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Bo Duke's Gift Of Love To Candy Cane


“Uncle Jesse, can we have a man to man talk?”


“Of course Bo, what’s on your mind?”


“In another week it'll be Candy’s birthday and I'm not sure what girls like besides cookies. I want to get her something that shows her how much that I love her.”


“You're a sweet boy. Girls like pretty things like perfume, flowers and jewelry.”


“There’s a ring at Burbaker's store with a pink stone. I could get her that but it cost $5.00, maybe I could get a job.”


 “That's a good idea.”


Bo goes all over Hazzard doing odd jobs. A week goes by, he goes to the store. “Mr. Burbaker, I'd like to buy that pretty ring with the pink stone.”


Mr. Burbaker looked at Bo. “I can't sell you this ring.”


“I've been working all week and tomorrow is Candy's birthday,” Bo protested as Hughie walked in.


“Sorry that's the breaks,” Hughie replied seeing what they were referring too.


“If you had taken the time to come in and ask about it, I’d have told you that Peggy Hogg ordered it,” Mr. Brubaker told the little boy.


“Hughie, please let me buy the ring. It's for Candy's birthday,” Bo begged.


“Here she comes. You can ask her yourself,” Hughie suggested.  


Peggy Hogg walked into the store and up to the counter.  “Burbaker, this ring is trashy. You'll have to do better. I want it reset and this time it better be good or Uncle Boss will have your hide.”


Bo walked out of the store with a horrible thought... Candy might not love me anymore if I don't get her a present for her birthday.


“Little boy what’s wrong? You shouldn’t be so sad,” A beautiful dark haired lady commented. Bo told his story.


“Hey little fella, I've got a ring right here. My sweetheart gave it to me.”


“Why don't you want to keep it?”


“If it will take those tears away from those blue eyes I'd rather you have.”


Bo took the ring box. He saw a ring in the shape of a rose. All pink and sparkling. “Thank you, lady.”


The lady hugged him.  “As long as your happy, sweetie.”


“What’s your name?”


 “My name is Ginia.”


“That was my momma's name,” Bo said, the beautiful lady was gone.



“I'm sorry about Hughie and his sister. I remembered the rose diamond that your daddy gave your momma but I just can't seem to find it,” Jesse told his nephew.


Bo showed his uncle the ring that the pretty lady gave him.


“Where in the world did you get this ring? It looks just like the one that Jackson gave Ginia.”


“That's what the lady said her name was.”



The next day, Bo smiled when Candy ran past him. “Wait for me!”


“I always will cutie.”


“Happy birthday, give me your hand.”


“Getting fresh a little early aren't we?”


Bo Duke took Candy's hand. “Candy when we grow up will you marry me? I promise that I'll always share my cookies with you.”


“Yes I'll marry you and I'll always share my brownies with you,” She cried.


He placed the ring on Candy's hand.


“It's just beautiful.”


They share a tender kiss and a sweet promise of forever


Written by Juanita Ford

Copyright 1999

All Rights Reserved