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8 PM

After mapping the area and what the plan was they jumped in two different cars and headed out. The ladies in one and the gentlemen in the other. The girls parked in front of the Morellis' house so they could watch the entrance. The guys parked off to the side so they could keep an eye on the other exits.

Elliot picked up the walkie-talkie. "See anything?"

"Nothing here," Olivia answered back.

"I hope we get to beat up someone." Spike broke the silence.

All heads turned toward him.

"What? I'm getting restless."

The other three men faced the house again.

"Do you always have to fight?" Hunter asked as he looked across at the vampire.

"Yeah. It keeps me going. What do you do for fun?" Spike glanced over at him.

Hunter just shook his head and didn't say a word.

Meanwhile, the ladies kept their eyes on the front gate. Buffy propped her foot up on the side of the door panel. "This is getting boring. I always hate this part of the job."

"You mean vampires kept you waiting?" Miss Parker snapped.

"You have to wait for them to get out of the grave." Buffy nodded her head.

"Oh I see." Parker shifted in the driver's seat.

"I've had it with you, Miss Parker." Buffy barked. The two women locked eyes from the rear view mirror.

"Well, hopefully you won't have to put up with me much longer," Parker replied.

"Good." Buffy said under her breath.

"Hey, we have movement." Dee Dee pointed toward the gate.

"It's about time," Parker hissed.

Olivia grabbed the walkie talkie. "We have someone coming out of the gate."

"Roger that," Elliot responded.

The car pulled out of the driveway and drove past them. "It's Jeremy." Parker said as she sat up from her slouched postion.

"It's him," Olivia repeated in the walkie-talkie.

"Ok girls, we'll take the trail first." The guys pulled out behind Jeremy's car, and began their adventure. They followed Jeremy for several blocks when the ladies pulled out behind the guys and guys headed other way.

After repeating their maneuvers several times, Olivia glanced at Miss Parker. "Jeremy is making a circle. I think he made us."

"He couldn't make us. We haven't followed too close."

Jeremy turned down a back alley and got out. He began the rest of his journey on foot.

"There he is." Jarod pointed down the alley. Hunter slammed on the brakes and backed up. The tires squealed as he headed down the alley. The ladies were right behind them.

Spike jumped out of the car. "He's not here."

Everyone broke up in pairs to search for the young boy.

"Over there!" Spike walked down the sidewalk. As he moved in closer, Jeremy took off running.

"This way, Spike." Buffy pointed down the other side of the street.

Jeremy went around the corner. As Buffy and Spike rounded the same corner, they ran into Elliot and Olivia.

"Where did he go?" Buffy asked.

"He came this way." Olivia said as she tried to catch her breath.

"He just rounded the corner two seconds before we did." Spike looked around. "Maybe he went up there." Spike pointed.

"He couldn't have had time to reach the top," Elliot replied.

"Unless he flew." Spike raised an eyebrow.

"Let's see where he went." Buffy reached for the ladder but she wasn't tall enough.

"How about a hand, Luv?" Spike lifted her up.

"Watch the hands, Spike." Buffy shouted.

A sly grin formed on his lips. "I'm watching them."

Once Buffy got a good grip on the ladder, she kicked at the vampire.


Buffy grinned back down at him.

Spike turned to Olivia. "Ladies first."

"Go ahead." Olivia replied rolling her eyes.

"Ok, but I don't mind the view." Spike laughed as he followed the slayer up the ladder.

Olivia and Elliot exchanged a look before Elliot helped his partner up the ladder. Once the four got onto the roof, they continued searching for Jeremy.

"I don't see any kind of sign of him," said Buffy.

Meanwhile, Jarod and Miss Parker made it to the same building. "Through here." Jarod grabbed Miss Parker's hand and pulled her through the half-hanging door. They scanned the area and made their way up the stairs.

"Olivia, where are you?" Rung out over the walkie-talkie.

"Dee Dee, we are at the corner of 52nd and Broadway."

"We're on our way."

Hunter and McCall rounded the corner to find no one.

"Where did they go?" Hunter asked as he looked around and up.

"Olivia said they were at the corner." McCall looked at the street sign.

"Dee Dee, up here." Olivia peeked over the edge to see their two colleagues looking lost. Then they heard a banging noise on the other side of the door. Elliot and Olivia grabbed their guns.

"Is this where the party is?" Jarod announced once they got the door open. "Whoa." Jarod held his hands up in the air as he looked down at the two gun barrels.

Olivia and Elliot let out a sigh at the same time. "You were almost shot." Olivia put her gun back in it's holster.

"It wasn't the first and I'm sure it won't be the last." Jarod glanced over his shoulder at Parker. She stuck her tongue out at him.

"What did you find?" Jarod asked.

"Nothing," Elliot answered.

Buffy looked over the edge to see Hunter and McCall searching the alley.

"I guess we can go." Parker kicked at something on the roof.

"We're coming down," Buffy yelled over the edge.

As the six descended the stairs, Spike turned to Buffy. "This old thing reminds me of the time we torn down a building in Sunnydale, doesn't it?"

"I remember kicking your ass," Buffy spat out quickly.

"I wasn't talking about the fight." Spike replied as a sly grin formed on his lips.

Buffy tried to get her hand over Spike's mouth before the last words exited his lips. The other people stopped on the step and raised their eyebrows at the smirk on the vampire's face.

"I was talking more like you lifting your skirt and your hands quickly finding my zipper." Spike took another step down.

Buffy reached for him, when Spike moved and Buffy went tumbling to the floor.

"Oh those were the good ol' times." Spike reached the last step, stepping over the slayer on the ground. Elliot held out hand to help her to her feet.


Once they emerged from the old building, Hunter said, "There's nothing out here."

"Nothing in the building either," Buffy responded.

"I don't think he could have disappeared in thin air," Olivia replied.

"Unless he is a vampire," Spike commented.

"I don't think he is a vampire, Spike." Buffy glared over at him.

"Why not? I'm one."

"Did he smell like a vampire?" Buffy asked.


"Ok, then." Buffy walked ahead of him.

"Where are we?" McCall asked as they kept walking.

Elliot looked up at the street sign. "Let's take the subway. It is a long walk back, and it will be faster."

They got on the subway and everyone took a seat except for Spike. "Looks like a quite night on the rails." Spike began pacing in the subway car. He took a deep breath in and looked over at Buffy. "This takes me back to 1977 when I killed my second slayer. Mmm...have you ever tasted slayer blood..." He ran over to Buffy. Spike face turned vamped. "...Slayer?" Spike's face turned back to normal as he sat down next to her. "It's powerful." Spike licked his lips.

Buffy's fist automatically hit him in the nose.

"Ouch. That hurts, Slayer."

"Then maybe you should keep your mouth shut." Buffy pulled a stake out of her jacket sleeve.

"Whoa. Slayer. I'm not going to kill you, but you will have to admit it would be one hell of a ride." Spike laughed.

Jarod glanced over at his huntress. "Remember *our* last subway ride?"

"How could I forget? I was almost blown into tiny pieces. Thanks to Ethan."

"It was right here in New York City." Jarod looked around the subway car.

"When did that happen?" Olivia asked.

"Couple of years ago," Parker answered.

"I remember when that happen. I'm surprised anyone survived that." Elliot glanced over at them.

"You are looking at two very lucky people." Jarod answered.

The subway stopped, and they got off. As they returned to their cars, they were greeted by a gang of vampires. Buffy kept her back to the group behind her but turned her head toward them.

"Stay together and don't move. If any of them come this way, use a wooden stake to the heart. Bullets won't help." Buffy handed her stake to Elliot, who was closest to her. Then Buffy moved toward them. "Care to dance, boys?"

The vamps circled her. "Slayer," one replied.

Two of them went to grab her when Spike stepped in. "Boys, I saw her first."

"It looks like you were with her, vampire," One of the vamps responded.

"Not really. I was trying to close enough to kill her." Spike glanced over at Buffy.

Buffy exchanged a look with the vampire before Buffy raised her fist to hit one.

"Now the fun begins." Spike quickly joined in and began to hit them with his fist.

As they began swapping licks, the gang behind the two stood back to observe the action. Buffy grabbed another stake from her sleeve and dusted the vampires one by one. Two vampires came up behind Buffy and grabbed her. As they restrained her, another vamp approached and began to slap her.

Spike glanced up to see Buffy in danger and tried to make his way toward her. As he got closer, another vampire grabbed him and shoved Spike in the opposite direction.

"Buffy!" Spike yelled. He grabbed a wooden broomstick out of the dumpster and threw it at her. As it made it's way toward her, it pierced through the vampire standing in front of her. Buffy grabbed the stick before it hit the ground. She dusted the other vampires with one quick move. Then Buffy rushed toward Spike.

As a vampire swung at Spike, he ducked. Buffy ran toward them and jumped off the wall for more leverage. She knocked Spike down to the ground as she dusted the vampire.

Spike stood from the ground and dusted his leather jacket off. Spike grinned as he watched Buffy run after the last two vampires. "That's my girl." Spike laughed as he followed the Slayer.

The two vampires broke into separate directions. Spike bent over and Buffy rolled over his back and aimed the broomstick right at the running vampire's heart.

"One down, and one to go." Buffy headed toward the last one.

It wasn't long until they caught up with him. Buffy took a chance and threw the woodenbroom stick at him and luckily her aim was good.

"I guess they won't be bothering anyone anymore." Spike followed Buffy back to the gang standing there stunned at what they had just witnessed.

"You just got rid of *all* those vampires?" Elliot asked.

"All in a days work." Buffy walked back toward the car. She glanced back toward the gang. "Are you coming?" Buffy said to the six people behind her.

"Uh. Yeah." Elliot moved first.

The other five people began to move slowly.

"Are there anymore?" Hunter looked around.

"No," Buffy answered.

"How do you know?" Miss Parker hissed.

"They would be here by now," Spike replied this time.

They made it to the cars. "Where to now?" Jarod asked.

"Home." Buffy answered. "We have to get another plan."

They made it back to the building and went in. Buffy was the first one in. When the door opened she saw a red head pacing the floor.

"Willow!" Buffy ran up to her friend and gave her a hug.


"Hi Red!" Spike walked over to the two hugging females.

"How did you get in?" Buffy asked.

"Melvin let me in."

"Good ol' Melvin. He always seems to appear when we need him." Parker barked.

Willow looked over at the tall woman then back to Buffy. "He told me you would be needing me now."

"We chased Jeremy down an alley, and he disappeared into thin air." Buffy continued.

"Ok. I will get set up and hopefully we can find the girl." Willow walked over to the table and took things out of her bag. Willow looked over at Buffy. "I need something from the girl."

Jarod glanced over at the two women. "Will this do?" Jarod pulled out a hairbrush.

"Yeah." Willow took the brush from Jarod's hands. "Thanks." Willow pulled the girl's hair from the brush.

"Where did you...?" Stabler asked.

"Don't ask," Olivia answered for Jarod.

"I took it when we were in her room," Jarod replied.

Dee Dee Walked over to the table. "What is all of this?"

Willow picked up a brown paper bag. "This a rat tail and this is bat eyeballs." Willow lifted another bag.

"Oh." McCall walked back over toward her partner. "Sounds nasty."

"This is what I need for my spell." Willow went back to get her things ready.

"Will, can I help you get things ready?" Buffy asked.

"No. I think I'm good." Willow sat in the middle of the table with a bowl in front of her. She lit a candle and began to concentrate.

The law inforcement officers stared at Willow as she began to mumble the words of the spell from the book in front of her. A tiny light came up into the air and moved toward the door.

"This is it." Buffy lead the way.

The four couples followed the tiny light down the street and over several blocks. When it stopped at a old building similar to the one they were at earlier they broke into pairs and began their search.

"Jeremy!" Olivia yelled.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and began to chase after Jeremy.

"I got him." Elliot went to head him off when Jeremy knocked Elliot down.

Olivia ran over to her partner. "Are you ok?"


Olivia helped him up off the ground and to his feet.

"And then there were three." Spike grinned from ear to ear.

"Shut up, Spike." Olivia went to hit him in the nose.

"Un uh. Only Buffy gets to hit me." Spike ran toward the crowd of the other people chasing Jeremy.

Elliot looked over at Olivia. "Should we check out the building?"

"Sure." They entered each room, but didn't find anything.

"It doesn't look like anyone has been here in months." Elliot circled the room.

Olivia hit all the walls. "Elliot, over here."

Elliot came to his partner's side. "What is it?"

"Listen." Olivia hit one part of the wall and then another. "Hear that."

"The wall is a fake." Elliot's eyes glanced over his partner's.

The two detectives began to tearing through the wall to find another room. "Kerri!" Olivia called out.

The girl began to hit against something. "Over here." Elliot walked over toward the noise. "This place is more like a maze not another room."

Olivia called out again. "El, she is over here." Olivia ran over to corner to see the girl chained to a bed. "It's ok. Your daddy sent us to get you." Olivia tired to calm the crying girl.

Elliot searched the room for something to break the lock. A few minutes later they heard a noise. The two exchanged looks. "Shh." Olivia informed the girl.

"I got it. Stay with her." Elliot pulled his gun and walked back the way they came. When Elliot rounded the corner he came face to face with Jarod. "Damn it, Jarod. You must be like a cat." Elliot placed his gun back in his holster.

"A cat?" Jarod asked funny.

"Yeah. Nine lives. I have almost shot you twice today." Elliot placed his hand on the pretender's shoulder. "We found her but she's chained."

Jarod and Elliot came around the corner to where Olivia stood with her hands on Kerri's shoulders. "I can't find a key." Elliot told Jarod.

"Try this." Jarod pulled a pen out of his pocket and took it apart. Jarod twisted the metal piece in the lock on the chain. "I have been in this situation before." Jarod glanced over at them.

"I don't want to know." Olivia replied.

"I was on my way back 'home' sort of to speak." Jarod gave Olivia a look like 'not that home'. Jarod move it a little bit longer and the lock came off. "See I told you it would work."

Kerri hugged Olivia. "Come on let's get you out of here."

Elliot picked her up and carried her out. "Your mom is worried."

They emerged from the building with the girl and the others had Jeremy in custody.

"First stop, Morelli's." Hunter had the car door open for them.

Part 4