak attendance at theme parks.

Disney's stock is off about 21 percent since closing at $23.56 on Sept. 10. The stock was off 50 cents at $18.65 by mid-afternoon Wednesday on the New York Stock Exchange (news - web sites).

Its debt rating has been trimmed by Moody's Investors Service and Standard & Poor's because it will take on debt to complete the Fox Family deal and to purchase a block of 50 million of its shares from affiliates of one of its large shareholders, Texas billionaires the Bass family.

News Corp.'s American Depositary Shares are off some 9 percent since closing at $30.75 on Sept. 10. They were off 34 cents at $27.85 on the NYSE, while Viacom Inc. shares have lost 4 percent of their value since before the attacks and were now ranging around $36.40. AOL Time Warner Inc.'s stock, also, is off about 4 percent since Sept. 10 and were hovering around $31.54 Wednesday on the NYSE.

Recent Events Hit Toy Industry...

...but not necassarily for bad, for some companies at least. In light of the recent terrorist attacks and the current strikes on Afghanistan, many toy selling stategies will have to be rethought, especially that of Power Rangers. The following arcticle is form World Magazine.

America's war on terrorism has brought back the old "war toys" debate in a new way. Since September 11, the toy industry has been busy editing product lines, quitely delaying or pulling some items deemed too violent.

Initial sales, however, may show consumers running against the grain of corporate concern. Wal-Mart reported increased sales of Hasbro's new GI Joe series. Toy analysts say the line could be attractive to parents who want to help children act out their fears. Firefighter and policeman figures are also moving steadily, as well as rescue toy vehicles.

Toymakers are trying to eschew violence on one hand while still filling kids' desires for role-playing. Anne Brown, chairwoman of the Consumer Products Safety Commission, reflects the mindset. She said she's against any toys that "glorify violence," yet she also says Army toys and GI Joes are acceptable because "kids need to really re-enact their fears as heroes."

This view cuts against some politically correct strategies. For example, Bandai America redesigned some of its advertising and marketing for the Power Rangers to promote teamwork instead of combat. The extreme position is like that of the Zany Brainy chain, which ran a promotion where parents could trade in their kids' war toys for "nonviolent" items.

Right now, companies are wary about anything that directly concerns terrorism, especially involoving New York or the World Trade Center. The video game industry has been scrambling to remove such images from its new releases.

"Time for Lightspeed" has aired!

The Time Force and Lightspeed Rescue teamup aired last Saturday the twenty-ninth, and was very good, though it didn't over impress me. All of the Lightspeed Rangers have occupations now- Dana is a doctor (maybe a pediatrition), Chad is a lifegaurd, Kelsey is still doing her extreme sports, and Joel is married to Miss Fairweather (uhh, excuse me. Mrs. Rawlings). Vypra arises from her grave to steal the Solar Amulet with the help of the mutants from a museum to bring forth a great demon named Quarganon. On her first attempt, Carter and Wes steal it back fomr her. Later, though, as the two were driving away, the demons and mutants reappear and summon the "super-demon". Six rangers (Time Force and Carter) begin to fight, but then the other four Lightspeed Rangers appear wielding their Rescue Blasters. After Ryan and Eric show up, the Rangers fight Quarganon and Vypra's demons. Then, the Rangers with any type of armor (Chad and Joel with Lightspeed Mega Battle, Carter with Transarmor Cycle, Eric with Quantum Mega Battle, and Wes with Battle Fire) attack the superdemon and Vypra, destroying them.

Some questions abouth the Power Rangers timeline have been answered with this episode. It seems that Lost Galaxy took place slightly after Power Rangers in Space and not in 2005.

Teamup to air 9/29!

The much anticipated Lightspeed Rescue and Time Force teamup will air this Saturday, 9/29! In this episode, we will see all six Time Force and Lightspeed Rescue rangers teamup against Vypra. In this episode, Chad will have a new hair style (MUCH longer than the what we are used to); and the Mega Battles, Trans-Armor Cycles, and Battle-Fire armor will be shown. Don't miss it this Saturday at 8:30!

Sympathies and Prayers go out to Terrorist Victims

As all of youknow, this past week has been a tragic one in which America's freedom was attacked by terrorists. The World Trade Center has collapsed, as well as the Pentagon damaged. The death toll is currently in the thousands. Our greatest sympathies and prayers go out to those whose family was killed or injured in these "cowardly acts of terrorism", and we pray that Mr. President will lead us in God's will for this country. God bless America!

Death of Thuy Trang, Former Yellow Ranger

According to many sources, Thuy Trang, original Yellow Ranger Trini after Audrey Dubois rejected the role after the pilot, died earlier this week in a car accident. Our sympathies go out to Thuy's friends and family, as does the Power Rangers fandom.

Lightspeed Rescue's Neil Kaplan to voice Optimus Prime!

Attention Transfans! Neil Kaplan, voice of Diabolico in Lightspeed Rescue, Gluto in Time Force, and Hawkmon and his "digivolutions" in Digimon, has landed a role in the new "Transformers: Robots in Disguise". In this following arcticle, he will make a few references to the Saban crew and his role as Diabolico. The interview is here.

Vote Power Rangers at!

Fox Kids is having a poll/contest on your favorite show! Vote either Digimon or Power Rangers and Fox Kids will choose 10 people and give them a prize pack for the show they picked. Click here!

Fall Fox Kids Scheduling and Last Episodes of Time Force!

This Fall, new Power Ranger episodes will air Saturdays at 8:30 EST with repeats every weekday at 4.

Some rumors have been going around about the names last episodes of Time Force. It has been pretty much confirmed one of the episodes will be entitled "Nadira's Dream Date" and the finale to be a two parter called "The End of Time". Remember, this is just speculation and not confirmed.

Time Force to be 42 Episodes and more!

Updated 8.14.01 Though orignially planned to be 58 episodes, Time Force will probably only be 42. One more than Lightspeed Rescue and one shy of In Space.

It has been confirmed the teamup, only one episode, will air soon, most likely August 25. How in the world they are going to cram a teamup into one episode is beyond me. It will feature all six Lightspeed Rangers, plus Miss Fairweather. Vypra will also return for the teamup, therefor having it called "Vypra's Revenge".

In the past episode, Frax's Fury, we found out the past of Frax. He evidently us to be a human docter who created the serum for Ransik. He revealed to us his true reason for his hatred toward mutants! Read the summary in the Episodes. Don't miss the follow-up to Frax's Fury , Dawn of Destiny, this Saturday at 11 EST!

New PRTF Video Games and Video!

We now can see pics of the new PRTF video entitled Quantum Ranger: Clash for Control. We also have the cover for the PSX (being released September 14) and GBA TF game (being released September 22). Go to Amazon's PRTF game page for snapshots of the game and the Quantum Ranger video.

Walt Disney to Purchase Power Rangers

It has just been announced that Walt Disney Co. has bought Fox Family Worldwide, which includes Fox Family Channel, International Fox Kids channels and the entire Saban library. What does this mean? Fox Family channel will become ABC Family, Disney now owns all of the Power Rangers episodes. What does that mean? Disney now has control over all the Power Rangers shows. This could mean Power Rangers as we know it will be watered down to a more kid-friendly show, meaning in Power Rangers Wild Force we might not get some of the more mature stories like Alex's *supposed* death. Here is the entire arcticle.

BURBANK, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--July 23, 2001--The Walt Disney Co. will purchase 100 percent of Fox Family Worldwide from News Corp. and Haim Saban, it was announced today by Michael D. Eisner, chairman and CEO, and Robert A. Iger, president and COO.

Among the businesses being purchased by Disney are:

  • The Fox Family Channel, which currently reaches approximately 81 million cable and satellite television subscribers throughout the U.S. and will be renamed ABC Family;
  • A 76% ownership interest in Fox Kids Europe, which reaches more than 24 million subscribers across Europe and will eventually be recast under the Disney brand;
  • Fox Kids channels in Latin America, which are currently seen by approximately 10 million subscribers and which also will take advantage of the Disney brand;
  • The Saban Library and Entertainment Productions business, with its more than 6,500 episodes of animated and live-action children's and family-friendly programming.

    The transaction consists of $3 billion in cash, plus the assumption of $2.3 billion in debt. It is projected to close in three to four months, subject to antitrust approvals both in and outside the U.S.

    ``This acquisition strengthens our company's worldwide business of family entertainment,'' Eisner said. ``The Family Channel and Fox Kids are unique assets that are particularly well suited to be a part of The Walt Disney Company. The Fox Family Channel is one of the few fully distributed stand-alone channels and gives us a platform for launching ABC Family and strengthening our position as the leading provider of family television programming.

    ``In creating a new and vibrant family-oriented channel, we also will use the strong programs and brands from ABC and ESPN, as well as Disney-branded services and content from the unparalleled Disney libraries. Using the combined resources of ABC Television and the ABC Cable Networks Group, ABC Family will bring broadcast and cable to a new level of integration, enabling our ABC and cable affiliates to offer viewers new and exciting programming options,'' Eisner added.

    Said Iger, ``The acquisition of the Fox Kids international channels strengthens our presence in important markets in Europe and Latin America and enhances our vast potential for growth outside the U.S. They will provide us with a vehicle for further distributing our programming and brands internationally on basic cable.

    ``These channels will benefit greatly from a combination of Saban and Disney programming. They will be operated in close cooperation with our 14 international Disney Channels and more than 90 branded time slots on broadcast television, which air in 42 countries around the world and collectively reach 600 million viewers per month. We believe our newly acquired international services will grow far beyond their current distribution levels and their impact on the rest of our international businesses, by virtue of this enhanced reach, will be profound,'' Iger added.

    The Fox Kids international channels include 14 channels covering 74 countries in 18 languages throughout Europe, Latin America and Australia, for a total of 35 million subscribers. Included in the arrangement is the Saban Library, containing more than 6,500 episodes featuring such popular kids' fare as Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Digimon, Beetleborgs and Spiderman, as well as serials and live-action films.

    The deal provides Disney with a 76 percent interest in Fox Kids Europe; the remaining 24 percent is publicly traded on the Amsterdam stock exchange. Fox Kids Europe will continue to be headed by Ynon Kreiz, who has served as its chairman and CEO since 1999.

    The transaction also includes the television rights to Major League Baseball games two nights a week during the regular season, plus 8-11 first-round playoff games.

    Eisner added, ``This acquisition further solidifies our cable programming and brand extension strategy, giving us three ABC Television services -- the ABC Television Network, SoapNet, and the new ABC Family. At ESPN, we have four domestic channels: ESPN, ESPN2, ESPN Classic, and ESPNEWS, plus, ESPN The Magazine, and ESPN Zone. And, of course, we have the growing family of Disney-branded television services: Disney Channel, Toon Disney, and the soon-to-be-launched Playhouse Disney, coupled with all the other branded outlets and extensions of the Disney brand.''

    Noted Iger, ``We believe that our newly enlarged portfolio of branded entertainment television assets is ideally suited to take advantage of the continued growth of the international cable and satellite market. In addition to giving us an entry into markets like Scandinavia, Poland and Russia, the international Fox Kids channels allow us to broaden our branded reach in markets such as the U.K., France, Germany and Latin America, where we already have a strong presence. We will eventually put the Disney name on the channels to take advantage of the strength of our brand.''

    Disney expects that there will be significant opportunities for consolidating resources and back-office functions and sharing business infrastructures. For example, Disney's integrated advertising sales force, ABC Unlimited, which encompasses ABC, ESPN, SoapNet, and Toon Disney, plus the company's Internet and publishing businesses, will also support ABC Family.

    Disney will explore with its broadcast affiliates ways for them to participate in ABC Family so they may also benefit from the myriad ways this new channel is expected to enhance the ABC brand, network and stations. Disney will also work with the channel's cable affiliates, who have supported this service since the beginning, to ensure that family-friendly programming retains its role as a highly valued component of basic cable. Since it debuted a revamped programming schedule in 1998, Fox Family Channel has received enthusiastic support from MSOs and satellite distributors.

    ABC Family will be managed collaboratively between the ABC Television Network and the ABC Cable Networks Group. The international channels will report to the ABC Cable Networks Group, which also has responsibility for the international Disney Channels, including Toon Disney and Playhouse Disney. ABC Family will continue to broadcast the 700 Club and other programs produced by the Christian Broadcast Network, headed by Pat Robertson. The transaction does not include the Fox Kids domestic programming block currently aired on the Fox broadcast network.

    When fully integrated into Disney, ABC Family will be an outlet for an array of new family-friendly content from other Disney sources. For example, the company intends to explore opportunities such as family television features or series based on the content of Disney-owned magazines such as Family Fun and Discover, and the web site, which will be further complemented by the Fox Family-related web sites that are part of this transaction.

    Here are some more news arcticles. - Disney in Talks to Buy Fox Family Worldwide for $3.3 Billion, -Disney near $5.3 bln deal to buy Fox Family

    Movie Madness!

    This week, due to the one hour premier of Mon-Colle Knights, the new episode of Power Rangers will be aired at 8:30.

    About Movie Madness, which is the title of a two part miniseries, the rangers are sent to another dimension by a mutant disguised as a movie director. What can we expect from this two parter? Well, according to some reports, Kate Sheldon, the actress who portrays Nadira, said this is her favorite episode yet. Other reports have said that in this episode we will see the Trans Warp Megazord in battle. Most likely we won't see the megazord in battle until another episode, since it is only the episode numbers that match up.

    The News Well Has Run Dry (For the Summer at Least!)

    Well since it's the summer, most of the PR news has run dry. Until the time when rumors about the new cast (or possibly a returning cast this year!)begin floating around discussion boards and fan websites, there will be, for the most part, very little news. But, we do bring you news of a new video entitled "Clash for Control" (containing the "Clash for Control" miniseries and possibly "The Quantum Quest"). THQ's new "Power Rangers Time Force" Game Boy Advance game will be hitting the store shelves soon, along with the PSX version.

    Also, the sixth Gaoranger has been revealed, probably being a silver color (check out the background of the Sentai Spoilers website) . There may possibly be an Ultrazord too! Can't wait for Wild Force!

    What happened to "The Last Race"?

    Today (6.23.01), we were supposed to see an episode focusing on Lucas and his rival race car driver Dash. But, what we saw, "Lovestruck Rangers" was about the male Rangers struck by a spell to fight against each other over a disguised mutant. Will we see "The Last Race" soon? Not next week, because of the previews of an episode focusing on Katie and a reporter trying to get pictures of the Rangers unmasked. I guess we'll have to wait and see! (UPDATE!We finally saw it two weeks after this was written, after having one week of no new episodes)

    Please sign the petition to keep the TF cast!

    or send a letter to one of the following: Haim Saban, Shuki Levi, Jonathan Tzachor, Koichi Sakamato, or Judd Lynn (you could send one to all of them if you wanted!).

    Send it to...

    -one of above names-

    c/o Save the PRTF Cast

    Valencia Studios West

    26030 Avenue Hall, Stage 3

    Valencia, California 91355

    Power Rangers Wild Force for 2002!!!

    updated 6/14/01

    According to the New York Trade Show, the next Power Rangers series will be called Power Rangers Wild Force! Though the name isn't that great, the show will be based the Sentai series Gaoranger. Next year, instead of a technology theme, we will have an animal theme simialar to Power Rangers Lost Galaxy. I will soon make a site about it once we get more information.

    The following is from

    Power Rangers Wild Force = The 10th anniversary for the Power Rangers.

    Isn't it exciting? 10 years of Power Rangers. In 2002 the newest Power Rangers Show and Toys will hit North America. Past seasons have focused on the Rangers weapons and armor, but this new endeavour will zoom in primarily on the power animals (Zords). The show in question? 100 Beasts Task Force-Gao-Ranger currently airing in Japan; to be simply entitled Wild Force Power Rangers here in the States. The new series is described as:

    "Evil Forces have unleashed monsters bent on destruction. From the depths of all that is vile, the remnants of industrial pollution, toxic waste and environmental pillaging have created sinister beings that raid the earth of its living energy. The only hope for the world is a squad of five teens, each chosen for his or her special skill and sense of adventure. The powerful group possesses the mighty Bio-Energy power that enables them to morph into the invincible Power Rangers Wild Force. At the Rangers' sides are the devoted Power Animals that descend from their habitat when the rangers need them most. These brave creatures morph into unstoppable zords... forces like any other in Power Rangers'history."

    This new series has already been signed for 51 episodes in Japan and will feature a 2 PART team-up with the current series "Time Ranger" to begin October 2001-November 2001 in Nakano, Tokyo Japan. The new series also breaks new ground by ditching the cheesy (but classic) guy-dressed-up-in-a-Zord costume look for new high-tech CGI effects.

    Quantum Mega Battle to premier!!!

    This Saturday, June 16, the Quantum Ranger will get his Mega Battle! A mutant steals Alex's Quantum Morpher and copies his voice to control the Q-Rex. Don't miss it!

    Power Ranger's 400th Episode Soon!!!

    After being around for nine seasons, Power Rangers is about to have its 400th episode! Episode 300 in Lost Galaxy showed Carolyn Picketts, an actress who looked just like Kendrix! Episode 400 will most likely air June 30th, so we'll see if Fox Kids has a special that Saturday for it! Currently, it is the oldest show running on Fox Kids! Let's hope we'll see an episode 500 some day! (UPDATE!Actually, it aired July 7 due to a weekend of no new Power Rangers on June 30. In aired order, the 400th episode is "The Last Race", but in actual filming order it would be "Lovestruck Rangers")

    TWO New Episodes This Saturday!!

    Last week, we weren't sure Power Rangers was even going to come on this week because of the Digithon. Then, we found out "Bodygaurd in Blue" was going to air. Now, Fox Kids has replaced the "Bodygaurd in Blue" episodic promo with a promo for TWO new episodes! This week we'll be seeing "Legend of the Clocktower" as our second dosage of Power Rangers! Don't miss it! 11:00 and 11:30 am Eastern time.

    PC Time Force Game!

    According to, their will also be a PC game along with the PSX,GBC, and GBA! That is a pretty good sign that Power Rangers continues to have popularity (as also stated in the arcticle below)!

    First, here is a look a the cover for the GBC game.

    THQ and Saban's Chart-Topping ``Power Rangers'' Videogame Franchise Ships

    ``Power Rangers Time Force'' for Game Boy Color Wed May 2 08:35:07 2001 GMT

    CALABASAS HILLS, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 2, 2001--

    THQ Also Announces PC Title Scheduled to Release Fall 2001

    THQ Inc. (Nasdaq:THQI) and Saban Consumer Products today announced the release of "Power Rangers Time Force"(TM) for Game Boy(R) Color. Developer Natsume created a game that combines all the action and adventure from the top-rated television show in an all-new "Power Rangers" adventure now available at retail outlets nationwide. THQ also announced that it will publish "Power Rangers Time Force" for PC to coincide with the release of THQ's previously announced "Time Force" adventures for Game Boy Advance and PlayStation this fall. The "Power Rangers Time Force" videogame franchise is based on Saban's newest "Power Rangers" television series. "Saban has done an amazing job creating a franchise that has topped the ratings charts for nine years," commented Alison Locke, executive vice president, North American publishing, THQ. "We were thrilled with the success of our first 'Power Rangers' videogame release last year and we look forward to bringing the 'Power Rangers Time Force' show to nearly every popular game system this fall."

    "The Fox Kids Network's 'Power Rangers' is a favorite TV show among boys ages 6-11, according to the Nielsen Galaxy Report," stated Elie Dekel,president, Saban Consumer Products. "The newest 'Power Rangers' TV series,'Power Rangers Time Force' began airing on February 3 on Fox Kids Networkwith 52 all-new episodes.

    The new Game Boy Advance, PlayStation, Game BoyColor and PC games will allow fans to interact with the 'Power Rangers' team as they travel through time in exciting new adventures."In THQ's newly released "Power Rangers Time Force" for Game Boy Color,gamers will play as a member of the elite "Power Rangers Time Force" team inaction-based combat while exploring multiple areas and experiencingdifferent story lines throughout time. Players will also be able to choosetheir paths in time to test their strength, skill and their authentic "PowerRanger" devices including the Chrono Sabre and Vortex Bazooka to stop theevil Ransik and his criminal-cronies from manipulating the time line."Power Rangers Time Force" for PC will allow players to assume the role of their favorite Power Ranger hero in a variety of arcade-style gamesincluding side-scrolling action and challenging puzzles. Power Ranger-themed levels include Cyclobot Round Up, Time Jet Rescue, Roman Tile Match, Milesof Nile and the Laser Showdow. Each of the games will feature varying difficulty settings for maximum replay value. "Power Rangers Time Force" for PC is scheduled for release fall 2001.

    Game Boy Advance Screen Shots!

    According to IGN, some screen shots are now available from the Game Boy Advance version of PRTF! They are pretty good, rivaling the SNES graphics! Here is the full arcticle (from IGNpocket).

    Ah, Power Rangers -- we know you well. We've seen a few of you wander onto the Game Boy Color over the years, and I guess it's time you've leaped into action into the next generation. THQ continues to work on its lucrative Power Rangers license, as the company's currently producing a Game Boy Advance edition of the Fox Kids Power Rangers Time Force series, due out this fall. Features

    While Japanese developer Natsume has handled the Game Boy Color editions of Power Rangers for THQ in the past, the new edition is in development at Vicarious Visions (the same company responsible for the amazing Tony Hawk's Pro Skater for the GBA). Though the game is strictly a 2D adventure, the development team has pre-rendered each of the five colorful characters, giving a slick 3D effect to the animation. This new title will feature more than 15 levels of platform action that will cut across several locations in time. To save the world, these five super heroes will have to utilize their hands and fists, as well as the tons of gadgets and weapons that are at their command.

    The Game Boy Advance version will also contain comic book-style cutscenes to move the storyline along, and it will have a password system so you can save your game in progress. Of course, it wouldn't be a Power Rangers game without giant robots to battle -- the GBA version's going to have that, too.

    Power Rangers Time Force will debut at this year's E3, but we were able to score the first shots of the game in action. Stay tuned for a full, updated preview on IGNpocket when more details are revealed about the game in development

    Wow! Pretty cool! Some screen shots will be coming here soon! Be looking for this around September! Here is one fo the screen shots, courtesy

    Bandai, Fox Kids, and Toys R Us Team Up!

    The above three companies have teamed up to sponsor a new Power Rangers Contest! The Power Rangers Time Blaster Sweepstakes! Grand Prize is to have the PRTF Time Blaster 4-D Virtual Reality Ride to your local TRU and have your very own VIP party... PLUS, win all the new Bandai PRTF toys. Approximate retail value: $5,393.65! To enter, go to your local participating Toys R Us or send a postcard to Power Rangers Time Blaster, P.O. Box 4030, Beverly Hills CA 90213

    Quantum Ranger's actor and how Eric gets Quantum Powers!

    According to the ending credits of episode 12, Daniel Southworth is Eric(the soon to be Quantum Ranger)!

    Here is how Eric gets the Quantum Powers! Some Archaelogist discover what they beleive to be signs of alien habitation on earth a long time ago. But Ransik immediatly notices it is from Time Force! (Evidentally, Time Force must have left it when they time traveled to the past). Ransik sends a mutant to retrieve it, but somehow Eric gets a hold of it and uses, probably for the Silver Gaurdians. But will he use it for good...or evil?

    The Quantum Ranger's name revealed

    According to Click TV, here is the summary for episode 13 (2 episodes from now). Here it is: Power Rangers Time Force - Quantum Quest Description: Eric lays claim to the Quantum powers unearthed in an archaeological dig. The Silver Gaurdians are a new group of heroes Mr. Collins has formed to aid the Time Force Rangers, and supposedley Eric, an old fried of Wes's, is in that group and will be the Quantum Ranger! (I could be wrong because I missed Uniquely Trip due to Easter traveling)

    Silver Gaurdians!

    Mr. Collins has formed a group called the Silver Gaurdians to aid the Time Force Rangers in their fight against the mutants. (Bio-Labs kind of reminds you of a pre-day Lightspeed operation, doesn't it?) Maybe with the aid of the Silver Gaurdians and the new Electro weapon, Time Force will finally defeat the Mutants! (At least they will by about Episode 50, or so)

    Who Was the "Mysterious Person" with the Time Shadow?

    Many people are wondering who the "Mysterious Person" was who sent the Time Shadow Megazord. According to the end credits, the "Mysterious Man" was JASON FAUNT, Wes's and Alex's actor! Whether this is Alex or not is still unknown.

    Still the question remains whether Alex is the Quantum Ranger. If you look at, and click on 12" Talking Rangers, then on 12" Talking Quantam Ranger there is a picture of someone who is possibly the Quantum Ranger. If it is or not we'll have to wait and see.....

    Gaorangers premier at Tokyo Toy Show!

    For those of you who don't know, Gaorangers (to be retitled when it comes here) is the next installment of Power Rangers now airing in Japan and Tokyo Toy Show is the equivalent of Toy Fare in Japan. From what we read at, the zords will be computer animated! (Finally their action figures have a little bit of detail!!)Unlike past zords, this Magazord has add-on zords (Giraffe, Elephant, Gorilla, Bear, and Polar Bear). The morphers are a little bit, well, different. It is a cell phone, which wouldn't be strange at all had it not have an animal head and transform into and animal and robot too! The weapons are considerably smaller than Time Force. They combine to make a sword not even as big as the sword Wes holds while commanding the Time Force Megazord. Over all, pretty cool for the Japanese toys! For the complete info, go here.

    New Time Force contest!

    Fox Kids is now showing promos over a Time Force sweepstakes! Grand Prize is to win 150 Power Ranger toys! 1000 runners up will receive a Time Force Vector Cycle! To enter, send a postcard with your name and address to Fox Kids Power Rangers Time Force P.O. 4050 Beverly Hills, CA 90213 by April 13!

    Time Shadow Megazord coming Saturday!

    The newest zord, Time Shadow Megazord will come this Saturday when Frax revolts and creates a demolishing robot! Don't miss it!

    New Video Coming!

    A new Time Force video called "A Force From the Future". It will most likely have the first couple of Time Force episodes. The following pic is courtesy

    Time Force GBC game update!

    We now have more info and some screen shots of the new game! The following arcticle and pictures are from

    Game Boy Color/Game Boy Advance


    Seems the world's in trouble again – but this time, it's all about saving history before it's erased…or something. The new team of Power Rangers can now morph into action, and warp through periods of history to eliminate the evil forces. Of course, you'll launch into the future to save that period, too…

    The latest Power Rangers game is again being developed by Natsume, who has been responsible for the past Power Rangers titles on the Game Boy Color. Just looking at the screens and you can see that the latest title is heavily based on the engine used in Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue. Which means you'll spend a lot of time wandering through levels in classic brawler fashion – with nifty giant Megazord battles at the end of each round. And who doesn't like giant beasts fighting in the middle of town, eh?

    THQ is also working on a Game Boy Advance version of Power Rangers Time Force, which should be available this fall – the Game Boy Color version will be ready much earlier than that, as THQ will be shipping this title to stores as early as this May. Go Go Power Rangers!

    Can't wait for the GBA version!

    Time Force moves to new time!

    Time Force is now on twice on Saturdays! Catch last week's episode at 8 and a new episode at 11!

    Power Rangers DVD!

    There will be a new Power Rangers DVD coming out in February with both Power Rangers motion pictures and some extras like "making of the featurette". Look for it soon! Here is a pic courtesy of

    First Ten Episodes

    According to, these are the first ten episodes...

    Force From The Future, Part One (Originally Aired 2/3/2001)

    Force From The Future, Part Two (Originally Aired 2/10/2001)

    Something To Fight For (Originally Aired 2/17/2001)

    Ransik Lives (Originally Aired 2/24/2001)

    The Brother's Sword Of Hope (Originally Aired 3/3/2001)

    Katie In Love (Originally Aired 3/10/2001)

    Jen's Rescurer (Originally Aired 3/17/2001)

    The Dive And The Mysterious Double Shifter (Originally Aired 3/24/2001)

    Just In Time (Originally Aired 3/31/2001)

    Zordon's Legacy Revealed! (Originally Aired 4/7/2001)

    Zordon's Legacy Revealed? Could it be an answer to some of the holes in the plot of Power Rangers? I guess we'll have to wait and see!

    Time Force Movie?

    There is a rumor floating around that there may be a Time Force movie in the making. That rumor has been near confirmed, though it still may be a hopeful wish of a fan. Go to for more information.

    New Video Games

    According to and, there will be a Time Force Game Boy Color and PSX Game (for N64 fans, we will have to wait and see)! Here are the arcticles (Note: These arcticles do not picture Power Rangers in positive light).....

    Game Boy Color

    Power Rangers never say die! Actually, that's the Goonies. But if Mikey were in the Green Ranger outfit, that's what he'd say, and it would be true. Even though the Might Morphin Power Rangers seems to be slipping off the radar quickly, they will never quit the good fight until every hairbrush-turned-monster is vanquished from the earth.

    And so again, the Power Rangers, who would be in their late 20s now if they were still the original teens, are out for another mission. Something is amiss in the sands of time, and it's up to the Rangers to travel back and clean up the mess. The game is based on the newest series of Power Rangers, debuting early this year.

    Looking into the future, we see Power Rangers Time Force fist-fighting the evil villains across incredible historic worlds on the Game Boy Color. There may even be secret bonus levels to earn skill for the fight. Power Rangers Time Force will make their way onto the Game Boy Color this fall.


    THQ Inc. and Saban Entertainment Inc. today have delivered yet another powerful message to PlayStation owners: "You love the Power Rangers, you really love them," with the sequel to the first, this one called Power Rangers Time Force. Better build up those calluses. Not that the first game was terribly...great. But it appears that a lot of kids still love the spandex antics of a bunch of teenagers trying to save the world. Based on the new Power Rangers television series, Power Rangers Time Force, this action-based title finds its colorful crew traveling through time to stop "evil" from manipulating time. Players take on the role of any member of the Power Rangers Time Force team or as a powerful Megazord, travel throughout several kinds of environments (including hidden bonus levels), and face up against powerful, technologically advanced enemies.

    "THQ is honored to be recognized by Saban for our efforts with the Power Rangers franchise," stated Germaine Gioia, vice president, licensing, THQ. "The action-packed Power Rangers property has proven an ideal brand for the interactive entertainment category."

    "Fox Kids' Power Rangers is the favorite of boys 2-11 in its timeslot, and according to the Nielsen Galaxy Report, Power Rangers is the number one kids show of the decade," stated Elie Dekel, president, Saban Consumer Products.

    "As Power Rangers Time Force begins airing on Fox Kids Network February 2001 with 52 all-new episodes throughout the year, the new PlayStation and Game Boy Color games will allow fans to interact with the team as they travel through time in their exciting adventures."

    The Power Rangers Time Force will ship to stores in fall 2001.

    Official Names

    Frax is the official name for the gold guy with a cape that has a long neck, named Gien in Timeranger. Cyclobots are the name for the henchman of Time Force. Time Fire's (the sixth ranger) name is the Quantum Ranger. The Megazord's names are Time Force Megazord Red Mode, Blue Mode, and Jet Mode.

    Toys are out!

    Time Force toys are out in some retailers now. Some of the current toys are...Time Force Rangers, Deluxe Time Force Mega Battle Figures, Frax, Vector Cycles, Chrono Morpher, Chrono Sword, and the Intermediate Zords Time Force Megazord modes Red and Blue.