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she's always known she was different

Did she really belong in a fairy-tale land?

Fenil took Kriss's hand and kissed it. Kriss, figuring that he was just a fan of medieval times and chivalry, thought nothing of the strange behavior. Moments after the meeting, Deed asked Fenil if everything was all right with Mom, Dad, and the rest of the family. Fenil could not hide his worry, so he just told his sister that Mom was not so good and that she had to come with him right away. Deed demanded more, so Fenil reluctantly told her that the baby was early, and that it might not live.

Deed began to cry and told Fenil that she would go straight home and get her things. Kriss and Fenil followed the girl all the way back to the apartment. Kriss had decided that she would ask if she could accompany them on the trip just in case. It was not until they all got into the apartment that Kriss noticed the strange clothing that Fenil was wearing.

Kriss went with Deed to her room and saw her knock on the back of the closet, and it opened and Deed dragged out an old trunk. When Kriss saw what was on the inside of the trunk she almost fainted: A bunch of fairy tale books, some strange clothes, and a box that Deed was pulled out first. The contents of the box was just two simple things: first, a crown, small and silver, and the second thing, which Deed actually put on, was an amulet in the shape of a tear drop. It had a howling wolf at the top, and a bird at the bottom. Deed emptied out the contents of her backpack and started shoving things from the trunk into the bag.

When Kriss, a girl with a mysterious past, meets her roommate, Deed's, brother Fenil (grown children of Virginia and Wolf), she finds herself swept into the Nine Kingdoms, where she saves Deed and Fenil's baby sister, finds true love, and also discovers the answer to a problem in her own past.

by Kristina Powell

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