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Candy Cane Loses Her Memory


“Bo, it’s time to go over to Cooter’s.”


“Okay, Candy.”


Mrs. Bo Duke looked over at their daughters playing with the kittens. “Come on, Honeybee and Tammy. It’s time to go to Uncle Cooter’s for supper.”


“Can we bring Fluffy and Buffy?” Honeybee asked.


Tammy added. “They’ll be awful lonely.”


“If we take them, who will watch the house?” Candy replied.


“I didn’t think of that,” The two little girls answered together.


The Duke family headed to Cooter’s for dinner. Not that he learned to cook but his daughter Nancy Lou is making the meal.


After dinner, everyone sat around talking.


“Bo, it’s had to believe you and Candy have been together for five years,” Cooter said.


“Five of the happiest years of my life,” Bo replied.


“Mine too,” Candy added and they kissed.


Well a little later while the family was heading home, before anyone knew what happened another car crashed into the General Lee.


“Is everyone alright?” Bo asked.


“Momma is out cold!” Honeybee and Tammy screamed.


“Don’t worry we’ll get her help,” Bo said.


Later at the hospital, Doc Applebee came to see Bo. “Candy has lost her memory, it could be temporary or permanent. Only time will tell.”  


“Can I see her, I understand I may be a stranger to her right now.” Bo replied.


“Ok,” Doc took Bo to his wife’s room.


Bo’s eyes start to water when he sees the bruises. “Candy, it’s me Bo Duke, your husband.”


“I’m sorry I don’t know who you are.”


“You’ll remember what we have together in time.” Bo sat on the bed. With his hand on hers, he told her everything about their life. He ended by telling her the doctor said she could come home in a few days. “I won’t try anything, I promise.” He kissed gently kissed her good bye on the cheek.


Though she couldn’t remember their life together, she was touched by his tenderness and said to herself. “He’s really cute.”


Three days later, after telling the two girls about their mother and how they needed to give her time and a lot of love so Candy would remember them. Bo went and got Candy from the hospital.


“This is our room, I’ll stay in Luke’s room till you feel better.” He kissed her on the cheek. “I’ll bring you supper later since you need some rest.” Bo said quietly.


“Thank you,” Candy replied. She thought to herself, No wonder I feel in love with that man.


Bo came in awhile with a tray of friend chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy and buttermilk biscuits. “Hope you’re hungry for some home cooking.”


“I am.”


“Just holler if there is you need anything.”


“There is enough food and I’d sure love some company,” Candy sighed.


“I’d love too,” Bo smiled. They had no sooner finished eating, than Tammy and Honeybee came into the room.


“We just came in to say good night,” Honeybee said.


Tammy added. “You can have Fluffy and Buffy to sleep with in case you get sacred.”


The two girls came over. They kissed their parents good night, then left after Bo promised to come tuck them in.


“I really wish I could remember those little angels and you,” Candy said.


“Darling, you will in time. I’ll be in to see you before I turn in,” Bo went toward the door. The kittens followed him out.


“I’d like that,” Candy smiled.


Yea, even though Candy couldn’t remember Bo, she knew she was falling in love.


“Candy, are you still awake?” Bo whispered when he came back.


“Yes, I am.” Candy replied.


Bo sat down next to his Candy Cane. “You look so pretty tonight on my favorite pink night gown.” His lips touched hers, his arms went around her and they kissed for what seemed like forever.


“Bo Duke, you always knew how to reach my heart.”


“You remember? You really remember?”


“Yes, Bo. I really do.” They both said Yee Haw. “We’re got a lot of lost time to make up for,” Candy giggled.


“It’s so good to have you back.”


“It’s good to be back.” Bo turned out the lights.


I tell ya folks, those two are just meant to be.


Written By Juanita Ford

Copyright 1999

All Rights Reserved