The Nightmare

Ever have a really bad dream? 



"I can't even stand to watch the news anymore!" Fran exclaims to Niles. They and the Sheffield children, Maggie, Brighton and Gracie are watching the eleven o'clock news. There is a serial killer loose in New York City that has Manhattan paralyzed in fear. The somber news anchor is relaying the grim details of the most recent murder.  

"Ewww, turn it off Gracie! You should be in bed anyway. You too, Brighton!" She says as Gracie turns the channel. "You're father will be home soon and he wouldn't like you being up so late!" She says flipping through the TV Guide trying to find something more palatable. 

"Good night Fran." The kids say running up the front stairs.  

"Niles, are you sure all the doors and windows are locked. This whole Manhattan Murderer has me scared to death!" She says looking at Niles.  

"Don't worry, Miss Fine. I double-checked them just now. We're locked up tight as a drum and the burglar alarm is activated." He climbs the stairs to bed. 

"Oh, you're going to bed already?" She says disappointed that Niles is leaving. Well, I don't want to stay down here alone. I'll go to bed too." She follows him up the staircase. "Good night, Niles." She opens her bedroom door. Fran decides to take a hot bath to relax. All this talk about the serial killer has made her nervous. After a twenty-minute soak she decides she's ready for sleep. She dries herself off, puts on her pajamas and gets into bed. She falls almost immediately to sleep. 



The bloody police are everywhere tonight. Maxwell Sheffield thinks as he unlocks the front door of his mansion. It must be that blasted serial killer that has them on double duty. They better catch him soon. I don't even like my family to leave the house lately. He tosses his keys casually on the foyer table and climbs up the front stairs to his room. 

Max changes into his pajamas and decides to get a snack in the kitchen. As he passes by Miss Fine's bedroom he can hear her moaning and crying in her sleep. He peeks his head in and sees her thrashing about in bed. Suddenly she lets out a scream. 

"NO!" She cries out flailing her arms about. 

Max rushes over to her. "Miss Fine, Miss Fine, please wake up! You're having a nightmare!" He says shakes her gently. He was a little worried that she wasn't waking up right away. 

Suddenly she opens her eyes and cries out when she realizes that there is a man is in bed with her. "Shhh, shhh, it's just me, Miss Fine. You must have been having a horrible dream! You're all right now." He says hugging her close to him. He can feel her body trembling. For some reason this makes him feel slightly guilty, like he should have been here for her sooner. Of course, that's a ridiculous thought. Like he could prevent her nightmare. 

"Oh, Mr. Sheffield!" She cries hugging him tightly and burying her head in his neck. "I had the most horrible dream! It was the serial killer! He had me and..." 

"There, there, Miss Fine. Don't even think about it anymore. I've got you. You're here safe with me." He strokes her hair tenderly. Poor little thing, she really is terrified. Thank god I was here to wake her up! He thinks gratefully. 

"Oh, Mr. Sheffield. I'm so glad you woke me up. I'm sorry I'm being such a baby." She says suddenly realizing that she is shivering. This only causes her to tremble a little more. He hugs her tighter as he feels it.

"Um, Mr. Sheffield. Would you stay with me here? I don't want to be alone. You can leave after I fall asleep." She looks hopefully up at him. 

"Miss Fine. Uh, I don't think that would be appropriate. Do you?" He says a little embarrassed. She is still shivering a little and he suddenly feels very protective towards her. She looks sadly at him. Her innocent _expression makes his heart break. She needs me tonight. Don't be a selfish cad. He thinks. "Of course I'll stay here with you, Miss Fine." He hugs her reassuringly. 

"Oh, thank you!" She cries gratefully. "I'll try to fall asleep quickly so you can go back to your own room. I just feel so safe with your arms around me. " She lays her head on his chest and pulls the covers up over both of them. She unconsciously rubs her cheek into his chest and tries to sleep. "Good night, Mr. Sheffield." She murmurs. 

"Good night, Miss Fine." He whispers. He is exhausted after the long day and relaxes against the pillow. After a few minutes, Max is starting to realize where he is and whom he is with. His heart is starting to beat faster as he feels her head on his chest and her arm wrapped around his middle. Oh, does her body feel wonderful. How the hell am I going to get any sleep? God I want to make love with her. HUH? Where the hell did that come from? He thinks. I told her after Paris a few months ago that we were just friends. He is starting to get very confused by his amorous feelings. And by the sudden feeling of his marvelous arousal. Fran adjusts herself in her half-sleep. Her hand accidentally brushes against his nipple. 

"Oh god." He moans softly. 

"What's wrong, Mr. Sheffield?" Fran looks up at him. "Did you have a bad dream?" She says sleepily. 

"Um, no." He says quickly. He lies down and she puts her head back on his chest. She went through her little adjustment routine, rubbing his chest. It was all he could do to keep from crying out.  

"Good night again." She promptly falls asleep.  

Max can tell by her regular breathing that she is asleep. I have to get out of here. I won't get a wink of sleep tonight if I stay here. He gently replaces his body with a pillow under Miss Fine. In her sleep she holds it very close to her. He was suddenly very jealous of that pillow.  

Max looks down at her sleeping and is surprised by the surge of affection that rushes through him. He smiles at how scared she was and how she had felt so safe in his arms. He sighs and walks to his room. He gets into bed and tosses and turns for an hour. For some reason, Miss Fine is occupying his thoughts. The thought of her is making it impossible for him to fall to sleep. 


"Good morning everyone!" Fran cries entering the Sheffield dining room. The kids run past her with a quick greeting. They are late for school. 

"Bye, Fran!" Brighton exclaims, grabbing his paper bag lunch from Niles. 

"How did you sleep, Miss Fine?" Max says a little embarrassed at being in bed with her, now that it was morning. 

"Oh, Mr. Sheffield. I am so embarrassed that I was such a baby last night. You were so sweet to stay with me." She says smiling shyly and touching his knee unconsciously. 

At her touch, a million jolts of electricity descend upon Max's groin. He suddenly remembers his delightful arousal last night. Easy boy. "Nonsense, Miss Fine! Everyone is afraid at one time or another. I myself have had nightmares so intense that I was sorry to be sleeping alone." He confides reassuringly. God she looks so lovely this morning. I just want to take her upstairs and ravage her. WHAT? Where are these thoughts coming from? You'd better get a grip old man! He admonishes himself. He has to admit that he did love being in bed with her last night. Max is now regretting that he didn't stay. I would love to wake up next to her. He thinks looking affectionately at her. 

"Well, anyway," Fran says oblivious of his amorous thoughts. "It was very nice of you. I mean, what other boss would do that for his employee?" Suddenly she leans over so her face is inches from his. She looks gratefully into his eyes and smiles. "Do you mind?" She asks guilessly. 

Max heart starts beating faster as he slowly shakes his head. Fran gives him a tender kiss on the lips. It was a small, soft kiss...a quite appropriate token of ladies gratitude. "Thank you, Mr. Sheffield." She smiles at him and stands up. "Well, I've got a very busy day!" She says brightly, unaware of the drastic effect her innocent little kiss has had on him. 

Max's heart is pounding and he his frozen in the position he had been when she reached over and kissed him. His lips are still tingling. He hasn't kissed her since the day they returned from Paris and he told her that he wanted to be just friends. He suddenly remembers that the kiss that had started out friendly had turned into something much more passionate. It had taken quite a bit of willpower on his part to end it. 

Niles burst into the dining room, breaking Max out of his reverie "Will there be anything else, sir? I'm off to the market." 

"No, Niles. I have a lot of work to finish." Max says putting thoughts of Miss Fine out of his mind. 




Niles knocks on Maxwell's office door. "Sir, have you seen Miss Fine?" He says a little nervously. 

Max notes Niles apprehensive _expression and stands up. "No, I haven't seen her since breakfast. Why?"  

"Well sir, she's been gone all day! It's not like her to not be home at three o'clock when the children arrive from school. It's quite rare that she is not here to greet them." Niles says wringing his hands slightly. 

"Oh, don't worry old boy. Miss Fine is an adult. She probably just lost track of the time shopping." He says dismissing him with a nonchalant wave of his hand. She fine, I'm sure of it. We certainly would have heard if she were in an accident or anything. He is getting a little nervous himself. All of New York is slightly on edge knowing that the Manhattan Murderer is still on the loose. This situation has pretty much permeated New York's collective psyche. Max and Niles are no exception. No, no. She's fine. He reassures himself.  


Dinner has come and gone and still no sign of Miss Fine. Max is now beside himself. He is pacing the living room. There was no answer when Niles had called Miss Toriello's home, and Max is afraid to call Sylvia for fear of worrying her mother. "Where the bloody hell is she?" He exclaims to a very worried Niles. "She never misses a meal! God, Niles, if anything has happened to her...!" He grips Niles arms and looks fearfully into his eyes. 

Niles is stunned to see real fear, and what's In Max's eyes. As worried as he is about Miss Fine, he is happy his boss might finally be coming around. It has been six months since The Thing, and Niles had been starting to worry that maybe Mr. Sheffield really did think of Miss Fine as just a friend. 

The news was on the television. Max and Niles listen in horrified silence as the anchorman informs them that the Manhattan Murderer has claimed another victim. "She appears to be a young woman in her thirties. The body was discovered in an alley behind Bloomingdale's." The news anchor reads from the teleprompter. "She has been identified, but the police aren't revealing her identity until next of kin can be notified." 

Max and Niles gasp. Their mouths drop open as they turn and stare at each other, terrified. "Oh my god!" Max screams. "Oh, Niles! I have to call the police!" Max cries racing to the phone. Just as his trembling hand picks up the receiver, Fran walks through the front door.  

"Hi, Mr. Sheffield. Hi, Niles." She says hanging her coat up in the closet. Max reaches her first. She is stunned beyond belief as he takes her in his arms and hugs her tightly. He is sobbing with relief and starts gratefully kissing her. What's going on? Why is he hugging and kissing me? She thinks very confused. Why is Niles rubbing my arm? "Um, guys. What's going on? You're acting like I just returned from the dead or something!"  

"Miss Fine! Where the hell have you been?" Now that Max knows she's safe, he's mad as hell at her for scaring him to death. He holds her at arms length looking angrily at her. 

Fran's eyes open wide at this sudden turn of events. Oh, why is he so mad all of a sudden? "Um, Mr. Sheffield, didn't you get the note I put on the foyer table this morning? I wrote that Val and I were going to spend the day, my day off by the way, at the spa. Then we had a late dinner. I wrote that I'd be home late." She says in her defense. 

The three look over to the table. Brighton had placed his math book on top of the note. A surge of relief rushes through Maxwell. "Oh, Miss Fine. I'm sorry I yelled at you. It's just that, well we thought the serial killer got you!" He gasps suddenly realizing how foolish that sounds. He explains about the body found behind Bloomingdale's. 

"OH, Mr. Sheffield! Don't even say that!" She says her heart pounding. She remembers last night's dream and shivers a little. They are so sweet to have been that worried about me! She thinks affectionately. Suddenly she gives them both big hugs. They are surprised but not at all displeased. "Well, goodnight guys. That spa really relaxed me. I'm going to bed." She yawns climbing the stairs. Max and Niles watch her until she is out of view. They are so grateful that she is home safe. 

"How about a drink." Max says to Niles. "I really need one. I am just starting to calm down." He says as they walk to the bar. "Thank god, Niles. What would I...I mean we, have done if we lost her?" He tosses back two fingers of scotch in one gulp. Niles glances sideways at him. He is delighted by Max's slip of the tongue. 


Soon, Max climbs into bed. The roller coaster ride of emotions he has experienced the last twenty-four hours, starting with being in bed with Miss Fine, has exhausted him. He falls quickly to sleep. 


Fran wakes up and decides she's hungry. The Entenmanns Lemon cake in the refrigerator is beckoning her. She gets out of bed and pads down the hall. As she passes Mr. Sheffield's room, she hears moaning. She looks in and sees that he is tossing and turning. Suddenly he cries out. "NO, NO!"  

Fran runs over to his bed. "Mr. Sheffield! Wake up!" She says shaking him. Max wakes with a start. The only light in the room in the fire crackling in his fireplace, which illuminates Fran's face. He sees her and suddenly draws her to him in a tight hug. "There, there, Mr. Sheffield. You just had a nightmare." She says gently, surprised that he is holding her so desperately. 

"Oh, Miss Fine! It was about the serial killer! He had you and..." 

"Shhh, shhh...don't talk about it. Just forget all about it." She rocks him gently. I guess he was telling the truth this morning when he confided that he gets scared of nightmares too. She thinks, happy that she can reciprocate for last night. "Are you all right now?" Fran asks getting out of bed.  

Max grabs her wrist and pulls her back to his embrace. "Miss Fine, would you please stay her until I fall asleep? I don't want to be alone." He was actually trembling slightly. Fran was touched that he needed her. 

"Sure, Mr. Sheffield, it's the least I can do. I'm happy to return the favor." She smiles softly at him. Her _expression makes his heart jump. 

Max takes her in his arms and hugs her tightly to him. "You don't know what a scare you gave me today." He whispers looking deeply into her eyes. He brings her cheek to his and rubs them softly together. His hand is buried in her hair at the back of her head. He is aware that his heart is starting to pound at being in bed with her. The events of the day have caused him to admit to himself that he has feelings that go far beyond friendship for her. "Miss Fine." He murmurs suddenly feeling quite aroused. Max kisses her softly on the lips. 

Wow! What's going on? He's really starting to turn me on! Fran thinks now very confused. 

"Miss Fine." He whispers as he kisses down her throat Max's heart is now pounding through is chest and he is breathing quite heavily as he is aware that the marvelous arousal he experienced last evening has returned with a vengeance. He gently pushes her back on the pillow and gets on top of her. He can't help it and presses himself between her legs. The feeling causes him to groan. "Oh god." He whispers pressing even harder. 

Oy! Does that feel good! Fran thinks happily. Her breath is starting to come in short spurts. She instinctively thrusts her hips up to meet him. This causes them both to moan together. All that is separating them is the thin material of their pajama bottoms. 

"Fran, Fran. You feel so good." Maxwell whispers his voice husky with passion. He kisses her again more fiercely. He is now in another place. He has pretty much lost all control of his inhibitions or trepidations about his feelings for her. His knowledge of his true feelings for her, combined with the thought of her in danger had a drastic effect on him. Mix in the nightmare he had just experienced and it causes him to want only one thing. He has to have her, now. 

"Fran." He murmurs breathing very heavily. Max looks down at her seductively. His hand starts unbuttoning her pajama tops frantically. He grabs her breast and quickly puts it in his mouth. Another groan escapes him as his tongue finds her nipple. 

Fran suddenly comes to her senses as she realizes the ramifications of this. As good as it feels, she knows that she has to stop him. Oh, god! I can't believe this! Has he lost his mind? I have to stop him. We can't do this. It's taken me six months to get over him. This will ruin everything! She thinks desperately. 

"Mr. Sheffield. We can't do this." She says wiggling away from him. She buttons up her pajamas as he stares at her, stunned. He is almost past the point of no return and is horrified that she stopped him. He physically has to have her. 

Oh, god! Why did she stop me? I thought she was in love with me! He thinks starting to panic. He physically aches for her. 

Fran sits up and starts to get out of bed. Max grabs her wrist again and pulls her to him. His heart is pounding and he is trying to catch his breath. His chest is heaving and he is terrified by her reaction to his seduction. "Miss Fine. I thought you were, um...had feelings for me." He suddenly realizes how he has pushed her away the last six months and is embarrassed by it. This is my fault. What did I expect after how I've treated her lately! 

Fran is lying on her back with her head on his pillow. He looks down at her. God, she's so lovely. I need her! He realizes. "Please tell me why you stopped me." He pleads rubbing his hand to her cheek. His breathing starts to come under control and he is starting to really fear what the answer will be. 

Fran looks up at him with sad eyes. Suddenly he takes her in his arms and pulls her on his lap. "Please, Fran! You're frightening me. Please tell me!" He cries, now unconsciously rocking her. 

How do I tell him this? I don't want to hurt him, but it's really his fault anyway. He's the one who took back his profession of love. She thinks sadly. "Um, Mr. Sheffield." She says looking unhappily into his eyes. "When you took back the thing six months ago, I was really hurt. More than I let you know. I was pretty mad too, but more devastated. I really loved you, and thought deep down you felt the same. I mean after that kiss in front of Philippe I could feel something between us. Then a couple weeks later on the cruise ship Galaxy you followed me around the whole week. And you were obviously jealous of Steve. You certainly sent signals that you loved me." 

"Mr. Sheffield. After you told me you loved me on that plane from Paris, I was so happy. You fell asleep soon after the turbulence ended, but all I did the entire flight was think happy thoughts about you and me, and our future together," she confides a little shyly. 

Max's heart starts beating faster again. He doesn't like where this is going one bit. "Miss Fine," he begins, tightening his grip on her. 

"Please, let me finish Mr. Sheffield," she interrupts him. "Well, after you took it back, I started dating more, mostly to make you jealous. When you still didn't come around I figured you really did want to be just friends, so I gave up. It was the most difficult six months of my life, but I was finally able to fall out of love with you." Tears start to well up in her eyes as she remembers the painful nights alone in her room thinking about him just down the hall. "Some nights it was all she could do to stop myself from knocking on your bedroom door. After a lot of pain and self-resolve, I am finally at peace with it," she admits sadly looking down at her hands.  

"Oh, Fran! Please don't say that! Please don't say you're not in love with me! I can't take it. I just realized that I love you! I've really known it for years! I just couldn't admit it, even to myself." He takes her in his trembling arms. 

Fran feels horrible as she feels him shivering. I just can't give in. I can't let myself be hurt like that again. I can't go through that pain again. "I'm sorry, Mr. Sheffield. I can't give you my heart again. Last time I did you shred it to pieces. I just can't take that risk again," she says resolutely. She gently untangles herself from his embrace and gets out of the bed. 

Max looks at her horrified. This is all your bloody fault you moron. What the hell did you think? She would just melt into your arms because YOU were ready to love her? He suddenly realizes what a selfish cad he has been. You only thought of yourself. You never even considered how much you hurt her! A tremendous wave of guilt and dread surges through him as he helplessly watches her leave his bedroom. The sight is threatening to drive him to a pit of despair.  

"Fran! Please don't leave me!" he cries out. Too late, she is out the door. "Oh, god! Oh, god!" he sobs laying back on the pillow. "It's just exactly what you have coming to you," he whispers finally realizing the truth. "Fran! Oh god, FRAN!" He buries his head into the pillow. 



"Mr. Sheffield, Mr. Sheffield. Wake up. You're having a nightmare," Fran says shaking him. His thrashing about had woken her up. She had fallen asleep in his arms a couple hours ago. Why is he calling out my name in his sleep? Am I the cause of his nightmare? she thinks a little insulted.  

"FRAN!" Max cries sitting straight up. He is covered with perspiration and shaking madly. Suddenly he sees Fran sitting next to him. He looks around Fran's bedroom and realizes that earlier this evening he was comforting her after her bad dream. He is slowly coming to his senses and realizes it was all a nightmare. He grabs her and holds her tightly. "Please don't leave me! I love you!" he cries kissing her desperately. He is sobbing in her hair. 

Did he just call me Fran? Did he say he loves me? Wow! That must have been some nightmare! She thinks wondering what he could have been dreaming about. She holds him close to her protectively. "There, there, Mr. Sheffield. I've got you now. You're safe." She says rubbing her cheek to his. She looks at him sweetly. "Now, what's this all about?" 

Max looks at her apprehensively. He remembers the nightmare and shivers. What if she's fallen out of love with me? I couldn't stand it! "Fran, I'm so sorry about the blasted thing! I love you. Please say you haven't fallen out of love with me!" he cries looking imploring into her eyes.  

What's he talking about? Of course I haven't fallen out of love with him. But I never told him I love him. Where is all this coming from? She thinks very confused. "Mr. Sheffield, you're the one who took back The Thing. You're the one who doesn't love me." She hugs him. "Even though you don't love me, I must admit, I do love you." She says sadly. "I'm sorry, I just can't help it. You're so wonderful." She looks shyly down. 

Max looks at her stunned. "How can you say I don't love you? Suddenly he realizes why she thinks that. He is furious with himself for hurting her so badly. I just took back saying I loved you. I didn't take back loving you. You must know how I feel about you!" he cries hugging her tighter. What a blasted fool I've been! 

Fran can't believe how well this evening has turned out. She and Mr. Sheffield are locked in a desperate her bed. Wow! she thinks happily. He really loves me? Is this really happening? 

"Wait a minute." Max looks at her puzzled. "What am I doing in your bed? I distinctly remember leaving after you fell asleep." He looks around her bedroom very confused. 

"Mr. Sheffield. You fell asleep before I did, almost as soon as your head hit the pillow. To tell the truth, I was kind of excited sleeping with you, and had a hard time falling asleep. You must have been exhausted 'cause you fell asleep right after we said good night."  

He looks at her in disbelief. That was some nightmare! He thinks shaking his head. Max gathers her in his arms again. "So, what do we do now?" He looks at her wickedly. He knows exactly what he wants to do about it. 

Uh, oh. I'm not sure we should be doing this. She suddenly thinks. We're in bed, after an emotional moment. What if he regrets it in the morning? He took back the thing once; he won't be able to take back making love to me. If he is embarrassed about this, it would be so humiliating tomorrow! Fran looks nervously at Max. Oh, but he feels so good! She is starting to breath heavily as applies soft kisses to her mouth. 

Max's heart is starting to beat faster as she kisses him back. He suddenly realizes that he is in bed for the first time kissing the woman he adores. He is becoming very excited, feeling her body under him. "Fran," he whispers kissing down her throat. "You are so soft." Max is a little shy and apprehensive about touching her intimate places. After all, a couple hours ago she was just his children's nanny. It took his nightmare to bring them together bed. 

Fran, on the other hand was dying for him to touch her more intimately. Having him on top of her, kissing her, loving her was just so incredible. I still can't believe that it's Mister Sheffield kissing me like this! She is still slightly incredulous at the whole astonishing situation. Suddenly, she has a horrifying thought. This has to be a dream! Of course! Just like on the plane from Paris!  


Fran remembers how on that turbulent flight Max had exclaimed..."Oh God, I never thought it would end like this!" Fran held his hands and cried. "I did! I'm finally flying first class with a handsome millionaire. Of course the plane would go down, what else?" 


Fran starts to panic a little. Of course this is a dream! I'm in bed with a handsome millionaire. It has to be a dream, what else? Oh, well. I might as well just give in to him. I'll wake up and it will never have happened. She thinks convincing herself that this all wasn't real. Unfortunately...or maybe certainly FEELS real!  

"Fran! Oh, Fran! I want you so badly," Max whispers. His arousal is up against the cleft between her legs. He can't resist pressing himself into her pajamas. Fran let's out a soft moan feeling it. Hearing her excites him even more and he pushes harder. 

"Mr. Sheffield. That feels so good. If you continue doing that, I'm not going to be able to stop," she whispers huskily. 

Max is breathing very heavily and his chest is heaving. "Who wants to stop?" he groans. "Fran, I want to make love to you." He looks into her eyes and lets his hands travel down her stomach. They reach her pajama bottoms. His hand starts to slide slowly into them never taking his gaze away from her.  

Fran looks at him wide-eyed. Oh my god! Is this really happening? Mr. Sheffield is going to touch me! I can't stop him. I don't think this is a dream. She is now breathing as heavily as he is. The look in his eyes is nothing she's ever seen before. It is almost primal. Slowly his finger finds her. As they enter, her head snaps back on the pillow and she let's out a soft moan. 

Max can't take his eyes off of her. She instinctively grinds herself into his hand. "Easy." He whispers. "Just let it happen." He applies soft kisses to her throat that is arched to him. 

Fran relaxes and lets him please her. "Oh god! Mr. Sheffield!" She cries grabbing him tightly as the overwhelming sensations ripple through her body. She desperately arches herself into him. 

"That's it, darling. Let go." He moans. Just witnessing her obvious orgasm is causing his heart to pound madly. His arousal is now massive. Max know he has to have Fran is holding on to him for dear life. He pulls her bottoms off gets on top of her and thrusts himself in. Hard. He has no fears of hurting her. He has made her wet and soft. "Fran." He murmurs. "Oh, god Fran." He pushes himself in deeper.  

Fran would never have believed that she could feel those incredible sensations again so soon. She is deliciously aware that they were on the way again. Max can't believe how fierce he is being. The little pleasure sounds that are coming from her drive him crazy with desire. She is so receptive and erotically charged.  

He had only to press himself in deeply one more time. He feels the inner walls of her body contracting around him. Throbbing. "Oh, I don't now how much longer I can hold on Fran!" He moans desperately. She wraps her legs urgently around him and thrust her body up into him. She climaxes again. It was long and strong and more than he could endure. Max's release was a grateful explosion. Spent, he collapses on top of her. She can't let go of him as they both try to catch their breath.  

"Oh, god, Fran. That was unbelievable!" He gasps gently getting off of her. He takes her in his arms, rolls over and pulls her on top of him. He lies on his back holding her gratefully. His chest is still heaving slightly. 

Fran is coming back to her senses. I would have awakened by now. I'm pretty sure now that this as no dream. Oh, no! She thinks slightly afraid. This was real! And it was unbelievable! She looks up at Max somewhat shyly. What if he takes this back? I don't think I could stand it. Fran thinks starting to panic slightly. "Um, Mr. Sheffield." She starts. 

"I think you can call me Max, darling." He smiles lovingly at her. He kisses her tenderly. "You are magnificent." He murmurs hugging her tightly. "Fran, I love you." He says suddenly. He looks deeply into her eyes. 

Fran's heart starts pounding with sheer joy. "You mean it? You're not going to take it back?" She says somewhat apprehensively. She looks in his eyes and a slight feeling of guilt surges through him. 

"I'm so sorry I hurt you. Please forgive me. I was a bloody fool." He says hugging her even tighter. "I love you and will never take it back." He whispers. 

"OH, Max! I love you too!" She cries applying soft kisses to his face. "I can't believe this! Pinch me, I must be dreaming!" She says happily.  

"OUCH! She cries slapping his chest softly. She looks happily into his twinkling eyes. 



The End