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Mana's Literary Conquests

This is a page for all my literary creations such as poems, scripts, fanfiction, and original stories by me.  These stories are my own creations and are under Copyright protection.  Do not take anything without e-mailing me first.  
Anyway...Find more about me at 'Who Is That Girl?' and go read some of my works.  Feedback is always welcome.  ;)

The works have three levels of completion that are color coded:
WIP (Work In Progress)

But first, how do I write ?

Choose your destiny.

  Who Is That Girl? Poems Scripts Fan Fiction Originals Links Cliques All stories and artwork are Copyright © 2002 by Mana, unless they are fanfiction, then only the ideas are mine.  
Fanfiction is Copyright of their respective companies, etc.
All Rights Reserved.

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