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The Return Of The Carnival of Thrills




Candy says, “Hey Bo, could you bring me the paper please?”


“Sure darling,” Bo then came in looking as white as a sheet.


Candy asks, “Are you all right? You look like you've seen a ghost!”


“In a way I have.” Bo said and then showed her the Hazzard Gazette with the front-page article on The 'Carnival of Thrills' and a picture of Diane.


Candy exclaimed, “This is the one that made you fall in love with her to make you do that crazy 32-car jump!”


Bo nodded. “She almost made me destroy my family and she hurt me more then anyone ever hurt me.”


Candy sighed. “Bo, do you still have feelings for her?”


Bo shrugged. “Candy, I love you and the kids with all of my heart. But I'm not sure about how I feel about Diane.”


Candy stared at him. “I love you and I won't stop you if you want to see you. But I tell you Bo Duke she'll be in for the biggest fight of her life.”


Three days later the carnival returned to the Hazzard County and everybody in

Hazzard County is there including all of the Dukes.


Bo asked. “Candy are you sure you want to be here?”


Candy smiled. “If she still has a yen for you I'm going to let her know that you’re off limits and if you decide that you still love her I'll kill her anyway.”


Diane came out to the stage. “It's great to be back in Hazzard County. Please meet the star of our show, Coy Duke!”


Bo and Luke looked at each other and their expression said, “Has he gone out of his mind?”


Karen questioned outloud, “I thought that he was married to Trixie?”


Daisy shook her head and waved a hand towards the stage. “That little she-devil, she still likes causing trouble.”


Diane spotted Bo and turned to Coy. “You do the interview. I've got something else to take care of.”


Coy agreed. “Ok, hurry back, darling.”


He turned to the reporters while Diane walked over to the Dukes and said in her sexist voice, “Hello Bo your looking more handsome then ever and you haven't aged a bit.”


“Thank you Diane. You look nice too.” He paused and looked lovingly at his family that surrounded him. “My Uncle Jesse passed away about seven years ago but you remember Luke and Daisy.” He paused again and took Candy’s hand. “This is my wife Candy Cane,” then he lifted his other hand and gestured, “These are our two girls Honeybee and Tammy and this little fella here is Bo Jr.” He smiled down at the little boy in Candy’s lap.


Diane exclaimed, “You'd think that they were yours, the adoption place sure matched you up great.”


Bo rolled his eyes. “We didn’t adopt they are ours.”


Candy added with a smile. “We did it the old fashioned way and had a great time doing it.”


“Sure you did honey,” Diane patted Candy on the cheek as Coy walked over.


Before Candy could say a word, Coy exclaimed. “Bo, Luke, you two old son of a guns! The last time I saw you, Bo was at that race in Atlanta and Luke, I ain't seen you in a coon’s age!”


Luke asked, “How are Trixie and the kids doing?”


Coy shrugged, “I left that boring hen peaked life behind.”


Candy interrupted. “We're having a cookout tonight, would you like to come over.” 


Bo added, “We'd love for all of you to come.”


The rest of the family all nodded in agreement.


Diane smiled. “We'd love to come wouldn’t we, Coy?”


Coy returned the smile. “Whatever you want, darling.”


Later that evening


Bo looked at Candy as they set the cook out up in the backyard. “I'm sorry that Diane was so mean to you… I can't believe how much that Coy has changed”


Candy smiled at Bo. “I can’t believe how much he changed either-- You know that I love you.”


“I love you too darling,” then he kissed her on the lips.


Candy grinned. “Like I said I love you and if that little tramp thinks that she’s gonna steal you, she's got another then coming.”


Bo smiled. “Candy, I may have loved her once, but after the way that she’s changed a decent guy like Coy. Believe me any feelings that I had for her are gone.”


Karen asked as her and Luke walked out to their driveway with baby Jesse. “Honey, you ready for World War Three?”


Luke grinned. “I've got my boxing gloves.”


Karen laughed, “good cause if Diane has come back for Bo Candy is gonna fight with everything that she has.”


Luke said, “Yeah. Coy can't be so blind as to what she’s up to, but then again

she got Bo so confused that the family was almost destroyed.” His words dropped off as they got in the car.


Bo smiled. “You look beautiful today.”


Candy smiled. “I told you that I was ready for battle.”


Honeybee interrupted. “Momma, Tammy and me even told Fluffy And Buffy to sharpen their claws.”


They all laughed.


Meanwhile Coy was waiting for Diane to come out of the camper, when she did he said. “Diane, you look just like a dream in that bathing suit.”


“You really think so?”


“That perfume smells so sweet… why don't we stay right here.”


Diane laughed. “Now Coy, a promise is a promise.”


Coy suggested, “Let’s go and get this over with.”


Daisy walked up to where everyone was by the grill. “Hey y'all, everything smells great. Remember Bo I like my steak well done, not burned to a crisp!”


Bo teased. “Oh queen your wish is my command.”


Luke, Karen and baby Jesse arrived then.


Karen said, “I've got a huge potato salad.


Luke added, “And I got a great big jug of sweet tea.”


Candy smiled, “Great, we've got soda, milk and juice. And we've stuff for Burgers, hot dogs and ice cream if y'all want any. Looks like we’re all set.”


Coy and Diane arrived a few minutes later.


Honeybee frowned, “Momma, me and Tammy will watch after Little Jesse and



Candy says thank you my little sweethearts.


Then Diane says you've got a pool! Mind if I take a swim?


Bo shrugged, “Go right ahead and make yourself to home.”


“I will.” Diane smiled and took off her dress to reveal…


Well let’s just say she came ready for battle to


Candy muttered under her breath, “I've on more at three months old then she’s got on now.”


Bo asked, “Tell me Coy what kind of a stunt will you be doing this Saturday?


Coy smiled, “I'll be jumping over five hundred cars!”


Luke shook his head.


Coy frowned. “Hey, don't you think that I can do it?”


Luke shrugged. “Well Coy I'll tell you I hope that you can and I'll be praying for you for you. I'd hate to see your kids lose their daddy so soon.”


Coy snorted. “As far as my kids go, I left those brats behind with that frumpy little thing I divorced.”


Daisy spat. “Coy Duke how can you say something like that about Trixie And those two little boys? I just can't believe how much that you've changed.”


Coy laughed. “Diane has been the best thing that I've ever had. At least I'm not married to a cripple.”


Bo glared at him. “Coy, now that's enough. You can say anything you want about me but don't you dare say anything about Candy. I love her and the kids more

then life it self… Diane has done to you what she did to me.”


Coy looked smug. “Bo Duke your just jealous cause you know that Diane's got herself a real man now.”


Candy said, “Diane I hope that your happy. I'll tell you this I may be in this

wheelchair but I'll tell you I'm no fool. From the first minute that I saw the

way that you looked at Bo, I knew that you were after him. Girl, he’s my

husband and you just leave him the heck alone.”


Diane laughed, “I could have Bo back anytime that I want him.”


Coy yelped. “Diane you can't mean that?”


Diane smiled. “Yes, I was planning on dropping you and having Bo do the stunt.”


Bo snorted. “Diane your crazy I'd never put my life at risk for the likes of you.”


Coy glared at her. “It's always been Bo, you've been using me to get to him and like a fool I was blind. Well, girl I'm all through you'll have to find another sucker to do that stunt on Sunday.”


Diane laughed, “Makes no difference to me it's just that the new school won't get built.”


Daisy retorted, “Diane you’re really a witch!”


Coy said, “Well I can't drive in this state of mind. Why don't you let that hot shot Bo do it.”


Bo says “Coy, I used to be like that but I've settle down but on account of

you two those kids won't get a school if I don't do it…” He paused and looked at Luke. “You with me?”


Luke looked at him. “I sure am, cousin.”


Candy’s pretty eyes widened, “Bo are you crazy? You and Luke could get killed!”


Bo said, “Candy, I've got to do this.”


Karen asked, “Luke you can't be serious?”


Luke nodded in agreement. “Karen, I know that it's dangerous but if we don't do this the kids will lose the school.”


Daisy sighed, “I think you boys are making a mistake.”


“Bo I love you and I'll stand by you but if anything happens,” Candy looked at a smug Diane, “There's one little bimbo that won't be alive.”


Well friends it's Saturday and it's time for the most dangerous of all stunts


Diane says “Welcome everyone. Today you'll see the most death defying leap done by Hazzard County’s two favorite sons. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you

Bo and Luke Duke.”


The crowd cheers like crazy.


A tearful Candy says, “Now Bo you be careful. If anything should happen to you. I just don't know what I'd do.”


Bo takes Candy in his arms. “Don't worry darling, I'll be fine. The good Lord will be watching over me,” He paused for a second. “I love you darling, I always have and I always will.”


Candy smiled as he let go. “I've always loved you too Bo and I always will.”


Bo turned to his children. “Honeybee, Tammy and little Bo you take good care of mommy and I'll see you soon.”


Karen says, “Luke, I'll be praying for you and Bo. I was gonna wait until this was all over but I think I'd better tell you now we're going to have another baby.”


Luke smiled. “That's great and don't worry I'll be fine.” He turned to Bo as the others stepped away from the car and back over to the grandstands.


Luke says, “Hit it, Bo.”


Bo smiled and his foot eased onto the accelerator. 


Luke watched the gauges. “Come on Bo, faster you've got to pick up that speed.”


Bo exclaimed, his foot slamming hard on the pedal. “I’m trying, Luke!”


At a speed faster then light they go right over those five hundred cars


Daisy blew out the breath she had held in and said, “Candy, you can open your eyes now.”


Honeybee shouted. “Momma, I knew that Daddy and Uncle Luke could do it.”


Bo ran over to Candy and held her tight. “I told you I'd come back to you darling.” He looked over to Luke and Karen hugging.


Diane walked over to Bo and Candy. “Well Bo, if you want to play nursemaid to this cripple all of your life so be it,” then she bent down before she could say a word,


Candy hauled off and knocked her right out cold.


Diane got up but before she said anything,


“This is from me,” Karen said and knocked her out again.


Then Daisy picked Diane up. “Girl, this is from me and be lucky we don't tar and feather.”


Diane rubbed her jaw after Daisy’s punch and then she ran.


Well folks the new school was built, Coy and Trixie are back together, Karen and Luke found out that they are having twins. Bo and Candy Cane are still the happiest married couple in Hazzard. See y'all next time!



Written by Juanita Ford

Copyright 1999

All rights reserved  


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