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Welcome to the first L&G site on the web: Lucky and Gia Online.--By visting this site, we hope that you will be enlightened to the enormous possibilities of a Lucky and Gia coupling.-

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HELP NEEDED: We need fanfiction and fan art. If you would like to contribute, please email the webmistress.



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Lucky and Gia Online 2002. All Rights Reserved. Established December 2001. This Site is for Entertainment Purposes Only. No money is being made from this production. It is Produced For Fans, By Fans. LGO is in no way associated with ABC, General Hospital, Jacob Young, or Marissa Ramirez. Pictures may be taken from ABC Soaps In Depth or Soap Opera Digest. Cartoon Doll Material provided by this site. No Copyright Infringement is Intended.

Webmistress: NOSPAM.