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The Kid

Note: JaMarieHickey is Jamie and NightinGail777 is Gail.

NightinGail777: Hi Jamie!

JaMarieHickey: Hi Gail!

NightinGail777:We are gonna discuss the firs ep-The Kid. Come read along to see what each of us thinks about the very first ep of TYR!

NightinGail777:Jamie-you wanna go first?

JaMarieHickey:Sure. I thought this ep was GREAT! First, you've got could that be bad? :)

NightinGail777:Well I will admit-Kid was cute, that is until they showed Jimmy. That's when Jimmy got and kept my heart! I did love the part about how Kid got Katy though.

JaMarieHickey:That is a great scene. It showed how much he's willing to work for something he really wants. I liked the scene where they were all lined up against the fence. The things they said or did to impress Teaspoon were very...interesting.

NightinGail777:I did too. I thought it was funny the way some of them were so, shall we say, stuck on themselves...heehee.

JaMarieHickey: hehe....And that would've been?? What about the scene when they're trying to rescue Katy and Jimmy was stading up to shoot his Beckwith and got knocked on his butt? I'm laughing just thinking about it!

NightinGail777:Yeah-it was kinda funny, but that's my Jimmy. Giving everyone a laugh in serious times.

NightinGail777:I love the way Emma takes over as Mom. She was caring and loving but also strict-just like a mom.

JaMarieHickey: Oh yeah! Perfect Mom. Especially when the guns were delivered and when Ike got kicked.

NightinGail777:I love the way she takes the boys into town. And you can see the chemistry between her and Sam.

JaMarieHickey: Oh yeah! I think it was a great way that we were all introduced to the charecters. We got to see a little of each ones attitudes and beliefs.

NightinGail777:And what about Scarface? I love the way he just backed down to Sam. And then Jimmy asking how he knew he would back down.

JaMarieHickey:That was great. Sam seemed to just radiate confidence in himself and told Scarface in a way that told him it wasn't a threat, but a promise.

NightinGail777:I know-that's what it takes to be a Marshal.

JaMarieHickey:He fit the bill completely. I thought his advice to Kid was very good, but wondered if it was something that Kid had always known.

NightinGail777:I don't know-he could have. What about when Kid finds out that Lou is a girl? Be honest, did you know that Lou was a girl all along? I thought she was and kept wondering why they have a girl to play a boys part:-)

JaMarieHickey:Well, I never saw this ep when it originally aired, so I knew that she was a girl. I guess I might've known, but can't really say.

NightinGail777:I'm glad that Kid kept her secret though.

JaMarieHickey:Me too.

NightinGail777:When they went after the men who stole Katy-do you think they should have done as Jimmy suggested and strung em up or what Kid suggested?

JaMarieHickey:Well, I think what Kid suggested. By doing what Jimmy suggested, even though it would've solved problems later, it wouldn't have made them any better than those men.

NightinGail777:That's true. I will admit that I think Kid was caring about Katy though-I'm glad Sam showed up before Kid shot Katy.

JaMarieHickey:Me too! It wouldn't have been the same without Katy.

NightinGail777:I just loved near the end when Teaspoon was eating that onion. Cody asks if he likes them. Teaspoon was a wise ole' guy! I think he taught them a lot about life.

JaMarieHickey:I agree. I love the onion scene! The looks on everyones faces after comments how good it is are priceless.

NightinGail777:I would just like to add that I love westerns and I fell in love with TYR from the first ep. I was hooked and watched faithfully every week.

JaMarieHickey:Though I was completely opposed to watching TYR when it first came on, I'm VERY glad there was no other choice. I was hooked and have been ever sense. I would like to thank my brother for making all of the family watch TYR, even when some of us were so opposed it doing that.

NightinGail777:Jamie-I'm surprised you didn't mention Kid and Lou's first kiss..heehee

JaMarieHickey:Oh....that was quite a nice little manuver by Kid. She tried to innocently kiss him on the cheek. To be Lou for just that moment.....hmmmmm :)

NightinGail777:Ummmm-no thanks. I'd rather be........wait that's another ep......heehee.

JaMarieHickey:LOL :)

NightinGail777:We hope you enjoyed our discussion about The Kid. Come back next week as we discuss Gunfighter. Woohoo-a Jimmy ep!!!

JaMarieHickey:Thanks for stopping by! :)