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Chapter 1

The set up: Lucy is pregnant with her and Alan-Michael's first child. Lucy is in her third trimester and therefore taking a maternity leave in a few weeks. She is only staying until Alan-Michael and her can find a temporary replacement.

(Camera pans in on Lucy's empty desk. Cut to Alan-Michael's desk also empty. Alan-Michael's voice can be heard in the background as the camera pans to the phone. Keeps panning across the cord until Lucy and Alan-Michael come into sight. Lucy is laying against Alan-Michael on the sofa. Alan-Michael has one hand on the phone and the other rubbing Lucy's tummy.)

A-M: Yes, the financial reports show that we will be able to move forward with the merger as soon as a few more loose ends are tied up.
I look forward to the meeting as well. The sooner we get the small details wrapped up, the sooner we can move forward with the merger.
Lucy is wonderful. (Lucy smiles and mouths the name "Cheryl" to him) We are anxiously anticipating the birth of our first child. How's Cheryl?
Wonderful, I'll be seeing you Wednesday. Bye bye now!

(Alan-Michael gently leans Lucy forward and crawls out from behind her, After hanging the phone up he slides back in behind Lucy as she settles herself against him.)

A-M: Mmmm, I could stay like this forever!

Lucy: I love you!!

(Lucy tilts her head to the side and kisses Alan-Michael.)

A-M: What was that for?

Lucy: I just love being your wife and carrying your child!!

A-M: You are so beautiful!

(They begin kissing when they are interrupted by a knock at the door. Alan-Michael again leans Lucy forward and stands taking her hands he gently raises her off the sofa and settles her in his chair and then walks over and opens the office door. Behind the door stands a leggy young brunette)

A-M: Can I help you?

Brunette: I'm sorry to bother you but your secretary wasn't at her desk. I'm here to apply for the temporary position.

A-M: Oh yes, please come in. (motions to Lucy) This is my wife, Lucy, and the woman whom you would be temporarily replacing. (He smiles and winks at Lucy.)

Lucy: Hi, its nice to meet you.

Brunette: Marnie!

Lucy: Well, its nice to meet you Marnie. (Lucy extends her hand and Marnie takes it.)

A-M: please, have a seat and tell us about yourself.

(Alan-Michael pulls a chair next to Lucy and takes her hand gently massaging her palm)

A-M: I see on your resume that you've had a lot of experience in office administrative work, can I ask why you are looking for a temporary position and not a full time?

Marnie: I'm still pretty new to Springfield and I am mainly looking for a way to support myself until I kind find a more permanent position.

A-M: Honestly, I feel that you would be an excellent asset to the company and if you prove to be such an asset you wont have to worry about looking for other employment!

Marnie: Are you offering me the position?

A-M: (looks to Lucy for approval and she nods to him and squeezes his hand for her approval, although Marnie is gorgeous Lucy knows she is the best replacement for her and that she has nothing to worry about concerning Alan-Michael.) It's yours if you want it?

Marnie: Thank you, Mr. Spaulding, I wont disappoint you!

A-M: For the first few weeks Lucy will stay and help you get acquainted with the office and the schedule. So you are informed, I will be taking two weeks off when our baby is born and at that point my Aunt Alexandra will be running the business in my absence. Will that be a problem for you?

Marnie: Not at all, sir!

A-M: Great, when would you be available to begin?

Marnie: Whenever is convenient for you, sir.

A-M: Lucy, do you think tomorrow is too soon?

Lucy: Not for me.

A-M: Does that sound okay to you Ms. Harmon?

Marnie: Perfect, I will be here bright and early.

A-M: We look forward to it. (He stands up and shakes her hand.)

Lucy: It was very nice meeting you and I look forward to working with you tomorrow.

Marnie: Likewise.

(Marnie exits and A-M sits back down next to Lucy.)

A-M: Well, what do you think?

Lucy: I think she was very nice, and attractive.

A-M: I hardly noticed, my eyes were reserved for only one beautiful woman in the room.

(Alan-Michael leans in and kisses Lucy sweetly on the lips and then stares into her eyes.)

Lucy: I love you!

A-M: I love you, too. What do you say we blow this joint and go to the diner for some food, then go back to the yacht so I can lay in bed with the most gorgeous woman in the world.

Lucy: That sounds wonderful.

A-M: (takes both of Lucy's hands and helps lift her out of his chair. He puts his arm around her waist) Lets go!!

(Lucy flips off the office light and they get into the elevator together.)

(cut to the diner, Alan-Michael is holding the door open for Lucy. Once inside he helps her get comfortable in the booth by the door.)

A-M: Are you comfortable, sweetie?

Lucy; I'm fine. (smiles) I'm not made of glass Alan-Michael, I can do a few things on my own, ya know?

A-M: I just want to make sure you are okay. (reaches for her hand across the table and starts to play with her fingers and spinning her wedding ring.)

Buzz: (walks over and kisses the top of Lucy's head.) Hey, you guys. How are you doing sweetheart?

Lucy: I'm great, if someone would stop fussing over me I would be wonderful.

Buzz: He better fuss over you. (shakes Alan-Michael's shoulder) What'll it be.

A-M: I'm craving one of those famous monster burgers and a chocolate milk shake.

Lucy: That sounds perfect, I'll have that and a side of bacon with some pancakes smothered with whipped cream and cherries. Ooo, and a pickle!

(Buzz gives Alan-Michael a "what have you done to her" look!)

Buzz: Coming right up. (walks away shaking his head)

A-M: You look so beautiful.

Lucy: I feel like a blimp.

A-M: Far from it, sweetheart!

Lucy: Alan-Michael, I am so excited to meet our baby.

A-M: Honey, you have no idea how much I want this baby to make his or her appearance. I cant wait to see our little bundle sleeping in your arms. I cant wait to watch my beautiful wife become a mother.

Lucy: Well I am just as excited to see her father holding her, and feeding her, and changing her diaper.

A-M: Whoa, how did I get roped into changing the diapers?

Buzz: (walks over with their food and sits down next to Alan-Michael) So when are you going to takes some time off from Spaulding?

A-M: Funny you should mention that, we hired Luce's temporary replacement today.

Buzz: Really, anyone I know?

Lucy: No, she's new to town. But she seems more than capable of taking over my position while I'm gone.

A-M: Although, no one can really replace you.

Lucy: You are so sweet. What would I do without you?

Buzz: Oh you two really need to cut out this honeymoon stuff, you realize you've been married now for two years.

A-M: It feels like it was just yesterday that I saw my beautiful wife walk down the aisle. (winks at Lucy)

Lucy: Gosh, its getting late, maybe we better go. I'm exhausted.

Buzz: You guys drive safely, (looks at A-M) take care of her.

A-M: (gets up and helps Lucy to her feet then loops his arm around her waist) I will Buzz, goodnight.

Lucy: Goodnight, Daddy. I love you.

Buzz: I love you, too. Goodnight!

(Lucy and A-M are in their bedroom on the yacht. A-M is in his black skivvies waiting for Lucy to come out of the bathroom. Lucy comes out in her pregnancy pj's and A-M helps her into bed. Once settled he drapes one arm over her tummy and the other underneath her neck and clasping her hand. He rubs circles on her tummy as they whisper to each other, so as to not disturb their baby.)

A-M: Do you know how amazing you are?

Lucy: (smiling) No, why don't you tell me

A-M: You are carrying our baby and practically running Spaulding, what am I gonna do without you?

Lucy: I'm not going anywhere!

A-M: Yes you are, you are leaving me at the office, how am I supposed to run it without you?

Lucy: You don't need me, you can do it all on your own. (squeezes his hand and covers his hand on her tummy with hers)

A-M: Ha, you cant be serious. I need you there more then you will ever know.

Lucy: (turns her head back and kisses A-M) I think you will be just fine, you will have someone helping you, she will be able to fill my shoes.

A-M: (tilts her chin so she is looking into his eyes) No one could ever fill your shoes. (kisses her) no one. (kisses her again) You are okay with Ms. Harmon working at Spaulding, aren't you?

Lucy: Of course I'm okay with it. She is the best person to fill the position and I trust you with my entire life!!

A-M: I love you so much. Goodnight, baby.

Lucy: Goodnight.