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Martha Duke's Chocolate Chip Cookie Thief


Ginia smiled at her son. "Momma has to go shopping, would you like to go visit with Aunt Martha?"


Three year old Bo Duke with shining dark blue eyes, "Yes."


Jackson chuckled and patted tousled the little fella's wavy bright blonde hair. "Let's get going then."


Martha saw them step on to the porch. "Jesse, they're here."


Jesse smiled at the young couple through the porch screen. "That nephew of mine is looking more like my brother every day. The girls really be after Bo."


"Not until he's at least thirty five," Ginia smiled as they walked past the kitchen door.


"We're going to have some fun today, ain't we little one." Martha patted Bo's cheek.


"Yes, Aunt Martha. You got any chocolate chip cookies?" He asked a few minutes after his folks left and his uncle went to work on his truck outside.


"I have to make some for the church social so I might have a few left for you." She said and turned toward the counter where she had been standing.


Bo watched while she mixed the ingredients and then put some on a cookie sheet that went into the oven. "Is it ok if I go see Uncle Jesse?"


Martha looked at him, "It sure is." She smiled as the little boy went out the door and heard his boots on the steps.


The first batch was done and outside on the porch cooling. A second had just went in the oven when Martha heard a noise, so she went to check since it could be her nephew trying to come in through the front door in the living room. She got there and turned to see it was just one of the barn cats with her kittens.


Ten minutes later she had the second batch ready to cool. She stepped from the kitchen to the porch and frowned when her hazel eyes noticed the first batch was gone. "Jesse V. Duke, you come in here now!"


Jesse heard his wife from where he was working on the 57 Chevy. He wiped his hands off with the rag and rushed to the porch.


"What's wrong?"


"If you wanted some cookies, why didn't say so. You didn't have to steal them and eat the whole plate!"


"I haven't been in here for awhile."


Martha crossed her arms. "Maybe it was one of  the neighbor kids," She paused and looked at her husband when a soft snoring filled the room.


Jesse looked into the kitchen and saw the long lace cloth on the table move. He put his finger to his lips and pointed with his other hand.


Martha followed him back inside. She shook her head as Jesse reached under and pulled his sweetly smiling innocent looking young nephew out. The little boy with chocolate all over his face and a twinkle in his blue eyes startled awake.


"I should've known it was this little rascal," Martha said and grabbed a napkin from the wooden holder to wipe his face, "He's got one sweet tooth."


"I'm sorry, the minute I smelled those cookies I just couldn't help myself. I guess I'm a cookie monster."


Jesse chuckled.


Later that evening when his folks came to pick him up, everyone had a good laugh.


"He is just like his daddy when he comes to sweets," Ginia said. "He can't seem to get enough."


"You're not complaining are ya?" Jackson winked at his brother.


"I'd complain if you weren't that way," Ginia giggled and looked at Martha.


Bo smiled at all of them. "Momma, I love you."


"I love you too, you little devil." She replied.


The little boy giggled. "When we get home, can I have a cookie?"


Ginia shook her head. "What can I say… like father like son."


Jackson grinned. "Well darling, he is a Duke and we Dukes love our sweets, ain't that right Jesse?" He winked at his brother and Martha sharing a kiss.




Written By Juanita Ford


Copyright 1999


All Rights Reserved


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