The Sleepwalker

The Sleepwalker


Mary Ann

"Hurry up Fran! We're late! All the good guys will be taken!" Val yelled up the Sheffield mansion stairs, beckoning her best friend.

"I'm coming, I'm coming" Fran said, descending the staircase in that short black low-cut dress that Mr. Sheffield thought was 'ravishing' (until he discovered that she was going out with Tony, the mobster).

Maxwell Sheffield enters the living room and sees Fran in that dress. He hadn't seen her in it in quite a while and had forgotten how incredibly sexy it was and it stopped him in his tracks. "Oh, Miss Fine, you look ravishing!" He exclaimed, his eyes immediately drawn to the deep plunging neckline of the short black dress.

"Mr. Sheffield, you told me the exact same thing a year ago--you really have to get some new pick-up lines!" Fran giggled. "Don't wait up for us, we going to the VIP opening of that new singles club--free food and an open bar!"

"Val, " she said, turning to her friend. "You have to make sure I don't drink too much, you know I have a tendency to sleepwalk." She turned to Mr. Sheffield and said. "Before I moved here, I had too much to drink one night. Ma said she watched me walk straight into the kitchen and polish off a whole chocolate Entenmanns cake! Ma was afraid to wake me 'cause you're not supposed to wake up sleepwalkers--I guess it could be dangerous. I consumed about nine hundred calories and didn't remember a thing about it--I couldn't even remember tasting it--what a waste! I heard that people who sleepwalk subconsciously go for what that know they can't have when they're awake!"

Mr. Sheffield grinned. Yes, that sounds exactly like something she would do if she were sleepwalking! He thought affectionately. God, she was so stunning in that dress. THAT DRESS! I REALLY don't want her going out in that dress. He was suddenly feeling somewhat depressed and wanted to tell her to stay home with him, but he just couldn't bring himself to pull the trigger. You are a bloody coward. He thinks disgusted with himself.

"Well, have fun ladies." Max says with a forced smile.

"Bye, Mr. Sheffield" they giggle as they head out the door.




Several hours later, at the VIP grand opening...

"Oh, Val. I think I'm really smashed!" Fran said, slightly slurring her words her head on the bar half her hair in a dish of popcorn. "I told you not to let me drink this much! Let's go home, I just want to climb into bed before I pass out!" She pulls popcorn and a plastic drink straw out of her hair.

"Sorry, Fran. I forgot you don't have the same tolerance for alcohol that I have" Val said. "Let's get you home." Val hails a cab and pours Fran into it. The taxi pulled up the Sheffield residence and Val tells the driver to wait. The girls enter the mansion and Val helps Fran up to her room. She undresses her and tucks her in. She quietly slips down the stairs gets into the waiting cab and heads home.

Maxwell, sitting in his huge bed on the pretense of finishing his novel, hears them come in and smiles in relief. He couldn't sleep when she was out, and was thrilled that it was Val who brought Fran home, and not some bloke. He had better inform Niles in the morning to have some hangover medicine ready. Poor little thing, he thinks. She really shouldn't drink; the Fines are the eaters, while we Sheffield's are the drinkers.

Max finishes the last chapter of his book and reached over to turn out the light just as he hears his bedroom door slowly open. The sight of Miss Fine, in her cute silk pajamas slowly approaching his bed, astonishes him. His jaw drops as she, calmly as you please, climbs in next to him, pulled the covers up to her chin, closes her eyes and falls to sleep. Shocked, he stares at her for a good two minutes before he reacts.

"Err...Miss Fine." He said, slightly shaking her. Nothing. Oh, my, she must be sleepwalking. That's right, she reacts that way when she drinks. He thinks, remembering her whole Entenmanns's fiasco. I'm afraid to wake her--it's supposed to be dangerous, but, I really can't have her sleeping here...can I? Should I carry her into her room and risk her waking up--no, I can't take that chance! Desperately he thinks. Niles! He'll know what to do!

Max clicks on the intercom and orders Niles to come up to his room. Seconds later, a sleepy Niles opens the door. "Yes sir," He yawned. "Did you need..." A huge smile lights his face as he sees Miss Fine lying there, her hair forming soft ringlets on the pillow, looking like a dream. The two Brits, in their bathrobes and pajamas, are standing next to the bed with their heads cocked to the side observing their sleeping nanny quite like a scene straight of My Fair Lady. "Oh, sir! How wonderful! I'm so happy for both of you!" Niles gushed.

"Oh, shut up, Niles!" Max whispers. "She's sleepwalking and I'm afraid to waken her! What should I do? She bloody well can't sleep here all night!" Max looks at Niles nervously rubbing his hands together.

"No, of course not! That would be completely inappropriate! You being a man, and she a woman!" He says in a mock shocked tone. "Well, could always sleep in her bed--I mean, if you don't think you can control yourself with her." He says, smiling inwardly. That should push some buttons. He thinks.

Max looks at him angrily. "I bloody well can control myself--I'm not some sixteen year old boy with raging hormones!" He growls. "Oh, Go back to bed, Niles, I've got the situation completely under control."

Niles turns around and saunters out the door, the smile on his face now is a very satisfied grin. If this doesn't get them together, then I will really begin to wonder about him. He returns to his room and plants himself by the intercom.

OK, Maxwell, you can do this. Just get into that bed, turn out the lights and go to sleep. God, she's so beautiful, so sweet and innocent sleeping there like an angel. He thinks as he gazes down at her. He is starting to get slightly aroused at the sight of her, and quickly goes into the bathroom to splash some cold water on his face. Get a grip, old boy...maybe I should go sleep in her room--no, Niles would never let me live it down!

Maxwell walks back into the bedroom and gets into his bed, careful not to touch Fran. He turns out the light and absolutely has no shot at sleeping. He lay there for an hour until he finally falls into a light, restless sleep. He wakes up very soon and is stunned to feel Miss Fine with her head on his shoulder and her arm across his chest. His arousal was immediate and insistent.

"This is a test, isn't it?" He whispers, raising his eyes to the ceiling. "Well--it's bloody agony!" In her sleep, Fran started to snuggle up to him. "Oh, my" he breathes, starting to perspire. "Miss Fine, Miss Fine" he said, gently shaking her. "You must wake up, I can't take this any longer."

Fran slowly opens her eyes and looks at him uncomprehendingly. "Oh, good, I'm having that dream--I love that dream." She smiled and cuddled his chest with her hands, kissing him softly, starting to fall back to sleep.

That was it for Max; all the control he had forced for the last torturous couple hours was lost. He held her in his arms and kissed her passionately. "Oh, Miss Fi...Fran! He whispers, his voice husky with passion. He rolls on top of her and presses himself against her body. His hand is now unbuttoning her pajama tops and he starts exploring what was inside.

Fran is slowly coming to the realization that this just might not be a dream. Her dreams never felt this real--or wonderful. "Uh, Mr. Sheffield, is this for real, or am I dreaming?" She felt a little foolish asking this. But, this was way more realistic than any dream she ever had. Not that she was complaining.

At the sound of her nervous voice, Maxwell suddenly comes to his senses. What are you doing you cad! She's practically unconscious, and you are ravaging her without her consent. With tremendous difficulty, and a control that was four years being perfected living celibately with her, he forces himself to stop. He reaches over to the nightstand and turns on the light. He sits up and runs his trembling hands through his thick hair.

"Oh, Miss Fine.... do forgive me. "I-I don't know what came over me! You were sleepwalking and climbed into bed with me--I tried to control myself, but, when you cuddled up to me, I just lost it--what a bloody cad!

Fran looks up at him in disbelief, her brown eyes wide as saucers. Now awake, and mostly sober, she is starting to grasp the situation. "Oh, Mr. Sheffield! Pardon me!" She says, moving quickly to the other side of the bed as she pulls the covers up to her chin to cover her now unbuttoned pajamas. "I am so embarrassed--please forgive me!"

"No, no, Miss Fine--it's all my fault! You were sound asleep; you have nothing to be sorry about! He was feeling extremely guilty, yet, to his astonishment, he wasn't the least bit sorry it happened. In fact, he realized that he loved waking up with her in his arms. Maxwell suddenly remembered what she said earlier about 'people who sleepwalk subconsciously go for what that know they can't have when they're awake.' This made him smile a little. He really didn't want her to leave.

"Oh, Mr. Sheffield, I can't apologize enough for intruding on your privacy--god, I am so humiliated!" Fran buttons up her pajamas under the covers and starts to get of out of bed. Max gently takes her wrist and pulls her back. A stunned Fran looks at him. Oh! Why is he holding me here? I just want to get back to my room and out of this embarrassing situation!

"Miss Fine." He whispers. "You don't have to go, I promise to be a perfect gentleman! Why don't you just lay back and go to sleep." His smile takes her breath away.

He wants me to stay? Why? There is no way I can sleep in this bed, with him so close and yet unattainable. I don't think I could control myself. It was hard enough to sleep down the hall every night, knowing he was in the same house! She had wanted and loved him for so long--she couldn't possibly take him up on this offer, it just wouldn't work. Did he really want her to sleep here tonight without touching him--loving him? She physically yearned for him--how painful would that be. She looks deep into his eyes and makes a decision. "Mr. Sheffield, I don't think that would be a good idea. I'm going back to my room. Goodnight, and could we please forget this ever happened?" She pleads as she climbs out of his bed.

A very disappointed Max says "Of course, Miss Fine. Goodnight." He watches her pad out the door. I can't believe she didn't want to stay here with me, perhaps I was wrong about her feelings for me. God, how I want her. I can't imagine my life without her--huh? You bloody fool; you just admitted it to yourself. You need her-- you LOVE her! He sits up, his heart pounding madly; the realization that he truly does lover her hits him like a ton of bricks. Well, you better do something about it soon; she isn't going to wait around forever.

Back in Fran's room she is sorting out what just happened. You idiot! Why didn't you stay there, maybe something would have happened? He wouldn't have asked you to stay if he didn't want you to, and BOY; it sure FELT like he wanted you! She thinks, a pleasant little jolt rushing through her at the memory of his ample arousal against her body. Oy! I have to get back there, but I can't just go waltzing back now, the moment is gone. Slowly an idea forms. After a few minutes of serious plotting a smile comes to her lips, and she goes into her bathroom to freshen up and apply some very light makeup and perfume.

She walks out her bedroom door and passes Niles in the hallway. She puts her arms out in front of her in an very exaggerated sleepwalking pose and gives him a smile and a wink, as she's heads for Mr. Sheffield's room. Niles smiles back relieved that she thought of it herself. He was heading to her room to advise her to 'sleepwalk' right back into Mr. Sheffield's bed. After hearing what went on over his intercom, he was afraid that she had really blown it! She's got him now. He thinks happily, heading back to his room to plant himself in front of the intercom.

Max is sitting on the love seat staring at the fire shaking his head in confusion. She didn't want to stay with me. Has she finally snapped--have I pushed her away one too many times? Doesn't she care for me anymore? He won't be getting much sleep tonight. He turns as he hears his bedroom door opening. His heart starts beating faster as he watches Miss Fine walk to his bed, lie down and pull the covers up to her chin again. She turns to her side and falls asleep.

She came back! He thinks, overjoyed. Her subconscious brought her back to me, where she belongs! There isn't any other explanation. Does she really love me? Dear god, please say all these years of holding her at arms length hasn't destroyed her feelings for me!

Max gets up off the loveseat, a huge smile of relief and affection on his face. He tiptoes to the bed and gets in beside her. He cuddles up close to her, his chest covering her back, and puts his arm protectively around her, snuggling the back of her neck with a light kiss. He is so thrilled she came back that he is happy to settle for this innocent intimacy.

OY! Was that a turn on or WHAT?! She thinks, her skin covered in goose bumps. I better put the rest of this plan into action before he falls asleep! OK, here goes nothing. She waits a few minutes then starts gently thrashing about. "I love you so much." She mumbles holding her pillow next to her face. "No, no....I love you..." She then starts to weep softly, keeping her eyes tightly shut.

"Miss Fine, Miss Fine!" A worried Maxwell props up on one arm and gently shakes her. "Please wake up, you're having a bad dream!" He was lying next to her looking down as she awoke with a start.

"Huh? Oh, Mr. Sheffield! What are you doing in my room?" She says, a very real look of surprise on her face.

"Fran" Did I just call her Fran? He thinks protectively hugging her. "You were sleepwalking again, and came back into my room. You were having a bad dream. You said that you loved someone and then started crying. Whom were you dreaming about?" Please, god, let it be me, I couldn't stand it if she had a secret love and it was too late to declare my feelings for her.

"Oh, Mr. Sheffield--did he just call her FRAN? Focus, you idiot! ---Uh, oh, Mr. Sheffield, I'm so sorry I intruded on you, again! You're going to have to start locking your bedroom door at night!" I can't believe this is working exactly as I far! She thinks as she innocently looks up at him with the big crocodile tears in her eyes. She starts getting out of the bed and he gently grabs her.

Oh, those eyes, that look, she just melts my heart! He hugs her close to him and says. "Fran, please tell me who you were dreaming about, and why it made you cry!" He pleaded, more than a little worried that it was someone other than him.

"Oh, Mr. Sheffield." She whispers tucking her head shyly into his chest. "I can't tell you, you are the last person on Earth that I can tell." She now is sniffling and absently-mindedly playing lightly with his chest hairs with her fingers, truly an Academy Award winning performance.

What the bloody hell does that mean!? A panicking Max thinks. Is she in love with someone and afraid to tell me, or is it me, and she is embarrassed to tell me? I am going to go mad if I don't know soon! He puts his finger under her chin and lifts her head so that their faces are inches apart. It breaks his heart to see her crying.

"Please, please, Fran" he begs. "Please tell me who you were dreaming about--who you love. Was it....was it me?" He looks imploringly into her eyes, holding his breath, terrified of her answer.

Now what do I say? Does he WANT it to be him, or, is he AFRAID that it is him? She thinks, starting to panic a little. Oh, how do I get myself into these things!? Oh, well, here goes...I might as well go for it--I may never get this opportunity again. She casts her eyes down slightly and slowly nods her head.

An overjoyed and very relieved Maxwell exhales. He wasn't even aware that he had been holding his breath. "Oh, my darling! What a fool I've been! I love you and was a blithering idiot for taking it back! Can you ever forgive me?" He cries holding her tightly.

A stunned Fran stares at him in wide-eyed, opened-mouthed disbelief. Wow! This is way better than I planned. I just thought I could get a little action, I didn't know I was going to get the whole ball of wax! She hesitantly put her arms around his neck; the tears this time are real. "Oh, Mr. Shef....Max...I've loved you for so long now, but... She suddenly pulls her arms back and gets out of bed. She walks over to the loveseat and sits and stares into the fire.

A surprised Max watches her. "Darling, what's wrong?" He says, getting out of bed and walking over to her, kneeling down in front of her." She is shivering, soft tears trickling down her face. He immediately gets up and sits next to her gathering her in his arms. "Please tell me what is wrong." He whispers rocking her gently, kissing the top of her head.

"Mr. Sheffield, I truly don't think I could survive if you take this back again. The first time tore me up--more than I ever let you know. The time after Paris when you took back saying you loved me was the hardest period of my life. I was in love with you, and it took all my resolve to stay here. The only reason I did stay was because I love the children so much!" She cried, putting her head into his chest.

Maxwell shook his head. Do you see what you've done to her--how you've hurt her, you bloody fool. How is she ever going to trust you again? Make everything right--NOW. He thinks, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Darling, sweetheart, please listen to me. Can you ever forgive me for that? I want to spend the rest of my life making it up to you. The moment had arrived; it was now or never. He lifts her face to his and says. "Fran, tomorrow I was going to buy you a six carat diamond, now, I guess my punishment for 'the thing' will be purchasing a seven carat ring." He says, peeking down to see her reaction. It was a unique way to propose, after all.

"Oh, Mr. Sheffield" she whined starting to pull away. "I just am afraid that you will take it....HEH??? Did he just say he was buying her a ring? Is he actually proposing?? I can't believe that this is happening! This plan worked a bazillion times better than I could have eva hoped for!!

"OH, Maxwell, she cried--then she cocked her head back and looked him in the eyes, "Just so I don't embarrass myself again, did you just ask me to marry you?" She looked at him wide-eyed.

Her expression was just priceless and Max's heart leapt. He had absolutely no doubts about his impetuousness, now. He lifted her up and carried her to his bed. He lovingly laid her down and got in with her. "Does this answer your question?" He whispers, kissing her softly. She kisses him back with everything she's got. Oy--uh, I mean Wow! I'd forgotten what an incredible kisser she was! He let out a soft moan as her tongue parted his lips, a jolt of electricity shot through him straight to his groin. "Oh, Fran...I do love you, please marry me."

Oh my, can he kiss, and, what's that I feel against my leg? Wow, uh, I mean Oy!

Max was at full arousal now, four years of waiting being slowly unleashed. "Fran, I want you now, I don't think I can wait for the wedding night" he moaned. He was gently unbuttoning her again and she shuddered as his hand found her breast for the first time. He then gently grabbed her bottom and pulled her into his arousal. She moved away slightly so that he could slide off her pajama bottoms. He ripped off his own nightclothes and their bare bodies melted into each other. Max's hands couldn't get enough of her, and explored every inch of her body, groaning with pleasure.

Fran had never experienced anything like this. Nobody had ever made her reach these incredible heights. She had already climaxed twice and they hadn't even made love. "Maxwell" she whispered hoarsely "please make love to me, now."

"With pleasure" He moaned as he raised his body over and moved down to meet her. Max tenderly made them one. They both gasped at that first introduction into their union. Fran shuddered as he thrust himself deeper. Maxwell tried to refrain from the inevitable, but four years was a long time--he released his passion soon after entering. It didn't matter; Fran experienced her third at the same time. "Oh, Mr. Sheffield!"

"Oh, Miss Fine!"

They lay in each other's arms for several minutes, trying to catch their breaths. Suddenly Max sat up and looked down in her face. His slightly uncomfortable look scared her more than just a little. "Uh, Miss Fine..." He began.

Oh, no! Her it comes--the thing two. She thinks, looking back at him with trepidation. She braces herself for the inevitable. I knew it, he got what he wanted and now he's going to take it back again. She looked up at him her eyes wide with fear.

"Miss Fine--I mean Fran, you never said if you accepted my proposal!"

Fran exhaled--relief and love rushing to her face. "You bet I do, mista!" She cried, hugging him tightly. "Hey! I just thought of something! What about your earlier promise to be a perfect gentleman?!"

"I lied." He smiled, laying her on her back for round two.

The End