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Bath Time
by Kristina Powell

It had been almost five years since their adventures in the kingdoms and Wolf was taking on one of those adventures. The little girl that was born of Virginia was not too keen on taking baths, so Wolf had to think up many different strategies of getting her into the tub. Usually Virginia would give Jade her bath but Virginia was away visiting with Tony and Wendell for a few days.

"Jadie, time for a bath," said Wolf, sniffing the air for his hiding cub.

"NO" came a small but stern voice from under the bed.

"Ah ha! I found you! Now it is time to take a bath, so get in that room and strip." Wolf hated being so stern with the little girl but it was the only way to get her in there.

"NO, I ain't getting wet, Daddy," the small stern voice came again from under the bed. "Oh yes you are or else I will tell Mommy that you did not bathe and she will come back and give you a bath." With that, all Wolf saw was a streak of a little girl quickly removing her long jacket shirt. Wolf laughed at the little girl and followed her into the bathroom where he found the little girl naked and testing the water with her toe.

"The water will only get colder if you don't get in soon." Wolf silently was happy that the little girl had not inherited his tail.

Wolf was left with instructions from Virginia that he was to make sure Jade got into the tub and washed. Wolf had a long day - he had been made one of Wendell's advisers. His title of Wolf Overseer was very important to him but he had been so busy this day that he drifted off to sleep. He dreamed he was in the cabin and he was arguing with someone when the someone came into view he noticed that it was a younger looking Virginia but it wasn't Virginia because Virginia did not have a silver streak down her hair, not to mention Virginia had already vowed never to grow her hair that long after the gypsy incident.

"JADE, you are not going out in that outfit!"

"Yes I am Dad. Mom wore this same outfit and Grandpa didn't mind."

"True, your mother did wear it but you are not your mother."

"What is that supposed to mean, Dad?"

"Exactly what I just said: You are not your mother and I am not your grandfather."

"But uncle Wendell even said that I was as beautiful as mom when they first met."

"Jade, honey, you are about a foot taller then your mother. You inherited a lot of your body structure from your grandmothers so I say this one more time: You are not going out like that."

"I am telling you this one last time: YES I AM."

"Don't take that tone of voice with me! You are only sixteen; you are not going out on a date in that outfit."

"This outfit fits me well - it shows off all of my features and I like it."

"Okay, Jade, I will make you a deal. Will you deal with me?"

"That depends on the deal, Dad."

"Okay, Jadie, you may go out with this boy in that outfit if I can meet him first, and you two have to stay here for at least a half an hour before you go out on this date."

Jade rolled her eyes. She knew when she had first came out of her bedroom in the outfit that her dad would pick a fight with her that she would not win. "Okay, it is a deal. But Dad - no sniffing closely at him; he is a very sensitive guy and has a fear of wolves. Apparently he met one when he was quite young and it scared him half to death, and yes he knows that I am part wolf."

Wolf gave his teenage daughter the look that he always gave her when they had to make a deal. Jade knew the look and gave him the wolf's honor sign just to get him to go back to his paperwork.

A half an hour later a young man dressed in a blue suit knocked at the door of the wolf family. Jade was the one to open the door because she knew his smell and did not want her dad to get to the door first. Wolf, though, caught the scent of a new person in his home and looked up from the last bit of paperwork he had to do.

"Jade, remember our agreement and you gave the sacred promise so do not go out that door. Show the young man to the living room and I shall be there shortly."

"YES, Daddy," yelled Jade halfway out the door. "Sorry but I promised and in my family we are bound by our promise."

"I understand how long do we have to stay so your dad can check me out?"

"Half an hour. Sorry he made me."

Wolf could hear the conversation in his study as he put the papers he was working on away. Even though he did not show it he was proud of his daughter and even had every intention of letting her go out in that outfit - the same outfit he had first met Virginia in. Wolf smiled at the memory. Virginia was away on one of her father daughter trips that she and Tony took every month.

Entering the living room, Wolf saw the look in the boy's eyes and caught something familiar about his scent. The young man stood up and was as tall as Wolf if not a slight bit taller. The young man looked very kind and when Wolf began his questions the man answered truthfully. The young man even told Wolf his name was Beau - only his first name was revealed.

Wolf asked Beau "Won't you tell me your last name to see if I know your parents?"

"Sir, I am sure that you do know my parents but if I told you my last name then I would probably never be allowed to see your lovely daughter again."

Jade went into the kitchen so Wolf and Beau could talk.

"Beau would you please tell me your last name? It will be just between the two of us and Jadie never even has to know."

The young man looked nervous as he thought of the request. He truly did like Jade; that is why he snuck out this night to take her out. If his parents knew who he'd been dating for the past five months they would send him to the dwarf mines to work even thought he was far from being a dwarf.

Beau made one request of Wolf before he threw him out or bit him or whatever wolves did. "Would you give the benefit to be judged by my own acts instead of the acts of my ancestors?"

"I will not judge you, dear boy. I am not one to judge people as long as you treat my precious little girl with respect. Then you have a deal."

Beau took a deep breath and said "Sir would you give me your wolven oath on that?"

Wolf was surprised that this young man knew of the oath but gave it to him.

"Well then, Sir Wolf, may I introduce myself to you as Beau Peep, great grandson of Little Bo Peep, but believe me, sir I only share my name with her, not my beliefs."

After Wolf picked his jaw off the floor he thought about it for a moment and decided that it made sense. "Glad to meet a good Peep for one time in my life. Now remember that you swore to treat Jade with respect."

"Yes sir," the young Peep boy said as he smiled and looked at the clock on the wall. "Well, sir, I believe me and Jadie should be going. I got tickets to a play and then reservations at a restaurant that serves the best lamb in the kingdoms."

Wolf smiled at the young Peep. He truly did know how to treat a wolf, unlike his ancestors.

When Wolf woke up he found the bathtub empty without a trace of the little girl anywhere to be found.

"JADIE, where are you?"

He heard high-pitched giggling coming from somewhere in the cabin. "YOU will never find me, Daddy," came shortly after the giggle.

"Oh yes I will because I am your daddy and I can find you even if you cross over the Dragon Mountains in a blizzard with perfume on I will find you."

"YUCK! Perfume! I prefer to go natural. Come find me, Daddy."

Wolf found the little girl after he'd milked it awhile. He knew where she was the entire time and found her naked as the day she was born hiding in her closet behind her mommy's long coat that she wore during the trip through the kingdoms. Wolf howled when he found her and she joined in as he picked her up to go get some clothes on. Even if she didn't have a tail she still needed to wear clothes.

Everynight after that he told his little girl the same thing, "I will always love you even when we argue. I will always love you even when you are older. I will always love you when you want to be your own person. Always remember if you are in trouble just call and I will find you even if you cross the Dragon Mountains in a blizzard wearing perfume. I will be there to save you. I will follow you over time itself if that is what I must do to keep you safe from harm."

The End

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