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Ramblings: Michelle's Thoughts on the Everyday Madness on General Hospital



Show Summary:

Carly coaches Alexis on how to deceive Sonny in order to prevent Sonny from discovering that he fathered Alexis' unborn child, and Carly's worst nightmare appears about to become reality when Sonny arrives at the hospital where Doctor Bonds examines Alexis just beyond Carly's curtain. Sarah grows increasingly wary of Lucky's concern for Elizabeth, and Sarah's relationship with Lucky hits a wall after Lucky finds Sarah throwing away the flowers he brought for Elizabeth. Lucky takes on the challenge of shooting pictures of Gia after her photographer walks off the job, and Nikolas darkens when he notes the undeniable chemistry between them. At the same time, Elizabeth appears increasingly enamored of Jason. Meanwhile, Felicia urges Roy to reconsider buying the pier at the expense of angering Sonny, and Jason suspects trouble when he learns about Roy's purchase.


Sarah and Lucky. . . LMAO.  He is bored out of his mind and Sarah is NOT happy.  And guess what?  I'm loving it!  Best part is, he just straight up lied to her about sending Elizabeth flowers.  And the look on his face when she hugged him?  Like, "Aw man, come on, get away." LOL  Loved every part of it.  And "I see it with my own eyes, but I can't believe it. . . What's the matter with you?  Do you really think this is acceptable behavior?"  And did I hear him right?  "Call it quits"??  Well HALLELUJAH!!

Jason and Elizabeth. . . Sarah isn't the only one who's jealous.  Every time Elizabeth mentions Zander's name, I'm waiting for Jason to punch through a wall.   Good news is he's showing emotion--and I like that.  There's was something in his eyes today with Elizabeth.  . . like a spark of the old Jason was back.  And for a moment that held my attention.  He was so cute. . . "No. . . no. . . I like you."  Aw. :o)  

Elizabeth and Sarah. . . Sarah has A LOT of damn nerve.  "Unless this is another Lizzie cry for attention--a way to get back at Lucky for chosing me."  I would have risen up out of that hospital bed and choked the smile off of her face.  Sarah's just jealous because her f^c% buddy isn't bringing her postcards from Italy.  I loved the way Elizabeth snatched the postcard back when Sarah tried to "put it on the dresser."  I could just picture Sarah laughing (like Glen Close in Fatal Attraction) and burning that thing like over a bed pan.  Line of the day:  "And how's this for a reason?  I like LOOKIN' at him."  LMAO  You go, Lizzie!

Sonny and Carly. . . I swear, every time Sonny gets injured it's like an aphrodisiac for him.  He's like "I'm bleeding, Carly.  And it makes me want you so bad."  Being a former S&C fan I know that this isn't the only time Sonny's been all over Carly with bandages on.  Not that I'm complaining. . .he is awful sexy when he's a needy and incapacitated.  

Ned and Alexis. . . Alexis needs him badly.  He's the only one who knows how to speak the voice of reason so she'll understand.  She was seriously losing her mind talking about Sonny and Carly conspiring to take "her baby."  HELLO! Alexis, sweetie, it's half Sonny's baby too.  

Carly and Alexis. . . ROTFLMAO!  Carly:  "Say you went to a sperm bank."  Alexis: "This is your mind in action?"  What did Carly do? Pick ideas out of a hat?  Watch Melrose Place reruns before she went over there?  


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