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Candy Cane, Will You Be My Valentine?


“Its time for you to get up and get some breakfast so you can get to school on time!”


“Just as soon as I can get Romeo ready, Uncle Jesse. He’s got to look his best for Candy since it’s Valentine’s Day!”


“Cute, Luke real cute. You can make fun of me and Candy all you want but someday when we get married, you can still be my best man even though you’re being mean right now.”


“You two quit bickerin’ and get ready.”


“Yes, sir.”


Meanwhile over at Candy’s house, her momma is helping her get ready for school.


“Momma, can I have some extra brownie? I’d like to take some for Bo since its Valentine’s Day.”


“You two sure are darlin’ together.”


“Would you like to see the card I made for him last night?”


“I hope it’s not too racy!”


“Mama, we’re only four and five.”


The card read… To Bo Duke, my one and only true love. You’ve made all my dreams come true. I’ll always love you. Candy Cane.


“Honey, that’s so sweet, you really love him don’t you?”


“I do.”


Back over at the Duke farm


“Uncle Jesse, I’d like to take some extra cookies for Candy since its Valentine’s Day and we’re gonna get married someday. Do we have some extra ones?”


“Seein’ how I wouldn’t want to stand in the way of romance, yes we’ve got some extra.”


 Later that mornin’ as all the younguns are headin’ outside to have their recess…


Hughie Hogg spies Candy and Bo holdin’ hands. “Hey Duke boy, I wanna talk to you.”


Bo looks at Hughie who is the biggest kid in the class, then turns back to Candy. “You wait here, I’ll be back.”


Candy nods and smiles while Bo steps over to Hughie.


“What do you want?”


“We want you to join the He-Man Woman Haters Club!”


“But I don’t hate women. They are pretty and soft and smell nice.”


“You’re gonna join or – something just might happen to your little girlfriend.”


Bo’s jaw dropped. “You wouldn’t hurt her, Hughie.” He gulped seeing the look on Hughie and his friends’ faces. “I’ll do it, just don’t hurt Candy Cane.”


“Tell her you hate all girls and you never want to see her again.” Hughie demanded.


“Okay.” Bo replied, he started to take a step back towards her when Candy came over to the group of all boys. “Are you alright?”


“No, I’m not! I’m tired of you hangin’ around me.”


“You don’t really mean that--” Candy started to say before tears filled her eyes.


“Yes, I do.” Bo answered. “Now get out of here.”


Candy stammered. “But you said you loved me and you wanted to marry me when we grew up.”


“I just did to get the brownies.” Bo smiles and looks over at the rest of the club.


“I hate you and I never wanna see you again.” Candy screamed angrily.


Bo got tears in his eyes seeing her run away. He turned to Hughie. “How – why I aughta,”


Well let’s just say Bo’s love for Candy made him stronger than a boy twice his size and ol’ Hughie never knew what hit him while the rest of the He-Man Women Haters club just stood there.


“You better hope she forgives me after I tell her why I was so mean to her or you’re gonna get it again.” Bo threatened as he walked away.


Meanwhile Candy being very upset, got lost after running for some time and fell down a dried up old ground well. After trying to crawl back out of it to no avail, she prayed. “God, please forgive me for being so mean to Bo and please forgive him because I know he didn’t mean it.”


She wasn’t sure how long she’d been there when she heard a gentle voice proclaim just as she felt sleepy. “Bo loves you and its gonna be alright, he’s tryin’ to find you.”


“Are you an angel?”


“I look after you and Bo. You’ve got to stay awake so he can find you.”


“I’ll try.”


Meanwhile after not being able to find her anywhere around the school, a crying Bo Duke told his cousin.


“Don’t worry we’ll help you find her.” Luke said.


“Luke you’re the greatest.” Bo gave a glance over at Hughie.


“He’s gonna help too inless he’d prefer a another black eye.” Luke suggested. “Now Bo, you head over towards the square. Hughie, you head over towards the garage and I’ll go let the other kids know before I head over towards Mr. Rhuebottom’s place.”


Two hours later after notifying the teachers and just about everyone else in Hazzard, the little girl still hasn’t been found.


“Candy, where could you be? I wish someone would help me.” Bo cried.


“Don’t cry son, everything is gonna be alright.” A voice called out.


“Who are you?” Bo asked, looking at the handsome blonde man.


“My name is Jackson--”


“That was my daddy’s name!” Bo exclaimed.


“I know. I bet you that pretty little philly is down the old well in the center of town.”


“You really think so?” Bo turned when he heard a noise, when he looked back to thank the man, he was gone. He headed over to the well. “Candy, are you in there? Say something, please!”


“Is that you, Bo?”


“Yes, its me Candy Cane.”


“My hero!”


“Hughie made me say that earlier. I’m sorry.”


“Well, I ain’t sorry about this.” A voice said just before pushing Bo in the well. “You two can stay in there forever.”


Candy promised. “Hughie Hogg, if we get out of here, I’m gonna beat the twinkies out of you!”


Ginia frowned after seeing Bo fall and get knocked out cold. “Jackson, we can’t let those two precious babies die.”


“Darling, stay here and look after them.” Jackson said while watching Hughie run away. “I’m gonna go have a talk with that boy.”


They kiss goodbye.


“Bo please wake up. Don’t die. I love you and always will.” She stops talking and takes the brownies from her dress pocket. She smiles. “If this don’t wake him up, nothing will.” She waves one in front of his face.


Bo starts to regain consciousness after she waves it again.


“I knew that would wake you up, eat all you want.” Candy giggled and held it out.


“Yummy,” Bo said after taking a big bite. “I wish I had a glass of milk” His eyes widened as his wish came true.


“This must be from the angel who watches over us.” Candy said after taking a sip of the chocolate milk from her glass, then smiled as Bo did the same.


“Really? An angel?” Bo asked.




Ginia smiled as they finished their milk and kissed.


“If Luke Duke finds out what I did to those two munchkins, he’s gonna wring my neck if I don’t get home.” Hughie said out loud.


“I don’t think going home is gonna help you.”


“Who are you?” Hughie exclaimed as a tall blonde man stepped in front of him.


“That doesn’t matter right now. All you need to know is I know what you did and that if you don’t go ‘fess up to someone right now, you are gonna be one sorry little boy.”


“I’m the nephew of Jefferson Davis Hogg and he’ll throw you in jail if you touch me.”


“I know J.D. very well. He may be a low down crook at times but he’d never hurt a child.”


“I’m still not telling!”


“I hope you’re not afraid of heights.”


“What--” Hughie exclaimed, looking down from the top of Hazzard County’s oldest oak tree to where he had been  standing a second before.


“If you don’t tell someone when they find you, I will be back.” Jackson promised before he disappeared.


Hughie shook his head and closed his eyes for a second. When he looked again Luke was standing under the tree.


“Hughie, get down there. Bo seems to have disappeared now too. It’s getting dark, we’ll never find them.” Luke said.


“They’re in the well.” Hughie admitted quietly.


“I had a feelin’ you knew something. If you’re lyin’, you’re gonna be in that tree till you’re a hundred.” Luke threatened before he ran off.


Meanwhile back at the well


“If you’re still hungry, you can have my brownie.” Candy said.


Bo grinned and pulled the cookies from his jacket pocket. “Only if you’ll take one of this and be my valentine, Candy Cane.”


“You’re so sweet and yes I will be your valentine.” Candy kissed him on the cheek.


“I’ll always be your valentine.” Bo kissed her on the cheek and sighed. “It’s gettin’ dark out they’ll never find us.”


“Don’t be afraid. I’m right here with you.” Candy hugged him.


Bo hugged her back. “Hey, I hear someone.  I hope its not Hughie!”


They look up to see Luke smiling down at them. “Don’t worry I’ll get you out… gonna have to go get help first.”


He started to stand up when he felt something in his hand, it was a rope. He heard a whisper. “Tie one end to the tree and throw the other end to them.”


Luke did as the voice suggested and smiled wickedly up at Hughie still in the tree. He went back and threw the other end in the well.


Bo offered. “You go first, Candy.”


She smiled and thought to herself as Luke pulled the rope up, what a gentleman.

She laughed seeing Hughie in the tree as her and Luke pulled Bo up to safety.


Bo laughed too after getting out of the well seeing Hughie.


Jackson and Ginia watched the three kids help Hughie down and then walk back towards the school. “They’re safe now, we gotta get going.”


“I know-- Aren’t they so cute together.” Ginia asked.


“They are darling, they sure are.”


Well after Jesse found out what  really happened and talked to Boss,  a gazebo was built over top of the well so nothing like that would ever happen again. Like I said folks, in Hazzard County we believe in happy endings.


Written by Juanita Ford


Copyright 1999


All rights reserved


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