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Pairing: E/O
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Well, you will just have to read it. It covers a lot of information for our favorite detectives.
Author's note: I would like to thank Caillean Caillean for beta this story for me. You are the best.

By: G. Barton

After a long day, Olivia headed home. When she arrived, she was greeted at the door by a lawyer.

"Olivia Benson?"


You have just been served," he said as he handed her a blue file with papers in it. Then he turned and walked away.

Olivia took the papers and opened the summons. "Damn." She opened the door of her apartment and threw her keys down on the table.

Once inside, she grabbed a glass from the cabinet and filled it with water. Olivia took a seat on the couch and looked through the papers. She was so interested in the papers that she didn't hear a knock at the door.

When Olivia realized someone was at her door, she sat the papers down on the coffee table and went to the door.

"Who is it?" She peeked through the eye hole.


"What...?" Olivia said to herself as she opened the door to reveal Kathy Stabler standing in her doorway.

"May I come in?"

Olivia opened the door wider so Kathy could enter her apartment.

"You are probably wondering what I am doing here." Kathy walked in to see the papers sitting on Olivia's coffee table.

"It did cross my mind." Olivia shut the door and faced Kathy.

"I see you got the papers."

"I have been expecting them." Olivia took her seat back on the couch.

"Then I'm glad to see that I didn't disappoint you."

"I'm sorry where are my manners. Would you like something to drink?" Olivia was trying to be polite.

"No, thank you." Kathy took a seat next to Olivia. "I know you are probably wondering why I subpoena you?"

"I am your husband's female partner?" Olivia looked over at her.

"I will get right to the point." Kathy glared into Olivia's eyes. "Are you sleeping with my husband?"

"Truthfully?" Olivia didn't bat an eye.


"Depends on when you are referring to." Olivia didn't want to admit it, but she couldn't lie to her either. She knew if she were in Kathy’s situation she wouldn't want to be lied to.

Kathy didn't speak or move. She just sat there like a knot on a log.

"We never slept together until he got the divorce papers." Olivia could not believe those words just came out of her mouth.

"Thank you for being honest with me." Kathy stood.

"Kathy, wait." Olivia stopped her. "I never meant for it to happen and..."

"Olivia, it’s okay. I figured something like this would happen...someday."

"Kathy, I begged him to open up to you. I told him you were the best thing that ever happen to him, and he wouldn’t listen to me."

"Olivia, it's fine. Really. I just had to know for myself. I'm not really mad at you. In fact, I hope we can remain friends for the kids’ sake."

"" Olivia was caught off guard.

"If you and Elliot date, I want to know we can discuss the kids together."

"Oh." Olivia wasn't sure what to say next. She listen to Kathy speak.

"In fact, I think you would be good for him. You know him better than me, apparently." Kathy paced in front of Olivia. "You have been there for him when he wouldn't let me in." Kathy stopped and faced the detective again. "Out of all the people Elliot could date. I'm glad it is you. You have my permission to date him."

Olivia's mouth flew open but nothing was coming out. "Per...mis...sion...what?"

"I didn't want to bring you into this divorce but Elliot didn't leave me a choice." Kathy headed toward the door, and grabbed the door handle. "Elliot doesn't have to know about *our* little meeting." Kathy opened the door and went out.

Olivia's mouth was still open. She couldn't believe what she heard from Kathy. Her phone rang and brought her back to reality.

"Hello?" Benson's voice was barely over a whisper.



"Yeah, are you ok?" He could tell there was something wrong by the sound of her voice. "I'm on my way over."

"NO! I mean you don't have to. I'm fine." She hoped she didn't hurt his feelings. She wanted more to hold him in her arms but right now she was just trying to take in what Kathy had said. "I'm tired. I will see you tomorrow." She answered.

"Are you sure? I can be there in a few minutes." Elliot was wanting her to say that three letter word, “yes” but she didn't.

"I'm fine, really. I will see you at 8:00 in the morning. I will be the one sitting across from you," she joked.

"Ok then. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." Olivia hung up the phone. She stared at the papers on her coffee table and let the words Kathy had spoken sink into her head.


The next morning, Olivia was sitting across from his desk like she had promised. She wanted so badly to tell him Kathy had stopped by her apartment last night. But she knew her partner and his temper.

"Good morning." Elliot threw the morning paper down on his desk. "I brought you some coffee." He handed her the warm cup.

"Thanks." She took the cup and sipped.

Elliot sat on the corner of her desk and started to say something when he was interrupted.

"Have we got anything on the Parker case?" Cragen walked in.

"Nothing new." Elliot stood from Olivia's desk and walked over to his. "There has to be something we’re missing." He handed a file to the Captain.

"Go over it again. I want something by the end of the day." He handed the file to Olivia, who was the closest to him.

"On it." She opened the file and began to read over it again.


7 PM

Elliot dropped Olivia off at her place, and walked her up.

"Can I come in?" he asked.

"Always." She grinned back. They got in the door and she laid her keys down at the bar. "Would you like something to drink?"

"Nah. I'm fine." He went over to the couch, and smiled. "I would like you besides me."

"Give me a minute." She poured some water in a glass and headed toward him.

"What is this?" Elliot picked up the blue papers.

"Nothing." Olivia tried to grab them from him. "Let me have it."

Elliot opened them up and began to read them. "Kathy is subpoena you?" He looked up at Olivia. "Why didn’t you tell me?"

"I just got them last night."

"Before or after I talked to you?" His eyes stayed glued to hers.

"Before." She whispered. There was no reason to lie now. "There is one more thing."


"Kathy came by."

"She did what?" Elliot's temper was beginning to flare.

"Calm down." Olivia touched his arms.

"I will see you tomorrow." Elliot got up taking the papers with him.

Olivia followed. "Elliot wait!" She beat him to the door. "Calm down." She placed her hands on his face so they were looking eye to eye.

"I am calm." He tried to convince her.

"Sit down and we can talk about it."

"Liv, I really have to go."

"El?" Her eyes began to water.

"I promise I am calm." He kissed the end of her nose. "Really. I will talk to you in the morning." He grabbed the doorknob and exited her apartment.

Olivia couldn't stop the tears from flowing. She would wipe them away but new ones would take their place. She went on the phone and called Kathy.


"You don't have to take to the door off the hinges," Kathy snapped as she opened the door and stepped out onto the porch.

"I want to know what *this* is all about?" He held the papers up so she could see them.

"I see you talked to Olivia."

"You know I have." Elliot paced back and forth on the porch. "What made you do this?" He stopped long enough to look her in the eyes.

"I will call it off if you tell me the truth."


"Yeah, that is when you are honest with someone."

"I have always been honest with you, Kathy."

"Are sleeping with Olivia Benson?" Kathy got in his face and refused to back down until he told her what she wanted to hear.

His face fell.

"I guess you just answered that." Kathy turned to walk in.

"Kathy, I swear to you *we* never touched one another until you sent me divorce papers." He pleaded with her, before slamming the door with his fist Kathy jumped. She wasn't sure if she jumped from the door slamming or Elliot's temper.

"That is what Olivia told me." Kathy finally spoke.

"This is why you went to see Olivia?" He looked shocked.

"Yes. I had to know the truth and by the look on your face and hers, I believe you."

"You do? I mean of course you do. I am never given you any reason to doubt me."

"There was that one time..." Kathy began to talk.

"...I told you it was nothing like that." Elliot interrupted her.

"I believe you now but at the time I was beginning to wonder." Kathy took a seat on the porch swing.

"Kathy, how many times do I have to say I am sorry about that?" Elliot sat down next to her, and took her hand in his. "Kathy, what happen to us?"


Elliot glanced up at her. "I know that now."

"You changed. The job got worse and so did you. I still love you El, but we can't make it work. I think you would be happier with Olivia. Don't mess that up." Kathy took her hand back.

"I didn't want to mess up *our* relationship but we both know what happen there."

Elliot looked around the house. Everything was dark. "Are the kids here?"

"No I sent them out when I heard..." Kathy stopped.

"Olivia called you, didn't she?"

"She sounded..."


"Yeah." Kathy stood from the swing. "I really should get back in. The kids will be home soon and I don't want you here."

"You don't want me to see my own kids?"

"I don't want them to see you like this. Besides, you should get back to Olivia."

"I guess I better go check on her."

Stabler turned to walk down the stairs when Kathy said, "And the papers?"


"Tell Olivia I am dropping it. The kids don't have to know anything until you are ready to tell them about you and Olivia."

"About that, how do you think they will take it?"

"They like her."

Kathy turned to walk in the house and left Elliot standing on the top steps. He watched her go in and then left.



Olivia suspected the knock at the door was Elliot, but asked, "Who is it?"

"Liv, it’s me." He spoke softly.

Olivia opened the door to see him leaning against the door jam. "Can I come in?"

Olivia opened the door more to let her partner enter her apartment. Elliot came in and grabbed her. He wrapped one hand around the back of her neck and the other around her waist.

"Liv, I am so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you," he whispered into her ear. "I was upset about the papers, and I know my temper is bad."

Olivia pulled away from him. "El, I know I should be used to your temper but it just got me off guard tonight."

"I know. I talked to Kathy, she is going to drop the 'you going to court' thing."

"I know. Believe it or not Elliot we do talk." Olivia walked over to the couch. "More the last couple of days than when you were together but we have talked."

"She said she wants it that way for the kids sake." Elliot joined her on the couch. He took Olivia's hand, "Kathy told me she still loves me."

"Oh." Olivia's eyes stayed focused on his. "And?"

"She doesn't want me back she just still loves me a different way now."

"Oh. I see. I guess that is good for the kids."

"Olivia, it is you I love and want to be with." He leaned in to give her a kiss.

"Wait." Their faces were just inches apart.


"I want you to talk to someone about your temper."

"What? That's crazy." Elliot leaned in again.

"Elliot, I'm serious." Olivia jumped up from her seat. "You need to talk to someone."

"I don't know, Liv. You know what they say when a cop goes in to talk to a shrink."

"I will go with you. Then they can talk about both of us." She stood there with her hands on her hips waiting for a response. "They can think it has something to do with out partnership. Or we can even go somewhere they don't know us."

Elliot stood up and walked over to her. "If I say yes will let me kiss you."

Olivia grinned. "Only if you mean it."

"Ok, I’ll go." He leaned in for the last time to make contact with her lips. "I promise." He spoke before their lips finally touched. His tongue slipped between her lips as his hands cuddled her face. He broke loose long enough to speak. "Can we move to the bedroom?"

"Ah...make up sex." She smiled again before leading him the way to her room.

Elliot began unbuttoning his shirt while she tugged at his pants. Once she got through the belt, the button, and then the zipper, she made her way into his boxers. Elliot jumped when she touched him.

"Damn, your hands are cold!"

"Let me warm them." She tucked her hands in more.

Elliot got his shirt off and his pants were around his knees when Olivia kissed him again. He tugged at her shirt when she let go of him and let him pull it over her head. He unhooked her bra in one quick motion to reveal her breast. Elliot went for them. As he devoured one and head to the other one, he pushed her down to the bed. Once they landed, he ripped her jeans off taking her panties with them. Soon he made contact with what he had been wanting all night. Her. All of her. He touched every inch of her body and before he entered her. Moving slowly then picking up the pace to satisfy them both. Elliot fell onto her body with exhaustion. He rolled off her and cuddled next to her. With his arms wrapped around her, he panted into her ear. "Liv, I have to tell you something."

"What?" She turned her body half way so she could see him.

"The reason Kathy asked you if we were sleeping together was cause I kinda called out your name once while making love to her."

"You what?" Olivia shot up in the bed.

"Yeah. I know." Elliot pulled her back into his arms. "It was an accident."

"Accident. How? Were you that horny for me then?" She laughed.

"No, actually, we had been working on a case for 2 days straight. When I got home I was tired but also wanted to let off some steam...and when I got all worked up well... your name came out."

"Elliot." Olivia faced him this time. She wrapped her arms around his neck. "I can see her point." She gave him a kiss. "You’d better not do that to me!" She laughed as her lips found his neck then his shoulder. Then making their way down his chest. Elliot's head hit the head board of her bed when Olivia's lips made it to Elliot's belly button. He let out a sigh as she kept going south. Olivia ran her fingertips down his erection.

Olivia glanced back up at her lover. He had his eyes closed with his head resting on the headboard. She balanced herself on the bed by resting her hands on either side of him. Olivia went back up to look into his eyes. Her breast touched his warm sweaty chest. She whispered against his neck. "Ready for round two." Elliot could feel the warmth of her breath as it hit his neck. His eyes popped opened. A grin formed on his lips. He grabbed her with his arms and flipped her over on the bed. They kissed.

"Only if you think you can handle it?" He laid more kisses on her.

"I think the only questions is, can you handle me?" She laughed.

"Oh, I think I can." His hands went down her body and rested between her legs. Elliot slid two fingers inside of his partner, moving them back and forth to get a rise out of her. It worked. Olivia let out a moan. Elliot's lips covered hers as Olivia groaned louder.

"Stop teasing me." She finally spoke. "Finish it," she begged.

"When I'm ready."

Olivia could feel his erection grow bigger. He pushed it closer to her until she begged again. "Elliot, please!"

He finally gave in. He slipped the tip of his penis into her. Teasing. Olivia's hands made their way down between her legs. She guided his penis into her. Elliot's hands pulled hers away. "Uh un. I said when I was ready." He went back to nipping at her breast.

Olivia wrapped one leg around his ass pushing him all the way into her. She had finally conquered what she was after. Elliot was paying more attention to her breast to notice what she had done.

"Faster," she whispered into his ear.

Elliot was to busy playing with one breast. He bit down onto her nipple causing her to yell out. "Sorry." Elliot kissed it hoping to ease the pain. Olivia dug her nails into his back as he sped up to satisfy her.

Elliot went back to biting at her breast. They moved together until Elliot gave out. Olivia ran her arms up his back and stopping at his head. She wrapped them around his head holding him at her chest.

"EL, stay the night." Olivia breathed heavily.

"I thought you would never ask." He glanced up into her eyes. He rolled off her again and wrapped his arms around her. It wasn't long until they fell asleep in each other’s arms.



0livia was sitting at her desk when her phone rang. "Benson," she answered while she kept searching through her files on her desk.

"Olivia, don't say my name but I need to talk to you."

"When and where?" Olivia stopped what she was doing and turned her attention to her conversation she was having.

"What about your apartment say around 7?"

"I will be there."

"Don't tell Dad." Maureen hung up the phone.

"Who was that?" Elliot walked up to Olivia's desk.

"A friend." Olivia hung up the phone. "Do you find out anything about our perp?"

"Munch and Fin are checking into that. We are to see Ms. Taylor."

"Ok." Olivia stood from her chair and grabbed her coat. They headed out the door.

Once they got into the car, Elliot turned to look at Olivia. "I know we agreed to keep our relationship a secret but sometimes I want to kiss while you are sitting at your desk."

"Elliot..." She faced him.

"I know. I am handling it well. Don't you think?" He smiled at her.

"Yes you are." Olivia reached over and touched his hand. "We‘re here." She opened the car door and got out.

Elliot sat there a minute. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Then he opened the door and joined his partner at the doorsteps. Olivia knocked.

A woman came to the door. "Can I help you?"

"Ms. Taylor?" Olivia asked.

"She is in the den."

"Can we speak with her?" Elliot asked.

"And you are?" The woman kept the door barely open.

"Det. Benson, and this is Det. Stabler. SVU."

"Come on in." The woman let them in. They followed her to the den to find Ms. Taylor sitting on the couch drinking a cup of coffee.

"Ms. Taylor, this is Det. Benson and Det. Stabler." They shook hands.

"How may I help you?"

"Ms. Taylor, did you know this man?" Stabler flashed her a photo of the perp they arrested.

"No. I don't think I know him."

"Are you sure?" Olivia handed her the picture.

"Yeah. I haven't seen him."

"Thank you ma'am." Stabler nudged Olivia's arm, and they left.

"I think she knows more." Olivia spoke as when she made it back to the car.

"I do too." Elliot opened the door for her.


"I have an idea." Elliot stared into her brown eyes. Olivia sat in the car and Elliot shut the door.

They made it back to the precinct.

"Our perp is in interrogation room." Munch replied as they entered the squard room.

"Good let's go talk with him." Elliot led the way.

When Elliot and Olivia walked into the room, the perp was sitting at the table.

"It's about time." The perp looked up at them. "Can I go now?" He started to get up.

Elliot pushed him back down into his seat. "No, you can't go."

"Where were you two nights ago?" Olivia asked as she took the seat across from him.

"Home." The perp looked up at Elliot. "Alone." He answered.

"Wrong answer." Elliot whispered into his ear. (hehe, I can just picture this)

"It's true. I was there all night." The guy insisted.

After a few minutes of going back and forth, they walked out leaving him at the table.

"What do you think?" Cragen asked as the door shut.

"I think he is lying ," Stabler replied as he paced around his partner.

"Maybe he has multiple personalities." Huang entered the room. "Look at him in there." They all turned to watch the perp behind the glass. He began to walk around the room and talk into the air. He was waving his arms. Then he stopped and turned around and began talking again. Then yelling.

"Huang, maybe right." Cragen faced his detectives again.

Casey soon joined them in Cragen's office. "I’ll file for a 730 hearing."

Huang walked out and Elliot followed. "Hey Huang, can I see you a minute?"


"Not here." Stabler look around.

"My office?"

"Sure." Elliot followed Huang to his office. Once inside, he took a seat. "If I was to come by and see you maybe once a week, can we keep it between us?"

"Yes, but if it is work related I may have to discuss it with your captain."

"It's not. It is personal."

"Then we shouldn't have a problem." Huang took a seat behind his desk.

Elliot got up from his seat. "Ok. Then I will get back to you." He headed for the door.


Elliot turned to face Huang.

"If you don't talk with me, then talk to someone."

Elliot walked out of his office and head back to his desk. Olivia was seating at her desk. She glanced up to see him coming in.

"Want to get a bite to eat before going home?" He asked.

"I would love to but I have to meet someone." Olivia looked down at her watch.

"Then can I walk you out?"

"Sure." Olivia grabbed her jacket and followed him out.

They walked in the elevator and the doors shut. "Did you talk to Huang?"



"I told him I would get back with him." Elliot watched Olivia's face expressions. "I said I would talk to someone, and I will. I'm just not sure if Huang is the one."

"I told you I would go with you, and I meant it."

"I know." Elliot stood very close to her. He wanted to touch her but the doors came open.

"Goodnight." Olivia replied as they walked outside. "See you tomorrow."

"Goodnight." Elliot had a smile on his face. "Tomorrow it is." He watched her walk down the street to get in her car.


Olivia got home just in time to meet her guest in the hallway.

"Olivia." Maureen turned to her. "I'm glad you are home. I need to talk to you."

Olivia opened the door of her apartment, and they walked in. "What do you need?" Olivia tossed the keys on the table.

"I wanted you to know I don't blame you for the break up of my parents."

"What?" Maureen caught Olivia off guard.

"The last few months they were together they did nothing but fight. Mostly, about us kids and his job but still they fought...a lot."

"And why are you telling me this?" Olivia took a seat on the couch next to Maureen.

"Cause I wanted you to know in case you and Dad want to date."

"Date...? Wait a minute." Olivia was wondering again why another member of Elliot's family was at her doorstep telling her it was ok for her to date Elliot. "Run that by me again."

Maureen got up from the couch and paced. "I like you, and I think you would be good for Daddy."

Olivia sprang to her feet, and shook her head. "I'm not sure I am hearing you right."

"I'm just saying Olivia *we* like you, and Dad needs someone to take care of him. Mom and Dad love each other but it is not the same. Dad and I fight. We don't mean to it just happens. I will be going away for college soon and he needs someone to care for him. Since Mom left him... he just looks sad."

Olivia wanted to laugh, sad wasn't a word she would have used to describe him lately. Yeah a couple of months ago, but now, definitely not sad; horny maybe.

Olivia stared at Maureen but she finally spoke. "Tell me again why you are here." Olivia wasn't sure if she wanted to hear the rest of this conversation but she did know she wanted to change the subject. Before Maureen could say anything Olivia spoke again, "Will your mother be upset if you are not home at a certain time?"

"She knows where I am."

Olivia's jaw must have fell to the floor. "What?" Was all she could say. She was beginning to wonder if Kathy had put her up to this visit.

"Well, I mean she knows I came into town. She doesn't know that I am at your apartment."

"That's good." Olivia sighed a sign of relief.

They sat there in silence for a while not knowing what to say to each other. Then Maureen glanced over at Olivia, "So, do you think you would be interested in dating my dad?"

Olivia wasn't sure how to answer the question. "Let's just see what happens." Olivia placed her hand on Maureen's knee and smiled.

"I guess that is fair." Maureen replied. She looked at her watch. "I’d better be heading back. Mom will start to worry if I'm not back soon."

"Let me walk you out." Olivia got up from the couch and grabbed her apartment key.

"I will be fine."

"No, I am going to walk you out. 'Cause if something happens, I don't want your father to blame me." Olivia joked. "Besides, I don't want anyone to find you here." Olivia hugged her as they walked down the hallway.

"Got a point." Maureen agreed.



Olivia and Elliot weren't at their desks long when they headed back out the door. "It seems like we just left this place." Elliot handed Olivia a cup of coffee as they walked to the elevators.

As they got to the car, Elliot opened the door for his partner. Then he got in the driver's seat. "How was your friend?"

"My friend?" Olivia glanced over at him.

"Yeah. You couldn't have dinner with me cause your friend was coming over."

"Oh, that friend. She was doing good, just wanted to talk."

"Nothing bad, I hope."

"No. She was worried about me actually."

"Oh." Elliot focused on the road. "Well, I can tell her you are doing fine." He smiled over at her.

"Yeah. She worried that I'm not dating."

"Did you assure her that you are seeing someone?"

"I didn't want to go into a lot of details."

They pulled up outside Ms. Taylor's house. They knocked on the door, and the maid let them in.

"Ms. Taylor please?" Stabler asked.

"She doesn't want to be disturbed." The maid answered.

"This will not take long." Olivia replied.

"I will see if she will see you. Stay here." The maid let them in as far as the doorway.

Olivia looked around as far as she could go. Elliot paced while waiting on the maid.

It wasn't long until the maid returned. "She will see you, but you can't stay long."

"Thanks." Olivia spoke. They followed the maid up the stairs and into a bedroom.

"She is in there." The maid opened the door to revive the Ms. Taylor laying her bed with towel on her forehead.

"Excuse me for not getting up. I have a headache." Ms. Taylor informed them.

"We won't stay long." Stabler replied as he walked closer to the bed. "Ma'am, are you sure you haven't seen this man?" Elliot held out the same picture from before.

"Yes, detective I told you I don't know Greg."

Olivia and Elliot stared at each other. "We didn't say his name was Greg?" Olivia spoke.

Ms. Taylor realized what she had said. "I mean he looks like I guy I know named Greg." She tried to cover up.

"Ma'am, you need to start talking." Olivia replied as she moved to the edge of the bed.

"Can't this wait. I have a headache." Ms. Taylor replied.

"Tell us what you know, and we will leave you to your headache." Stabler answered.

"Ok, I have known Greg for several years. He has problems. I send him money and pay for his apartment."

The detectives didn't move.

"He is my cousin."

"And you didn't try to protect him."

"I tried to hire him a lawyer but he fired him. Why?"

"We have arrested him." Benson said without batting an eye.

Ms. Taylor sat up in the bed. "I have to call him a lawyer. Now if you don't mind."

"Just one more thing." Elliot replied.

Ms. Taylor didn't say a word.

“Has he evernbeen violent when in a dissociative state?”

"Not that I know."

"Thank you ma'am." Benson turned to her partner and he followed her out.

They reached the car again. "Liv, what do you think?"

"I think she maybe telling the truth." Olivia got in the car.

Elliot got in the driver's seat again and they headed back to the precinct.



Elliot walked Olivia up to her apartment. They barely got the door closed when his lips found hers. He pushed her against the closed door. His hands went her shirt and his lips never left hers. Then his lips moved down her neck. He pushed her shirt up and his lips met his hands holding her breast. His mouth engulfed one nipple before he began to suck lightly. Olivia wrapped her arms around Elliot's head holding him at her breast. He began to suck harder.

"Oh El." She breathed heavily. "I missed you."

Elliot let go of her nipple just long enough to speak. "I missed you more." Then he moved to the opposite nipple. He didn't want to play favorites.

When he finally let go of her breast he pulled her shirt over her head. They had a trail of clothes leading to the bedroom. Elliot kissed the back of her neck as they made it to the bed. She spun around to look her lover in the eyes. She grabbed his arm pulling him down with her to the bed.

"I want you Elliot. I want you now." Her brown eyes never left his baby blues.

Elliot soon fulfilled her request.


Elliot lay in the bed holding Olivia in his arms. "I wish I could stay all weekend."

"Me too." She glanced up at him.

"Maybe you, me, and the kids can do something tomorrow, if you don't mind."

"Sounds good to me, but remember, no hugging and kissing in front of the kids." Olivia smiled.

"Maybe we should tell them." Elliot rubbed her arm lightly.

"We can't do that right now. Remember. The divorce isn't final."

"Oh yeah. It won't be long, and I will be a single man again. Maybe I will start dating. Do you have anybody in mind?"

"Yeah, I do. She is my height, short hair, brown eyes. I think she would be perfect for you." Olivia reached up and gave him a kiss.

"Brown eyes? I like blue. Do you know anybody else?" Elliot joked.

Olivia sat up in the bed. She gave him a 'go to hell' look. Then she grabbed his nipple with her thumb and index finger and twisted.

"I'm kidding. I love brown eyes on a woman." Elliot grabbed her hand. "Please, let go. Please?" He kissed the end of her nose.

"You better." Olivia let go of Elliot's nipple. "I'm sorry." She kissed his nipple. Then ran her tongue over it, before she gave him several small kisses.

"Thank you." He pouted.

Olivia looked up at him. "You are such a baby."

"Me. How would you like it if someone did that to your nipple?"

"Bring it on big boy." Olivia giggled.

Elliot pinned her down on the bed. It wasn't long before Olivia got lose. They wrestled around a few minutes before Elliot grabbed her nipple and twisted. Olivia never said a word. He squeezed harder and began to hurt but Olivia was trying to be the tougher person and not say a word.

"Come on, you know you want to scream," Elliot said as his eyes stayed focused on hers.

"Nope." Even though the pain was becoming unbearable. She was going to take it like a woman.

Elliot finally let go. He felt bad for hurting her that way even though they were playing around. "I'm sorry." He kissed her nipple then he accidentally bit down.

"Ow." Olivia yelled. "Now that hurt."

Elliot raised up. "I didn't mean to." He assured her. He quickly made it up to her.


Elliot rolled off of Olivia. "What time is it?"

"9:30." Olivia glanced over at the clock and back at him.

"I guess I better get going. I need to be at the house when the kids show up in the morning."

"Oh right, fine." She rolled over and gave him a kiss.

Elliot planted both feet on the floor. He bent down for his boxers. Olivia sat up in the bed watching him search for his clothes.

"Can you be a dear and hand me mine while you are picking up clothes?"

Elliot picked up her panties. He tossed them her way.

"Thanks." She slipped them on and got out of bed in search of more clothes. She grabbed her robe and slipped it on too. "Here." She handed him a sock.

"Nice of you to help." He smirked.

"I was enjoying the view." She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

Elliot got fully dressed and Olivia walked him to the door. "I will call you tomorrow." He gave her one last kiss before turning the doorknob.

"Call me on time," she called out as she watched him walk down the hallway. They both knew that if he didn't leave that quick he wouldn't be leaving.



Olivia got woke up to the sound of the telephone. "Hello." She answered sleepily.



"Yeah, can you let me?"

"Where are you?"

"Your front door."

"Be right there." Olivia stumbled out of bed and made her way toward the front door. She opened the door to see Maureen standing there, crying.

"What happen?"

Maureen entered her apartment carrying a bag. "Mom and I had a fight, and I didn't know where else to go."

"Your father's?" Olivia replied.

"I'm not in the mood to listen to him. Can I stay the night here?" Maureen continued to cry.

"Yeah, but you are going to call someone and let them know where you are." Olivia no more got the words out until her phone rang. "I bet that is your father." Olivia picked up the phone.

"Liv. Kathy called and Maureen is missing. She can't find her anywhere. Her friends haven't seen her. Can you go with me to find her?"

Olivia glanced over at Maureen. "She's right here." Maureen waved her hands in the air and shaking her head no. Olivia held the phone out to her. "You have to talk to him." She handed the phone to the crying girl.

She took the receiver in her hand. "Dad?" She sobbed.

"Maureen, I'm coming to get you."

"Dad, no. I want to stay here." She demanded.


She handed the phone back to Olivia. Olivia spoke, "Elliot, calm down."

"Liv, put Maureen back on the phone."

"I don't think she wants to talk to you right now."

"I don't care what she wants. Put. her. back. on. the. phone. now!" He began to yell louder with each word.

"Elliot, listen to me. You are not going to get through to her while you are yelling. You need to calm down."

"Olivia, don't tell me about raising kids until you have some."

"Ok, you listen to me now. I am tired of you throwing this back into my face." Olivia walked back into her bedroom with the cordless phone. She didn't want Maureen to hear what she had to say. "I am tired of you leaving my bed and yelling at me over something I chose to do in my life. It is true I may not have kids, and it is true that I may not know everything there is to know about raising kids. But there is one thing I *DO* know, this girl is upset and needs to talk to a woman, and that is not you!"

"Liv, I'm sorry. You know I didn't mean it."

"And that is another thing. You think you can apologize to me every time your temper flares up. I'm not talking to you anymore tonight." Olivia hung up the phone. Olivia walked back into the livingroom. "Maureen?" She called out. Olivia found her in the bathroom with head over the toilet.


She glanced up.

Olivia got a washcloth and wet it. She walked over to her and handed Maureen the cloth. Olivia sat down next to her on the floor.

"What is really going on?"

"I told you I had fight with mom."

"Maureen, I am not stupid. Who is the guy?"

Maureen stared over at her. She knew she was caught. "He was my boyfriend. Was being the key word." She finally spoke.

"You had a fight."

"I would rather not say."

Olivia pulled her knees to her chest and crossed her arms to rest there. "It is fine if you don't want to talk about it but sometimes it does help. I just don't want to push you."

"He's name is Joel." Maureen started in. She knew Olivia was just trying to help her without being nosey. "Joel is couple of years older than me. We have been going out for a few months. Mom and Dad just think we have went out a few times. I knew Dad would freak out."

Olivia rested her head on her folded arms and listened to Maureen tell her story. Even though she would like to ring her partner's neck a few times, she was so happy to not be that age again. After a couple of hours talking about their lives, they decided it was time for bed.

Olivia turned to her house guest. "You can have the bed or the couch. It is up to you." Olivia stands up from the floor.

"I will take the couch. I would hate to run you out of your own bed." Maureen got up too. She put the washcloth on the counter and followed Olivia out of the bathroom.

Olivia hands her a blanket and pillow. "Anything else?" She asked.

"No. I'm fine."

Olivia headed back to her room. She got settled into bed by lying on her back staring up at the ceiling. She was still mad at Elliot but she couldn't get him out of her head. She hadn't felt this way about another man in a very long while. Olivia hoped he wasn't at home sleeping like a baby. She was miserable and she wanted him to feel the same way.


Elliot couldn't sleep. All he could think about is what he said to Olivia. He was even more upset that she hung up on him. They have had their differences before and that is what made their relationship work, but now they have mixed sex into it, it was more complicated. He was fine with that. He has always wondered what it would be like to sleep with Olivia and now he knew. Elliot can solve his own problem, but that still leaves him unsastisfied. He rolled over and glanced at the clock. He needed some sleep the kids would be at his door soon.


Olivia stared at the clock. She wondered if Elliot was thinking about her. She must have finally drifted off to sleep cause the next thing she knew she was woke by more crying.

Maureen sat on the floor next to Olivia's bed. Her head rested on the mattress.

"Maureen?" Olivia sat up.

"I slept with Joel." Maureen glanced up to see Olivia's shadow leaning against the head board.

"Please tell me you used protection." Olivia replied as she reached for the lamp.

"Yes." Maureen whispered. "Don't tell Daddy. You know he gets about his Catholic beliefs." Her voice went from a soft whisper to pleading with Olivia.

"This is just between us. Besides, I think he would be happy to know you used something no matter what his beliefs." Olivia assured her because she knew he has used something with her.

"He told me I was just 'another piece of ass' to him. I can't believe I fell for all the sweet things he said."

"That is what some men do." Olivia pulled back the covers. "Come on." Maureen turned off the lamp and hopped in the bed. Olivia moved to side of the bed that Elliot often occupied.

"Thanks Olivia." Maureen calmed down and went to sleep.

As Olivia fell asleep she could still smell Elliot on the pillow. She hoped for what sleep she got it would be sweet dreams even though she was still mad at him.


After Kathy dropped off the other three children at Elliot's, they loaded up to get Maureen. Elliot stood in the doorway at Olivia's apartment, knocking.

"Maybe they left." Dickie answered.

"I'm sure they would have called to tell me." Elliot replied. 'If they are talking to me.' He thought.

"Call." Kathleen told her father.

"Okay, okay." Elliot dug out his cell phone and dialed Olivia's number.

"Hello." Olivia answered.

"We are standing outside your apartment door. knocking." Elliot said.

"Be right there." Olivia hung up the phone and went to door. "Sorry we were in the bedroom listening to music and talking." Olivia explained as she saw everyone standing there waiting to be invited in. Olivia stepped back to let them in.

"So does that mean everyone is in a better mood?" Elliot asked softly.

"If you are referring to me, I'm still mad at you." Elliot's hand touched her as Olivia went to shut the door. She gave him 'not in front of the kids' look.

"Is Maureen ready?" Elliot quickly asked.

"Let me go see." Olivia headed back to her bedroom. Elliot's eyes followed her.

"Dad." Elizabeth called out.

"Mmm." Elliot turned his attention to her.

"Why don't you ask Olivia to come with us?" Elizabeth asked.

"She probably has plans." Elliot answered his daughter.

A few minutes later, Olivia and Maureen entered the living room. "I'm ready." Maureen carried her bag on her shoulder.

"You sound better today than last night." Elliot took the bag from his daughter.

"Olivia was a big help." She smiled back at her.

"When you’ve been through it, you can have some good advice." Olivia glanced over at Elliot.

"Come on, let's go." Elliot tried to round everyone up.

"Olivia, why don't you come with us?" Elizabeth asked.

"I don't know if that is a good idea." Olivia answered.

"Come on." They all begged.

"Dad, can she?" Dickie asked as he looked up at his dad.

"It is up to Olivia." He stared over at her. In his head, he wanted to grab her hand and tell her let's go but he knew she needed to make her own mind up on this one.

All the kids stood in front of her with their hands together waiting for an answer.

"Let me get my shoes." Olivia couldn't resist their sad faces.

"Ok, kids, head to the car." Elliot waited in the hallway while Olivia grabbed her keys.

"I'm coming." She replied as she saw him there. She headed to the door and locked it on her way out. As they started down the hallway she turned her head to him. "Was this your idea?" She asked.

"No. I tried to tell them you were busy."

Everyone loaded up in the car. "What are we doing?" Olivia asked.

"Let's go shopping." Elizabeth shouted out.

"No. Football." Dickie yelled next.

Elliot and Olivia looked over at each other. "It's going to be a long day." They said in unison.

"Here is what *we* will do." Elliot turned around in the car. "First, we could get a bite to eat. Dickie, we could let the girls shop for an hour."

"Oh, dad." He spoke up.

"I'm not finished." Elliot got him to quite down. "Then we could play football."

"Yes!" Dickie replied with excitement.

"Football?" Kathleen answered. "I hate football."

"Hush. We get to go shopping." Elizabeth replied.

"I would rather take a nap." Maureen commented.

"I can't help it you two were up all night." Elliot started out looking at Maureen but finished looking over at Olivia, who was yawning herself. In fact, he was all for the nap too but he wasn't going to let Olivia know he was up most of the night thinking of her.

"Let's get going so we can get the shopping over with." Dickie demanded.


The crew entered the park to play football.

"Dad's on my team." Dickie yelled as he carried the football.

"Olivia is on ours." The girls yelled out.

"It can't be four against two." Dickie shouted.

"That's right. One of you will have to be on our team." Elliot spoke up.

"Don't look at me. I was on his team last time." Kathleen commented.

"Fine. I will go." Elizabeth walked over to her dad and brother.

Olivia looked over at the other two girls. "I don't know much about football, except I can tackle. I get plenty of practice at work." She laughed.

"We don't either. I think that is why Dickie likes to play. He knows he’ll win." Kathleen replied as they huddled together.

Dickie kicked the ball. Maureen caught it and passed it to Kathleen. Elizabeth and Dickie went chasing after her. Kathleen threw the ball to Olivia. She took off running when Elliot came out of nowhere and tackled her. When they stopped rolling in the grass, he was straddling her waist.

"You couldn't resist that, could you?" Olivia asked.

Elliot raised one eyebrow. "Nope."

"All right, Dad !" Dickie came running up to them.

Elliot got off of Olivia. He helped her to her feet. "I didn't hurt you, did I?"

"Not at all." She dusted herself off. "You are going to pay for that, buddy." Her index finger pointed into his chest. Then as she turned to walk off she gave him a wink.

"We scored!" Dickie high-fived his dad.

After playing for an hour, they decided a break was well deserved. Elliot came over and sat next to Olivia.

"I really didn't hurt you?" He asked again.

"No. I am a cop too." Olivia looked over at him. She wanted to hit him over the head or throw something at him but she knew if she did then the wrestling would be on. And she knew what would lead from that.



Olivia answered her phone to find Elliot on the other end.

"Hey, I know you are still upset with me from Friday, but can you meet me. I have something for you to see. Please?" Elliot begged.

"You are not going to tackle me again, are you?" Olivia laughed.

"Not unless you want me to." He joked.

"Give me a few minutes." Olivia hung up the phone and headed out.

When she got there, Elliot was standing outside this small house. He met her at the car.

"Thank you for coming." He helped her at the car and shut the door.

"What's this about?" Olivia followed him to the door.

Elliot unlocked the door and they went in. "This is my new place." He held his arms up in the air and spun around the room. "What do you think?"

"It's fine but what is wrong with the old place?" Olivia asked she walked around the room.

"I was thinking how you don't like stay over at my house cause it reminds you too much of me and Kathy."


"I am selling the house and I thought I would rent this for a while, until *we* found something *we* liked better. Who knows maybe *we* could move in together." Elliot commented.

"You know how I feel about is living together in front of the kids."

"It would be more fun with just the two of us anyway." Elliot moved in closer to her.

She put her hand between them. "I'm still mad at you."

Elliot backed off for the time being. "Let me show you the rest of the house." He took her around to the kitchen and they went up the stairs. "I thought I would put Dickie in this room. I know it is the smallest but he is the only boy." They walked to the next room. "I thought I would put the girls in this room. I think three twin beds would fit in here. What do you think?" Elliot looked over at her.


"Come on, one more room to go." He held his out hand and she accepted it. He took her into the last bedroom. "This one will be mine." He stopped and faced her. "What do you think?"

"I like it." She walked around his room.

Elliot walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "I love you, Liv. I really am sorry for what I said. I hope you will forgive me."

She faced him. "I know you like to throw the 'I don't have kids' in my face but I would like a chance in helping you with yours without you yelling at me all the time about it."

"I know. I am a jerk, what can I say." He leaned in and his lips barely touched hers.

Olivia pulled back. "You could try not to be a jerk." Olivia's lips came to his. She wrapped her arms around his neck.

Elliot swept her legs so they fell to the floor.

"Elliot Stabler, what do you think you are doing?" Olivia's brown eyes locked onto his.

"Christening the room." He pushed her down to the floor. His lips delved hers.

"Ok, I forgive you this time." She giggled as he hands begin to strip her of her clothes.

The End