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Kennedy's blog
Monday, 12 May 2003

Mood:  caffeinated
Dear Diary,
Andrew is still creating the Buffy Slayer of the Vampires video. It's actually kind of cool to have a record of us saving the world. He is also making a profile for every slayer. Yesterday we took the photo's for the profile. Mine turned out pretty cool.Check it out.

Here's my profile,


Weight:110 lbs
Birthdate:December 11, 1982
Interesting facts: Kennedy is the only slayer(potential then)(out of the first group of potential that giles brought to sunnydale, that survived. She is famous for her toughness and clever wit. She helped Willow with the Slayer spell.So, i guess you could say, we would not be here without Kennedy's bravery.

Posted by tv2/kennedyandwillow4eve at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, 9 May 2005 6:51 PM EDT
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Mood:  lazy
Dear Diary,

this is a pic that Andrew took of me and Willow in sunnydale. I managed to pack up a few things for the final fight just in case and it payed off. This is an awesome picture. Thanks Andrew!

Posted by tv2/kennedyandwillow4eve at 12:01 AM EDT
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Sunday, 11 May 2003

Mood:  not sure
Dear Diary,
Faith is now home from the hospital thank god. She is almost fully recovered. Good thing for slayer healing. Faith is so strong, i admire her. Anyway i would talk about how cute Willow looks right now but i am tired so good night.

Posted by tv2/kennedyandwillow4eve at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 8 May 2005 11:17 PM EDT
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Saturday, 10 May 2003

Mood:  lucky
Dear Diary,
Tonight we had a close call on patrol. Faith and I were doin a sweep of the city when a vamp came out of nowhere. It hit faith from the back, and knocked her out, then it came after me. I staked it, after i took a few hits to the stomach. That didnt feel to good at all. Guess i was lucky though, Faith is in the hospital right now with a broken arm, and a broken rib. I have a few cuts and bruises but nothing like her. When i got home from the hospital Willow was hysterical. She doesnt want me to go out again. I am reconsidering the whole patrol thing right now. Well, I hope faith will recover quickly.
Love, Kennedy

Posted by tv2/kennedyandwillow4eve at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 8 May 2005 12:26 AM EDT
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Friday, 9 May 2003

Mood:  a-ok
Dear Diary,
Giles and Willow are locating all the slayers and bringing them to Cleveland. It's getting crazy here with the demons. It is definetly another hell mouth. Faith and I are taking all the surviving slayers from Sunnydale and doing a nightly patrol. Willow hates when I go out, fearing that I might not return on of these nights. I love her so much. I dont want to worry her but I have to go out and do my job. At home though, things are really good in are relationship. We havn't had one fight yet.
Love, Kennedy

Posted by tv2/kennedyandwillow4eve at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 7 May 2005 10:08 PM EDT
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Thursday, 8 May 2003

Mood:  chillin'
Dear Diary,
Today we finally arrived in Cleveland. According to Giles it is demon swamped just like Sunnydale. It is a pretty city. Willow is asleep. She is so cute when she sleeps! We are in a hotel for tonight. Tomarrow Willow and I are going to go apartment hunting.Finally we will be able to have some privacy! Back at Buffy's house it was way too crowded and me and Willow never were alone. I am so excited.
Love, Kennedy

Posted by tv2/kennedyandwillow4eve at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 7 May 2005 8:40 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 7 May 2003

Mood:  flirty
Dear Diary,
From now on i am gonna write a diary

Posted by tv2/kennedyandwillow4eve at 12:01 AM EDT
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