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Episode One- Force From the Future pt. 1

originally aired 2/3/01

Brief Summary: After finally capturing the only threat to the future, Ransik, he escapes with the help of Nadira, his daughter, and Frax. He fights and kills the Red Ranger, Alex, then escapes with a heart to a time machine. Jen, the Pink Ranger, mourns his death as the Rangers go after them in a Time Ship.(To Be Continued)

Notable Events: *First appearance of Jen, Lucas, Katie, Trip, Alex, Circuit, TransWarp Megazord, Ransik, Nadira, Frax,and Gluto *Death of Alex

Episode Two- Force From the Future pt. 2

originally aired 2/10/01

Brief Summary: The Rangers follow Ransik into 2001, where their Time Ship explodes. They find out that in order fo them to morph, the Red morpher must be unlocked. But, Alex's DNA is encoded in the morpher. In fighting with Nadira and some Cyclobots, Wes comes and helps them out. Jen discovers he looks almost exactly like Alex. When she tries to give the morpher to Wes, he thinks she is crazy. But in seeing her talk to Trip over her Chrono Morpher, he begins to believe her. He shows up when the Rangers are fighting the mutants. He gets Alex's morpher and unlocks the rest of the morphers allowing them to morph. They fight the Mutants, who finally retreat. Jen, in her stubborness, insists he give it back claiming "we don't need him".

Notable Events: *First appearance of Wes and Mr Collins. *First time all rangers morph

Episode Three- Something to Fight For

originally aired 2/17/01

Mutant of the week: Jettara

Brief Summary: Wes sees the mutants stealing a store, so he attacks them. He is way outnumbered, so Jen rescues him. Jen once again claims thay don't need him, but the rest aren't so sure. Trip informs him of why Jen is so stubborn, telling him of Alex's death. Wes goes to Jen then tells her that they need him. They fight against a mutant that was released from the cryogenic prison, who then grows to an enormous size. The rangers bring in the zords which reduce him to cryogenic prison size.

Notable Events: *We discover Ransik has problems with his mutant part. *First appearance of Time Jet, Time Fliers, Time Force Megazord Mode Blue, and Time Force Megazord Mode Red.

Episode Four- Ransik Lives

originally aired 2/24/01

Mutant of the week: Fearog

Brief Summary: Wes takes the other four rangers to a home of their own. Everyone is excited because thy think they will get a huge "mansion" like Wes's. When they see the clock tower, they are highly disapointed.Ransik decides the only way to tell the world he is there is through television. After seeing the view of the entire city from the top of the tower, Jen decides they should stay there. They clean the place up, making it livable, when Wes brings a chest full of clothes which the rangers will wear to fit in. They get a job painting a television station. Jen goes to get some paint, but cyclobots capture Wes. Ransik makes his announcement in front of the camera while all of Silver Hills watches. Ransik tells Wes his past and how he became what he is. Wes escapes with the help of the other rangers, and they battle Fearog on land and in the zords.

Notable Events: *We discover Ransik's past *We see the clocktower where the rangers live for the first time

Episode Five- A Blue Streak

originally aired 3/3/01

Mutant of the week: Mantamobile

Brief Summary: Lucas, a race car driver in the future, goes to get his license for the present time. While taking his driving test, he sees two cars transformed by Mantamobile. He follows after him, but can't catch him. Trip shows the Rangers the Vector Cycles and they use them to catch up with Mantamobile.

Notable Events:*We discover Lucas was a racer *First appearance of Vector Cycles

Episode Six- A Parting of Ways

originally aired 3/10/01

Mutant of the week: Tentaclaw

Brief Summary: Children are captured for ransom by Tentaclaw, a monster with a head that can detatch and be used by itself. Wes tries to convince his father to supply the $10 million ransom, but Mr. Collins does not supply it. But, instead, he uses it in a buiseness deal to by two companies. Wes claims to the sellers the check was "for the wrong acount". He gives the money for ransom, but the mutants decide to get rid of the kids anyway. The rangers manage to recapture Tentaclaw, get the money back, and free the children. Mr. Collins gives his son a stern discussion about taking the money. But he is praised by the reporters for supplying the ransom money. Wes tells his father he is going to make his own footsteps. He then moves in with the other rangers.

Notable events:*First appearance of Time Force Megazord Jet Mode *Wes moves out of his father's mansion

Episode Seven- Short-Circuited

originally aired 3/17/01

Mutant of the week: Medicon

Bried summary: When Trip's telepathic abilities begin to get on everyone's nerves, Lucas puts a piece of tape over his gem and commands him to NOT use. Nadira tricks Trip into thinking she is not working for her father. She then captures Circuit. She uses Medicon to "short circuit" him. He is then unable to call the zords. Medicon grows and the rangers have no way of defending themselves. Trip goes off to find Circuit. Once he succeeds, he fixes circuit. He then calls the zords which eventually capture Medicon.

Notable Events:*

Episode Eight-Jen's Revenge

originally aired 3/24/01

Mutant of the week:Fatcatfish

Jen receives a message from Fatcatfish telling her where to find Ransik. But, it is actually a message from Frax. Frax is trying to get back at the mutants for not treating the robots fairly. He tells Ransik Fatcatfish wants to talk to him, and tells Fatcatfish Ransik wants to see him, confusing everyone. Jen comes in to fight and try to captue Ransik, but is unable. The other Rangers come to her aid and help her. The next day Jen's anger gets the best of her when she has the chance to finally kill Fatcatfish, as kind of a revenge. But the rangers talk her out of it.

Notable Events: *We see in Frax beginning signs of a revolt to the mutants *We begin to see a possible relationship between Jen and Wes, despite Alex's death

Episode Nine- The Time Shadow

originally aired 3/31/01

Mutant(and robot) of the week: Izout and Tronicon

Brief Summary:

Notable Events:*First (and last) appearance of Raimei *First Appearance of Time Shadow *Frax's revolting motives continue

Episode Ten- Future Unknown

originally aired 4/7/01

Mutant of the week: Vexicon

Brief Summary:

Notable Events:*First appearance of Shadow Force Megazord *First use of mutants in X-Vault

Episode Eleven- Uniquely Trip

originally aired 4/14/01

Mutant of the week: Electropede

Notable Events:*First appearance of Electro booster

Episode Twelve- Worlds Apart

originally aired 4/21/01

Mutant of the week: Univolt

Brief Summary:Mr. Collins sends out a new defense team to protect Silver Hills: the Silver Gaurdians. But there's a catch...they only protect those who pay for their services. Wes becomes disguisted with his father's greedy ways of "protecting the city". A mutant shoots one of the Silver Gaurdians , but Wes intervenes and gets hit by the blast knocking a hole in his helmet. Mr. Collins and Eric notice immediatly it is Wes. Later on, after the mutant is defeated, Mr. Collins tries to get his son to join the Silver Gaurdians, but Wes refuses and sticks with Time Force.

Notable Events:*First appearance of Eric *First appearance of Silver Gaurdians *Mr. Collins finds out that Wes is the Red Time Force Ranger

Episode Thirteen- The Quantum Quest

orignally aired 4/28/01

Mutant of the week: Brickneck

Brief Summary: Scientists find on an archaelogical dig the Quantum Controller Box that was lost in time on one of the early Time Travel missions of Time Force. Eric steals it after being denied the job of being leader of the Silver Gaurdians and uses it to become the Quantum Ranger.

Notable Events:*First appearance of Quantum Controller *First appearance of Quantum Ranger

Episode Fourteen- Clash For Control pt. 1

originally aired 5/5/01

Mutant of the week: Commandocon

Brief Summary:One of Ransik's mutants opens a time hole to get the Q-Rex. Eric follows in the TF Eagle, but Wes jumps on the tail end and rides on through the time hole. They land in a time when dinosaurs walked the earth. While looking for the Q-Rex, Wes falls exactly three times and Commandocon fins the Q-Rex. He puts a blocking device on it so Eric can't control it by voice. Commandocon and the Q-Rex make theirback to 2001, while Eric and Wes follow. The Q-Rex goes on a rampage destroying the city. (To Be Continued)

Notable Events: *First appearance of Q-Rex *First appearance of TF Eagle *First time travel episode other than ep. 1

Episode Fifteen- Clash For Control pt. 2

originally aired 5/12/01

Mutant of the week: Commandocon

Brief Summary: As the Q-Rex goes on rampage, the Time Force rangers damage him to an extent that it must go back and regenerate. Mr. Collins makes a prepostion for the Rangers other than Wes to see if they would work for him. Obviously they turn him down. When the Q-Rex returns, Commandocon grows to zord size. The rangers try to stop them but can't. Eric, guilty from his actions, searches for the blocking device on the Q-Rex. When he finds it, he blasts it. Since the Q-Rex is under Eric's control, he transforms it to Megazord mode to finally defeat Commandocon.

Notable Events:*First appearance of Shadow Force Megazord Mode Red *First appearance of Q-Rex Megazord mode

Episode Sixteen- Bodygaurd in Blue

originally aired 5/19/01

Mutant of the week: Klawlox

Brief Summary: Dr. Zaskin, a researcher for Mr. Collins's Quantum Project, is captured by Nadira and the Cyclobots in front of his daughter's eyes. Knowing that they can use his daughter as a ransom for the information, Nadira orders the Cyclobots to capture her too. Seeing that Lucas works at an odd job shop, Holly Zaskin hires him to be her bodygaurd. Thinking she is nuts, he goes along with it until he finds out she really is being chased be Nadira. Lucas encounters Klawlox and they fight until Lucas is almost defeated, but Holly runs out and offers her Teddy Bear as a way to get Lucas free. Meanwhile Dr. Zaskin is being held by Nadira. The Rangers barge in and attempt to save him. The Silver Gaurdians arive and help run the mutants off. The the other Rangers aid Lucas in fighting Klawlox who they finally defeat with the help of the Shadow Force Megazord Mode Red and the Q-Rex.

Notable Events:

Episode Seventeen- Legend of the Clocktower

originally aired 5/19/01

Mutant of the week: unnamed (the closest thing to a villain was probably Drake)

Brief Summary:The Rangers are in the Clocktower trying to make the clock work. Wes then tells the legend of Walter Brown, a lonely man who was the original inhabitant of the Clocktower. During the night Katie wakes up and walks to the attic of the Clocktower where she sees the ghost of Walter Brown. She steps back and falls into a time hole to a timeperiod where the clocktower is relatively new, probably around the early 1800's. She is saved by Walter Brown from some horses running at her. She then sees Walter being bullied by Drake, his boss and his love's "boyfriend". He pushes Walter into a pile of horse dung and makes him unload an entire wagon. Katie offers to help using her super strength. Walter shows her some of his poetry which she thinks is beautiful. When Drake sees it is written about his girlfriend Gwen he gets extremely mad, but then Katie challenges him to arm wrestling. She obviously wins but at the same time getting Walter fired. Later Gwen tells Walter Drake and his buddies are after him. He almost runs off, but is persuaded by Katie to stand up to him. When he does, he wins. Then Katie is transported to her time where she is awaken by Jen. They go and fight a mutant and have a zord fight, which are definatley not needed in this episode. Later, Katie tells her story and finds out she had changed history.

Notable Events:*Shows the first opening sequence frome TF *originally filmed after "Jen's Revenge"

Episode Eighteen- Trust and Triumph

originally aired 6/2/01

Mutant of the week: Turtlecon

Brief Summary: The Time Force Rangers have a plan to catch Nadira stealing a bank, then the Silver Gaurdians come. Wes tries to persuede Eric to pull his team back, but in the process misses his cue to catch Nadira. Jen blames Wes for them not being able to catch Nadira, because she had changed the plan when the Gaurdians come. She tells him he needs to trust here and being a part of a team requires trust. Then, another mutant attacks. The rangers are sent by the mutant to dimension reminiscient to the shadow world from LR where there are duplicate rangers attacking them. Then, a major explosion causes an open in the dimension. Only Wes and Jen make it through before Turtlecon fixes the tear. They make a plan to get the other rangers out while destroying the dimension. In order for them to do this, they must fire a blast at the same time in the same spot. Jen tells Wes how she almost dropped out of Time Force until she met Alex, who helped her through until she finally became a Time Force officer. While Jen is inside, she almost misses her cue to firing her weapon inside the deminsion due to a fight between her and her duplicate. When the dimension is destroyed, Turtlecon is defeated by the Time Force Rangers with the megazord.

Notable Events:*Signs of a relationship between Jen and Wes continue *Again, they show the first opening sequence

Episode Nineteen- Trip Takes a Stand

originally aired 6/9/01

Mutant of the week: Notacon

Notable Events:

Episode Twenty- Quantum Secrets

originally aired 6/16/01

Mutant of the week: Conwing (voice actor is Sean Cw Johnson, Carter of PRLR!)

Notable Events: *First appearance of Quantum Mega Battle *Eric shows a softer side

Episode Twenty One- Lovestruck Rangers

originally aired 6/23/01

Mutant of the week: Contemptra (voice actor is Valerie Vernon, Kendrix from PRLG!)

Notable Events: