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Unfinished Business

Unfinished Business

Welcome to our TYR Discussion. We are discussing Unfinshed Business. Hope you enjoy it!

NightinGail777: Hi Jamie! Seems like forever since we have chatted. How are ya?

JaMarieHickey: I'm doing well! How are you?

NightinGail777: Doing just fine.....staying in out of this heat.

JaMarieHickey: I know what you mean!

NightinGail777: We are discussing Unfinished Business tonight-right?

JaMarieHickey: Right.

NightinGail777: I will admit that this is not one of my faves.....I have to say that I didn't like the guy that played Emma's hubby at all.

JaMarieHickey: I didn't either!

NightinGail777: He just has that sneaky, weasle look to him....heehee

JaMarieHickey: Yes he does! He really did look better with the beard too.

NightinGail777: It's a shame that all those nice people had to get killed.

JaMarieHickey: I know. He just hid under some clothes to keep from being killed. What a creep!

NightinGail777: I know.....and then the woman told him about their treasures....then she died.

NightinGail777: He was such a coward.

JaMarieHickey: I don't think he had any intention of getting the treasures to the church.

NightinGail777: I don't either...he was gonna keep it all to himself.

JaMarieHickey: I thought it was funny when the boys were watching Sam fix Emma's window.

NightinGail777: I know....I just love the way they teased him about keeping his marshaling job.

NightinGail777: Then Jimmy says that the window don't have to open......and what does Cody say but if Jimmy wants some fresh air all he does is shoot some holes in the wall.

JaMarieHickey: I know. Then when he fell on the rake in the manure! LLOL

NightinGail777: I know.....that was so him good.

JaMarieHickey: I know. That is my favorite part in the ep!

NightinGail777: Mine too......and also when they are looking in the window at Emma and Sam.

NightinGail777: He comes out in his long johns and Emma teases him.

JaMarieHickey: I know. I loved how Emma was trying to keep Sam and his pants apart!

NightinGail777: And then Sam gets so paranoid.....somebody's out there Emma.

JaMarieHickey: LLOL

NightinGail777: Just love when he falls down and yells you boys think you're tain't funny at all.

JaMarieHickey: I love that whole scene! Too funny!

NightinGail777: Yep.

NightinGail777: Crandle was smart to have that treasure shipped to him instead of just taking it with him.. What about when Cody and Kid saw him in the saloon?

NightinGail777: Cody noticed his buckskins....they had Sioux markings on them.

JaMarieHickey: I know. Cody sure did know about the buckskins. I thought the wagon he was carving looked neat.

NightinGail777: It was....and Emma knew who had done it when she saw it....did you see the look on her face?

JaMarieHickey: Yeah. That would be very hard.

NightinGail777: I just love the way Jimmy goes out to Emma to see if she is allright.....he can be so sensitive sometimes.

JaMarieHickey: Ok...that was very nice of him to check on her.

JaMarieHickey: Isn't Kid sexy? Whata man! :)

NightinGail777: Yes it was....and no Kid isn't.

JaMarieHickey: You just haven't seen the light yet.

JaMarieHickey: :)

NightinGail777: Oh yes I have. Did you see the look on Emma's face when she saw Crandle?

JaMarieHickey: I know. That must've been so hard on her.

NightinGail777: And did you see the look on the boys faces when she introduced him as her husband.

JaMarieHickey: I thought Jimmy was gonna shoot him.

NightinGail777: I did too. He knew how he had hurt her.

NightinGail777: I think Jimmy is the only one that knew she was ever married.

JaMarieHickey: I think so too.

JaMarieHickey: I don't think Sam knew.

JaMarieHickey: Too bad he didn't. Could've saved them a lot of greif.

NightinGail777: I don't think he did.....I think he was hurt that she hadn't told him.

JaMarieHickey: I think so too. That's a pretty big secret to keep though.

NightinGail777: I know....and I can't blame him for getting upset at her for letting him stay at her place either.

JaMarieHickey: I can't either.

NightinGail777: Jimmy did have it in for him though. I was surprised that he told the other boys about it.

JaMarieHickey: I was surprised by that too.

NightinGail777: I was hoping Jimmy would whip his butt.

JaMarieHickey: I don't think it would've been much of a fight.

NightinGail777: I know...cos Jimmy is the Man!!!

JaMarieHickey: No....Jimmy is NOT the man.

NightinGail777: Of course I think he wanted to get back with Emma...I am so glad she didn't and that Sam came to his senses and they stayed together.

JaMarieHickey: Me too. I can't beleive he seriously thought he had a chance with Emma again.

NightinGail777: I know. And those gangsters that he was associated with were some rough looking dudes.

JaMarieHickey: They sure were. Wouldn't want to run into them!

NightinGail777: I wouldn't either.

JaMarieHickey: I felt sorry for Sam in this ep. He gets yelled at alot and it's not all his fault.

NightinGail777: I know. I just love how they react at dinner when Emma is telling them that Crandle is staying. Jimmy looses his appetite.

JaMarieHickey: I know. I wasn't surprised at that though.

NightinGail777: She didn't tell Sam....he looks so hurt talking to her now.

JaMarieHickey: Poor guy.

NightinGail777: I wonder what Emma meant by saying he saved you think that she was really that bad back then?

JaMarieHickey: I can't picture Emma being bad.

NightinGail777: Jimmy is so bad......I just love how he is banging on that thingy and steady watching Crandle.

NightinGail777: Then Cody says that there is hope for people like him......that just made him angrier and want to go after Crandle more.

JaMarieHickey: He sure didn't let Crandle out of his sight. But bad? I'm not so sure.

NightinGail777: Oh-I'm sure. He wasn't afraid to tell Crandle off.

JaMarieHickey: That's true. He was pretty good at running his mouth.

NightinGail777: Haha.....he was trying to protect Emma.

JaMarieHickey: sure....

JaMarieHickey: LOL I know he was protecting her. She didn't need it though. She's tough.

NightinGail777: OK-what about when Crandle finds that man in his room....I didn't think he was gonna shoot him as cowardly as he acted....but he did.

JaMarieHickey: He did act pretty weird. I thought the shot wouldn't hit the guy, or at least not kill him.

NightinGail777: I know....Sam was so smart....and he was doing his job.

JaMarieHickey: Yes he was. I didn't like how Emma jumped on his case about it. He got yelled at for no good reason.

NightinGail777: I know....she was kinda blind about Crandle.

JaMarieHickey: I know. She had a soft spot for him and that was a bad thing.

NightinGail777: How about when he pulls the gun on that man in the saloon for cheating....Sam to the rescue.

NightinGail777: Sam punched him good for saying what he did about Sam and Emma.

JaMarieHickey: I know. He comes unglued for no real reason. Then Sam gets yelled at for keeping him from getting shot!

JaMarieHickey: Yes he did!!

NightinGail777: To bad Emma couldn't see that when he brought him to her place knocked out.

JaMarieHickey: I know. Teaspoon sure was right, she was being hard on the wrong man.

NightinGail777: It was nice of Crandle to pay off her debt and give her the house...but then she finds out that he paid with that jewelry.

JaMarieHickey: I know. I think she felt bad about that. Sure was nice that she finally got to see Crandle for what he was though.

NightinGail777: I am so glad she did...and she appologized to Sam too.

JaMarieHickey: Good! He deserved one. I'm glad that they didn't split up!

NightinGail777: Jimmy is so sensitive to when he give her his hanky when she cut her hand.

JaMarieHickey: He's sensitive to her cause he's gotta crush on her.

NightinGail777: He loves her as a friend....I don't think he had a crush since Fort Reunion when he saw her run to Sam.

JaMarieHickey: I think he did still have a crush on her even though she told him that she only loved him as a friend.

NightinGail777: I don't. But then she goes and jumps on Sam.

NightinGail777: Sam was smart about asking around about anyone selling jewelry.

JaMarieHickey: Yeah. I think he knew Crandle had something to do with the massacre.

NightinGail777: Tompkins got smart with Sam at first but then told him that Crandle had sold him some.

JaMarieHickey: Yeah.

NightinGail777: How about the look on his face when he saw his "buddies" in town.

JaMarieHickey: I know. He goes scurrying around corners and leads them right to Emma's!

NightinGail777: I just love the way she pulls her shotgun on him when he tries to leave.

JaMarieHickey: I know. Then the boys surround the wagon.

NightinGail777: I just love to see our boys win in a gunfight.

JaMarieHickey: I know. Everybody gets to shoot at least one guy. It was an even fight.

NightinGail777: I love what Ike says about Crandle shooting.....he was hiding in a corner.

JaMarieHickey: Yeah. I liked how he pulled his gun on Crandle.

NightinGail777: I least Crandle did one good thing....he kept that man from shooting Emma.

JaMarieHickey: That's what I was thinking.

NightinGail777: I'm glad he was one character that did not come back!!!!

JaMarieHickey: Me too!!

NightinGail777: And in the end....Sam gets the girl.

JaMarieHickey: I love it the good guy gets the girl. :)

NightinGail777: I'm so glad that Emma realized Sam was right and not trying to bring Crandle down just cos he was Emma's hubby....he was a fair man.

JaMarieHickey: Me too. He may have been a little jealous, but he didn't let that interfere with his job.

NightinGail777: No he didn't.

JaMarieHickey: What's our next ep?

NightinGail777: Well....that's another one for now. Decoy is up next....a Cody ep.

JaMarieHickey: I think that one is funny!!

NightinGail777: I do too....I really like this one.

JaMarieHickey: Well, until next time. Ride safe and have wonderful Kid dreams! I know I will. hehehe

NightinGail777: I'll be dreaming of Jimmy!!! Nighty night and sweet dreams everyone.

JaMarieHickey: buh bye

NightinGail777: Bye-bye