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Matched Pair

Matched Pair

Hi and welcome to our discussion of Matched Pair. It's a Jimmy ep-which in my opinion-is one of the best! Due to recent events, we won't have any screen caps with this discussion mainly because they would be mostly of Jimmy. We hope you enjoy it though!

NightinGail777: Hiya Jamie! I'm really excited about the discussion tonight-it's a Jimmy ep....and a good one at that!!!

JaMarieHickey: I will admit....this is a pretty good Jimmy ep. There's a good amount of Kid in it so it helps the ep alot! :)

NightinGail777: Oh please! I love the way Teaspoon describes the different pies in the contest.

JaMarieHickey: I know! I forgot that was in this ep...

NightinGail777: and you can tell that he doesn't like prune pie......heehee

JaMarieHickey: I know! That face is classic!

NightinGail777: But he is nice and tells them that he loved them all.

JaMarieHickey: How.....diplomatic. hehehe

NightinGail777: I think he knew how not to get in trouble with women.

JaMarieHickey: He had a lot of experience

NightinGail777: OK-when they switched to the courtroom I was a little confused as to whom this Bass man was.

JaMarieHickey: So was I.

JaMarieHickey: Do you think Kid and Buck are really listening to Teaspoon??

NightinGail777: But when they showed Claire running away with Charlie......I knew something bad was up for one of our boys......just didn't know which one.

JaMarieHickey: I agree. Guess I wasn't too surprised it was Jimmy

NightinGail777: I think they thought he was telling a big one.

JaMarieHickey: I love the surprise party!

NightinGail777: I'm kinda glad it was Jimmy-gave some insight to why he was like he was and why.

JaMarieHickey: Oh please! You want every ep to be Jimmy! hehehe :)

NightinGail777: I do was so funny when Teaspoon admitted that he didn't know when his birthday was.

JaMarieHickey: I know. I like how he picks out Jimmy to help him blow out the candles.

NightinGail777: I would be so happy for them all to have Jimmy in them.

JaMarieHickey: I know! Sure am glad they're not though. :)

NightinGail777: But then who does Jimmy get to do it? Cody cos he's full of hot air.

JaMarieHickey: Wonder why Teaspoon didn't pick Cody in the first place???

NightinGail777: Jimmy was his right hand man......unlike someone else we know:-)

JaMarieHickey: WHATEVER!!

NightinGail777: I thought it was so sweet for Amanda to send Teaspoon the first dollar that their saloon made.

JaMarieHickey: I agree. I wish she would've been in more eps

NightinGail777: And then comes in the little fella with a message for Jimmy......which he knew exactly who it was when he opened the envelope.

JaMarieHickey: You know it couldn't have been good by the look on his face

NightinGail777: I think Sam was kinda worried cos he ask Jimmy if he wanted company. I love how Sam always looked after the riders.

JaMarieHickey: I do too. Wish he could've been on the show longer

JaMarieHickey: Or at least come back for the last ep

NightinGail777: Me too.

NightinGail777: It's amazing how they can make them look so much younger when they do the flashbacks.

JaMarieHickey: I know! Jimmy looks so young....and not as tough as usual.

JaMarieHickey: I really hate it when the Judge burns the book!

NightinGail777: He seems so innocent and nieve.

JaMarieHickey: Yeah he does

NightinGail777: I know......who knows if Jimmy had learned to read back then-it's no telling what he could have been.

NightinGail777: That Judge only wanted two guns to protect him.

JaMarieHickey: If he would've learned to read though, you would've had to pick a better Kid! :)

JaMarieHickey: He was just using Jimmy

NightinGail777: I now. Of course Jimmy was the better man for leaving when he did. JaMarieHickey: Yeah he was.

NightinGail777: Brad was just as bad as the Judge for using Jimmy to find Claire.

JaMarieHickey: He'd spent so much time with the Judge, he'd become like him.

NightinGail777: He knew that Jimmy would help if he thought Claire was in trouble.

JaMarieHickey: He used their past feelings to get what he wanted

NightinGail777: But thanks to our Teaspoon.....he saw right through Brad.

JaMarieHickey: Sure did. What a smart man!

NightinGail777: Yes he was.....I guess it was from experience.

JaMarieHickey: Brad sure thinks a lot of material things.

NightinGail777: He does that.....thank goodness Jimmy didn't.

JaMarieHickey: Yeah. If Jimmy would've stayed, either he or Brad would've been dead.

NightinGail777: I couldn't believe the Judge making them face off at each other. Did you think Brad was really aiming at Jimmy or aiming to miss him?

JaMarieHickey: I think he was aiming at Jimmy....there was a lot of competition between the tow

JaMarieHickey: oops...two.

NightinGail777: Of course we know who the better man's always JIMMY!!!

JaMarieHickey: In this case, yes he is the better man.'s all KID!

NightinGail777: finally admitted it. Jimmy is the better man......always has been and always will be.

JaMarieHickey: NO! He's just better than Brad!

JaMarieHickey: I was suprised when Claire killed herself.

NightinGail777: Only in your mind. I think Jimmy was suspicious when Brad wanted to rush Claire and Charlie.

JaMarieHickey: Yeah I agree.

NightinGail777: I was too. It must have been really bad for her not to want to go back. And she thought Jimmy led them there to take her back.....thank goodness she found out about him thinking she was kidnapped.

NightinGail777: After all-she sent him her father's journal.

JaMarieHickey: I agree. It's a good thing that she sent it to him.

NightinGail777: I know. I wish she would have shot Brad instead of herself.

JaMarieHickey: I know, but she would've been killed anyway. His gunmen wouldn't have let her live.

NightinGail777: I think Jimmy felt so guilty. If those men hadn't knocked out Jimmy-he would have killed Brad right then.

JaMarieHickey: Probably, but he would've died.....he couldn't kill all those men before they shot him.

NightinGail777: That's true.

NightinGail777: And Teaspoon, Lou and Kid find out about Claire not being kidnapped.

JaMarieHickey: Ahhhh.....Kid at sunrise. There's nothing better! hehehe.

NightinGail777: Yes there is.......Jimmy at sunrise.

JaMarieHickey: NO.....he is not better!! :)

NightinGail777: My poor Jimmy......he hardly makes it back to Emma's. Thank goodness Emma sees him.

NightinGail777: I will give it to Kid.....he did help Jimmy with reading the journal.

JaMarieHickey: Well, at least they didn't kill him.

JaMarieHickey: He's always helping Jimmy! What the heck are you talking about!!

NightinGail777: That's true.....I think Brad knew he would come after him. That is what he finally prove who was better.

JaMarieHickey: I agree. That was his ultimate goal. I think he thought he really was better than Jimmy.

NightinGail777: He might of thought just won't true.

JaMarieHickey: No....Brad was not better than Jimmy.

NightinGail777: And Brad had the Judge thinking Charlie killed Claire.

JaMarieHickey: He totally lied to the Judge.

NightinGail777: And didn't Brad know that Jimmy would get through those men he sent to stop them? I mean please-this is Jimmy we are talking about.

JaMarieHickey: Totally! And like Brad's men would really let Jimmy through if Brad died!

NightinGail777: I just love the little chat Jimmy and Kid have right before the gunfight.

NightinGail777: Jimmy is just so the man.

JaMarieHickey: I know.....But Jimmy.....he's NOT the man!

NightinGail777: I love his look right before he gets off his horse.

JaMarieHickey: C' love all his looks!

JaMarieHickey: :)

NightinGail777: I do that.

JaMarieHickey: The boys make it just in the nick of time.

NightinGail777: I love this gunfight. He is just so sexy. He means business. And when he draws......oh where is the cold shower?

JaMarieHickey: LOL

NightinGail777: And thanks to Kid.......he got the other two.

JaMarieHickey: He saves Jimmy again.

NightinGail777: I know it saddened Jimmy to have to shoot Brad but he knew what had to be done.

JaMarieHickey: Jimmy gets sad when he shoots most people though....

JaMarieHickey: I'm feeling a little ornery tonight.......

NightinGail777: Not only Jimmy but hiself......I don't think they would have let him go.

NightinGail777: Oh really.......I couldn't tell.

JaMarieHickey: Kid could've gotten away..... :)

NightinGail777: I doubt of em would have gotten him and the other Jimmy.

JaMarieHickey: He coulda. The Judge sure is surprised to see Jimmy coming

NightinGail777: What about the peoples reactions to Jimmy & Kid when they ride of em's been shot.

JaMarieHickey: I know! Should we get the doctor?

NightinGail777: Yes.......he knew that Jimmy could get him in a lot of trouble.

NightinGail777: Thanks to Kid......he knew that Judge Baines was named in the book.

JaMarieHickey: You're sure thanking Kid a lot tonight. I think you're a closet Kidette. hehehe

JaMarieHickey: Are you seeing the light??

NightinGail777: I love the way the attorny asked Judge Bains to remove himself.

NightinGail777: Am not.......just trying to be nice to you.

JaMarieHickey: I know.

JaMarieHickey: Oh please!

NightinGail777: I love the Judges little speach......but Jimmy put him in his place!!!

JaMarieHickey: He needed to be put in his place. Kid woulda, but it was a Jimmy ep.

NightinGail777: I don't think Kid would have had the guts to.

JaMarieHickey: WHATEVER!~

NightinGail777: It is sad when Jimmy comes out and sees Brad's body......then takes his gun and leaves him the coin.

JaMarieHickey: Yeah. It's part of his life that's over.

NightinGail777: Now all our boys ride out........and no one rides the way they do!!!

JaMarieHickey: Ain't that the truth!

NightinGail777: Jimmy and Buck sure are sexy riding those horses.

JaMarieHickey: Not as good as Kid though!

NightinGail777: Even Better!!!!

JaMarieHickey: NOT

NightinGail777: Well......another ep under our belts. Let's see........Charla and I are gonna be discussing The Man Behind the Badge. Should be next week sometime.

JaMarieHickey: Cool! We're almost done with season 1

NightinGail777: Then it's time for our group discussion of Gathering Clouds. I just hope we can get everyone knowh that was our biggest problem.

JaMarieHickey: Yeah. I hope it will all come together. I think it'll be interesting.

NightinGail777: Finding a time that is right when some are in different time zones.

JaMarieHickey: Yeah!

NightinGail777: Oh yes......three Jimmyholics and three Kiddettes.

JaMarieHickey: It's war!! hehehe

NightinGail777: Well......I'm gonna say nighty night to everyone. Sweet TYR Dreams and until next time-Ride safe.

JaMarieHickey: Night all!