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Warez p2p Installation G.U.I.
Associated File Types Runtime Folder(s) MTs MORs
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Warez - Warez are a very controversial topic, so, for the sake of all, we here will not condone nor condem thier existance, but rather just explore and familiarize ourselves with the issues. "Warez" is a search engine entry contributed to distribution of all the popular software applications, freely over the internet. The flip side here is that some claim we are sovereign in the universe and try to take full responsability for the research and development of these goods, by claiming Copyright, Pattent, and other Intellectual Property Laws, through our capitalist societies. The debate heats up when the more liberal side of the argument claim the opposition's argument for reign over this technology need not be recognized as relavent third generation institution protocol.


p2p - p2p means peer to peer. It is a networking system that uses the internet to connect you with other members "Shared" folder. These search application have increased world productivity dramatically. By joining a popular p2p network you agree to dedicate a certain portion of you bandwidth to the network whenever you have the p2p application running. Users are encouraged to share more and more with bonus DL power. The end results in your computer being given access to millions of extra gigabytes of memory. With the technology you can then search through hard drives of the masses for just everything! And in turn people can look through your share folder for things you've added which they would like copies of. This major breakthrough in technological comunication will undoubtedly spark the next generation of graphic software application. Up untill now the amount of development, a person could contribute to an application has been limited to plugins, actions, and small scripts. With this technology there will be little reason not to develop software ready for total costomizing, without the need of any very technical programming language.


Installation - If you are a graphic deseigner like me then you realize how laborous getting in and out of your Application Files folders, when you keep them in the origional Program Files Directories reccomended by the manufacturers. This is especially tedious with Poser, as calls for you to actually browse in and out of your Runtime folder happen quite often. Thus what I have done is cleared the root directory of my machines as much as possable and then install there.


G.U.I - Coming Soon!


Associated File Types - Allthough Poser has the nicest Graphic User Interface in graphic design to date, it is still calls for its user to do plenty of cutting and pasting behind the scenes with Windows Explorer. Memorization of a handful of the file types you'll be handling will make future reckognition creatively inspiratory!

.EXE - Setup

.PZ3 - Poser Scene

.RSR - Poser Libraries Thumbnails

.CMZ - Camera Sets

.CR2 - Character/Figure

.FC2 - Face Sets

.HR2 - Hair Files

.HD2 - Hand Files

.LT2 - Light Sets

.MZ5 - Material Presets

.PZ2 - Pose Sets

.BVH - Motion Sets

.PPZ - Props

.OBJ, .LWO, .3DS, .DXF - Geometries(Prop) Files

.PSD, .JPG, .TIFF, .BMP - Image Files

.WAV, .MP3 - Sound Bytes

.BUM - Bump Maps

.ZIP, .SIT, .RAR, .ACE - Compression Archive File Types

.PY - Python Scripts(Automation)


Runtime(s) - Your Poser Runtime(s) directories are where you keep most your Poser archives. You'll find yourself surfing in and out of there each time you want to create or add a new set of library presets. This gets very memory intensive so Poser 5 has come with a feature that allows you to switch from one runtime to another. More often than not you'll be in your runtime when you've found a new freebie, or purchased a cool new product. Remember character/prop/set/ freebies and products made for poser usually come with the Runtime directory structure, so all you need to do is click on the new Runtime directory and then just drag it into your Poser installation directory, and all of the files will fall right into place. There is one drawback to this, that you realize from experience, 9/10 of the sets you DL for installation do'nt come with matching directory names, and/or names that do'nt make much sense. In other words you end up with library charcter sets you can't find the matching poses for, becuase they were'nt named properly. Daz3D is especially notorious for this, with all of the wondeful work they do. My resolution for this is very simple, just extract or point your Setup file to an empty folder on you desktop or in your My Documents folder. When you then surf over there, with Windows Explorer, you recognize your Runtime directory structure. You may then rename all of the Libraries directories to the same thing. Be sure to make it simple, for yourself, as in the case of Daz3D's Mil' characters you'll find yourself with many sets very similar. As with this case of Daz3d's stuff I have seperate runtimes for each of thier premier charcters, named M2 This, M2 that, V3 This, V3 That, etc. Just remember you CA'NT rename your: Geometries or your textures folders. There are referances within other files like .pz3, .cr2, and .pz2, which will go looking for these directories right where the author left them.


MTs - Coming Soon!


MORs - Coming Soon!


3D Scanners - Coming Soon!


Texture Maps - Coming Soon!


Transparency Maps - Coming Soon!


MATs - Coming Soon!


Motion Capture - Coming Soon!


Rapid Prototyping - Coming Soon!


Communities - Coming Soon!


Pro. Support - Coming Soon!


Artists Links - Coming Soon!


Free Stuff - Coming Soon!


Chat - Coming Soon!


Forum - Coming Soon!


Webisodes - Coming Soon!


Animations - Coming Soon!


Gallery - Coming Soon!


Search - Coming Soon!