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The nightmares are uncontrollable

and the line between the two is no longer clear ...

Wolf awoke with a start. Another one of those dreams? Why was this happening? He would never really hurt Virginia, would he? He looked over at her like he had before, but this time something was wrong. very wrong. He reached over to touch her and when he pulled his hand away it was covered with blood. He turned Virginia over and gasped in horror at the site of his lovely Virginia with her throat lacerated. Her eyes stared blankly forward with a look of utter horror. He licked his dry lips, but when he did this he tasted something vaguely like copper. He put his other hand to his face and when he pulled it away found blood on his fingers. He had killed his precious Virginia, and this time it wasn’t a dream.


“Wolf, Wolf. Wake up!” Wolf’s eyes flew open and he stared into the eyes of his beloved.

“Virginia, you’re okay, you’re okay.” He hugged her over and over and kissed her repeatedly. “I am so sorry, Virginia. I would never hurt you. I’m so sorry.”

In this story, annotated in the tradition of MST3K, an evil witch manipulates the dreams of Wolf, Virginia, and Tony for her own ends.

by Angel

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