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The Section Nursery



Welcome to the Nursery, beware of the toy guns and possible live ammunition. Below are the twisted nursery rhymes that have been warped with La Femme Nikita characters and jargon. Read on with tongue firmly planted in cheek...beware there is a risk of laughing so hard you may fall out of your chair....buckle up!

Formerly Wee Willy Winkie

Michael and Nikita
running through town
Upstairs and downstairs
In their black suits
getting help from Birky
Madeline and Ops
Are the Bad Guys cancelled yet?!???
Because it's Ten O'clock!

Written by Ellen, Codename Morwenna


Formerly Ring Around the Rosie

Ring around the rosy
Pocket full of guns
Ashes, Ashes
We all get Cancelled

Written by Codename: Mystra


Formerly Ring Around the Rosie 2

Ring around the rosie
A pocket full of petrosies
Ashes, Ashes,
We all fall down (and beat the crap out of him {petrosian} for calling Michael incompetent!)

Written by Tel

Formerly Mary, Mary Quite Contrary

Section, Section quite contrary
How do your operatives grow?
With Surveillance, bullets and innocents all in a row.

Written by Codename: Mystra


Formerly Mary Had a Little Lamb

Nikita had a gun
Whose casing was blue as satin
And everywhere that Nikita went, Section was sure to follow

Written by Codename: Mystra


Formerly Baa, Baa Black Sheep

Around Around Nikita goes
Where she stops only Section knows
Knock, knock little Nikita have you any guns?
Yes sir, yes sir 3 bags full
One for Michael, one for Madeline and one for Ops who lives down the lane...

Written by Codename: Mystra


Formerly Little Miss Muphet Sat On Her Tuppet

Little Nikita sat in her apartment
twisting and shaping some wire
Along came a phone call from who else
but Michael and scared little Nikita away

Written by Isabel


Formerly Humpty Dumpty

Operations sat on a wall
Operations had a great fall
All the Section's Operatives especially Michael and Nikita wouldn't put Ops back together again

Written by Isabel


Formerly Row, Row, Row Your Boat
 Kill, kill, kill the bad guys
quickly with precision
No humanity,
kill the innocent, life is but a dream

Written by Isabel


Formerly Jack Be Nimble, Jack Be Quick

Nikita be accurate,
Nikita be quick,
Nikita jumped down a garbage chute

Written by Isabel


Formerly Jack and Jill

Michael fell down
and Petrosian was found
and Angie was crumbled for nothing

Written by Isabel