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David Morelli's House
9 PM

The four couples entered David Morelli's house with the two kids. When Mr. Morelli looked up to see them he ran to Kerri's side. "Are you ok?" He gave his daughter a kiss.

"Daddy!" Kerri smiled as she nodded her head.

"Jeremy here was holding her." Hunter pushed him in front of David.

"We weren't sure what you wanted to do with him." Buffy piped up.

"I will take care of him." Morelli glanced over at his son. "Get out of my sight." Jeremy entered his father's study. He knew better than to leave the house. He knew he was in trouble so going to his father’s study would by him so time to figure out what to say.

Mr. Morelli turned back to the eight people standing in front of him. "Thank you. Thank all of you." He shook everyone's hand. "Now go out and have some fun. You deserve it."

David Morelli sent Kerri upstairs to call her mother. "Tell her I will bring you home in a few minutes by my driver." David yelled as his daughter headed up the stairs.

"Ok, dad." Kerri replied as she reached the top of the stairs.

David Morelli turned toward his study to deal with his son. The eight crime fighters left his house and headed back to their little home away from home.


9:45 PM

"Did you find her?" Willow stopped pacing when they walked through the door.

"Yeah, thanks to you." Buffy gave her a hug. "Do you want to stay and celebrate with us?"

"I can't. I promised Oz I would stop by and see his band play tonight."

"Where?" Buffy asked.

"Club Deep," Willow answered.

"We know that place." Olivia looked over at Parker.

"What time?" Buffy asked.

"10:30. I have to get ready." Willow headed toward the door.

"I'll meet you there." Buffy yelled toward the red head.

"See you there." Willow shut the door.

"What do you think, ladies?" Buffy looked over at the other three women standing there.

"It won't take me long to get ready." Parker turned toward her room.

The guys looked at each other. "Does that mean we get to go?" Jarod asked.

"If there is a chance I get to see my partner dance like that again, hell yeah, I'm going." Elliot headed toward his room.

"Me too. Your partner has a nice little..." Spike glanced over at the detective. "...moves. She has nice moves." The vampire thought better of his "And Miss Parker..."

Jarod looked over at the bleach blonde vamp.

"She has nice moves too." Spike headed into his room before they decided to stake him.

"Yeah, Parker has a nice pair of legs." Jarod agreed with the vampire. Then he slipped into his room to get ready.

"I guess we missed something." Hunter replied to his partner.

"It sounds like it." Dee Dee went into her room to find something to wear.


Club Deep
10:15 PM

The ladies entered the bar and sat at a table close to the dance floor. The men stepped up to the bar. While they waited on their drinks, they couldn't keep their eyes off of the ladies. Hunter faced the bar while Spike and Jarod turned to appraise the ladies. Elliot leaned his right arm on the bar.

"They look hot!" Spike spoke first.

"Yeah they do." Jarod agreed.

"Every guy in this bar better know they are with us." Spike glared at the other men in the room.

"And if the ladies don't want to be with us?" Elliot asked as the bartender handed him, his drink.

"Oh, they will." Spike commented as he grabbed two drinks and headed toward their friends.

Olivia smirked at Miss Parker, "What do you think they're saying about us?"

"I don't know, but follow my lead when they get over here." Parker replied as the guys got closer to them.

Each guy approached his partner and handed her a drink.

This time Parker turned to Olivia. "I feel like dancing. How about you?"

"Yeah." The ladies got up from their chairs. Miss Parker grabbed Elliot as she walked by and led him to the dance floor.

"I feel like a sandwich." Parker winked over at Olivia. "A cop sandwich," Miss Parker whispered to Olivia.

Parker spun Elliot around and the two ladies got on either side of him. They began to move with the music. Parker shook her ass in front of Elliot before she moved behind him. Olivia moved closer to him and rubbed against his pelvic area.

Elliot just knew they wanted to embrass him but this time he thought he would surprise his partner. He would show her, he could dance.

As Elliot began to get aroused and grabbed a hold of Olivia. He pressed himself into Olivia's thighs. Olivia's eyes opened wide as Elliot grinded a little harder. Olivia was surprised her partner could dance like that. She figured him to be more of the dork dancing on the dance floor, than getting down and dirty.

Jarod flipped his phone closed and headed toward the dancing trio. Jarod tapped Olivia's shoulder. "We have to talk." Jarod whispered in Olivia's ear.

The music slowed down. Jarod took Olivia into his arms and began to slow dance. Elliot turned to Olivia.

"Sorry. I hate to cut in but I have to talk to Olivia." Jarod told Elliot.

Elliot turned to Miss Parker. "Care to dance?"

"I thought you would never ask." Parker pulled Elliot next to her and the two began to move.

"What is it?" Olivia asked her dancing partner.

"Remember when you were talking about your father?"

"Yeah, but I really shouldn't have..."

"It's ok. I won't tell anyone. I just found out he is in New Jersey."

"What?" Olivia didn't know how to respond to the news.

"I can take you there."

"Are you serious?" Olivia asked as a shocked smile formed on her lips. "I have been searching for years to find him to see what he looks like and to ask him why he did what he did."

"I know how you said you just what to know something about him."

"Yeah, but how did you..."

"I can do lots of things." Jarod answered.

"Jarod, you truly are a pretender." Olivia kissed his cheek.

"Thank you. I like to help people." Jarod spun Olivia on the dance floor.

Elliot saw the kiss and tensed.

"Jealous?" Parker whispered in Elliot's ear.

"No." Elliot answered her. He was trying to convince himself.

"Go to her." Parker stared into Elliot's eyes.

"We are just partners," he answered.

"Right," Parker hissed. "And Jarod and I are just enemies."

Elliot turned Parker around one more time to glance at Olivia before focusing on his dancing partner.

"Go." Parker dropped Elliot's hands.

The music stopped as Elliot walked over to them. Elliot tapped Olivia's shoulder.

"Hey, El." Olivia said as she turned to him.

The music began to play again. "Can I have this dance?"

"Sure." Olivia faced her partner. "Jarod and I are through talking." Elliot pulled Olivia closer to him.

Jarod walked over to Parker. "Care to...?"

Parker grabbed the pretender and rubbed against him.

"I guess that is a yes." Jarod wrapped his arms around Parker's waist.

"So what was that all about?" Elliot asked Olivia.

"He had some news about my father."

"You told him about your father?" Elliot spoke.

"Yeah, it was late, and I couldn't sleep. Jarod was up working on his computer. And besides, you have heard the story so many times."

"Why didn't you wake me?" Elliot asked. "I'd listen to you again, that's what partners are for."

"Jarod was up and there was no sense of everyone being awake."

"Liv, I'm your partner. I am used to being there for you."

"El, you're jealous." Olivia stared into his eyes.

"No, I'm not." Elliot groaned as he took his eyes off of her.

Olivia laughed. "You are too."

"No. I'm not!"

"It's ok. I was getting jealous with Miss Parker dancing like that with you." Olivia whispered in his ear.

Hunter sat down with McCall. "I think these people are going to be doing some serious business later." Hunter replied as they watch the four on the dance floor.

"Jealous?" McCall laughed.

"Nah, I already have you." He leaned over and kissed her cheek.

The two couples walked back over to the table. "Where are the other two?" Jarod asked.

"Over there." Hunter pointed toward the stage.

They all turned to see Spike with his arms around Buffy on the dance floor. Their red headed friend was next to them but facing the stage. They assumed that was Oz.

After Oz got through performing, Buffy brought him out front and introduced him to everyone. They had been visiting for a while when Olivia glanced down at her watch.

"It's getting late. I think I'm going to head back."

"Yeah, me too." Elliot commented. "Anyone else?"

"Sure. We should all head back." Buffy turned to Willow.

"I'm glad you came." Willow hugged Buffy.

They left the club and filled their limo. As the limo headed toward their living quarters, Spike turned to the other men. "Well, guys I had a good night, and I have a feeling my girl will take care of me tonight."

Buffy's head whipped around toward Spike. "Your girl?"

"Yeah, Luv. I know how tough you are but you have to admit it. You are still a little girl at heart. Just like the rest of you." Spike laughed. "Isn't that right guys."

At first no one agreed or disagreed with Spike. "Come on guys. Tell the ladies the truth." Spike spoke again.

"Yeah, Elliot tell me the truth?" Olivia turned to look at her partner.

"I'm not getting in this." Elliot quickly defended himself.

"Come on, Elliot tell her." Spike went on.

"I'm waiting, Elliot." Olivia never took her eyes off of him.

"Well, since you want to know. I do see a little girl inside of you that *does* need to be protected sometimes." Elliot finally spoke.

"And you are going to be the white knight who will save me?" Olivia asked.

"Well...yeah." Elliot said laughing at the thought of him being the white knight.

"What exactly do I need to be protected from?" Olivia raised an eyebrow at her partner.

Elliot didn't say another word.

"Come on, Elliot tell me." Olivia waited for his answers.

"Well, I would say your life in general but..." Elliot stopped what he was saying and shifted in his seat nervously.

Olivia let out a heavy sigh. "At least it wasn't an argument about how to raise kids." Olivia muffled her words.

Jarod faced Miss Parker. "Oh, and guess you have something to say." Miss Parker hissed.

"You know how I feel about this."

"Oh, please enlighten me." Parker spoke again.

"Parker, I wish you would let me take you away from that place. It is evil." Jarod commented.

"Straight from that place right into your *safe* arms?" Parker sarcastically replied.

"Every time I look into your eyes I see that little girl that wants to get out." Jarod reached for her hand and Parker pulled away.

"That little girl is gone." Parker said firmly.

"Thanks to your father." Jarod turned his head to look at the window.

"Leave my father out of it." Parker turned her head to the opposite direction.

"What about your mother? She wanted to free you from that place like she wanted to free me." Jarod faced Parker again.

"And look what happen to her."

"She died helping *us*." Jarod spoke barely over a whisper.

Hunter just moved closer to McCall. "I don't have to save the little girl in you. I have already done that years ago." Hunter glanced down at McCall.

Dee Dee glanced over at her partner. "I know, and I thank you for it."

"I was just returning the favor." Rick placed his arm around McCall's shoulder.

The rest of the ride was filled with silent tension.


Everyone walked back into the living quarters. Spike was the first male in the room.

"Ok ladies, you know you want us. We are ready and willing. Who wants to be first?" Spike spoke with is arms out in the air.

Olivia, Miss Parker, and Buffy exchanged annoyed looks before they walked and slammed their respective bedroom doors shut.

"Way to go, Spike. Just piss them off more." Elliot walked passed the vampire and took a seat on the couch.

"Thanks." Jarod sat on the other end of the couch.

"What? They'll be all right in a minute." Spike sat down between the two men. "Maybe." Spike spoke under his breath.

Hunter and McCall looked over at each other. "Do you want to watch a movie?" McCall asked her partner.

"Sure. I'll get the popcorn." Hunter walked into the kitchen and took the popcorn out of the cabinet.

"So I guess the three of you are joining us for the movie?" McCall said as she went into the kitchen and grabbed a couple of drinks.

"It looks like it," Elliot said as he glared over at the vampire one more time.

Miss Parker came out of her room and walked past the three sitting on the couch.

"See, I told you," Spike replied.

Parker just gave Jarod one her famous 'go to hell' looks and went to Olivia's door. She knocked, and Olivia let her in. It wasn't long until Buffy did the same.

McCall looked over at Hunter. "I'm going to go talk to them." She got up the chair and headed to Olivia's room.


Elliot looked over at the other two men. "How badly do you think they are talking about us?"

"Bad." Jarod never turned his head.

"Oh, Buffy will get over it. She has in the past."

"Did you ever think the past was the past and now she won't?" Jarod turned his head to look at bleach blonde vampire.

Hunter just shook his head at the poor men sitting on the couch as he tried to muffle his laugh.

"She will," Spike replied but he didn't know if he was trying to convince himself or the other two men. "Beside, she is nothing like my last girlfriend. She didn't even cut off my head to show me she loved me." The other three men turned their heads at the vampire. "That reminds me, I want some of those little marshmallows. Do we have any?" Spike got up from the couch and headed into the kitchen.

The other three men shook their heads at him.


McCall joined her women friends and sat down at the end of Olivia's bed.

"I just can't believe they said that!" Olivia commented.

"Spike has said some terrible things before but nothing like this." Buffy spoke.

"Same with Jarod. You should hear some of the things we say to each of, but this..." Parker hissed. She looked up to see the other three women staring at her. "Well, maybe you have to be there."

"Girls." McCall stopped them. "Let's look at this for a moment."

The three turned to their attention to her, and they threw pillows at her.

"I'm not trying to take sides, just hear me out for a minute." McCall got their attention. "Buffy, we all know you and Spike had a thing in the past. Have you ever thought that maybe you really do love each other?"

"He wanted me to tell him that when we were having sex, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Besides, with what happened to my last boyfriend I don't know if I could convince myself it was love."

"So what happen to your last boyfriend?" Parker asked.

"He turned into an evil vampire. He killed a good friend." Buffy hung her head down.

Dee Dee turned back to Buffy. "Maybe you should tell him now." Dee Dee went on.

"I did tell him once, when I thought he was dying, and I never would see him again. He told me that I didn't really love, him but thanks anyway." Buffy grabbed a pillow from the floor and held it close to her.

"Don't let him slip away again." McCall finished before she turned her attention to Parker.

"Miss Parker," Dee Dee faced her. Parker glared over at her as if to say 'don't even go there' but McCall continued. "It is very obvious that you and Jarod have a history."

"We grew up together." Parker answered.

"I take it something went wrong a long time ago?"

"Something like that."

"Then maybe you should make it right. Be a woman and take the first step."

"I don't know. He did say some awful things."

"And you haven't?" Dee Dee stared over at her as she raised an eyebrow.

"Ok, but I think I should make him stew a little longer." Parker leaned back against the bed.

"Olivia." McCall spoke again.

"Great, now it is my turn."

"I see Elliot cares about you a lot. You two remind me a lot of Hunter and me."

"You have a special relationship." Olivia commented.

"Well, he spent several months on my couch 'cause I was scared to stay there alone. We developed a special bond." McCall said.

"Why were you scared?" Olivia asked.

"I was raped." Dee Dee spoke softly.

"Oh. I'm so sorry to hear that. If you ever need to talk, I am here. I'm certified rape counselor. Plus, I deal with it everyday on the job," Olivia replied.

"Thanks, but I am getting through it one day at a time." McCall answered.

Olivia looked over at her. "I'm a child of rape." Olivia paused then decided to change the subject. "Did you and Hunter ever...?" Olivia had to ask.

"Once. It was more like a one-night stand."

"I guess it didn't affect your relationship," Parker commented.

"We had to go see a police shrink, but we worked things out. Now we are best friends."

"Would you ever do that again?" Olivia asked out of curiosity.

"Are you thinking about it?" Dee Dee asked.

All heads turned to Olivia.

"We've come close a couple of times." Olivia bowed her head.

"What is keeping you from doing the deed?" Parker asked.

"His wife and kids."

"Oh." All three said in unison.

"Well, more like ex-wife. He hasn't been divorced long. A few months, close to a year." Olivia said softly. "But I think his ex-wife might think differently. She probably thinks we have been more than partners for a while now."

The ladies sat in silence for a while until Miss Parker decided to break it.

"I guess it's time to forgive Jarod." Parker stood from the bed.

"That quick?" Olivia asked as she shifted on the bed.

"Have you ever seen the man without a shirt? I've been wanting to dig my nails into him for a very long time." Parker licked her lips.

Buffy jumped up from the bed. "Speaking of chest...have you seen my Spike's?" Buffy's breathing changed.

"I say we jump the boys and have our way with them." Parker headed toward the door.

"Ladies wait!" Olivia got up from the bed.

"I couldn't agree with you more, Miss Parker." Buffy followed her out. For once Buffy felt like she and Parker might become acquaintances, but maybe not friends.

Dee Dee turned to Olivia. "If you will excuse me, my partner has a movie waiting for me."

When Parker and Buffy made it to the other room they found Spike sitting on the floor pouring his sorrows into a half empty whiskey bottle, mumbling something about no little marshmallows.

"Jarod, this way NOW!" Miss Parker snapped her fingers. Jarod didn't want to look like a whipped man but he got up quickly and followed her to her room.

Buffy walked over to Spike. "Come on. Let me help you up." She took his arm and helped him to his feet.

"Where are we going, Luv?"

"You'll see." Buffy took the vampire to her room and shut the door.

McCall came out and joined her partner on the couch. "Ready to watch the movie."

"Yep." Hunter started the movie.

Elliot looked over at the two. He got up from his chair and headed to Olivia's room. He stood on the outside of the door trying to decide if he should knock or not. Olivia stood on the other side wondering if she should go get him.

Elliot lifted his hand to knock when Olivia opened the door.

"Can we talk?" Olivia asked.

"Liv, I am so sorry about earlier." Elliot gave his partner a hug.

Olivia let him in, and Elliot shut the door.

"It's ok. I'm sorry I acted that way. It is just..."

Before she could say another word, Elliot planted a kiss on her lips. Olivia didn't know if she should break the kiss to finish her sentence but she decided against it. Instead she locked her arms around is neck. Elliot picked her up and carried her to the bed.

Back in the living room, Hunter turned to his partner. "What did you say in there?"

"Not much." She winked at him and turned back to the movie.


Hunter woke to the sound of the news. His partner was sleeping next to him. He tried not to wake her, but when his eyes focused on the TV screen, he gave her a light punch.

"Dee Dee, wake up!" He spoke.

"What is it?" she asked in a sleepy voice.

"Look at the TV."

McCall sat up. "I don't see anything special about it." She fell back down on the couch.

Hunter got up. "They are talking about something in Blue Cove, Delaware. Isn't that where Miss Parker is from?"

"Yeah." McCall sat up. "I have to tell them." She rose to her feet and hurried to knock on Parker's bedroom door. "Miss Parker! Jarod! You have to see this."

Jarod rolled over to see Parker laying asleep next to him. "Parker." He nudged her. "Get up."

"Mmm." She slapped at his hand.

"Parker, come on." Jarod grabbed his clothes and headed to the door.

By the time he got to the living room, everyone was standing in front of the TV.

"Parker!" Jarod yelled. "Get in here now!"

Parker came walking in. "Damn. What is going on?" She tied her robe closed.

"Look!" Jarod brought his hands to both sides of her face and turned her head straight to the TV. "It's over." He whispered in her ear.

On the screen Parker could see a man and child hugging. "Broots." She turned back to Jarod.

"He is safe." Jarod spoke softly.

"I knew he would be."

"How did you know?" Jarod glanced over at her.

Parker pointed toward her head, "Call it a gut feeling." Jarod knew exactly what she was talking about without having to say a word in front of the others in the room.

"Have they said anything about how this happened?" Jarod turned to the rest of the people.

"No. Just that someone made a call," Hunter said.

Jarod looked over at Parker. "David Morelli?" they said at the same time.

"Surely not," Olivia responded.

A few minutes later, there was a knock at the door. Jarod walked over and opened it. His eyes opened wide when he saw his mother standing in front of him.

"Jarod." The woman wept.

"Mom." Jarod embraced her. "I thought I would never see you again."

"My baby boy." Margaret kept weeping.

"I can't believe it. You're here in my arms." Jarod held her tight. "How did you find me?"

"Mr. Morelli." Margaret pulled away from her son. She stared into his eyes. "You favor your father."

"I can take you to him."

Miss Parker's ears perked up. Jarod turned to face her. "Yes, I know where my dad is, and maybe I will take you there but you can never go back to Blue Cove." Jarod spoke to Parker but kept one arm around his mother.

Margaret got a good look at Miss Parker and took a step back from her son.

"Mom, it is okay. Miss Parker and I have been friends for a while, and she won't hurt you. I won't let her." Jarod never took his eyes off Parker.

"And we won't either." Olivia spoke up as Jarod and her nodded at each other.

Jarod introduced his mother to everyone in the room. "We have a lot of catching up to do." Jarod sat down on the couch with his mother.

Several hours later everyone was pack and ready to move on. They were all ready to back to their normal lives or at least as normal has they come be. They all said their goodbyes and went their separate ways, hoping to see each other again someday.

Hunter helped Dee Dee with her suitcase down stairs to where Mr. Morelli had a limo waiting to take them to the airport. While they were packing their things in the trunk of the limo Spike and Buffy joined them.

"Care if we share a ride?" Buffy asked.

"Not at all." Hunter helped the pettie blonde girl in the car.

"I thought you weren't going back to LA?" Spike turned to Buffy.

"If you are going to be there, then I will stay." Buffy leaned into Spike's arms.

"Who knows? We may move on from there." Buffy glanced over at McCall as she spoke to Spike.

Dee Dee smiled at the couple as the driver took them to the airport.

Stabler turned to Jarod. "If you need any help getting your mom somewhere safe. I'm here."

"Thanks, but I have it all planned out. Up here." Jarod pointed to his head.

"It was nice to meet you, Margaret." Olivia helped the older lady down the stairs. "I feel like Jarod and I are old friends." Olivia and Jarod exchanged a look.

Jarod carried Miss Parker's suitcase down. "Parker, I wish you would come with us."

"I will, Jarod. I just have to return to Blue Cove and finish a few things. Call me in a few days." Parker kissed Jarod on the cheek.

"I will."

Jarod walked over to Olivia. "If you need someone to take you to New Jersery, I'm here."

"Thanks, Jarod but I think Elliot wants too." Olivia looked over at her partner.

Elliot took her hand. "Are you ready to head back to *our* normal jobs." He laughed.

"Tomorrow. I think today I want to rest." Olivia whispered to Elliot.

"Your place or mine?" Elliot placed his arm around his partner.

"Whichever is closer." Olivia kissed Elliot's neck as they waited for a ride.

Jarod turned back to Parker. "At least, let us drop you off to your car."

"I would like that." Parker hissed as she pulled Jarod into a hug.

"Not as much as I would like better knowing you are safe in my arms." Jarod kissed her lips.

The End