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Disclaimer: Ok I have to admit I don't own. Dang it, I wish I did look at all the money I would have. But Seriously, I don't own, wish I did but I don't. I have no money so please don't sue me. I'm broke!

Author's note: Thanks again to Caillean. You are the best. Thanks again.

By: G. Barton

Elliot sat down next to Olivia. "I'm getting to ready to leave. How long will it take you to get there?" He spoke softly so no one around them could hear them.

"I have to finish up this paper work and get some stuff from home. Then I will be heading that way."

"Couple to three hours?"

"Yeah. Why can't you wait on me?" She looked over at him irritated cause he didn't want to wait.

"I thought we didn't want anyone to see us together."

"You're divorce now, and it's been six months since the divorce was final." She moved in closer to him.

Elliot pulled back from her. "Not here." He whispered. "We have all weekend." Elliot stood from his seat. "I will be thinking about you while I am getting some R and R." Elliot spoke loud enough so everyone could hear him.

"Yeah, I bet." She shouted out after him. "See you Monday." Olivia went back to her paper work.


Upstate New York
A Cabin 5 pm

Elliot was putting the finishing touches on the cabin. "Now, all I need is my female partner." He glanced around to make sure he didn't miss anything.

His cell phone rang. "Stabler."

"Hey, it's me. I'm on the road. I should be there soon."

"What took you so long? You should have been here by now."

"Cragen called me in his office."


"He wanted to make sure I was still off this weekend."


"I told him I would be on call. What do you think I told him?" Olivia laughed.

Elliot stared down at his watch. "Then, I will see you a few minutes?"

"Yep." Olivia hung up the phone and continued driving.

'Oh crap, I forgot the candles.' Elliot started lighting the candles that surrounded the room. He was ready to start his weekend with the woman he loved. He checked his pocket again. 'It's still there.' He placed the ring in the top drawer of the night stand. 'Hopefully, she will say yes.' He went back to lighting more candles.

It wasn't long before he heard the car pull up. He looked out the window to see her get out of the car. He opened the door for her. When Olivia walked in, the first thing she saw was the bed. It was covered with rose petals.

"Getting romantic on me?" She kissed him as he took her bag.

"I just want to spend a nice romantic weekend with the girl I love."

Olivia walked around to see hundreds of candles lit. "You lit *all* of these." She turned back to face him.

Elliot shook his head yes. "I wanted it to be perfect." He walked over to her.

"Perfect?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah. A perfect weekend for us since the divorce." Elliot knew he should learn to keep him mouth shut before he lets it spill the real reason they are there. "I missed you." Elliot began to kiss her neck. It wasn't long until their clothes began to hit the floor.

Elliot laid on his side with Olivia in front of him. His fingers intertwine with hers. "Olivia, you know I love you."

"Yeah." She turned to face him. "I love you too."

"Then, I want to know, if you would marry me?" Elliot pulled out the ring that he had stashed in the night stand drawer.

Olivia cupped her mouth. "I don't know what to say."

"Yes, would be good a answer." Elliot held the ring in front of her.

"Yes." She cried with joy. "I will marry you." Olivia kissed him.

Elliot slipped the ring on her finger and he pulled her down in the bed. He kissed her neck and began to move south.

"Elliot." Olivia stopped him.

"What?" He looked up at her.

"What do we do about work? One of us will have to quit or transfer."

"We can worry about that later." He continued to kiss her body again.

After their hot, sweaty bodies stopped moving, Olivia glanced over to the corner. She hadn't noticed the table with a bottle of wine and strawberries sitting on it.

"We have food?" She breathed heavily.

"Yeah. I thought you be hungry." He glanced over at the table. Elliot rolled off of her. He got up from the bed and went over to the table. Elliot brought back the strawberries dipped in dark chocolate and the bottle of wine with two glasses.

"Dark chocolate. Mmm. My favorite." Olivia sat up in the bed.

"I know." He smiled as he handed her a glass of wine. He pulled the covers back and got settled in for another exciting evening.


Sunday evening
Olivia's apartment

Elliot followed her in.

"I thought you didn't want to be seen together?" Olivia teased as he carried in her bag.

"I changed my mind." He joked. Elliot went to the couch and sat down. "I was thinking about what you said at the cabin.

"I said a lot of things up there. Which one are you referring to?" Olivia took a seat next to him.

"About one of us leaving."

"Yeah." Olivia faced him.

Elliot took her hand. "Since neither one of us is ready to leave SVU, maybe we shouldn't tell anyone."

"What about the kids?"

"They have done good about us dating. I think they will do good with the engagement." Elliot raised her hand to his lips and kissed it. "What do you think?"

"Who is going to tell Kathy?" Olivia raised an eyebrow.

"I guess that would be me."


One week later

Elliot went to pick up the kids. Kathy came to the door.

"I'll tell the kids you are here." Kathy replied as she turned to go get them.

"Kathy, can I speak with you first?" Elliot asked as he grabbed her arm.

"Sure." Kathy came out to the porch. "What is it?"

"I thought you should know that I asked Olivia to marry me and she said yes."

"That's great."

"Well, we are aren't telling anyone right now."

"Then why me?" Kathy asked as she folded her arms at her chest.

"I thought you had the right to hear it from me and no one else."

"Thank you. I appreciate that."

"I thought I would tell the kids this weekend."

"What about work?"

"That is why we aren't telling anyone. We aren't sure what to do about that situation yet."

Dickie came down the stairs. "Dad, you're here."

"Hey buddy. I just got here." Elliot replied as he and Kathy went inside the house. "Go get your sisters."

"Dad's here!" Dickie yelled up the stairs.

"I meant physically go up the stairs and let them know." Elliot smacked Dickie's head playfully as Dickie went back up the stairs.

Elliot stood at the end of the stairwell waiting for his kids. When they started coming down the stairs, Elliot held the door open for them. They filed down the porch yelling at each other.

"Good luck." Kathy replied as Elliot walked outside the house.

"Thanks." Elliot followed them down to the car.


Elliot's House
Later That Same Evening

"When is Olivia coming?" Maureen asked as they walked in the house.

"Later," Elliot said as the kids headed up the stairs to their rooms.

Elliot barely got the words out about Olivia when his phone rang. Elliot glanced down at his cell phone and saw it was her.

"Hey." Elliot replied softly.

"Are you home?"

"Just got here. We're waiting on you."

"Me?" Olivia acted surprised.

"Yeah. The girls are waiting to see you. I think they have plans for you."


"I just miss you." Elliot told her.

"You saw me earlier."

"I know but that was three hours ago."

"Poor baby." Olivia pulled up outside his house and went up the door. "Open your front door."

Elliot opened the door to see Olivia standing there. They shut their cell phones off. Elliot kissed her cheek. "Thank you for coming."

"Kids are in rambunctious mood?"

"How did you guess?" Elliot laughed.

Olivia came in the house. They headed up the stairs toward the kid’s rooms. Dickie was sitting in the girls' room.

Elliot stood in the doorway. "Hey, look who is here." Elliot moved over so Olivia could be seen.

"Olivia." All of their faces lit up.

"I hear this is where the party is."

"Right." Dickie commented as he tossed a ball in the air and caught it.

"You could leave." Elizabeth hit him on the back of the head.

"Dad, did you see that?" Dickie turned to him.

"Can we talk to you for a minute?" Elliot walked in.

"Sure." Elizabeth answered for everyone.

Olivia entered the room behind Elliot. Olivia took a seat next to Maureen.

"We have something to tell you." Elliot took a seat next to Kathleen.

"Is it another secret?" Dickie asked he threw the ball up in the air.

"Yes." Olivia caught the ball from Dickie and handed it back to him.

"Olivia and I are getting married."

"Yay." All the kids got excited.

"Are you going to have babies?" Dickie's asked.

Maureen hit the back of Dickie's head. "You don't ask someone that."

"What?" Dickie turned to his sister. "I want to know."

"We don't know." Elliot glanced over to his partner.

"If so, can I have a brother? I don't want another sister." Dickie jumped back before he got hit again.

Olivia grabbed Dickie. She pulled him into her embrace. "You are so cute."

"That is code word for 'you are an idiot'." Elizabeth commented.

"That is not true." Olivia replied as she rubbed her hand over his head.

"Olivia, are you staying the night?" Kathleen asked.

"I wasn't planning on it."

"You have to. We could have a sleep over. You can stay in here with us." Elizabeth said as she moved over to where Olivia was sitting.

"She doesn't want to stay with you. She is staying with daddy." Dickie commented again.

Elliot and Olivia exchanged looks. "What makes you say that?" Elliot asked Dickie.

"You are getting married, aren't you."

"Yeah." Elliot said.

"WE have sex education in school dad." Dickie just glared over at his father.

"Dickie, we are not going to discuss this right now." Elliot got up from Kathleen's bed. "If the girls are having a sleep over then what are we going to do?" Elliot grabbed Dickie, and they went out of the room.

"We could spy on them." They heard Dickie talking as the two guys went down the hall.

A few minutes later, Olivia came out of the girls' room and found Elliot sitting on the couch.

"Hey." She sat down next to them.

"I told you they had something planned for you." Elliot pulled her next him.

"We are headed to my place to pick some clothes." Olivia said as she looked up at her partner's eyes.

"So you are staying the night?" Elliot wrapped his arm around her.

"Yeah but I am staying with the girls *not* you." She laughed.

"That is ok. I am sure I can sneak in sometime and steal a kiss." Elliot leaned in a gave her a kiss on her cheek.

The girls headed down the stairs. "We're ready."

"Later." Olivia got up and gave Elliot a quick kiss on the lips. "Be back soon."

The girls headed out the door and waited on Olivia at the car.


3 Months Later
11 PM, Friday
Elliot's House

Olivia rang the doorbell and paced while waiting on Elliot to answer the door. Elliot glanced over at the clock. He rubbed his face with his hands and stubbed out of bed.

"I'm coming." He yelled as he peeked out to see Olivia pacing. "Olivia?" He yawned as he opened the door.

"Elliot." She rushed passed him.

"What’s wrong?" Elliot placed his hands on both of her shoulders to get her to stop pacing.

"I'm sorry I bothered you but I can't sleep until we talk."

"Okay calm down."

Olivia took in a deep breath and let it out. "I have a past you should know about before we get married."

"We *all* have a past, Olivia." Elliot pulled her into his embrace.

She jerked back. "Elliot, I'm serious."

"Tell me." They moved to the couch.

Olivia took his hand. "You how my mom was. She was a drunk and could get violent. What if that happens to me? What if we have children? I don't know how you feel about that."

Elliot lifted her hands to his lips and kissed it. "Liv." She stopped talking long enough to look into his eyes.

Elliot continued. "First off, you are nothing like your mother. Even if you do turn out like her, I still love you. It's for better or worse, remember."

Olivia nodded.

"Second, the kids, I hadn't planned on more children but I didn't plan on a second marriage either. I don't want to be selfish. If you want kids, then we will have kids." Elliot stopped talking, still holding her hand now to his chest. "I am Catholic, no birth control." Elliot commented when he held Olivia tighter.

"Elliot, did you know I wanted to kill my mother when I was sixteen? What if our kids feel like that?"

"Calm down, Liv. Everything is going to be fine. Trust me."

"Elliot, I have had many lovers. I don't mind getting tested." Olivia didn't even know if she was making sense. All she knew she was rattling words.

Elliot had to laugh. "I'm sorry. It is just we are getting married next week and we have been sleeping together for a while now. You are just now getting worried about that. Liv, everything is going to be fine. You just have pre-wedding jitters."

"I can't help it. I haven't been married before, been engaged but not married." Olivia took a deep breath.

Elliot pulled her into his chest. He kissed the top of her head. "Can we go to bed now? I'm tired."

"Yeah, but I haven't planned on staying."

Elliot stood, took her hand, led her to his bedroom. "I want you to sleep here next to me. Besides, I want to keep my eyes on you," he laughed as he crawled back under the covers.

Olivia removed her jeans and crawled in next to him. Elliot pulled the covers over them. He settled in with one arm around her and his head resting on her shoulders. "I love you." He kissed her shoulder and laid his head back down.

"I love you too." Olivia laced her fingers with his and fell asleep.


The next morning Elliot woke on his back to have Olivia draped over his chest. He ran his right hand along her shoulder and down her arm with his left hand he brought it up her back and rested it in the middle between her shoulder blades. He glanced down and watched her sleep. She looked peaceful compared when she came knocking at his door the night before. Elliot watched her a few minutes then wrapped both arms around her. He loved her so much, and he couldn't believe in a few days she would be his wife. Olivia began to move in his arms. She lifted herself up slightly.

"Good morning, sunshine." Elliot spoke softly.

"What time is it?" She looked up at him and smiled.

"I don't know. Morning."

Olivia fell back down on his chest. She yawned. Then folded her arms on his chest and rested her chin on her folded hands. "I'm sorry about last night."

"Don't worry about it." Elliot ran his fingers through her hair. "I've been thinking." He stopped and studied her face a moment. "Maybe we should go and get married right now."

"What? We can't."

"Why? Nobody knows we are getting married anyway."

"The kids."

"We can still go for 'our' little get away with them next weekend."

"I have a feeling certain girls will be very mad at their dad."

"They'll get over it. Besides, I want you all to myself."

"Can't you control yourself for one weekend."

"Okay, look who is talking about control 'miss we have to talk before we get married'," Elliot joked.

Olivia pulled herself up from Elliot's chest and started to get up when he stopped her.

"I didn't mean it. Come on Liv."

"I'm sorry El, I was just nervous."

"I know, Liv." He grabbed her arm. "Lay back down."

"If we are going to get married then we have to get moving." Olivia stared into his eyes. "I'm not getting married in this bed." She laughed as she got up and grabbed her jeans.

"You mean it. You will marry me today." Elliot sat up in the bed.

"If you get moving I will marry you today, if not it will be next week."

Elliot jumped up from the bed. He went to grab some clothes.

"Hold on there, cowboy." Olivia stopped him with her hand to his chest. "I have to go get some things so you have time for a shower. I want you clean before you come down that aisle." She gave him a kiss on the lips. "See you at my place in an hour." She headed out his room and toward the door.


Olivia's Apartment
Hour and A Half Later

Elliot knocked on Olivia's door.

"I'm coming," Olivia shouted toward the door. When she got to the door, Elliot was shutting it. "If you were going to use your key then why knock?" She asked as she gave him a kiss.

"Well, I wanted you to know I was here."

Olivia watched Elliot pace around her apartment.

"What?" Elliot stopped long enough to look over at her.


"A little." Elliot admitted.

Olivia walked over to him. She took his hand into hers. "We can wait until next weekend."

Elliot kissed her hand then smiled at her. "And let there be more nervous?" Elliot stared into her eyes. "I'm ready now." He took a deep breath.

"Okay." Olivia headed back to her bedroom. She emerged carrying a suitcase and a clothes bag.

"Ready?" Elliot took the suit case from her.

"Ready." Olivia took a deep breath and glanced around the room before they headed out.


Candlelight Inn
North Wildwood, New Jersey
Saturday Morning

Elliot took them over the state line into New Jersey. He drove until he got to the Candlelight Inn.

Olivia glanced over at him. "This isn't want we had planned."

"I know but since we don't have the kids I went more romantic. Hope you don't mind?" Elliot parked the car and stared over at her.

"Not at all."

Elliot got out of the car and went to her side of the car. He opened the door. Olivia got out. "We can check in first." He took her hand and they headed up the stairs.

Elliot opened the door for his bride to be. Then he went up the front desk. "I called earlier."

"The name?" The lady asked.

"Elliot Stabler."

"Oh yes. Mr. Stabler. You are in luck we have the bridal room available. It has a king size bed with a private bath. It over looks Central Avenue, which has a beautifully landscaped parkway with flowers including large hydrangea bushes down its middle."

"Sounds great." Elliot signed his name on the credit card receipt, then leaned forward and whispered, "Do you have everything ready for the wedding?"

"As long as you still want simple."

Elliot looked back at Olivia, who was walking around the bed and breakfast. "Simple will do." He turned back to the lady behind the desk. "Thanks Nancy. How is Bill?"

"Anything for a old friend." Nancy winked at him. "Bill is fine. He is getting the last minute stuff done for the wedding."

Elliot turned back to Olivia. "Ready to get our stuff out of the car."

"Yeah." Olivia opened the door.

After getting their things, they headed to their room. Elliot opened the door to the bridal's room. Elliot placed his hand on the small of her back as she went in first. They sat their suit cases down.

Elliot faced her. "I know this is not exactly tradition but I hope you don't mind."

"I love it." Olivia looked around the room.

Elliot glanced down at his watch. "The wedding will start in an hour." Elliot grabbed his clothes bag. "I will get ready downstairs."

"Wait." Olivia grabbed Elliot's arm.

"What?" Elliot faced her.

"Where are we getting married at?"

"I thought the beach. It is just right off the porch." Elliot gazed into her eyes. "Is that ok?"

"Yeah. I just wanted to know where I was suppose to go when I left this room."

"Don't worry. I have it all planned out for us." He leaned in to kiss her cheek then decided against it. "See you soon." Elliot shut the door.

Olivia smiled from ear to ear. 'Olivia, that man loves you.' She fell on the bed and stared up at the ceiling before she grabbed her clothes bag with her dress in it.


Olivia was finishing getting ready when there was a knock on the door.


"Can I come in?" A female voice said from the other side.

Olivia opened the door to see a dark hair lady standing before her with a camera in hand.

"Olivia?" The woman replied.


"Hi. I am your photographer today. My name is Lucy."

"Hello Lucy." Olivia held out her hand.

"Elliot thought you might want some pictures of you getting ready."

"That is fine." Olivia posed where Lucy instructed. After the pictures they headed down the stairs and toward the porch.

Elliot stood at the end of the aisle, dressed in a pair of black dress pants and white shirt with the sleeves rolled half way up his arms and barefoot. He looked very calm. He watched as his bride came toward him.

Olivia walked down the aisle in a white simple dress on. It was sleeveless with it coming down to her ankles. She too was barefooted. Her hair was pulled back with white roses in it. Olivia carried a small bouquet of white roses. As she got closer to Elliot she saw the kids sitting on the front row.

Elliot took her hand as Olivia smiled with every step she took. They faced the preacher, then each other. Elliot took her hand into his, and they exchanged vows. Elliot slipped Olivia's wedding band on her ring finger. Then Olivia reciprocated with Elliot ring. Elliot kissed his bride.

They headed back down the aisle and the photographer snapped some pictures.

Elliot turned to Lucy. "Thank you for coming on short notice." Elliot kissed her cheek.

"It was my pleasure. It is not very often, I get to help out an old friend."

Elliot turned to Olivia. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you I knew Lucy. Did I?"

Olivia looked over at him and wondered if he had had this planned this for a while and didn't tell her. Elliot seemed to know everyone here and they all helped him plan this in a short notice.

She turned to her husband. "You made me think the kids were not going to be here, but I saw them on the front row." Olivia whispered in his ear.

"Sorry. It was so short notice. I wasn't even sure if they could make it." Elliot grinned.


The newlyweds entered the Candlelight Inn again for some cake and champagne. Elliot stole a kiss from his bride as they started to cut the cake. After the photographer took some pictures of the cake cutting and feeding, they moved on to the champagne.

The band played a slow song and Elliot took his bride into his arms as they moved to the music. Olivia whispered into his ear, "You have some explaining to do later."

Elliot glanced into her eyes, "What are you talking about?"

"I think you had this planned all along."

Elliot grinned at her. "Okay you got me but I did have to move it up a week."

Olivia laid her head on Elliot's shoulder as they began to dance once more. When the song ended the couple visited with the staff that were there and the kids.

The lady from the front desk came up to Elliot. "Don't worry about cleaning anything up. We will take care of it. I want you to enjoy your honeymoon."

"Thanks, and I really appreciate all that you have done. I won't forget it." Elliot gave her a hug.

Olivia watched him from the corner of her eye. She would have to find out what he is up to.

Elliot came over to his new wife. "Ready to start our honeymoon?" He whispered in her ear.

"You little horny detective, you." Olivia whispered back.

"I can't help it. You are my wife now and I am ready to start my evening with you."

"I think we should at least say goodbye to everyone...first." Olivia looked around the room. "Like the children." She glared at him.

"Yeah, I guess we better." Elliot took her hand and led her to the kids.

"We are going to leave now." Elliot told Kathleen.

"Ok. We are going to help clean up the mess and then we are heading out."

"Be careful going home." Elliot's voice was stern.

"We will dad." Kathleen rolled her eyes at her father.

"And don't roll your eyes at me." Elliot slapped her on the butt as she walked past him.

"Dad!" Kathleen grinned at him as she began to help pick up the glasses.

Elliot and Olivia said their final goodbyes and headed up the stairs.

"Wait." Elliot picked up his new wife and carried her in the room.

Before he sat her down on the bed, Elliot took a kiss from her lips. When he finally sat her down on the bed, Olivia grabbed his arm and pulled him down to her. "Where are you going?" She said softly.

"I thought you might like some champagne."

"I would like you naked in front of me." Olivia never lost eye contact with him.

"And you said I was the horny one." Elliot laughed.

Olivia stood in front of her new husband. She began to unbutton his shirt. Olivia pushed his sleeves off of his shoulders. The shirt hit the ground. Olivia then walked around him like she was inspecting her new husband. Her fingers tips never left his skin. When she walked back around and faced him, she worked on his pants. Elliot's slacks hit the floor a few minutes later,and he stepped out of them.

Elliot pulled her next to him. He kissed her neck then her shoulder. While his lips were busy, his hand ran to the back of her dress and quickly found the zipper. Elliot unzipped her dress, and let it drop to the floor. Elliot picked her up and laid her down on the bed. They started kissing before his hands found the rest of her body. It wasn't long until they found the rhythm they knew all so well.


Elliot woke up laying next to his wife. He reached over to give her a kiss. "Good morning, Mrs. Stabler."

Olivia turned to face him. "I like the sound of that." She smiled.

"What should we do today?" Elliot asked as he kissed her again.

"I thought we could have some breakfast then take a walk on the boardwalk."

"If we have time, maybe we could take in a few sights."

"We should have time unless you get carried away with me." Olivia laughed.

"You think you are so funny." Elliot pinned her down on the bed.

Olivia stared up at him. "I love you."

"Oh you think you can change the subject."

"What you don't love me?" Her face expression changed.

"I love you. I don't think that will change." Elliot pressed his body down onto hers and laid a long kiss on her lips.

Olivia broke lose. "Sight seeing...remember?"

"Oh yeah." Elliot got up from the bed. "Shower?" He headed toward the bathroom.

Olivia smiled at him. She quickly got out of the bed to join him.


Sunday morning

They walked down the boardwalk and visited a few other tourist spots like the Hereford Inlet Lighthouse and the Cape May Lighthouse. Then they strolled back up the beach to the Candlelight Inn.

"It's a shame we have to get going soon." Olivia wrapped her arm around Elliot.

"We didn't stay long enough. Maybe we should call in sick tomorrow." Elliot laughed.

"Yeah, that won't get them suspension at all." Olivia glanced up at her new husband.

Elliot kissed her lips again. Then they headed back in the inn. They went back to their room and gathered their things. They went back down the stairs to see Bill standing behind the desk.

"Tell Nancy thanks again." Elliot replied as he shook his hand.


Elliot signed the last few papers to check out.

Nancy came around the corner. "Hey, you weren't leaving without saying goodbye, were you?"

Elliot gave her a hug. "Not at all."

"Besides, I have what is left of your cake."

"Oh I forgot." Olivia commented. She followed the Nancy to the back to get the cake. Elliot took their things to the car and waited on her back at the front desk. When they emerge with the cake Elliot carried it out to the car. Bill and Nancy walked out with them and waved goodbye as the newlyweds drove off.

As they headed back toward New York, Olivia faced Elliot. "Tell me just how you know Bill and Nancy?"

Elliot laughed. "It's a long story."

"I have plenty of time." Olivia commented.

"A long time ago, before SVU, I was working a case where a girl got killed by her boyfriend. We couldn't catch the bastard. All the evidence seemed to have disapeared. I knew the boyfriend was guilty and I couldn't prove it. Anyway, a couple of years went by and I never gave up on that case. My partner and I finally caught the bastard after he beat up another girlfriend and almost killed her. The girl that got killed was Bill and Nancy's daughter and promised them I would make sure they got justice for their daughter's murder."

"I see." Olivia sat there without saying another word.

"After the boyfriend got the death penty, for killing several girls, Bill and Nancy moved to New Jersery. They have been after me to come out and visit and I just couldn't bring myself to do it. And when said you would marry me this weekend, I called them up. They were happy to help me after everything I did to bring their daughter's killer to justice."

"And Lucy?"

"She was an old friend from my college days. She moved to New York not long after me and Kathy. I ran into her a few years back. We still keep in touch." Elliot glanced over at his wife. "Jealous?"

"No. Should I be?" Olivia smirked back.

"No." Elliot focused on the highway in front of him.


Late Sunday evening
Olivia's Apartment
New York

When they arrived back in New York, Elliot dropped his wife off at her apartment. Elliot walked her up, "I wish we didn't have to split like this." He kissed her.

"We don't. Who wants to quit?" Olivia looked over at him.

"Ok, we can try this for a while, right?" He held her close to him.

"Yeah. Besides, I'm sure we will be sleeping together more than you think." Olivia laughed.

Elliot kissed her forehead. "I better get going. I will see you in the morning, Mrs. Stabler." Elliot whispered in her ear.

"I will met you at your desk in the morning." Olivia held him tight and gave him a long kiss. "I will miss you." She broke their lips apart to speak but didn't let go of him.

"I love you." Elliot kissed her lips again.

"I love you." Olivia replied as Elliot opened the door.

"I better go." He stepped out into the hallway. "If I don't..."

"I know. We go through this often." Olivia looked at him. Elliot knew he she was telling him to go before they both changed their minds. Olivia watched him go down the hallway. Elliot walked backwards until he got the stairs. Then he blew her a kiss and she watched him disappear.

The End