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Summary: This story takes place in Hot Springs, AR. It deals with the HOT southern heat and what can happen in this heat.

Rating: NC 17

Pairing: E/O

Aurther's Note: I want to thank Sarah for reading over it for me.

Southern Heat
By: G. Barton

SVU squadroom
8 am

"Benson! Stabler! My office now!" Cregan yelled as they entered the room.

"What did *we* do?" Benson looked over at her partner.

"I don't know. We just got here." Stabler glanced back at her.

They entered their captain's office. He was sitting behind his desk waiting for them.

"Yeah." Elliot replied as they walked in.

"Shut the door." Cregan answered.

Olivia followed his command. Then took a seat across from Cregan.

"I need a favor and it is our eyes only." Cregan began.

Elliot joined his partner and took the other seat across from his captain as they began to listen.

"I have a friend in Arkansas that needs some help on a case. I want to send the two of you down there to help."

"Us?" Olivia questioned.

"What kind of help?" Elliot glanced over at his partner and then back to his captain.

"He has a case involving a rape and he thinks a cop is involved." Cregan stared at his two detectives.

"Why us?" Elliot shifted in his chair.

"He needs someone that they don't know to investigate the case."

"So do we go down there as cops or someone else?" Olivia was confused on what the captain wanted.

"I'm not sure. You will find out when you get there."

"When do we leave." Olivia replied.

"Your plane leaves in two hours. You better get going and pack for hot weather. It's hot down there this time of year." Cregan stood from his seat. He handed them the information they needed to met with his friend.

The two detectives looked over at each and then back to Cregan. They stood from their chairs and headed for the door.


Little Rock Airport
Little Rock, AR

Olivia glanced over at her partner. "Now what?"

"Get our luggage, rent a car, and drive." Elliot answered.

They headed down the terminal and picked up their luggage. Elliot find the car rental service and headed out for their short drive.

"How far is this place?" Olivia asked as she skimmed over the map.

"It shouldn't be too much further." Elliot glanced over at the air vent. "Is the air on?"

"Yes. It is just hot." Olivia answered. "There is our turn." She pointed toward it.

"Hot Springs. Where do you think they got the name from...the heat?" Elliot started messing with the air vent.

"You drive and I will turn the vents."

"How hot is it?" Elliot asked.

"The radio said 100 with a heat index of a 105."


"It is August and summer time." Olivia replied as she went over the information her captain gave them.

"But we don't get this hot."

Olivia didn't say a word, just read over the files.


Elliot pulled into a parking garage and waited on Cregan's friend. "What time is it?" Elliot looked over at Olivia.


"Our time?"


Elliot began to shift in the driver's seat.

"What is wrong with you?" Olivia stared over at him.

"This heat. I can't take it." He stared over at his partner.

Olivia laughed.



A car pulled up next to them. An older man with grey hair got out. "Benson and Stabler?"

Olivia and Elliot got out of their car and stood by it.

"Yeah." Elliot answered.

"I'm Captain Moore." He held his hand out.

Elliot was the first to shake his hand. "Cregan said you were friends."

"Yep. We went through the academy together."

"He never mentioned you before." Elliot leaned up against the car.

"I'm not surprised. He is like that."

"What do you need help with?" Olivia asked.

"I got three rape victims and no suspects."

"Captain said you thought it was a cop?" Elliot questioned.

"Yes but I can't prove it. That is why I called Don. We still keep in touch. I know you two are the best he has and that is why I requested you." Moore replied.

"What do you want us to do?" Elliot looked around the garage.

"Talk to the victims. Investigate my officers." Captain Moore continued.

"What is our cover?" Olivia asked as she watched the men look around nervously.

"Two cops visiting from New York. You want to see how we run things down here compared to up there."

"Then why are we in a garage?" Elliot watched the man.

"You can report to the police department tomorrow and we will meet for the first time. I don't want my officers to know I have requested the two of you to be here."

"Got it." Elliot walked back around the car.

"See you then." The Captain turned to his car and got in.

"Now to our home away from home." Elliot started up the car and pulled out the garage. He pulled up in the Arlington hotel parking garage. They got out and went in.


They went up to their room. Elliot opened the door and went in.

"I can't believe they only had one room left." Elliot sat his bag down on a bed.

"People are still on vacation. At least, we have two beds." Olivia sat down on the bed. "I'm hungry and tired." She fell back.

"I want a shower." Elliot sat down on his bed and took his shoes off.

Olivia turned her head to look at him. "Can we eat first? I'm starving."

"You said that already."

"I can't help it. I'm hungry."

"Let's have something delivered. I really want a shower to cool off."

"It is summer time, Elliot."

"I don't sweat this much when I work out."

Olivia just rolled her eyes and sat up on the bed. She opened the night stand drawer and flipped through the phone book. "What do you feel like?"

"I don't care." Elliot got up and headed toward the bathroom. He stuck his head around the corner. "Pizza. They deliver." Elliot answered.

"But it will take a while." Olivia looked up at him.

"I don't care." He came out of the bathroom and over to his suit case.

"What kind do you want?" Olivia asked.

"Thin crust pepperoni."

Olivia dialed the number while Elliot grabbed some clothes and went back into the bathroom. After she called in the order and she sat back on the bed and turned on the TV. She heard the water turn off and Elliot emerged from the bathroom wearing a towel.

"Forget something." Olivia watched him as he walked in front of her.

"Boxers." He grabbed a pair and held them up. He headed back toward the bathroom. "when is the pizza coming?"

"30 minutes."

Elliot came back wearing a pair of shorts and no shirt. Olivia couldn't help herself. She kept her eyes on him.

"What's on TV?" Elliot turned the air down in the room and sat down on the bed.

"Mmm." Olivia's eyes stayed focused on her partner's body.

"What's on?" He asked again.

"Oh. I don't know. I was flipping through the channels. You can have the remote. I'm taking a shower." Olivia got up and headed to the bathroom.


Olivia turned off the water and heard a knock on the door. "Yeah." She answered but she couldn't hear him on the other side.

Elliot knocked again. "Liv." Elliot turned the door knob. He cracked the door and a ball of steam hit him in the face. Olivia grabbed a towel but it was a hand towel.

"Pizza's here."

"Thanks." She went for a bath towel. "Be there in a minute."

A few minutes later, she came out in a pair of shorts and a tank top.

"I didn't see anything." Elliot started talking. "I swear. All I saw was a ball of steam." Elliot handed her a slice of pizza.

She just glanced over at him. She didn't say a word. She knew he was getting even for her watching him prance in front of her with a towel on. Olivia took her slice of pizza and headed back to her bed. When Olivia glanced back at her partner, he had a smirk on his face.

"What?" He looked up and caught her staring at him.

"Nothing." She sat back on the bed and ate her pizza.


10 pm

Olivia turned out her light and laid down in the bed. Elliot kicked back on the covers. He stared up at the ceiling.

"Liv, how do you think we are going to solve this case?"

"Like all of them we solve."

"But we don't know anyone here." Elliot got quite.

Olivia wasn't sure if he was sleep or still wake. She didn't think he fell asleep that fast so she called out. "El?"


"Did you tell your kids were coming?" Olivia laid on her stomach and wrapped her arms around her pillow.

"Yeah. I told them I wasn't sure if I would be home to see them this weekend."

"How did that go?"

"They weren't surprised. I still have to bail on them a lot."

"I'm sorry the job hasn't changed."

"It's ok." Elliot rolled over and faced her direction. He stared over at her. He could make out her silhouette. Olivia could feel his eyes on her. This time she fell silent.

"Good night, Liv."

"Good night, El." Olivia closed her eyes and fell asleep.


HS police Department
8 am

Stabler and Benson walked into the police department and asked for the captain. An officer directed them in his way. They walked into his office.

"Can I help you?" Captain Moore asked.

"Yes. We are investigating a rape in New York City and heard our suspect may have headed this way. We were wondering if you could help us?" Elliot took a seat across from the desk.

The Captain shut the door and took his seat again. "I'm sure we can help."

Olivia looked around his office. "Where do we need start?" She scanned over some photos and stopped when she came to one with Cregan and Moore in their police uniforms. It looked like they were fresh out of the academy.

Moore handed Elliot a folder with a list of names and addresses in it. "You can find the victims' addresses in there."

"Do they have anything in common?" Olivia asked as she turned around and faced him.

"They are all scared of the police."

Olivia looked over Elliot's shoulder as he flipped through the folder. "I guess we should start with the victims."

"Good idea." Stabler stood with the folder in his hand. Before they walked out, Stabler turned back to the captain. "Which officer is the suspect?"

"Officer Jim Berry."

They didn't say another word. They just walked out.

"Where to first?" Benson looked over at her partner.

"The first victim."

They got back in the car and headed toward the first victims house.


210 Oak Cliff
Hot Springs, AR

Elliot knocked on the door. A young lady came to the door. "Can I help you?"

"We are looking for Tammy Jordan." Olivia commented.

"I am her."

"Tammy, we are with the New York SVU. We were brought down to talk with you about the night you were attacked." Olivia replied.

"I don't know what are talking about." She shut the door in their faces.

"That went well." Olivia turned to her partner.

They started down the walk when the door opened. "Detectives?" An older woman was standing in the doorway.

They both turned to face her. The older woman closed the door and met them half down the walk. "Did I hear you say you were investigating my niece's rape?"

"Yes." Olivia met her with Elliot close behind.

"I have been trying to get her to talk to someone and she won't listen to me."

"What can you tell us about that night?" Elliot finally spoke.

"All I know she came home a mess. I asked her what happen and she told me she was attacked. I couldn't get her to go the hospital."

Stabler looked over at his partner and then back to the older woman. "But we have a report?"

"I finally got her to go after several hours of talking with her. She said she didn't want to end up like her mother."

"Her mother?" Olivia asked.

"Yeah her mother was about her age when she was attacked and got pregnant with her. She didn't want her and I talked her into keeping her. That is how I got custody her Tammy."

"Did she tell you anything else?" Elliot asked.

"It took me, a doctor, and three nurses to talk her into filing a report. She said he would come after her again. I asked her if she got a good look at him. She told everyone at the hospital and the police she didn't but I know she did."

"Was it someone she knew?" Olivia asked the question this time.

"A cop." The older woman glanced back at the door to find her niece staring back at them. "I better go. I have told you too much." The older woman turned back to the house and headed in.

"We need a sketch artist." Olivia faced Elliot again.

"I was thinking the same thing."

They headed back down the walk and got into the car. "Who are we going to get? We don't know anyone here and if that cop finds out there goes everything." Elliot started the car.

"I say we talk to the other victims and come back to convince her to talk to us." Olivia replied as they drove off. "She is not going to talk to us right now, no matter what we say or do."

Tammy watched the car drive away.


Arlington Hotel
Hot Springs, AR
6 PM

Elliot and Olivia made it back to her hotel. "What a day?" Elliot signed as he took a seat on the bed.

"You don't have to tell me twice." Olivia threw her notes down on the bed.

"Go over this with me again. What do we have?"

"Well, all of them say it was a cop. It is a small town so they would know who is a cop and who isn't." Olivia joined her partner. She flipped through her notes again. "He has blue eyes, blonde hair. Medium build. Surfer type." Olivia continued.

"That should be easy to find. It doesn't look like there is that many type people here."

"I say we go down stairs to the bar and see what is going on." Olivia suggested.

"Sounds good to me but I want to change. I am all sweaty."

"Another good idea." Olivia grabbed a sun dress out of her suitcase and went into the bathroom to change. When she came out Elliot had changed into a nice pair of khaki pants and a white short sleeve dress shirt.

"Ready?" He asked as he grabbed the room key.

Olivia followed him out. She couldn't resist it but she had to get a glance of that butt in khakis.

They got down to the bar and heard music. They saw a band playing off to the right side room. "Over there." Elliot pointed toward the bar.

They took their seats and ordered a drink. They sat there talking about the case when they got half way through their drinks and Olivia glanced up. "Elliot, look toward the door." Elliot looked up to see a surfer boy come through the revolving door. He watched him walk to the back of the hotel.

"Come on." Elliot left some money at the bar and they followed him. "He went this way."

They followed him through the dinning room and toward a meeting room. He grabbed a girl from behind. They exchanged a look and started to go toward them when the girl turned around and gave him a kiss.

"When do you get off?" The blonde hair guy asked the girl.


Elliot and Olivia kept their distance but close enough to listen to everything.

After a few minutes, the couple spilt. The young girl went back to work and he left the hotel.

"Should we follow him?" Olivia asked.

"Keep our distance. I don't know how we should play this."

The two detectives went out the hotel just in time to see him get into a car and drive off.

"So, much for following." Olivia turned back to her partner and headed back into the hotel.

Elliot followed her in.

"I'm going back to the room." Olivia headed toward the elevators.

Elliot grabbed her arm. "Wait. It is still early. Let's walk around."

"You, who has bitched about the weather, wants to walk around. Outside!" Olivia raised an eyebrow at him.

"Yeah." Elliot straighten his shirt collar. "We may not make it back here again. What do you say?"

"Ok." They headed back outside.

"Come on." Elliot grabbed Olivia's hand and they crossed the street.

They made it down one side and back up the other side of Bath House Row before going back.

Olivia opened the door to their room cause Elliot had his arms full of bags. "I can't believe you." Olivia commented. "You are worst than any woman when it comes to buying stuff." Olivia laughed.

"Hey, some of this is yours." He sat her bags down on her bed.

"Who has the most?" She teased.

"Did I see a pool?"

"Yeah." Olivia said.

"Let's going swimming." Elliot sat the rest of the bags down on the floor.

"I don't have a swim suit."

"Yeah you do. I saw this hanging in the window of one of those shops and brought it for you." Elliot pulled a two piece black leather bathing suit out of a bag.

"Can you wear that in the water?" Olivia took it from his hands. "And you?" She glanced back toward him.

"I brought this for me." He pulled out a leopard print speedo.

Olivia raised one eyebrow as she tried to picture her partner in this. "Ok." She commented. She definitely wanted to see him in that.

They changed into their suits and headed to the pool. "Liv, you got to see this." Elliot took her hand and drug her to the edge of the fence. "Look, you can see the most of the city from here."

"I see it. Now, can I have my hand back?"

Elliot saw he was still holding on to her hand, tightly. "Oh. Yeah." He let go of her.

"I thought you wanted to swim." She walked to the pool. Olivia sat her towel down in a chair and walked in the water.

It wasn't long before Elliot had joined her. "Oh yeah this is nice. The water is cool."

"I'm glad you are finally getting cooled off." Olivia giggled.

"What is so funny?"

"You in that speedo."

"You don't like it."

"It is just a speedo."

"I have news for you I wear this type of underwear a lot."

"Then why were you prancing around in boxers last night?"

"I wear both ok." Elliot splashed Olivia.

"It is on now." Olivia swam over to Elliot and tried to push him under the water. They began to play around in the pool. Splashing each other and trying to hold each other under the water. Finally, Olivia noticed it was getting darker outside.

"Do you think we should go in?" Olivia glanced over at Elliot who was holding onto the edge of the pool.

"Yeah something is biting me." He started to slap his neck.

Olivia merged first out of the water. She grabbed her towel and began to dry off. Elliot followed her down the hallway and to the elevator to their floor. He liked the way she looked in that swim suit.

"That cooled me off for a while but I'm still hot." Elliot dried his hair with his towel.

"I'm going to get some ice from the ice machine. Do you want anything?" Olivia grabbed the bucket.

"No. I'm fine."

Olivia left the room and was back shortly. She came back with the ice and two bottled waters. "In case you change your mind." She held up a bottle of water.

"Thanks." Elliot watched her as she sat the ice bucket down and removed her towel. She looked so beautiful. She was going through her suit case when Elliot came up from behind her.

"Liv." He started but didn't know how he was going to finish this conversation.

When she turned around their faces were inches apart. "Yeah."

Elliot grabbed her face with his hands. He leaned in to kiss her. Olivia could see it coming but she didn't bother to stop him. Their lips touched. Neither one of them was in a hurry to stop what was going on. Finally, Elliot stopped for some air.

"I'm sorry." He stepped back.

"El." Olivia grabbed his arm.

"It just..." He turned to walk away.

"Elliot, don't walk away from me." She spun him back around to face her.

His forehead leaned against hers. "I..."

"Shh." Olivia grabbed his face and laid another kiss on him. Elliot had one arm around her waist and the other around her shoulders. He reached up and untied her swim suit top. It fell down to relieve her breast. He ran a hand down her shoulder to cup one breast.

Olivia pushed him back toward the bed. When he fell, he took her with him. He rolled them over on the bed and began to devour her breast. Olivia held his head on her breast with on arm around his neck.

Elliot raised up to look into his partner's eyes. "Roll over." She said as she tried to get up from the bed.

"What?" He glanced back at her. When he realized what she wanted he rolled off of her. She got up the bed. "Lean back on the pillows." Olivia got the ice bucket and sat it down on the night stand. Elliot looked up at her standing before him topless. He fixed the pillows and leaned back on them. Olivia straddled him and grabbed an ice chip. She ran it over his chest until it melted. She grabbed another one and ran it down his neck to his nipple. She tried to catch the water as it melt with her tongue. She took another ice chip and placed it in her mouth. She ran it around his hard nipple. When the ice melted She took his nipple into her mouth and flicked it with her tongue. Then she began to suck on it lightly.

Elliot held her wet hand on his chest with his. It felt cool to have the water touch his skin. It also felt nice having his partner straddling his lap having her do who knows what to him while he kicked back on the pillows deciding if this is real or another dream.

Olivia took an ice chip into her mouth and ran down his abdomen to his belly button. He took a deep breath as her hands didn't stop there. She reached inside his speedo and cupped him. Olivia could feel his erection grow with every stroke. She raised back up and locked eyes with him. She pulled his speedo down to his knees. She hopped of him just long enough to remove his speedo and her bottoms. Then she crawled back on the bed like a cat going after it's prey. As she moved up his body, her nipples ran a jolt through his body as she made sure they ran against his. She could feel his muscles tighten with every move she made and she loved it.

Once she straddled him again, she balanced herself and slid down onto him. Elliot helped her keep her balance by placing his hands on her hips. Once Olivia had her hands resting on his hip bones, she arched her back and threw back her head as she went in a circular motion. They both began to moan as she grinded her body into his as she met his every thrust.

Olivia focused back on his eyes as she moved her head back down to look at him. She knew she had him right where she wanted him. He was like putty in her hands until he grabbed a hold her and rolled them over.

Elliot kissed her lips again before moving down her jaw line and to her neck. His hand ran down her body and stopped once he reached his goal. He took his forefinger and thumb and rubbed it against her clitoris. Olivia arched her back again meeting his. She let out a groan as he kept rubbing. It was sending her through her climax and he was one in charge of it. She bit her bottom lip as Elliot rubbed harder.

Olivia wrapped her legs around his waist keep him there. She wasn't through with him yet. And she surely wasn't through letting him go that easily. She wanted every inch of him inside of her. She grabbed his hair on his head and pulled it while he sucked on her breast again.

Elliot let out a another moan as he empty everything he had inside of his partner. He took one last deep breath and fell on her. They both were trying to catch their rhythm of breathing and put it back on track.

Elliot breathed heavily. "I will roll off of you as soon as I can catch my breath."

"I like having you here." Olivia could feel his heart beating fast. She ran her hands up his sweaty back and rested them across his neck.

Elliot went limp inside of Olivia. He just didn't have the strength to pull out of her and roll over. He couldn't believe he just had this experience with her; his partner. He had been wanting this for so long. He dreamed of it for so long he was wondering if he was dreaming again.

"Pinch me, bite me, scratch me. Do something, please?" He whispered into her ear.

"What? Why?" Olivia looked puzzled.

Elliot rolled his eyes as he touched her neck with his lips. "I need to know..."

"It's real, Elliot." She knew what he was wanting to know. "Everything that just happen was real." She raised her head to look up at him. Olivia folded her arms and rested them behind her head.

"I just wanted to make sure." Elliot's head fell back on her chest. He listened to her heart beating and felt her breathing. He made a circle near her breast and side.

They laid there in silence for a while. Olivia raised up. Elliot rolled off her and let her get up from the bed. Olivia headed to the bathroom. When she came back Elliot had moved to the other bed.

"Are you coming?" Elliot had the covers pulled back.

Olivia joined him. She laid on her side as Elliot pulled the covers over them. Elliot laid right next to her. He propped his head up with one arm and wrapped the other one around her.

"Is this ok or do I need to move?" He asked as he kissed her neck.

"You are fine." Olivia took his hand and laced his fingers with hers. She brought it up to her lips and kissed it. Then rested it along her jaw line and neck. Then Olivia fell asleep.

Elliot gave her one last kiss on the back of her neck and laid his head down on the pillow. It wasn't long he fell asleep next to his partner.


The next morning Olivia's breast were pressed against Elliot's back. She moved slightly and blew hot air on his neck. He shivered.

"Are you awake?" She whispered.

Elliot turned to face her. "I am now."

"I was thinking of taking a shower and wanted to know if you wanted to join me?"

"Only if I get to wash your back." Elliot grinned back.

"My back? You only want to wash my back?" Olivia's eyebrow was raised.


"Sure if I can wash more than that on you." Olivia gave him a kiss. She got up from the bed and headed toward the bathroom. She turned back. "Coming?"

"I will be right there." Elliot couldn't move he was enjoying the view.

Olivia turned on the water and stepped in the shower. She let the hot water run over her body. She faced the wall of shower and pressed her hands against the wall. The water ran down her head to the tub floor. It wasn't long Elliot stepped in behind her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his head on her shoulders.

"What are you thinking about?" He spoke as he watched her step back.

She placed her arms around his. "Last night." She finally answered. She turned her head so she could see him.

"What about it?"

"What happens now?" She turned completely around and see him.

"We can talk about that later. I want to soap you up." He gave her a kiss on the lips. Elliot grabbed the soap and lathered up his hands. He began to rub her down starting with the back of her neck and down her back. Then he moved to the front of her neck and down her chest. Elliot stopped and soaped her breast a little longer.

"You think they need extra washing?" Olivia asked.

"They did get a workout last night." Elliot laughed.

Then Elliot moved down her flat stomach and pulled her closer to him. He then rubbed his hands across her butt. Olivia wrapped her arms around his neck. She couldn't resist having his body that close to hers. Elliot grabbed one of hers legs and wrapped it around him.

"Are you going to wash the rest of me or are you through?"

"I'm just resting."

Elliot slipped his hand down between her legs and began to rub back and forth. He keep his other hand around her waist. He didn't want them to slip in the shower. He didn't know how he would explain them getting injured.

Olivia let out a moan as he kept rubbing. "El." She whispered.

"Mmm." Elliot was getting a little carried away. When he realized he was still in the same spot the moved the rest of the way down her leg. Then moved to the other one. "Sorry." Elliot looked back into her eyes. "Rinse." Elliot held onto her as she turned around in the shower. He had soaped her really good.

Olivia stepped under the water. She let the warm water run down her body again. Elliot handed her the bar of soap. "My turn." He grinned from ear to ear.

"Patience’s." Olivia joked.

She took the soap from him and lathered her hands. Olivia started down his neck like he did. Olivia had no choice but get close to him to wash his back. Elliot refused to turn around.

"I think you just like having me pressed against you." Olivia replied.

Elliot stole a kiss from her while she kept washing him.

"Hey." Olivia turned her head to look into his eyes. She grabbed his ass. She held it tight. She loved having his butt in her hands. It was so tight she could bounce a nickel off of it.

Olivia tried not to hold it to long cause his penis pressed into her. She could feel his erection growing.

"I think you just like having my penis so close to you." Elliot commented.

"Maybe." Olivia smiled as she continued with her washing. "Finished." She said as she moved out of his way so he could rinse off.

"That was quick." He stepped into the now luke warm water.

"We have to get going if we are going to solve this case."

Elliot turned off the water and faced her backside as she went to open the curtain. He pulled her into his embrace.

"Liv, what if I don't want this to stop?"

Olivia grabbed a towel. "I thought you wanted to talk about this later."

"Did I say that out loud?" Elliot took the towel she handed him.

"Yep." She stepped out the tub and began to dry off.

"Oh." Elliot towel off. He opened the door and headed back into the room. He grabbed some clothes and began to dress.

Olivia slipped her clothes on in the bathroom. She wasn't sure how this conversation would end up going but she wasn't sure they were ready for they have started either.


210 Oak Cliff
Hot Springs, AR

Olivia and Elliot stood outside Tammy's house. They knocked again hoping she would answer.

"Tammy we are not leaving until you talk to us." Olivia yelled out.

"Go away." Tammy shouted back.

"Tammy, all you have to do is listen. Then we will go. You don't have to talk." Olivia said back through the door.

Tammy peaked around the corner. She saw the two detectives standing on her door step.

"Tammy please." Olivia pleaded with her. Olivia could see her staring back at them.

Tammy came to the door. "Just listen." She replied through the glass.


Tammy opened the door and let them in. They followed her in. Elliot shut the door behind them.

"I know it was a cop but we can't help you until you help us nail him." Olivia talked as they took a seat on the sofa.

"I can't. He will hurt me."

"No, he won't. We will stay here if that is what it takes." Olivia spoke again.

"Or you can stay in hotel room with us." Elliot talked this time.

"What are you doing here from New York to help someone like me?" Tammy asked.

"A friend asked us to help you." Olivia commented.

"Your friend a cop?"

"Yeah." Olivia took the girl's hand. "A good one."

"We don't have many good ones around here."

"That is why we are here." Elliot replied.

"Would you look at a photo for us?" Olivia asked as she watched Tammy's eyes scan the room.

She shook her head yes. Elliot handed her a photo of their cop they saw in the Arlington.

"Is this him?" Olivia inquired.

Tammy stopped as she saw her aunt come into the door way. Olivia could tell she was hesitant to answer. Olivia turned around to see her aunt standing there.

"I just want you to help them get this monster." Her aunt turned and walked out; leaving them to talk.

Tammy glanced down at the photo. "Yes." She handed it back to them.

"You are not the only one he has hurt and you won't be the last." Elliot declared.

Olivia stood from the couch. "Thank you." Elliot followed his partner's lead. "If you need to talk here is my number." Olivia handed her a card with her cell number on it.

"Now what?" Tammy asked as she followed them to the door.

"We get him." Elliot opened the door. They walked out. Tammy only went as far as the door frame.

"You haven't been out since the rape have you?" Olivia noticed the look on her face.

Tammy shook her head no. "How did you know?"

"I work with rape victims everyday. I know the signs." Olivia started down the walk leaving Tammy in the door way. "Call me. I mean it." Olivia called out as they got in the car to leave.

"Now what?" Elliot turned to face his partner.

"We get the bastard." Olivia watched as Tammy shut the door.

Olivia turned to her partner. "Drop me back at the hotel. I am going to see if I can find the girlfriend."

"I guess I could go talk to some of the cops." Elliot pulled up next to the hotel.


Arlington hotel
Hot Springs, AR

Olivia got out. "See you back here in an hour." Olivia shut the car door. She headed in the hotel. Olivia walked around. She spotted the girlfriend over by the bar.

"Excuse me. Do you know this man?" Olivia flashed his photo.

"Yeah. He is my boyfriend." The girl spoke. "Why do you know...?"

"Can we go somewhere more private to talk?" Olivia looked around the hotel.

"Sure." The girl took her down a long hallway to a room where nobody was at. "What is this about?"

"I'm detective Benson. I am with the New York police department and I am down here investigating several rapes. I think your boyfriend is involved."

The girl's jaw must have fell to the floor. She could believe what she was hearing. "Not Jim. He is so sweet."

"What do you know about him?" Olivia interrogated her.

"He has been a cop for five years."

"How long has he been here?"

"About a year."

"Has he ever hurt you?" Olivia kept coming with the questions.

"No." The girl turned away from Olivia. "I don't like where you are going with this." The girl walked away.

"Wait." Olivia called out but the girl kept on walking. "Great." Olivia mumbled to herself. She decided she had a few minutes before Elliot came back she walked around the hotel. She head down the circular stair case. Olivia looked through the store windows. When she walked down one hallway and back up the other one she headed back up to the bar. She thought she would wait on Elliot there.

She sat down and ordered a drink. She got one sip out of it when Elliot walked up behind her.

"What did you find out?" He asked.

"Not here." Olivia got up from her chair.

Elliot ordered a beer. Olivia waited until he got his order. They headed to a table in a corner. They got seated. "He is a sweet guy." Olivia finished.

"That is it?" Elliot looked at her like she lost her mind.

"He has been here about a year. And you?"

"Since he has been here there has been more rapes."

"So only three are accounted for." Olivia took another sip from her glass.

"Yep and most of the police department doesn't like him." Elliot took a drink from the beer bottle. "He moved from California."

"And the rape percentage dropped since he was gone?" Olivia asked.

"In that area, yeah." Elliot looked around the room. "So how are going to get him?"

"I'm hoping through the girlfriend." Olivia noticed her from the corner of her eye.

The girl walked up to them. "Detective Benson?"

"Yes." Olivia faced her. Olivia could tell she had been crying.

"Did he hurt you?"

"No." She answered. "But he told me he would come after me if I talked to you again."

"Let's go somewhere were we can't be seen." Elliot stood from the table.

"El." Olivia stood to see him come through the door.

The girl turned around and saw him. She started walking fast down the stairs and out of the room.

"Kristy. Wait." The cop ran after her.

Elliot and Olivia were not far behind them. When they caught up with Kristy and Jim they had made it outside the hotel and in the parking garage. Jim had Kristy by the shoulders. He was yelling at her.

"Jim." Elliot slowly walked up to them.

"You must the cop that has been asking about me at work." Jim looked passed Elliot and saw Olivia coming up behind him. "And you must be the bitch that has been harassing my girlfriend."

"You don't talk to her like that." Elliot had his hands out toward Jim trying to calm him.

"I want to know why you think you need to rape women when you seem to have a nice girlfriend standing in front of you." Elliot came as close to them as Jim would allow him to.

"You don't get it do you."

"Control." Olivia finished Jim's thought.

"They don't like me after a while. They think I am a jerk and don't want to go any further." Jim grabbed Kristy and held onto her.

She began to cry. "How do you know I wouldn't have dumped you?" She looked him into the eyes and cried some more.

"They all do." He pulled out his gun.

"If you don't want me then I don't want anyone to have you either." Jim pointed the gun at Kristy's head.

"Hey." Olivia and Elliot both jumped. "Let's talk this over." Elliot took another step closer.

"Don't come any closer!" Jim yelled.

"Give me the gun." Elliot pleaded with him.

"Jim please, give him the gun." Kristy hesitated her next word.

Jim pointed the gun slightly over Kristy's head. "I really liked you." He fired a shot.

Elliot and Olivia screamed, "NO!"

Kristy slid down Jim's leg as he let go of her. Jim looked down at her. "I'm sorry." He dropped the gun. Elliot kicked the gun over to the side and grabbed Jim. Elliot read him his rights and pinned him against a car until the police came.

Olivia rushed over to Kristy's side. "Are you ok?"

Kristy let out a deep breathe. "I think so."

Olivia helped her to her feet. They walked over to the other side of the garage.

A couple of police officers came into the garage and took Jim away. Another one came up to Kristy. "We will need your statement."

"I will go with you." Olivia walked her out.


Hot Springs Police Department
Hot Springs, AR

Olivia and Elliot stood in the captain's office. "Nice job. I like your interrogation skills. Some of my officers could learn a thing or two from you. Tell Don I may need your help again sometime." He shook their hands.

"Anytime." Elliot replied.

"I guess you will be leaving soon." Captain Moore replied.

"Tomorrow." Olivia spoke.

"Get out of here. Go see some sights before you go." Moore spoke.

"It was nice meeting you." Elliot said as they headed out of the office.

"What should we do first?" Elliot turned to his partner.

"Eat. I'm hungry."

Elliot laughed. "Didn't we start out doing this when we came to town."

Olivia laughed. "Yeah I guess we did."

After they visit the city and ate. They headed back to their room.

"I'm tired. We had a busy a day." Olivia laid down on her bed.

Elliot walked over to her. He laid down next to her. Olivia rolled over and looked into his eyes.

"What?" He asked.

"Nothing." She replied.

Elliot pulled into embrace. "Can we sleep in one bed tonight?" He kissed her lips.

Olivia didn't fight the kiss or kick him out of bed so he took that as a yes.


210 Oak Cliff
Hot Springs, AR

Olivia went to the door while Elliot waited in the car. Tammy opened the door.

"I just wanted to let you know, we got him."

"Thank you." Tammy replied.

"You will probably have to go down there for a line up."

"I don't know."

"You can do it one step at a time. You have a beautiful city and you are missing it by staying in the house all day." Olivia took hand.

"One step at a time, uh?"

"Yeah." Olivia turned to walk toward the car.

"Detective." Tammy called out.

Olivia turned around.

"Thank you again."

"You are welcome." Olivia got in the car and Elliot drove them to the airport.


SVU Squardroom

Elliot and Olivia walked back in.

"What are you two doing here?" Cregan asked as he walked passed them.

"We work here." Elliot replied.

"Not today. You have the day off."

"Why didn't someone tell us?" Olivia asked.

"I'm telling you now. Go before I change my mind." Cregan headed back into his office. "Oh and by the way, my friend told me what a great job you did."


They headed down the hallway and to the elevator. Elliot pushed the button and the door slid open. Olivia's cell phone rang.

"That's great. I'm proud of you." Olivia spoke into her phone. "Call me anytime." She hung up the phone.

"Who was that?" Elliot asked as they stepped off the elevator.

"Tammy. She finally walked outside today. It was only to her front yard but she is taking it one step at a time."

"That is great."

Olivia turned to her partner. "What are we going to do now?"

"I say we go back to your apartment and discuss the southern heat we had in Arkansas." Elliot grinned over at her.

"Sounds good to me." Olivia got in the car and Elliot drove. "Are you saying you want a round two?" Olivia smiled as he pulled up to her apartment.

"Hell yeah." He got and walked her to her apartment. "Let's see if it is as hot here as it was there."

"I'm sure it will be when Cregan sees we had one hotel room." Olivia laughed as she unlocked the door and they went in.

The End