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Bo Duke And The Jeb Tyler Twins


“Hey Bo get your lazy but out of that bed before Uncle Jesse tans both of our hides.”


“Candy and I had a late date last night, Luke.”


“You two boys get out here now!”


The boys go out to see their Uncle Jesse and a gun totting Jeb Tyler.


“Alright blondie, I know they both had a hankering for you… so you tell me where they are or you'll have a backside full of buck shot.”


Jesse interrupted him. “Jeb, you shimmer down, you know dang well that those girls chased

after him.”


“I was out with Candy last night,” Bo added. “I haven't seen those girls of yours since they chased me into the swamp and that's the truth, sir.”


“Boy, you'd better be telling the truth or I'll be back.”


Bo points toward a pretty girl walking up. “Here’s Candy, she'll tell you that I was with her and not your dang girls.”


“Bo, you forgot your sweater last night.” Candy handed it to him with a mischievous grin.


Bo glanced over at Mr. Tyler with a smirk. “See I was with Candy not your girls.”


Candy’s grin faded. “What girls? Bo Duke if I ever catch any girls around you they're dead meat.”


“I may look but I love you and only you, Candy.”


“I love you too, Bo.”


I wonder what those girls of Jeb’s are up too…


“Sam, you may be my sister but that Bo Duke is all mine so you be forewarned girl.”


“That Bo Duke is mine and you keep your cotton picking hands off of him or it'll be your funeral, Sandy.”




Three days later


“Uncle Jesse, I’ll go and see if I can catch some fresh fish for supper.”


“Alright, Bo you just be careful.”


“Yeah with the luck you've been having, you might catch some pretty mermaids.”


“Cute Daisy real cute.” Bo said and headed out the kitchen door.


“Look there’s that hunk Bo Duke… I sure hope the tarp is big enough to hold him.”


“It worked the last time didn’t it?”


“I can hardly wait for those catfish all rolled in corn meal and deep fried. I'd better catch a

bunch of them,” Bo paused for a second as he slipped and fell, “What it the world?” His eyes widened seeing the Tyler twins above him with a tarp.


“He’s still the prettiest fella I've ever seen.”


“You get away from him. He’s mine.”


“It's you two again…we had fun the last time but I've got a steady girl now.”  Bo smiled as Candy appeared.


“I knew you little she devils would try to trap Bo again you turn him loose or your dead meat.”


“Go away you little munchkin!” The twins shouted.


“You asked for it.” Candy knocked Sandy then Sam right out cold, and wrapped them in their tarp.


“Candy this isn’t what you think it is,”


“Bo Duke, I love you but if I find out that you we're cheating on me you'll get worse then Hughie Hogg got!!”


“Candy, I admit that I look at other girls but the only one that I love is you,” Bo flashed that famous smile and picked her up in his arms, then they kissed passionately.


Let’s just say the Dukes had pinto beans for supper that night


Written by Juanita Ford


All rights reserved 


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