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Disclaimer: I don't own them. They belong to Dick Wolf but is fun to play with them. The Song belongs to The Police. I don't own it either. I did creative the stalker. Song in BOLD.

Rating: MA

Pairing: E/O

Summary: Olivia has a stalker. Will her white knight save her?

You Belong to Me
By G. Barton

Oh, can't you see
You belong to me
How my poor heart aches
With every step you take

It has been three months since Kathy left Elliot. He began to spend a lot of time with Olivia. They would go to her apartment and watch movies, order pizza, or just hang out. But most of the time they would not make it to the end of a movie without clothes being thrown on the floor. And tonight, wasn't any different.

"Elliot." Olivia turned to face him.


"Don't forget you have to leave before sunrise."

"Can't I just stay on the couch again?" He grinned knowing the couch was the last place he would be staying.

"Not tonight. I don't want anyone to get suspicious of us." Olivia grabbed her shirt and put it back on.

"Let them," He said as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her back down to him. "I just want to hold you." Elliot placed small kisses on the top of her head.


"Shh.." They got some rest.

Olivia was just as tired as he is. Afterall, they did have a busy day at work. She doesn't know when the last time she had a good night sleep. Olivia let her body fall onto his and they fell asleep.


Olivia woke to Elliot's snozing. She got herself untangled from his body. She stummled around to find his watch. Staring at it, she made out 3:30 AM. She made her way back to her lover who was sleeping on the floor.

"Elliot!" She punched him.

His eyes popped open. "What is it?"

"You have to go."

"Come on Liv, I will sneak out in the morning."

"It is morning." She stared down at him.

"I'll be careful."

"Good. Now go." Olivia grabbed his clothes and threw them at him.

Elliot could see in his partner's eyes that she really wanted him to go. He understood why but didn't like the idea.

"Fine." He rubbed his eyes. Elliot's shirt went over his head and his pants went on one leg at a time. "Don't tell me you have someone else stopping by?" He teased.

"Not this time." She finished dressing herself and went to the door.

"I love you." Elliot kissed his partner goodbye.

"I love you too." Olivia answered as she kicked him out the door. She locked up her apartment and crawled into her own bed. Olivia wasn't in bed very long until the door buzzer went off.

"You can't stay, El." She made her way to the buzzer. Olivia pushed the button, "I will see you at work." She let go of the button and the noise was just as loud. She hit the button a few more times before deciding to go check it out.

She slipped her tennis shoes on, grabbing her gun and cell phone just in case. Olivia headed down the stairs of the apartment building. She had her gun raised until she saw a pencil stuck in the buzzer. She opened the door to remove it. Olivia scanned the area but didn't see anyone. She lowered her gun and turned to go back in when something hit her back of the head. Olivia fell to the ground.


Elliot bounced into the squad room but Olivia was not sitting at her desk.

"You are in a good mood this morning." Munch replied as he took a seat at his desk.

"Someone must have gotten lucky." Fin piped out.

"Just a good night sleep." Stabler took his seat. "Has anyone seen Olivia?" Elliot asked as he began to shuffle papers.

"She hasn't made it in yet." Munch answered.

Elliot dialed her phone number when Cregan stepped in. "Stabler and Benson in my office."


When Olivia came to, she was laying on a cot. She rubbed the back of her head. It took her a few minutes but Olivia made it to her feet. Her eyes focused on her surroundings. She was standing in a 4 x 6 jail cell.

"I see you're awake." Olivia heard a male voice but couldn't see him.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"Come on Liv, don't tell me you forgot me." A man stepped out of the shadows. He was about six feet tall and had dark hair. He was wearing a pair of blue jeans and a wife beater shirt. Hisskin color was a dark brown like he had been spending a lot of time in the sun and he had blue eyes.

"Richard." Olivia rubbbed her neck this time.

"Glad to know you still remember me." He paced in front of her. "I never forgot you, Olivia. Everyday for eight years, I dreamed of this day." Richard stopped and stared into her eyes. "Face to face." He reached for her but she pulled back.

"How did you get out of jail?" She kept her distance from him.

"Good behavior. How else?" Richard grinned as he watched her pace in the back of the jail cell. He knew he had gotten to her. Richard loved watching the woman who put him behind bars now sqirming behind bars herself.


Elliot shut the door behind him in Cregan's office.

"Where's Olivia?" The Captin took his seat behind his desk.

"She hasn't made it in yet." Stabler replied.

"As soon as she gets here, I want the two of you to interview our victim again."

"Got it." Stabler turned and walked out.

He reached his desk and dialed her cell phone this time.


Richard and Olivia turned their heads as her cell phone rang in the pocket of her pants.

"That's my partner." Olivia piped out.

Richard's arms were between a bar as he reached for the pocket of her lounge pants. They fought for the phone and he won.

Richard flipped it open. "Hello Detective Stabler."

"Who is this?"

"We will meet soon enough."

"Elliot!" Olivia yelled from a distance.

"Liv!" Elliot snapped his fingers to get Munch's attention. Munch grabbed the phone to get the number traced. "I want to talk to Olivia."

"Maybe next time." Richard hung up the phone. "That was your precious lover." He turned to face her again.


Olivia's Apartment
9 AM

Elliot was going through room by room of Olivia's apartment while Munch and Fin went over the outside of the building.

He wanted to make sure there was no evidence of him there last night.

"Find anything?" Fin entered the room.

"No. You?"

"I found this outside." Fin held up a bag with a pencil inside. "Not sure if it has anything to do with Olivia's disappearence but..."

"I don't think he ever made in the building." Elliot interupted.


Olivia glanced over at him. She wondered how he knew that.

"Yes. I said lover, Olivia." Richard walked back over the cell. "You have been a naughty girl. I wonder if his wife knows what the two of you have been doing?" He turned his head to the side. "Let's see if they know where you are yet." Richard walked over to desk that had several TV's on it. He pushed a button and all the TV's came on. Olivia couldn't believe her eyes. Richard had a camera on her at all times, at work and at her apartment.

Every single day
Every word you say
Every game you play
Every night you stay
I'll be watching you

He turned to Olivia again. "Do you remember the song 'Every Breath you take'? I just love that song, don't you?" He laughed and faced the screens more than one tv again.

Olivia kicked the cell and made a frustrated sigh. She paced the small cell thinking of a way to get out. She saw the keys laying on the table.


"What now?"

"I have to go the bathroom." Olivia replied.

"Go in the toilet."

Olivia looked behind her. "I want some privacy." She stated.

"I'm not looking."

"Come on, Dick let me out to go to the bathroom." Olivia was getting frustrated now.

"Don't call me Dick!" He stood up and raced over to her.

"Fine. Let me out!" She yelled back.

"Ok but if you try anything..."

"I won't." Olivia pleaded.

Richard dug the keys out of his pocket. He held up a pair of handcuffs.

"You got to me kidding me." Olivia said.

"You want to go to the bathroom you have to wear these." Richard dangled them in front of her.

"Fine." Olivia held her wist out.

Richard snapped the cuffs on and opened the door. He grabbed her arm and lead her to the bathroom.

A few minutes later, she stepped out the bathroom. "Thank you." She answered.

He grabbed her arm and he shoved her away. He pushed her forward just enough that she ran into the desk. Olivia grabbed the extra set of keys laying on the desk.

"I told you..."

"Sorry." She replied.

"Get back in your cage. I have somewhere to be." Richard shoved Olivia back in the cell. He took the cuffs off and shut the door. "I'll be back." He grabbed a package by the door and left.

Olivia waited a few minutes and opened the cell door. She went straight to the phone. She began dialing Elliot's number.


"Stabler." He answered the phone.

"Elliot, I don't have much time."

"Where are you?"

"Just listen. I'm not sure where I am but he is watching you; us. He is name is Richard..." The phone went dead. "Elliot!" Olivia screamed in the phone. She glanced up to see him standing behind her. Olivia turned to face him.

Richard pushed her down on the desk. He held her down with one arm and patted her down with the other. He found the key she swipped from the desk.

"Let go of me!" Olivia screamed as she got loose from him.

"It's not nice to take things that don't belong to you." He let her up.

"It's not nice to stalk people either." She spatted back.

Richard shoved her back toward the cell. "Get back in your hole." Richard locked the cell and left again.


Cregan entered the room. "Do we have anything yet?"

"Liv just called. She said something about Richard. I will pull some old files and see what I can find out." Elliot headed out the door.

Munch found Elliot in the basement going through files. "Any luck?"

"No." Elliot rubbed eyes.

Munch sat down next to him. He grabbed some files. "What if he wasn't from this precinct?" Munch glanced over at him. "Someone she knew before she came to SVU."

Stabler got up from his seat. "Not a bad idea." He headed out the door. Munch gathered a few files and went back upstairs.


Elliot came running into the squad room. "I may have found him." Elliot walked over the board and hung up a photo.

"I called her old precinct and picked up this file."

Cregan entered the room.

"Richard Graham." Elliot looked up and saw everyone gathered around him. "Liv, arrested the bastard two years before joining SVU."

"For?" Cragen asked before letting him continue.

"Murder." Elliot looked up from the file.


Oh, can't you see
You belong to me
How my poor heart aches
With every step you take

Olivia watched the TV screen. She watched them gathered around the board. She couldn't hear what was being said. She wasn't for sure if Richard had sound on his 'little movie' but she hoped Elliot found her soon. She was tired of being locked up in a cell. She made her way to the cot and laid down. Olivia must have driffed off to sleep.


Elliot rubbed his eyes. He was tired but he wasn't going to rest until Olivia was back in his arms; safe.

Cragen walked in. "Why don't you go home and get some sleep?"

"I can't sleep and I won't until my partner is back safely."

"You are not doing Liv any good if you are not focused on this." Cragen replied as he headed back to his office.

"And what about you?!" Stabler yelled out.

Cragen just waved his hand in the air as he shut his door.


Richard slipped back in the room. He saw Olivia had fallen asleep. "It should be quiet around here now." He took his seat and turned the camera to her apartment. "Everything looks quiet there too." Richard watched the precnict camera again. He watched as a man carrying a small package walked up to Stabler. "It's about time." Richard replied as he watched him hand it over.

Every move you make
Every vow you break
Every smile you fake
Every claim you stake
I'll be watching you


"I have a package for Detective Stabler." The delivery man said as he stood in front of him.

"I'm Detective Stabler."

"Sign here." The man handed him a clip board.

Elliot signed and handed it back. After the delivery man walked out Elliot opened the package. He pulled out pictures of him and Olivia. There were some of them walking down the street, some were of them talking to various people, and some were of them shedding clothes in her apartment.

"That bastard!" Stabler got up from his chair and headed straight to Cragen's office. Elliot stuck the intimacy photos of them in his pocket and handed the rest to Cragen. "The bastard has been following us for weeks."

"I don't like it when a stalker takes one of my detectives and I really don't like it when the guy sends us pictures to gloat." Cragen looked up at Elliot. "Do we have as address on him yet?"

"Not a current one. Munch and Fin went to his last known address. They are going to call if they find something else."

Munch and Fin entered his office. "I found a neighbor that said Richard gave her an address to send his check when it comes in."

"Check?" Cragen asked.

"He had a job." Stabler stood.

"We have been there. They haven't seen him in a couple of days." Fin commented.

"Check out the new address and see what you come up with." Cragen told the detective.

"On it." Elliot headed out.


5 Am
182 East 42nd Street

"It looks like another apartment building." Elliot said as he turned to Fin.

"Let's see if his name is on the mailing list."

They got out of the car and went in.

"Anything?" Fin asked.

"No." Elliot's eyes scanned the mail boxes.

"Maybe he doesn't have his name on one yet."

"Or maybe he doesn't live here." Elliot hit the mail boxes. He turned to leave when they met a young woman coming in. "Have you seen this man?" Elliot flashed his photo.

"Yeah, that's Rich. He lives in 4D." The lady told them.

"Have you seen him lately?"

"A few hours ago. I met him leaving when I was coming in from work."

"Thanks." Stabler grabbed his cell phone and dialed Casey's number.


Stabler and Fin waited outside the apartment. Elliot kept staring at his watch.

"They will be here." Fin assured him.

A couple of Officers and Casey walked down the hallway about that time.

"Here's your warrent." She handed it to Elliot.

"Break the door in guys."

Elliot and Fin put on their gloves and began their search.

"Elliot!" Fin yelled.

"Yeah." He entered the bedroom.

"Check this out." Fin had double doors of a closet opened. Elliot stared at the pictures of Olivia.

Since you've gone I been lost without a trace
I dream at night I can only see your face
I look around but it's you I can't replace
I feel so cold and I long for your embrace
I keep crying baby, baby, please...

"He was planning this for eight years." Elliot said as he eyed each and every picture. He ran his fingers over one picture of them together. He stopped at the one that read 'You belong to me'.

Oh, can't you see
You belong to me
How my poor heart aches
With every breath you take

"Sick bastard." Fin grabbed a box of papers, pictures, etc. "Take these too." He handed the box off to an officer standing there.

"I found something else." Another officer entered the bedroom. "Tapes."

"Tapes?" Elliot's heart dropped down to his stomach. He wondered exactly what was on those tapes. "I will take those." Elliot sounded a little nervous.


They Got back to the precinct. "I'll take the tapes." Elliot took the box and headed toward a private room.

"What's with him?" Munch asked as he glanced up to see Elliot rush by him.

"I don't know. He has been acting weird since we found those tapes." Fin answered as he took a seat behind his desk. He grabbed a box and began to go through it.

Elliot scanned several tapes. There wasn't much on them just Olivia doing her normal everyday things. His heart came back to his chest when he didn't find anything on the tapes.

"Anything?" Cragen entered the room.

"Nothing. Just Olivia's normal everyday routine." Elliot glanced up.

"Fin may have found something."

Stabler put the tapes back in the box and followed Cragen out to the squad room.

"What do you have?"

"I found this." Fin handed it over to Elliot. "It's an article of when Olivia brought him in." Fin contined.


Richard watched as they went through his belongs. He grinned caused he knew it would be a matter of time before they caught him. He picked up Olivia's cell phone and called Elliot.

Elliot looked at the name of his ringing cell phone. "It's Olivia's cell number." He told Munch. "Stabler."

"How did you like the pictures?"

"Let me talk to Olivia."

"You didn't like the pictures? I have a video you might like better." Richard asked. "I especially liked the ones in her apartment, but the lighting was a little dark."

"You bastard."

"It isn't nice to talk to someone like that, especially when they have your girlfriend."

"I want to talk to Olivia." Stabler demanded.

"Let me see if I can wake her."

"What did you do to her?"

"Nothing...yet." Richard laughed.

"You better not hurt her." Elliot protested.

Richard walked over to sleeping Olivia. He nudged her through the bars. She must have been dreaming of Elliot cause a smile formed on her lips.

"I thinking she is dreaming of you." Richard spoke into the phone. "Wake up!" Richard screamed at Olivia. "You boyfriend wants to talk to you." He threw water on her.

Olivia's eyes popped open when she realized that was Richard's voice.

He held the phone up through the bars so she could talk.

"Elliot." She whispered.

"Did he hurt you?"

"No." Olivia gazed over to the TV screen. She could see him sitting on his desk. "You look tired." She answered. "How's Donnie?"

'Donnie?' Elliot thought. "He still here."

Richard jerked the phone away. "We still haven't met but we will soon." He hung up.

"What happened?" Munch asked as he stared over at Stabler. He looked like he had seen a ghost.

"Olivia said, ' I looked tired'. How does she..." Elliot looked up at Munch.

"His watching us." Fin replied. "There's something in the corner."

They all got up and walked over to the camera. Elliot stood on a chair and unscrewed the vent that pointed toward his desk. "That son-of-a-bitch. He has been watching us."


Olivia paced in front of the cell. 'It's about time.' she said to herself. "Richard!" Olivia stopped pacing.

"Now what."

"Let me go."

He laughed. "Why do you think I would do that?"

"I don't even know why you have me here in the first place."

"Don't you get it. I want you to know what it is like to loose your freedom."

"You are the one that murdered someone."

"It wasn't me."

"Yes it was. The evidence proved it."

"Well, I did do it but it was an accident. I loved her."

"But you still did it." Olivia answered. "Let me go and I will talk to them about *not* turning you back in."

"I'm not letting you go."

"Fine. Go back to jail." Olivia sat back down on the edge of the cot.

"Will you at least let me go the bathroom?"


"Can I have something to eat? I'm hungry."

"Here." He threw her an apple toward her.

"Thanks." Olivia caught the apple and inspected it.

"Think I did something to it?"

"You never know." She took a bite out of it. After she finished the apple, Olivia doubled over. "Richard, I don't feel good." She was hoping he would let her out and she could make a run for it.

"Lay down. You will feel better."

"No, I'm seroius."

"Fine." He walked right into her trap. Richard unlocked the door to check on her. She doubled up her fist and hit him across the jaw.

"You bitch."

Olivia made it passed him and headed out the cell. He grabbed her leg and she went tumbling down.

"Let me go." She kicked him off of her.

He clutched her again as she tried to stand. This time he stradled her. He pinned her down to the floor.

"What are you gonna do now?" Richard held her down tight.

Olivia was still able to move her legs. She began to kick at him.

"Quit your kicking." He stated.

"What are you going to do, rape me?"

"I'm not a rapist. I'm a murderer. Remember."

Olivia managed to get her arm free. She scratched his eye down to his jaw.

"Ow!" Richard screamed as he grabbed his face.

Olivia then kicked him off of her and made a run for it. Richard got up and cut her off before she could make it all the way out of the room. He grabbed her arm and shoved her against the wall face first. Then he came up behind her keeping her against the wall.

"I don't like to hit ladies but I am going to make an exception this time."

Richard turned her around so she could see him. He doubled his fist and his fist went toward her. She ducked just as his fist came closer to her face.

"Damn it!" He cursed as he shook his hand.

Olivia tried to escape again. Richard picked up a paper weight from the desk and threw it at her. It hit her right in the middle of her back. She went down to her knees.

"Damn." She caught her breath.

Richard made his way toward her again. He jerked her to her feet.

"Okay." She pleaded. "It won't run."

"I know you won't." His fist went across her face. "That's for running." He walked her back to the cell. He pushed her down on the cot. He got the handcuffs out, snapping one on her wrist and the other on the bar.

"Now, you will stay put." Richard turned and left the cell. Making his way back to the TV screens his noticed they must have found his surveillance. "Damn." He was pissed.


They all meet in the Captain Cragen's office. "She asked about Donnie." Stabler pipped out.

"Donnie?" Cragen aswered.

"The perp in the holding cell?" Fin asked.

"Yeah." Elliot couldn't understand why she was asking about him.

"What about the old precinct in Queens?" Cragen asked.

"What about it?" Munch asked as he took a seat in front of the captain's desk.

"Does it still have jail cell's in it?" Stabler stood.

"Yeah." Cragen answered.

"The son-of-a-bitch has her in a jail cell." Stabler began to pace.

"Get moving." Cragen reached for his phone. "I will meet you there." He called out as they all rushed out of his office.


Police precinct
Queens, NY

They surrounded the building. Elliot and Fin went in. They headed down the hallway and moved toward the voices.

"Richard, what are you going to do with me?" Olivia asked.

"You will see."

"You are not going to do anything or you would have done it by now." Olivia commented sarcastically.

"Shut up!" Richard yelled.

Elliot turned the corner and saw Olivia handcuffed to the cell. She glanced over and saw him standing there. She wanted to call out his name but doing that would cause Richard to know her knight in shining armor was there to rescue her.

"Shh." He placed his index finger on lips.

"Let me go and no one has to know what happened here." Olivia kept aggravating him.

Richard stood and came toward her. "Just shut up!" He got in her face.

Elliot and Fin came running in. "Police!" Elliot came up behind him and shoved Richard into the cell. Elliot grabbed Richard and hit him.

"Elliot!" Fin rushed over. "We got him." Fin got between them.

"Where's the keys?" Elliot asked Richard.

Richard laughed in his face. Stabler hit him again.

The other officers rushed in and cuffed Richard. Elliot patted him down and found the key. Elliot took it from his pocket and unlocked the cell. He went rushing to Olivia.

"Careful." Olivia told him as he tried to help her up.

Elliot unlock the handcuffs.

"My back." Olivia whispered.

Elliot picked up Olivia and carried her out. He rode to the hospital with her.

"I'm here." Elliot told her as he held Olivia's hand. "I'm not going anywhere."

They arrived at the hospital and they carried her off into another room. Elliot paced outside the waiting room. Cragen came rushing in.

"How is she?" He asked the as he came up to Stabler.

"Her back hurts. I don't know what that son-of-a-bitch did to her..."

"We have her back now." Cragen placed his hand on Stabler's shoulder. "We will take care of him. As soon as you know something get back to precinct. I want you to talk to him."

"You don't want me to talk to him. I will kill him. Besides, I want to check on Olivia."

"Fine but I want you back ASAP. Got it." Cragen headed out. "I will call you to see how she is doing."

Elliot sat in every chair in the waiting room. He just couldn't stay still. He wanted to see his partner, his lover. He had to make sure she was fine. He just wanted to hold her in his arms, safely.

After a few more minutes staring at the clock on the wall, the doctor walked in. "Are you Detective Stabler?"


"She is asking for you."

"How is she?"

"She is going to be fine. She is a little beat up. We want to keep her over night." They walked down the hallway and toward her room.

Elliot opened the door and walked in. "Liv." He rushed to her bedside.

"Elliot." She reached her hand out for him to hold.

"What did he do to you?"

"Nothing. Well, I tried to escape and he did hit me a few times."

"I need you to do something for me?" Olivia's voice sounded weak.

Elliot could see in the fear in her eyes as he asked. "What?"

"They collected a rape kit."

"What? Did he...?"

"It's ok." She touched his face. "No he didn't. I had his skin under my nails. I tried to tell them but they wouldn't listen. I need you to make it disappear."

"I will see what I can do." He wanted so much to lay next to her and hold her in his arms but he wasn't sure how he would explain that if someone walked in. His cell phone rang. "Stabler."

"Elliot. I need you down here." Cragen demanded. "He won't talk to anyone but you."

"I'm on my way." He hung up the phone.

"What is it?"

"Richard won't talk to anyone but me." Elliot didn't care if anyone came in or not; he reached down and kissed Olivia. "I'll be back to check on you."

"I'm not going anywhere." She smiled back.


Elliot walked into Cragen's office. "Where is he?"

"In there." Cragen pointed toward the glass window that separated his office and the interrogation room.

Elliot opened the door. "I hear you wanted to see me." He paced around the room.

"How is Olivia?"

"Better than you are going to be when I get a hold of you."

"You have no right to talk to me like that."

"Mmm. Tell me, why Olivia." Elliot took a seat across from him at the table.

"She put me away."

"No, I think a jury did that." Stabler stared at him.

"She took me in."

"You killed your girlfriend. Someone had to."

"Olivia kept following me. I didn't like it."

"She was doing her job!" Elliot slapped his hands down on the desk and stood from his seat. He walked over to him and jerked him up. "Where is the tape?" Elliot said calmly and quitely.

"You haven't gotten it yet?" Richard stayed calm.

"No." Elliot answered.

Richard laughed. "Then you better check your mail. If you haven't gotten it by now then someone else must have it. Uh oh. I hope I didn't send it to Kathy." Richard's eyes didn't leave Elliot.

"You son-of-a-bitch!" Elliot doubled his fist and reared back to hit him when Cragen rushed in. Fin and Munch pulled them apart.

"Elliot! My office now!" Cragen barked.

Stabler turned around and followed Cragen to his office. "What in the hell is going on in there?"

"I just wanted to know why Olivia." Elliot paced again.

"I need you to calm down."

"Sorry Captain." Elliot didn't care to talk to Richard anymore he just wanted to get back to Olivia. Elliot turned to walk out.

"One more thing." Cragen stopped him. "Warner recieved a rape kit on Olivia."

"What?" Stabler was surprised that Warner got the kit.

"It seems she had his skin under her nails and brusing on her thighs."

"Mmm. Captain about that. I need a favor. I will do it with or without your help."

"What is it?"

"Can you make that kit disappear?"


"Olivia told me he never touched her and I believe her."

"Elliot, you know we can't do that."

"Like I said I will do it with or without your help. If I have to, I will go down there and see Warner myself. I think you would rather have me come to you first." Elliot stared at Cragen across the way.

"Tell me why and I will see if I can help."

"Captain." Elliot really didn't want to go into details with him.

"I want the truth." Cragen folded his arms at his chest.

"Ok but it goes no further. Not even to Olivia."

"You have my word."

"The DNA they collected is not Richard's. It's mine."


"Olivia and I have been seeing each other for a while."

"Oh." Cragen unfolded his arms and took a seat. "I see."

"I told you, you didn't want to know."

"And does Kathy know?"

"No." Elliot grabbed the door knob. "I will be at the hospital."


Elliot walked back into Olivia's room. He found Casey sitting by the bed. Casey looked up to see Elliot come into the room.

"She's asleep." Casey informed him.

"Has she been asleep long?"

"No." Casey got up from her seat. "Tell I will call her tomorrow."

"Ok." Elliot and Casey pasted each other as they walked around Olivia's bed. "Did she say anything about what happened?"

"She didn't want to talk about it." Casey left the room.

Elliot sat down in the chair that Casey once occupied. He watched her sleep. He missed her so much. Olivia opened her eyes to see him staring.

"Hey." She whispered. "When did you get here?"

"Not long ago."

"I'm glad you came back."

"Liv, what did he do to you?" Elliot took her hand into his. He rubbed her hand gently.

"Nothing, Elliot. I promise."

"What happen to your back?"

"I tried to run. He threw a paper weight at me. I went down on my knees and he jerked me up. He hit me a couple of times, that is all." Olivia took his hand into hers.

Elliot got up from his seat and sat down next to her on the bed. He leaned into her.

"Elliot." She stopped him with her fingers over his lips.

"Liv, I have waited to long." His lips touched hers. Then he kissed her forehead. "I love you." His eyes met hers. He wanted to see if she was listening to what he said.

"I love you too." She answered with a smile.

'Yeah she heard me.' He thought.

"And the rape kit?" She asked as he pulled back before he got carried away in a hospital bed.

"I took care of it." He went to the chair he once sat in.


He grabbed a magazine and flipped through it. "I'm staying the night." He didn't look up to see her reaction. "Oh and Richard sent us a tape." That time he looked to see her reaction.

"A tape?"

"Yeah. When you get home we will have a private viewing."

"What's on it?"

"I will just say that we can rate each other in the bedroom." Elliot placed the magazine back down on the table. "And we have pictures."

"Oh." Olivia's eyes got heavy.

"Get some rest. I will be here when you wake up." Elliot took her hand into his again and watched her fall asleep.

Elliot's phone rang again. "Stabler."

"Elliot, I just wanted to let you know that Richard is being transported back to jail."


"He will be areined tomorrow morning. How is Olivia?"

"She is resting."

"One more thing. The DNA got lost but the skin samples didn't."

"Thanks, Captain." Elliot hung up his phone and grabbed a pillow. He laid his head down and fell asleep.

The End