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 ß The almighty tomato

You want links. Oh… you know you do


Welcome to the page. Yeah, that’s right, the jontomato page. The page that will waste all your ink if you want to print it because the background is black. So don’t you dare think about printing this sucker! I have decided to make a page with some of the funniest stuff on the web. You have not seen funny until you’ve seen this site. Oh, you may think you have, but trust me… you haven’t. So without further ado here’s da links!



Hyakugojyuuichi!!    ß Crazy, Crazy Shiznit… Maybe this makes sense to somebody out there


I can smell your brains! ß Kitties doing what they do best, frightening people


Xiao Xiao ß Cartoon violence… oh yes!


Hello my future girlfriend ß You’ve all probably already heard this. But still, it’s some funny stuff


Triumph insulting Star Wars Geeks ß That triumph!


Celebrity Sound Board ß Make your own prank call as Jack Black!


My Trailer Park ß Hehe, who knew that living at a trailer park could be so fun?


Emotion Eric ß Eric displaying emotions… you can submit your own!


Tokyo Breakfast ß Chinese people acting black


Stick Death ß Poor guy


The Onion ß The news done right


Rejected ß “My Spoon is too big!”

That’s it for my links, so get outta here suckas!