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I’ll Miss You



You just don’t know how much I’ll miss you.

There’s so much that we’ve been through.

I’ll miss your face, your voice and smile.

I can’t believe I won’t see you for a while.


We’re going our separate ways,

in only a few more days.

We both know that things will change.

Everything will seem so strange.


What will I do without you?

Please tell me that this isn’t true.

 In my mind I know it’s real,

but that won’t change the way I feel.


“I’ll miss you” is all I have to say.

I’ll miss you each and every day.

I’ll miss every little thing you do.

But mostly, I’ll just miss YOU.


-Angelita Esperanza-




Little Angel of Hope Heart to Heart Words from the Imagination Inspirations Past, Present & Future