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--sound clip: "By Now" by Copper--

The Basics

Name: Karen
Nicknames: Karnie, Paquita, and Westside
Birthday: March 31st, aries!
Location: Farragut, west of Knoxville
School: University of Tennessee at Knoxville
Grade: Junior, class of 2006!
Hobbies: softball, wakeboarding, snow skiing, hanging with friends, jet-skiing, writing/directing short films,
watching figure skating, listening to music, playing with my puppy, buying things on ebay,
helping my mom with her Mary Kay business, and a die-hard LMP & Diana D. fan!!


Color: baby blue
Number: 3 and 23
Day: Friday and Saturday
Restaurant: PF Changs and Dingbats
Musical Artist: Diana DeGarmo and Lisa Marie Presley
Musical Group: it changes frequently, but right now it's Copper
Song: right now "Cardboard Castles" by Diana DeGarmo, "Gone" by Lisa Marie Presley, "Suspicious Minds" by Elvis Presley, & "Miss December" by Copper
Album: Lisa Marie Presley's To Whom It May Concern
Actors: Jordi Vilasuso, Paul Anthony Stewart, and Matthew Davis
Actress: Nancy St. Alban, Joie Lenz, Brittany Murphy, Brittany Snow, and Little Diana DeGarmo
TV Show: Tru Calling and American Idol
TV show (for laughs): The Bachelor and The Osbournes
Movie: Notting Hill, Don't Say A Word, Murder By Numbers, Frequency, Identity, A League of Their Own, Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken, America's Sweethearts, Scary Movie
Scary Movie: I Know What You Did Last Summer
Non-fiction Book:My Sergei by Ekaterina Gordeeva and Ritalin Nation by Richard DeGrandepre
Fiction Book: anything by James Patterson
Animal: German Shepherds
Athlete: Tara Lipinski
Sport to Play: fastpitch softball
Sport to Watch: figure skating
Food: honey shrimp from PF Changs
Activity to do on the weekend: jet-ski, jumping off 50 ft cliffs at the lake,, wakeboarding, and skiing
Holiday: Christmas (cuando veo mis primas)
Season: winter and late spring

A Closer Look

Most Memorable Experiences: jumping off the 50 FT. CLIFF AT THE LAKE, getting thrown off the jet-skiing going 55mph, hitting my 2nd homerun of the evening against the Phillies, and tobbogening in Kittanning
Best Feeling in the World: realizing as of May 7th, 2003 I never have to take another math, english, or chemistry class
Worst Feeling in the World: frustration!

50 of My Facts and Thoughts

1. I strongly believe in organ donation.
2. I'm an Aries.
3. Why can't the rule of rounding up in statistics apply to school grades too?
4. I've never spent Christmas at my own house (people that know me know why).
5. I enjoy giving people nicknames.
6. I absolutely hate semi-trucks and old people who drive slow on the interstate.
7. I wish all celebrities were as good to their fans as Lisa Marie Presley is.
8. I think whoever the person is that invented the VCR-plus mode ought to be shot. It's more trouble than it's worth. If someone doesn't know how to normally program a VCR they don't deserve to have one in the first place.
9. I believe in buying only American cars.
10. I'm obsessed with German Shepherds.
11. I don't like toy-sized dogs because they have brains the size of walnuts.
12. I can't stand people who are too lazy to walk their shopping cart to the cart return because most of the time the people who don't are the fat people who need the extra exercise.
13. I can see how some people enjoy driving a Volvo...if you like driving a car that looks like a shoe box on wheels.
14. I don't understand why people bother to vote "I'm not sure" or "undecided " in opinion surveys.
15. I have way too many polo shirts.
16. People who drive SUVs must enjoy pumping gas, since they do it so often.
17. I can't stand Destiny's Children, child whatever they're called.
18. I've gone to Stars on Ice for the past 5 years, each time in a different city.
19. I dislike people who think they are better than someone else.
20. I don't understand how people can be vegetarians and Christians when the bible says God put certain animals on earth for us to eat.
21.I don't like lazy teachers.
22. I know I'm getting old when the kids I babysit can't understand how I survived without the internet, e-mail, cell phones, and a VCR when I was a young kid.
23. I don't like people who take advantage of the system with a faked disability.
24. Don't even get me started about Michelle Kwan.
25.I don't believe in dwelling on the past, I believe in moving on.
26. I actually enjoy visiting my relatives.
27. I think that if our nation really wants to be politically correct, then I want to be referred to as a European-American.
28. I believe people should respect other people's opinions, even if it means that you must "agree to disagree."
29. I like thrills: jumping off 50 ft cliffs, riding 90mph roller long as someone else does it first.
30. I'm so thankful that UT's nursing program required nursing majors to take Biodiversity, cause you never know when a nurse may have to take a sedimentary rock's vital signs or tend to the world's largest rodent.
31. I absolutely hate being frustrated.
32. I actually liked pyschology class.
33. I like to take the "why do something now when you could do it later" approach with homework.
34. I do some of my best studying at 2:00 in the morning, and I'm not joking.
35. People speaking Spanish better watch out, cause I know Spanish too! I knew suffering through all those years in Miss Ball's class would come in handy sometime.
36. Chemistry class and I don't get along very all.
37. I have a really bad habit of stepping out in front of cars to make them slow down in parking garages and in front of shopping centers.
38. If some people feel it's safe to take a herbal supplement because it's "all natural", then I guess they must also feel that it's safe to take marjuiana and cocaine since they're also made of all natural substances.
39. I don't understand why people sign up to play a team sport if they aren't committed, when a team is depending on them.
40. I know the secret to taking great photos. Get a digital camera and take tons of photos. I've put this theory to good use. I have well over 300 photos of my puppy Heidi, and she's just over a year old.
41. Why do some teachers take pleasure in not giving students A's?
42. I'm currently obsessed iwht Indie music...and it's all Kim's fault.
43. I love romantic comedies and dislike science-fiction.
44. I have to wonder about people who drive Volvos. I've seen shoe boxes with better designs than any Volvo I've ever seen.
45. I'm currently majoring in Nursing at the University of Tennessee.
46. Upon graduating, I hope to be working in either a neonatal or obstetrics ward of the hospital.
47. When I own a house, there will be no trees in my yard. I don't particularily enjoy raking leaves.
48. If I got a dollar for every time I dropped my cell phone, I'd be one rich lady.
49. I'm allergic to cats.
50. I can't think of anything to say for this one.