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Line Dance Websites


*       Wild Wild West  >>>>>>

Leng Kee CC Line Dance Club. I like to use this site more since it is more relevant to the local scene.


*       Line Dancer Magazine >>>>>>

Click on Dances then select Search Dances on the sub menu to search for dance steps.


*       Country Time >>>>>>

          Scroll down the page and Click on the starting alphabet of the dance you want.


*       KickIt >>>>>>

The website has probably the largest database for dances. I did not link our dances to this site because the dance sheet are named as numbers and these numbers change all the time.


*       djm-uk >>>>>>

The website also has a large dance database and some of the dance sheets are available in WORD format as well as HTML.


*       income line dance >>>>>>

Local line dance website by NTUC income. You can visit the calender’s page to view the latest line dance parties, eg Line Dancing@ East Point. Also available is video stream of a few line dances.


*       UCWDC – United Country & Western Dance Council >>>>

          You can get some very good video clips of competition line dances on this page.