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Fall From Grace

Fall From Grace

Welcome to our TYR Discussion. We are discussing Fall From Grace-another great Jimmy ep....woohoo!!! Hope you enjoy it!

NightinGail777: Hi Jamie! How are you tonight. Are you ready to discuss Fall From Grace.....a Jimmy ep..heehee

JaMarieHickey: Sure I'll discuss another Jimmy ep. I don't wanna, but I'll do it! hehhehehe

NightinGail777: Don't worry...a Kid ep is up next.

JaMarieHickey: That's what I'm waiting for...get this Jimmy ep over so we can talk about KID!!

JaMarieHickey: :)

NightinGail777: But the Jimmy eps are always so much better!!!!

JaMarieHickey: No they are not!!

NightinGail777: Heehee.....I knew you were gonna say that.

JaMarieHickey: I'm so predictable.

NightinGail777: What did you think of Teaspoon's friend....Prairie Dog?

JaMarieHickey: I thought he was an interesting character. I was sorry that he died.

NightinGail777: I was too....he probably wouldn't have if he hadn't been "playing"....heehee

JaMarieHickey: LLOL

NightinGail777: I love it when Teaspoon says....stay out of trouble then he thinks aloud....that's like asking a horse to fly.

JaMarieHickey: I know that's so funny.

NightinGail777: I just can't stand that thud that works for Grace.....can't think of his name right off but he is the one that kills Prairie Dog.

NightinGail777: And Bo is so funny when he goes to pick him up........he's dead Grace...he's dead.

JaMarieHickey: I can't think of his name either. Grace is from One Life to Live. She played Dorian Lord.

NightinGail777: Really?

NightinGail777: And of course then the boys are looking at a saddle and Teaspoon gives one of his speeches.

NightinGail777: Then Cody says....we were just admiring the saddle and Teaspoon says......that is a pretty nice looking saddle.

JaMarieHickey: Yeah, then he comments on how nice the saddle is.

NightinGail777: Then Sparrow hollers for help and it's Jimmy to the rescue.

JaMarieHickey: What a nice helpful.

NightinGail777: That's my Jimmy!

NightinGail777: Did you catch the look that Jimmy gave Teaspoon and then Teaspoon shakes his head......I always thought something was up.

JaMarieHickey: I know. You can tell something is up between them.

NightinGail777: Then Grace comes out and offers him a job....and Emma sets her straight.

JaMarieHickey: Grace is so evil. I like her character though.

NightinGail777: Yeah...she plays a good part.

JaMarieHickey: She's a good actress.

NightinGail777: She is.

JaMarieHickey: I liked Bo too.

NightinGail777: He played the big dope very well...heehee

JaMarieHickey: LLOL

NightinGail777: It was sad when Sam had to tell Teaspoon about Prairie Dog.

NightinGail777: Seems he looses all his good friends.

JaMarieHickey: Yeah. I don't think he wanted to do it.

NightinGail777: I know.....but it was his job.

JaMarieHickey: Yeah. They've all had a lot of life experiences though.

JaMarieHickey: Yeah.

NightinGail777: Grace is smart in figuring out how to read that map.

JaMarieHickey: She's a very intelligent woman.

NightinGail777: Of course then Jimmy goes in the brothel.....and I love the way Jimmy and Teaspoon fight about him going in.

JaMarieHickey: I knew there was gonna be trouble then.

NightinGail777: I thought something was up.....and of course the boys just thought that Jimmy was being Jimmy.

JaMarieHickey: Yeah. They didn't pick up on their sneakiness.

NightinGail777: Jimmy and Teaspoon played the part well.

JaMarieHickey: They had everyone fooled.

NightinGail777: I'm surprised Cody didn't want to go also...heehee

JaMarieHickey: LOL I know what you mean.

NightinGail777: I think his reputation as Wild Bill is why he was chosen to do that.....and Grace tells him that they are a lot alike...wild.

JaMarieHickey: Yeah.

NightinGail777: I just love when they are all eating and Jimmy tells off all of them.....starting with Kid.......heehee

JaMarieHickey: He's so mean to Kid. I would be happy to comfort Kid's ego. hehehe

NightinGail777: Oh and how Cody gets mad.....he almost goes after Jimmy......and then Teaspoon fires him.

JaMarieHickey: I wish Cody would've gotten to get one punch in. I know it was an act, but Jimmy deserved it.

NightinGail777: way! But you know Jimmy does look good in those fancy sexy......

JaMarieHickey: He looks ok.....Not nearly as good as Kid.

NightinGail777: It's so sweet when Lou comes in.....if I hadn't known it was something going on before.....I knew it when he pulled his gun on Bo.

JaMarieHickey: I knew he would stick up for Lou. He wouldn't let anything happen to her.

NightinGail777: When she and Cody saw him in town......she told Cody-that's not the Jimmy we knew.

JaMarieHickey: I know. She seemed so disappointed.

NightinGail777: I think it's funny the way Jimmy told Cody to go home.......he acted so well at making them think he really had changed.

JaMarieHickey: He did. The boys felt like they were betrayed.

NightinGail777: But Cody didn't give up....he was determined to get Jimmy back!

NightinGail777: He was the one that was trying to get Teaspoon to take Jimmy back.

JaMarieHickey: What a good friend.

NightinGail777: Yep....I thought that Kid or Buck would have been the one that tried to get him back......that is until I see the fight Jimmy and Cody has with Bo.

JaMarieHickey: There is a line in theis ep that is so good, but I can't remember it.

NightinGail777: Who said it?

JaMarieHickey: LLOL I love that fight. I can't remember that either! I know it was at the beginning. Or maybe that's just my mind playing tricks on me.

NightinGail777: I'm so glad that Bo interupted Grace and Jimmy when she was getting ready to kiss him.......I just don't like to see anyone kiss him!!!

NightinGail777: Those two dunces that Grace sent to find the arson is so stupid.....I hate that they killed that old timer.

JaMarieHickey: I know! They were idiots.

JaMarieHickey: I do like the one by the "lady" whose room Cody hides out in. After he asks where he can find Jimmy. "There's no accounting for taste" Ain't that the truth! Even she can't understand what anyone would see in Jimmy. hehehehe

JaMarieHickey: I thought that was pretty funny.

NightinGail777: Now know what she was talking about.....not that it was Jimmy but that he wanted a man's room....heehee

JaMarieHickey: That may be the case, but I'll argue that it was Jimmy. hehehe :)

NightinGail777: Totally NOT!

JaMarieHickey: LLOL

NightinGail777: I just love how Jimmy takes care of those two idiots......and then he shoots himself.

JaMarieHickey: I know. I couldn't beleive he would shoot himself...that would be HARD!!

NightinGail777: I love it when he tells them to get ain't going nowhere.

JaMarieHickey: I know. Like he'd let anyone hurt Teaspoon.

NightinGail777: Do you think that Grace believed it when Jimmy got back?

JaMarieHickey: I don't think Grace bought his story though.

NightinGail777: I don't think so either.......I just love to see Cody climbing up on the balcony to sneak in.

JaMarieHickey: I know. He's so funny.

NightinGail777: You know the way Cody's like he's never been in a brothel before.

JaMarieHickey: I know. I have a feeling he frequented them often.

NightinGail777: ....and when he finally gets in Jimmy's room.....he doesn't care if Jimmy fights him or not.

JaMarieHickey: I know. What's he gonna do, tie Jimmy up and throw him out the window?

NightinGail777: I know....I know you're wild and I respect that and all, but we gotta get outa here.

JaMarieHickey: LOL Some of the stuff he comes up with...

NightinGail777: OK-the fight scene with Bo is about to happen....I love the way Cody describes him.......a grizzly.

NightinGail777: ......and Bo just pulls the rug out from under them.

JaMarieHickey: It fits perfectly. I like it when Cody jumps on his back and Bo spins around. Of course, Cody's legs have to kick Jimmy in the head.

NightinGail777: I know.....that is hillarious.

JaMarieHickey: Or when Bo is squeezing the life out of Cody. So funny.

NightinGail777: That is.......he's calling Hickok....and Jimmy has been thrown over a sofa.

JaMarieHickey: I know.....LLOL

NightinGail777: I don't think anyone else would have looked right in this scene but Jimmy and Cody.

JaMarieHickey: No, the rest would've just looked awkward.

NightinGail777: Did you see the look on Jimmy's face when he hit Bo with that chair and it didn't even phaze him?

JaMarieHickey: I know. He was so surprised.

NightinGail777: But he finally got him with that iron thingy.....and down goes Bo

NightinGail777: I just knew for sure that Grace had shot Jimmy when I heard the gunshot......but it was Sparrow.....good girl that time.

JaMarieHickey: I know. Jimmy seemed surprised that he wasn't shot.

NightinGail777: And it was so sweet that Jimmy told her she was special.

JaMarieHickey: Yeah. I hope she found something else to do with her life. She seemed to be in the wrong profession.

JaMarieHickey: There are so many characters that I would've liked to see reappear in the show later.

NightinGail777: I know what you mean.

NightinGail777: I would have been interesting to see what she did.

NightinGail777: Sam thought it was funny and that they went into a bear's den.

JaMarieHickey: Yeah.

NightinGail777: I just love the way they sneak up on them loading the arsonal and Cody gets to use his gun......I love to see him aim his gun.

JaMarieHickey: I know. He's such a good shot.

NightinGail777: I love what Jimmy says when they start firing those cannon balls at them.

JaMarieHickey: I know. He's right though, it's not fair!

NightinGail777: It ain't no fair fight with a gun like that.....heehee.

JaMarieHickey: LLOL

NightinGail777: And then Cody gets them the second time.......cabloom...I love the little laugh that Cody makes.

JaMarieHickey: He gets so excited.

NightinGail777: And Jimmy and Teaspoon got a medal.....what is it that Buck says....that's crazy.

JaMarieHickey: I know! I like Teaspoon's comment at the end about seeing Prairie Dog soon, but not too soon.

NightinGail777: I just love the ending when Teaspoon walks out and says he'll see Prairie Dog soon......but don't hold your breath.

JaMarieHickey: Yeah...that's how it went. I couldn't remember the wording.

NightinGail777: Wow-that went quick....I really enjoyed this one....but then again I always do when it's a Jimmy ep.

JaMarieHickey: The next one is a great Kid ep though! YIPPEEE!!

NightinGail777: I guess it's time to say goodnight to everyone......let's see......the next one is Hard Time, isn't it?

JaMarieHickey: Yes it is!!! WOOOOHOOO

NightinGail777: least there is plenty of Jimmy in this one too.....I can't remember but what is the side plot?

NightinGail777: I know what you mean.

NightinGail777: Is it riding a bicycle or something like that?

JaMarieHickey: Riding the bicycle! That's it.

NightinGail777: And Jimmy is soooo funny in that one... but that will have to wait.

JaMarieHickey: I know...can't wait for that one!

NightinGail777: Until next time-Nighty night and sweet dreams everyone...Ride Safe!

JaMarieHickey: Night all....sweet Kid dreams! :)

NightinGail777: Sweet Kid Dreams Jamie.

JaMarieHickey: Sweet Jimmy Dreams Gail.

NightinGail777: I'll be dreaming of Jimmy with the dark brown hair....heehee.

JaMarieHickey: LLOL