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Special Thanks

There are many people who deserve thanks for their help with my reviews and this web site. But the following people deserve special recognition. Thanks to Dean Bedford for allowing me to use his episode numbering system for my reviews. Thank you to Christina Bradley for having faith in my reviews, for her web site advice and for being the first person to utter those magic words — "web site". Thanks to the members of the Whose Line Is It Anyway? Discussion board for their continued interest in the reviews. And last, but not least, a special thank you to Ashley, Cheryl, Dawn, Melanie, Michelle, Nancy V, Phil, Rachel, and Sue B for their love and for lending me their courage when mine was sorely lacking.


There are many excellent Internet sites and boards dedicated to WLiiA and its performers. So many that I doubt there is a comprehensive list anywhere. And you won't find an all-inclusive list here either. Because I'm not even going to try. I'd have to spend all my time chasing down links in order to do that, I suspect! Instead, here are some of the places that I find interesting and visit often. You've probably already seen most of these. But there might be one or two that you haven't visited yet. So take a moment to visit them and enjoy a different perspective on WLiiA.

n Dean's Whose Line is it Anyway Website
n Whose Board is it Anyway?
n The Whosers take Vegas
n Whose Line is it Anyway? Discussion
n Mark Longmuir's Guide to Whose Line is it Anyway?
n Rob's Whose Line is it Anyway mp3 Heaven
n The Wacky World of Improvisational Comedy
n Yet Another Website This One From Scott
n Drew Carey Fan Tribute
n The Colin Mochrie Corner Messageboard
n Whose Line Webring navigation
n The Karen Maruyama fansite
n Whose Line In La-La Land
n Improv All-Stars

Colin Mochrie Corner

Chip Esten: Improvisational Man of Mystery

Colin Mochrie: A Scrapbook

Improv Genius: Ryan Stiles

Laura Hall's Home Page

Michelle's Whose Line is it Anyway? Site


Quink's WLiiA Site in Denial

Just Whose Line Is It Anyway?

US Department of Monkeys

Whosers Portal

Elyse's Whose Line is it Anyway? Site

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n Banner created by Michelle

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