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Make Believe
by Kristina Powell

The young girl sat on her window seat on the third floor of her boarding school. In her hand an unopened tear-stained letter was clutched. She knew what it would say; the same as it always said: Sorry, Angel, lost job. Have to look for new one. Can't visit this weekend. Will write again when get new job. Love, Dad.

The girl sometimes wondered if he even knew what he was doing lately. She was beginning to get used to being let down by people she loved. She really loved her father; he just was a little bit of a nitwit sometimes, but he was a good man.

The girl just sat. She had been looking forward to the visit all week. The last time she had spoken to her father he had said he would be taking her home this time. She hated this school. Her father had stuck her here when her mother ran away. He worked his hands to the bone just to pay the tuition. She had no friends at the school; most people just called her Crybaby instead of her real name: Virginia. She hated to let people see her cry; that was why she had run away from her math class when the postman brought her the letter. So now she sat but she knew what would cheer her up: Pretending.

Ever since she had come to this school, Virginia had been making up stories to keep her from being too lonely. She pretended that she was a princess in a tower waiting for a charming man to rescue her. But she had long ago stopped daydreaming about a Prince Charming. All she wanted was a friend to make her laugh.

On the wall of her small dorm were drawings she had done in her free time in between classes. One was a map she'd drawn just the night before. She had a picture of two friends that she'd talked to even if they were invisible. She didn't care - they were friends. They never made fun of her. They were her best friends.

One friend that she talked to was a few years older. He had the shaggiest black hair Virginia had ever seen. He was hyperactive but he was funny; he protected her at night. She would pretend that he sat on her window seat every night to watch over her.

Her other friend about the same age was smart. He helped her with her homework. He was a prince and his tutors taught him well. He had curly hair and always argued with the other friend but they really liked each other for Virginia's sake. Their names - as Virginia called them - were Wolfy and Wendy. They hated the names and always said they were going to change them but never did.

They both told her stories of where they lived. Wendy told her of the palace and his family, the king and queen, of his new nanny and how much he hated her. Wolfy told her of the forest and running free with the other animals, of hunting, fishing, and of course eating - Wolfy being very passionate for a ten-year-old. Every time before he took his place beside Virginia's window he said that someday they would be mates and live happily ever after. Wendy, of course, laughed saying that he was going to marry Virginia when they were old enough. Virginia just laughed and went to sleep and she swears she can still hear them arguing even when she isn't pretending.

Some day Virginia always says that she will find a place just like in her dreams of the kingdoms.

The End

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